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Page 7

by Charity Kelly

  James remembered laughing at that point. He’d sent one of his soldiers to Rhen’s room, where the man had found Rhen’s bedroom door wide open and Charlie’s unopened note still tapped to the door. It appeared that Rhen had left his room without seeing the note.

  James had had to reschedule the ambush for later that afternoon, since no one could find Rhen or Ceceta.

  “James!” Reed yelled, opening his study door.

  James lifted his head to find the top page of the report on his desk stuck to his forehead. He ripped it off and glared at Reed.

  “We found him. He’s been in the dining room.”

  James dropped the piece of paper he was holding onto his desk and grabbed his blaster. “Let’s go.”

  “Wait,” Reed said, holding up a hand. “Most of our family is already seated around the table. They didn’t realize Rhen was there until just a few minutes ago, when he and Ceceta started to yell at each other.”

  “How’s that possible?”

  “They were standing behind the curtains by the far-right window.”

  James nodded. There was a large hutch on the wall right before those windows. It would have been hard for anyone at the table to see someone there. “Let’s go,” James said, as he holstered his blaster and headed for the door.

  When James opened the door to the dining room, he found the room silent except for two people arguing with each other in another language by the windows. James glanced towards the windows, but couldn’t see Rhen or Ceceta behind the hutch.

  As James sat down at the head of the table, he debated asking one of the servants to get him a translating device, so he could eavesdrop on Rhen’s conversation, but he was distracted when the head butler asked him if he should serve the meal. James peeked over at Rhen. Nothing had changed, so he decided they should try to maintain some semblance of normal behavior until they knew what was going on. He nodded to the butler who backed away, while gesturing for the servants to begin. The palace’s servants rushed into the room carrying trays laden with food. They walked around the table, offering food to the guests, before placing the trays on the table.

  As the Royal Family began their meal, Rhen yelled at his wife and kicked the wall before marching over to the table. He jerked his chair out and dropped down into it, an angry scowl on his face. Rhen was still staring at his plate when his wife stepped up to the table to join him. She sat down next to him looking very demure.

  Deciding it would be best to ignore them, James began to eat his lunch. The others at the table followed his lead, eating their meals in silence. It had been a nerve-racking morning.

  After a few minutes had passed, during which the only sound was that of people eating and the occasional clink of silverware on plates, Rhen cleared his throat and turned to face James. Most of the people at the table paused, waiting to hear what Rhen had to say. “It appears,” he began, with hesitation, in Thestran, “that I’ll be taking you up on a…” He paused and took a deep, frustrated breath before continuing, “on your offer of schooling,” he finished, growling out the word ‘school’.

  James was shocked. He hadn’t expected this at all. Even more surprising was Rhen’s wife. She lifted her hands up into the air behind Rhen’s back to give the thumbs up sign to Lilly and Rachel and then did a little victory dance, waving her raised thumbs around in front of her face.

  James glanced back at Rhen’s narrow, defiant eyes. Rhen was waiting to see if James would challenge him on his change of heart regarding school. James realized he would blow it if he seemed too excited about Rhen’s new plan, so he gave his little brother a brief nod, as if Rhen’s decision wasn’t of any great importance, and went back to his meal.

  James’ simple gesture diffused the anger that had built up inside of Rhen. He snapped his head around and heard Lilly gasp. What’s up with her? Rhen wondered, while checking on Ceceta. Her hands rested on her lap as she sat motionless while staring at her plate, a blank expression on her face.

  James couldn’t believe how skilled Rhen’s wife was at acting obedient. He wanted to laugh, but he was afraid he’d put her in danger. She was something else, sitting there so quiet and innocent-looking.

  The tension that had been in the air dissipated almost at once as the realization that they had won dawned on everyone. They didn’t have to kill Rhen. They’d be able to keep him on Thestran and save the Universe.

  With a sudden shriek of joy, Kate rushed down the side of the table to hug Rhen.

  Rhen pushed Kate off him, causing her to stumble backwards a few feet before regaining her balance. He ran his hands through his short brown hair and grumbled in Surpen, “That woman has got to learn some manners if I’m going to stay on this planet.” Ceceta nodded in agreement while staring at her plate.

  With the problem of Rhen behind them, everyone began to talk about the wedding. As soon as lunch was over, the Royal Family rushed about the castle, shouting out orders and working like crazy to put together a wedding they had thought was canceled less than a few hours before.

  Chapter 10

  Thestran Council Chamber

  Rhen released the breath he’d been holding as the golden portal frame in front of him faded, the blue light within it winking out behind his Dad so that he could see the wall of the Thestran Council Chamber on the other side. After James had surprised him at the wedding by informing him that the new school session started tomorrow, he’d discreetly used his powers to nudge everyone out of the Council Chamber so that he could inform his Dad about his change in plans.

  Andres had been furious with him, but Rhen had remained firm. He wanted to give Ceceta this gift. He owed it to her. Not to mention the fact that he was looking forward to spending more alone time with her. He’d told his Dad that the Thestrans were hiding something and he planned to stay on the planet until he learned what it was. He’d used the excuse of going to the school to spy on them. It’d been a total fabrication, but his Dad didn’t need to know that. Rhen didn’t think he’d be here long anyway. He was sure Ceceta would change her mind once she spent some time with the Thestrans. He’d never met a more obnoxious race.

  Turning, Rhen scanned the pillars on the left side of the room. He’d heard someone enter the Council Chamber while he’d been talking with his Dad. Whoever it was appeared to be spying on him, because they were hiding behind the second pillar from the door. Before he could call out to them, Ceceta shouted with joy and rose from where she’d been bowing on the floor. She jumped up into his arms, kissing him. “Well, I think that went rather well,” she said in Neptian.

  “Right,” he told her with sarcasm. “Two minutes ago you were about to be killed by the most powerful King in the Universe and now you’re joking about it.” Rhen lowered her to the floor and ran his fingers through his hair, stopping at the base of his neck to rub at a sore spot.

  “Thank you for telling Andres that it wasn’t my idea to go to the University,” Ceceta told him.

  “Any time, love,” Rhen replied, taking her hand. “Thank you for bringing Dad the fish. He loved his gift.” Ceceta nodded. Andres had been thrilled with the fish they’d taken from the buffet table that morning. She squeezed Rhen’s hand as they walked towards the door.

  “So, you got your wish,” Rhen murmured, his eyes trained on the left side of the room. He’d smelled a man and a woman behind the column and he wondered if they’d simply entered the Council Chamber to find a place to make love. There were many hidden alcoves in the room that would’ve been perfect for it.

  Ceceta shrieked with joy and again jumped up into his arms. “I’m so happy,” she cried. Rhen pulled her into his chest and felt his body respond at once. A smile passed over his lips as he considered using one of the alcoves himself.

  “Can you believe it? We’re going to school.”

  School, Rhen thought, his amorous intentions disappearing at the idea. As he continued walking towards the door holding Ceceta in his arms, he asked, “I’m glad you’re excited, but tell me: Why
do you really want to go to school? You can’t do anything with your education back on Surpen. What’s the point?”

  “I know, but it’s still going to be great,” she said. “All of the things that I feel are just out of reach will now fall into place. I’ll finally understand the Universe and what’s going on. I think getting an education will help you, too.”

  Rhen laughed. “Right. I have no interest in going to school. I’m not going to get anything out of this experience and you know it. I can’t believe I let you talk me into it. This is going to be pure hell.”

  Ceceta dropped her legs down from Rhen’s waist, so he released her. “It’s not going to be hell. As we already discussed, I’ll do all the work.”

  “You better,” Rhen said. He pushed down on his tunic to flatten it in the front.

  Ceceta paused. “Do you want me to teach you to…”

  “No,” Rhen interrupted.

  Ceceta stared at her husband in silence for a moment then nodded her head. “If you change your mind, just let me know.”

  “Sure,” Rhen agreed. He tucked her hand into the crook of his arm. “You’re going to owe me big time for this one.”

  “I’ll start to repay you tonight, love,” she whispered, a smile on her face.

  It wasn’t what he had meant, but Rhen liked her thinking. He gave Ceceta a look that made her blush a deep blue and they continued towards the exit.

  As they approached the column where the couple was hiding, Rhen asked in Thestran, “So, do you enjoy spying on people?”

  “What?” Ceceta responded in Neptian as Sage and Ryan stepped out from behind the pillar, looking flustered. The minute Ceceta saw them she dropped Rhen’s hand and stepped behind him, lowering her eyes to the ground.

  Rhen wondered what the newlywed couple was doing here when they had an entire event in their honor going on on the outside lawn.

  Sage seemed to feel guilty about being caught. Her eyes wouldn’t meet Rhen’s. “We weren’t spying. We were looking for you to thank you for your wedding gift. I’ve never seen a Genister Magic Box before. It’s… well, it’s amazing.”

  Rhen nodded to Ryan, ignoring Sage. “We’re glad you like it.” He wasn’t used to being addressed by women. Something about it made him feel odd. All communication between him and Sage would have to be done through Ryan, as was proper Surpen etiquette.

  Rhen continued walking with Ceceta trailing along behind him in a submissive manner. As Sage watched him, she realized she didn’t want him to leave. She wanted to talk to him the way he had been talking with his wife earlier. She wanted to get to know him. She liked the casual Rhen, the one that had been in the room a few minutes ago. He seemed… sweet. Sage knew she could be friends with that Rhen. Trying to draw him out, she asked, “Are you sure you want to give it to us?”

  Rhen stopped and turned to look at her with one eyebrow raised. His black eyes scanned her facial features, trying to read her hidden meaning. Turning towards Ryan, he said, “Yes, why not?”

  Determined to have her brother acknowledge her in person, Sage stepped in front of Ryan and replied, “Because it’s so valuable and rare. Why would you want to part with such a priceless item? My mother asked the box for fifty white diamonds and then poured them out into her hand. The Water Elf King asked for two hundred luna moths. You should have seen them as they lifted off in flight when he opened the box’s lid. He told me that the Genister symbols on the box alone were priceless and if any of the symbols are new they might help us decipher the Genister’s language.” When Rhen didn’t respond, she added, “Rhen, you can ask the box for anything you want. Don’t you want to keep it for yourself?”

  Rhen turned to Ceceta and said in Surpen, “She wants to know if we want to keep the gold box.”

  “Why would we want it?” Ceceta asked. “Don’t you have seven more of them in your drawer at home from the Genisters who won’t leave you alone?”

  Rhen glared at Ceceta. The Genisters had sworn them to secrecy. They were never supposed to mention them. Ignoring her comment, he said, “She seems to think they’re valuable.”

  Ceceta chuckled while wondering what the Thestrans were asking their box for. You couldn’t get new territories or support a planet or even build a home with a Genister box. Sure you could ask it for jewelry and money, but it wouldn’t give you enough to support a lavish lifestyle.

  Turning back to Sage and Ryan, Rhen said in Thestran, “It’s all yours, a priceless item for a priceless couple.” He laughed and walked out of the room with Ceceta following along behind him, knowing full well that Sage would run off to James to report everything she’d seen him say to his father while she’d been hiding behind the column. Fortunately, she’d arrived at the end of their conversation.

  Chapter 11

  Thestran Royal Palace – Dining Hall

  Kate and Henry entered the dining room the next morning to find Rhen and his wife finishing their meal. The two of them were smiling and chatting rapidly together in Surpen. Kate watched her son’s easy manner with his wife and noticed, for the first time, that he was quite handsome. The smooth planes of his face, when not screwed up in anger, were breathtaking. The shape and color of his eyes made him appear rather exotic. She wondered why she hadn’t noticed the differences between Henry and Rhen’s eyes before.

  Rhen nodded his head at something his wife said and Kate cursed herself for not remembering the woman’s name. James had discovered it last night, but Kate couldn’t remember what he’d told her. Did the name begin with an ‘s’ or was it a ‘j’? Unfortunately, she couldn’t ask anyone for it, because James hadn’t had a chance to tell the others. She considered calling out to him with her mind to ask him for it, but she knew he was in the middle of a business meeting and she didn’t want to interrupt him.

  Kate watched as Rhen reached into the bowl in front of him and picked something up. He raised his fingers to his mouth and Kate shuddered with disgust at the sight of the pure white night crawler-sized worm that had a hard, red cap for a head. Bloodworms. Rhen popped the worm into his mouth and chewed. A drop of blood from the worm appeared on his lips. He licked it up with his tongue before reaching down into his bowl again.

  Rhen chuckled at the squeals that were coming from the children at the table. Whispering to his wife, the two of them shoved the last few worms in their bowls into their mouths, making sure to leave a few of the bloodworms’ tail and head sections sticking out from between their lips. The worms wiggled in protest as Rhen and his wife sucked them into their mouths, crunching their red capped heads between their teeth. The children who were watching the show shrieked with horrified laughter.

  “I see you received your bloodworms from Surpen,” Kate said. “My servant mentioned a large shipment of Surpen food had arrived this morning. Would you like me to send it along to the University?”

  Rhen had lost his napkin under the table, so he dried his mouth with the napkin that was in front of Rachel’s seat. His lips left behind a thin smear of bloodworm blood on the white napkin. Rachel frowned and leaned back in her chair as Rhen tossed her napkin beside her plate. With a groan, Rachel flicked the offensive napkin onto the floor with her knife. Even though she was a doctor, the bloodworms disgusted her. They looked too much like parasites.

  “Yes,” Rhen replied to Kate’s question, looking at Henry when he spoke.

  Henry waved his hand to indicate they would take care of it, so Rhen turned back towards his wife.

  Kate spotted Sage and Ryan kissing. “Congratulations again, you two. I know you’ll have a wonderful time on your honeymoon. Neptian is beautiful this time of year.”

  Ceceta tugged on Rhen’s sleeve. She wanted permission to speak so she could ask Sage where she was going on Neptian. Rhen nodded that it was fine, so Ceceta asked in Neptian, “What city will you be visiting on Neptian?”

  Sage was surprised by the exchange. After Rhen’s outburst the other day, they still hadn’t had the courage to ask Rhen’s wife what her name wa
s. They hadn’t wanted to risk upsetting him for fear he might change his mind about going to the University. Sage wondered if she could work the question in as she talked about her honeymoon plans. “We’re visiting the Ldastar waterfalls. I’ve heard their warming mists are peaceful and cleansing. Ryan wants to see the beaches of Jengas, since their blue sands are supposed to change color throughout the day.”

  Ceceta nodded. She’d seen the sands once with her family. They’d been lovely.

  “Tell me dear, where in Neptian was your family from again?” Kate asked in Neptian.

  Ceceta worked to keep herself from frowning. She couldn’t believe Kate had forgotten her past. She noticed Rhen had tensed up too. In her best Neptian, she responded, “We lived near the Ldastar Falls, in a town called Ngignik.”

  “I know Ngignik well,” Kate said, thinking she had found something in common with Rhen’s wife. “That’s where the current Neptian Delegate to the Royal Council lives. I’ve visited him and his family several times. It’s a lovely town.”

  Ceceta hesitated. She wanted to know who the Neptian Delegate was but was afraid to ask. “Not many people go to… Ngignik,” she said, stumbling over the name of the town. “Most tourists stay on the other side of the falls, where the shops are located.”

  “We were actually in Ngignik a few weeks ago,” Kate said. “We stayed with Delegate Te and his son Yfetb, who happens to be around your age. Is there any chance that you might know them?”

  There was a bang and the table shook as Rhen stood up so fast he knocked his chair over. “Is this some kind of sick joke?” he demanded in Thestran. He was shaking with rage.


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