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Ironic Missing Quantum Link

Page 14

by Sylvester Marshall

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  The normal idea of love “is a thin line between love and hate”. A truer and purer love concept is an all-inclusive freewill feeling. You can really use the word or idea of love with bias ambition. True love can only be the all-inclusive love; this is the universe intervention definition. What you think would have happen if the universe only offers us bias love.

  True love is a natural pure innocent feeling to love everything, no exclusions, with no rules and regulations, and no bias just the innocent freedom to love and understand all and everything in our universe. Before children are compromise by preset nasty counter programing’s, you can notice the unbridle innocent differences of all-inclusive love, a natural wholesome love for everything, until they are normally desensitized in counter intuitive programing, that is an invitation for hate, super-greed and selfishness to run it self-destructive courses. We are routinely being conditioning, and brainwash to divvy up the word love and only use pieces to satisfy our needs and desires, until it start to take a turn for the worst, then the remaining semblance of our idea of love must mutate into hate in the end.

  The true idea of real and pure love is the brand new all-inclusive concept of love we should be incorporating; can be called love royale; a greater good re-programing our mindset to the universe prime example of love: “wanting the very best, with pure respect, for their love interest and also for, everyone and everything in our universe”. From the instance a love interest with love royale mindset we will start to grow for the greater good.

  A complete opposite to love on earth, where the natural consensus is; “all is fare in love and war”, therefore it must encompass intricate layers of lies, abuse, violence, empty promise’s, punishments, murder, greed, retributions abuse, self-interest, objectifying, trophy.

  Love and marriage, is nothing short of endless empty promises vows, vows is taken as if they are able to predict the future.

  The idea of normal love was started in the by-gone-era, with a primitive fear, maintenance of financial umbrella, mergers and acquisition. All involve a preset revenge and punishment foundation.

  Prime grim example, a New York cabby once shared a sick and horrific tale, that in a countries that use the dowry systems. When the dowry is not paid by the women’s parent, it’s customary to throw hot burning oil on the bride in the kitchen ignite a fatal kitchen fire, then the groom claim it was a kitchen accident, and then move on to another bride with a dowry.

  The normal concept of love is the romantic notions series of counterproductive demands, and rules and regulations that set us up to fail miserably. The normal concept of love is really a demand of the long term empty promises of future events, out of our control, a gambling with events we have no control over. Starting its routine to start new united journey with empty promises, guarantees to create deadbeat chemistry. “if it’s not growing, then its’ most definitely dying”.

  We set out with program selfishness and super greed, embark on the porcupine journey’s to find love interest and shanghai them with love, clueless to what love is. The absolute truth is you should never searching for love providing you can aspire to the best you can be, love is creatively and ingeniously searching for us, it’s the natural current and flow, you would never have to work when love is in the area, only thing we would have to be able to thin slice from the pretenders with ulterior motives, and the hot messy traps.

  One truth about love search is to look for someone who likes you, oppose to searching aimlessly for love interest you like, you will find, search all the faces for love; the love interest of the world. the wonderful Eloise (St mark’s place), Sha (far rockaway), the Jodi’s, , laurel (clear waters, 254 p.a.s, ny,ny), Carla, C (geese) Johanna (east nine street), Debra Middlesex, Amanda (storm)… you would be working to find love going against the flow of natural passions, and we all experience when we go looking for something we would always get pretenders and a brutal facsimiles (there was a diamond shinny regret minder, real love finds us, like the tall girl from sticky mike’s, party that with spend time preparing a superb Brianne, or when preordain the ay presented Kristina. V, nestling with her frau-gem inviting glowing long side (C.B) on a bench in Thomson park, NY, NY, with honey smiling eyes, only for me, intelligent beauty, faze out by my novice darken spark).

  When you search and find love interest you like, you would always be pretending and going through change’s to please, it would always be a Sisyphus uphill battle (“when you have to fight you had already lost the battle”) trying to do things to get the person to like you. But when you find someone who like’s you for who you are, that’s destiny-love; you just put yourself ahead of the game, with a wonderful chance to grow, and bloom, and flourish, be able to decipher between come and get trouble when you ready, and come and grow when you ready.

  All-inclusive pure love is the ability, not only to “love others failures”, its’ also, the very rare heighten all-inclusive ability to love everything in the universe. When you are going around our world picking and choosing, what to love, you had never shared the real concept of love, you are using brutal convenient love.

  Love is not joy and pain, love is royal collective awareness to understand that you must be to love everything in the universe; anything else is a facsimile of love and the abuse of hate force. Love is 100 percent. Whatever portion you are using of the 100 percent, the remainder is allowed hate. If you are operating with 25 percent ability to love, then you are operating with 75 percent ability to hate, the more love you have the less hate you have. The current perception of love is really searing aimlessly for hate.

  Our inept traditions demand you must be punished for breaking counterproductive rules. We are condition into following rule’s that are full of quirky limitations, selfishness, and detestable non all-inclusive regulation. Even with love interest, we are preprogramed to put senseless limitations, and maintain a serious air of revenge and punishments, when they break the rules.

  Barring them from getting more of the particulars, the very thing you were searching for. When we fall for love, the rules become stricter. In some relationship, when their love interest is in close proximity, they have to pretend not to notice other beautiful counterparts a few feet away.

  Those are just a few of our legendary expansive counter-programing; our minds have to cope with, along with endless programed distractions. Unbeknownst for your mind to become wonderful it has to be set with an all-inclusive mindset.

  Side note; For instance if your love interest, care about you and want the best for you, really and truly, shouldn’t they have an eagerness to please, and when they are out and about or globe trekking. With a “wanting the best for their love interest”, an all-inclusiveness offerings, would it in tale, seeking out the best of their counter parts around the world, and convince them of what a wonderful person their love interest is, and inviting them to be your friend, “vice”, versa, it would of work in the sixties.

  Now with escalating CDC challenges, it remains a theory, until the not too distant further, advancement in the ID specialist industry to be cuntinue…

  Chapter five

  This origin story is about the, (srotsecnalanigirouo) fleet, which Is just one of the many fleet of space disk like ship with universe caretakers that is galloping around our universe, thousands of other fleets that are involved in the throw seeds/cloning project.

  The scary hideous Mazarin illegal aliens with eleven porthole senses began travelling around their galaxy, at first terraforming barren a promising planets. They were so successful they started their terraforming project around the rest of our universe.

  The fleet named, (Srotsecnalanigiroruo) was consisted of a fleet of thirteen Ships, and seven cargo ships. On board they had live samples of every organism, from their home planet, and other live samples they gather on other strange


  Back then they were still using a super lite and super strong natural memory
foam like living organism. They also were using them as a platform in their floating city. Memory foam floating city are now considered extreme primitive. During those prehistoric era’s they use to sway over the ocean, on planet 26.

  You could almost hear mind chirping with super-greed initiating a new mad rush to buy over the ocean air rights, I can almost imagine super-greedy lawyers making a mad dash to secure ocean air rites, as was done over some building in New York on First Avenue on nine street.

  Where would be the first floating city, Dubai, Israel could easily solve their long running battle, or on the water ways, in Venice or Amsterdam?

  All activity on board this space disk, slightest applied pressure on their ships is converted back into reusable energy. Our biological systems in space secrete a chemical that reduce aging, or when they are traveling faster than the speed of light. They are able to synthetize and manufacture this chemical, to use when they are not travelling faster than the speed of light.

  Backwards leapfrogging to, 860 million years ago on a routine exploration mission to gather and enhance other planets in the universe, the fleet was faced with the disaster and creation.

  Honing their prescient ability is one of their many advanced capabilities. Everyone is able to use (mermaerd) porthole an ability to see into the future. When their eleven senses porthole received their full raw daily vitals for sustaining both life forces, they are able to see their future with almost pinpoint accuracy.

  Another advance capability molecular genetics, heal-touch-cure, when their storage cell is fill to the brim, there is the evolutionary storage treasure trove, when the e-s-t-t is fill, they able to heal from a hundred feet distance, or use transcendental and heal someone telepathically located thousands of miles away. Every on the planet has the same level of daily vitals pampering, there are no sick to treat, then brand new set of organs begin to develop, preparing for them for the next evolution stage.

  “When you see the future, the future cannot be changed”. “The very action you take to change the future could be (slight margin for error) the catalyst that will cause the unfavorable outcome of an event you are trying desperately to avoid”.

  The entire inhabitant new about the ensuing crash the fleet were about to face. Although they saw the future, they were not clear of the specific planet; everything in space can sometime be drab and redundant. What they saw was space, a planet and a few abstract details. However; they had deployed a long range emergency bacon probe ship that had reached another fleets engaged in the throw seed project successfully.

  They also use neutrinos to send instant messaging throughout the universe, they are able to use reverse particle acceleration technique to fold time, which is rarely use, due to the paradox tear from, folding time.

  Most planets and areas of space had basic similarities that were very confusing. Preparation was made to make sure all of the ship had their full supply of necessities. Other was very instrumental and intuitive during preparation for the worst. Some of the illegal aliens started rooting/cloning millions seeds, preparing microbes and planktons, in there, time-lapsing micro-hydroponic/aero-ponic gardens.

  A highly advanced technique, for speed growth and time release water and nutrients, added at a microscopic level, that would able the plants, trees survive for years in acrid no water hostile environments.

  In every escape pods, they included various rooted plants, a lot in the blooming stage. Most of them end up being deploy empty and scattered all over various locations.

  The ensuing crash, and the inevitable birth of a planet civilization, couldn’t be prevented, (the milky throw seeds/cloning project).

  Out of the numerous and various fleets engaged in the universe, with throw seeds/cloning projects.

  Up till this present day, the remnants from milky throw seeds/cloning project mishap, and overwhelming opportunity for a continuum, in some ways it's still wreaking unnecessary sensational havoc.

  It’s of top priority overwhelming concern for the scary bronze Mazarin illegal aliens with eleven sensors on planet (@^).

  Without their initial all-inclusive prime directives, the unnecessary had freewill. The inhabitant of p26, has a strict code of respecting and not interfering in others freewill and preordain, they are aware preordain can't be change, and the very action we take, to change preordain, could be the catalyst that cause, unfavorable outcome.

  Even with all of their foresight, and prescient of the ensuing chain of events, that had culminating into, the scrawling of Grapevine vade mecums, flash back memory, of stenciling Grapevine intergalactic premonition, with Latin phrase (graffiti) across New York, New York city, (mystery solved).

  Seeing the future, most of the times can’t do anything about it, the very action you may try to take to prevent the unfavorable outcome, would most likely be the catalyst to cause that an unfavorable outcome, it’s called the prescient paradox.

  The whole fleet was positioned around a planet. Some of names of the fleet, Aloolookra, Raameey, Aruruk, Awarray, Ahsrag, Arahtarak, A meeting was being held on the main ship. They were discussing the different approach and solutions for ensuing challenges, pertaining, analyzing the scout probe information about the planet with that is tilted on a 23 and a half axle, while keeping a watchful eye about their collective ensuing dream.

  A multi-series of events unfolded at the same time, a solar eclipse, Haile comet was passing for the first time of the many journey, and will continue to loop back from the oblique edge. They were aware of the specular light display emitting from Haile comet, everyone was monitoring the fragmentation showering and hurling towards the planet, on their space left, and staying at a safe distance from its, gravitation lock of the planet.

  Another incident was in the play, it had begun to take fatal shape a few weeks ago. A small runaway planet was in a chaotic orbit. The runaway planet was dislodged and hurled towards the moon.

  Within minutes, they were sandwich of the returned trip on the runaway planet, and the space ripple from Haile comet.

  The only best course of natural instinctive reaction, was to accidently try and move out of the way, and enter the atmosphere of the Planet ahead of them. What they were fatally unaware of being the, preceding “Kessler effect” that was already fatally in play, the K effect started about a few weeks back, involving the small runaway planet.

  About a week prior, the gravitational force of the runaway planet initiates a domino effect “Kessler loop effect”. In the immediate area was a lurking gigantic asteroid, lock in a gravitational tug with the small planet. As the orbiting ripple from the asteroid, and front sound wave ripple of Haile comet that are millions of mile ahead of the comet nudge the chaotically orbiting small planet, its slingshot around the moon, and was careening to a planet, at a speed of, two hundred and eight miles an hour.

  The whole fleet was huddled at the time, and blindside by reflecting from the simultaneous solar eclipse, and the nearing glare of the Haile comet. The crew was focused on preparation for off ship evacuation.

  When the stellar cross-fire occurs, the sensors pick up the cosmic-stellar ripple, created a dour sinking feeling of all points disaster aim at the fleet and the blue somber integument illegal aliens.

  Preparation being of the main secret of life, they had used their super advance knowledge by using time lapse hydroponic speed growth, to grow full grown trees ready for harvest in days.

  Anticipating steps of the ensuing crash, every space ship was outfitted with an overwhelming supply of fully grown fruit trees, vegetation’s, vegetable etc. prepared in advance.

  Everyone was starting to scramble without panicking, into escape pods by then it’s been bone chillingly clear was too late.

  The day of this new planet was a primitive 24 hour day, all the clouds seemed hand low. The night on the new planet was nature new, during the day, not a single cricket, or a bird in sight, not a leave for morning glittering dew to spew, not even a microbe in was a sight.

only live on the planet was in the microscopic universe stage going through the evolution course on this natural gem of a planet marked for self-destruction via super greed and self-fishiness, 93 million miles from a sun, welcome to Primitivia (earth)

  Had there been eyes on the planet, they could had seen, “shooting stars”, “visions of ecstasy”, “Diamonds spaceships disk in the sky”.

  A careening beautiful diamond dislike fleets, into Pangaea, of primitivia, the 13 and the seven cargo ship beautiful glittering diamonds, coming out of the clouds with tremendous high speed.

  Diamonds disk-like design, dislike design enables them to stabilize and create on board gravity with their own board magnetic core.

  Diamonds saucers-ships, was dashing out of the primitive clouds, careening into the planet, where a combination of high beauty and gruesomeness and peril.

  The whole fleet and the cargo ship made of diamond fiber mesh. The whole fleet of thirteen and the seven cargo ships, crashed in separate location on Pangaea.

  The origin crash took place, 860 million years ago. There were quite a few casualties. The survivors began to build S.O.S, emergency signals that can be visible in space or the sky, those without high tech capabilities, designed and erected signals that can only be seen from the sky. Some of them rescued successfully, and were able to salvage most of their gear. Others were stranded, and had to make the best of their new home world. The only animals were from planet 27. It was the first planet to form, it had all the oversize animals, mastodons, whales, dinosaurs, and gigantic trees, kauri pine(sap healing properties), silk cotton trees, etc. the few remaining illegal aliens, had to live among these creatures.

  Things seem to happen in threes, the second crash, a mishap occurred during a follow up on the terra forma, about 2.6 million years ago. This time the impact of that fatal crash, left an impact and collateral damages that are still causing terrorizing effects as you read. Those ships had contained various species, including birds, etc.

  One of their ships was mainly used for the toddlers and young illegal aliens. The crash site of the toddler vessel was especially disturbing, mangled.


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