You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 16

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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 16 Page 3

by Nikhil Parekh

  It might have sunk like non-existent air to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever consider the Titanic as a ship; where the true flavor of all fraternities of humanity; reigned emotionally charged and supreme at all times,

  It might have sunk like a new born infant to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where there perennially wafted an impregnable atmosphere of pricelessly eternal compassion,

  It might have sunk like an invisible speck to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where the spirit of Omnipotent God was endlessly praised; in its most unassailably bestowing form,

  It might have sunk like a deplorably defeated teardrop to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where the heavens of the most ultimate fantasy ruled supreme; in even the most blackened corners; tapestries; cisterns and stairs,


  It might have sunk like a lifeless solider to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where the definition of true sacrifice was immortalized; like never before on this fathomless planet,

  It might have sunk like an amorphous ant to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where there flew kisses of all sizes and shapes; in every conceivable direction; poignant and galore,

  It might have sunk like besmirched sour cream to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where there was a perfect blend of people of virtually every religion; traveling to the most cherished

  destination of their life,

  It might have sunk like disdainfully shattered glass to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where there the finest wine and cuisine were ecstatically served in one half; whilst the other; perpetually rejoiced and unabashedly danced to the tunes of rum and humanity,

  It might have sunk like meaningless vacuum to the rock bottom of the ocean;

  but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where the longest insatiable locking of two lips into a kiss; was ever registered on this boundless enamoring planet,

  It might have sunk like impoverished chowder to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where the most inimitably cherishable moments of existence; were lived by thousands; within just two days,

  It might have sunk like neglected seaweed to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where the heart of the infallibly intrepid sea; was inscrutably captured within each pristine wall,

  It might have sunk like despicably thwarted ash to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where an insuperable ensemble of artists; exuberantly sang till their very last breath; even as

  hell unstoppably rained around,

  It might have sunk like despairing oblivion to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where thousands prayed for rhapsodic life and happiness; affably holding hand in hand and together,

  It might have sunk like a fecklessly butchered whisker to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where the most unconquerably golden moments of passion; were captured with astounding propensity upon the fabric of white canvas,

  It might have sunk like a lackadaisical feather to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where even the most gigantic structures; ceilings and obdurate iron; perennially floated around as invincibly aristocratic silk,

  It might have sunk like a lifeless corpse to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where the flaming Sun played hide-n-seek till eternity; as nubile couples mischievously cavorted up and down the numerous rails and decks,

  It might have sunk like a cadaverously hammered bone to the rock bottom of

  the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where there was nothing else to do; but interminably dream; dream and simply and majestically dream,

  It might have sunk like despondently distorted pulp to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where there everlastingly throbbed the heartbeat of immortal love; between “Jack” and “Rose” ; irrespective of whether the physical forms stayed or crumbled; irrespective of whether there prevailed life or hopeless death .




  I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we used to jauntily fly kites from each other’s terraces; deliberately interlock the strings of our mischief for times immemorial,

  I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we bathed in the torrential rain together; with even the most infinitesimal element of our bodies timelessly intertwining into a fireball of infallibly unending passion,

  I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we wholeheartedly used to compliment each other for the tiniest of our achievements; even as the entire world outside sighted us with the eyes of unbearable prejudice,

  I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we unrelentingly peered into each other’s eyes in the heart of chaotic street and disabling war; indefatigably discovering the sincerity of creation; even as countless were freshly

  born and countless died,

  I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we tirelessly chased each other through umpteenth unkempt branches and inscrutable paths of the enchanting forest; with the wind as our only savior and profound sensuality dripping from our souls,

  I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we inarticulately babbled even the most preposterous balderdash that came to our

  minds; in sheer informality whilst courting each other,

  I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we gave our friendship the truest of meaning; enlightening each of our horrendous

  agony into brilliant hope; as we uninhibitedly shared the same with each other,

  I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we had our first smooch; when for the first time the melody in our inflamed lips became perpetually singular; bringing alongwith it every tangible speck of happiness on this planet,

  I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we slept intrepidly bare-chested on the cold-blooded rocks; with nothing to do but stare at the moonless sky; with the tyrannically conventional society discarding us like

  bits of frigid nothingness,

  I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we audaciously proclaimed to our parents that we’d never marry the ones that they’d chosen for us on this fathomless planet; when it was infact the last hour of our wedding day,

  I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we absorbed every ray of the blazingly undefeated morning sun; hugging each other with so much intensity; as if this was the very last moment of life on earth divine,

  I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we unabashedly flirted in the broadest of daylight; endlessly uttering nothing else but words of Immortal love even in the heart of the insidiously robotic corporate empire,

  I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we forever coalesced our palms into a fortress of solidarity; although each line of our destiny lines ran in the most opprobrious opposite directions,

  I really don’t know the slightest as to
whether it all started from the time; when we ardently tongued our way across each other’s uncontrollably shivering bodies; possessed each pore of our sensitive skins more impregnably than what god

  could have possessed earth,

  I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we’d seen each other the first time on the sordidly heartless street; yet seemed to know each other since centuries unprecedented; without even knowing our names,

  I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we wholesomely satisfied every of our needs ourselves; just the two of us; without even the most oblivious of help from the satanically whipping world outside,

  I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we unstoppably rubbed our nostrils in wondrous unison; let the breath of our eternal compassion; overwhelm and overrule every other stench of hatred in the boundless atmosphere,

  I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when our hearts throbbed louder than the most untamed of volcano’s for each other;

  although we sat unnoticed; untouched; unexplored; indefinable continents apart,

  But I do definitely know and have always known; that I’ve always loved you and only you since even before my very first breath; since even before Omniscient God had created this magically ameliorating earth; since even before there evolved the tiniest definition of heavenly life; in the womb of this untiring Universe .


  It took an infinite brutally famished nights and days; endless emaciating moments of penance infront of the Omnipotent Lord Almighty; in order to unite two passionately interlocked and true lovers,

  It took an infinite odysseys through the most venomously untamed outgrowths

  of wilderness; in order to unite two bountifully redolent and true lovers,

  It took an infinite anecdotes of unflinchingly challenging the most unthinkably impossible; in order to unite two innocuously resplendent and true lovers,

  It took an infinite moments of stony silence; at times unlimited hours of patiently peering into haplessly cloudless sky; in order to unite two ardently blessed and true lovers,

  It took an infinite bleeding footsteps whilst transgressing through an unceasing pathway of fiendishly stabbing thorns; in order to unite two jubilantly intricate and true lovers,


  It took an infinite droplets of bloodshed; whilst undergoing war against the truculently unforgivable devil; in order to unite two unassailably cheerful and true lovers,

  It took an infinite nightmarish nights of confronting the cold-bloodedly sinister ghost face to face; in order to unite two bountifully triumphant and true lovers,

  It took an infinite instances of wading through the battlefields of horrifically slandering bad luck; in order to unite two jauntily effulgent and true lovers,

  It took an infinite bangs of the skull against the heartlessly conventional wall of the diabolically manipulative society; in order to unite two blissfully frolicking and true lovers,

  It took an infinite bones soaked in valiantly fearless blood; whilst fighting against the perpetrators of chauvinism; in order to unite two exuberantly spell binding and true lovers,

  It took an infinite gallows of inconsolably deafening misery and eventually asphyxiating death; in order to unite two compassionately silken and true lovers,

  It took an infinite graveyards of invidiously maiming silence; submission and wholesome oblivion; in order to unite two fervently ecstatic and true lovers,

  It took an infinite rivers of hard earned sweat; whilst trying to explain and unveil each intricate thread of righteousness to the outside world; in order to unite two symbiotically ebullient and true lovers,

  It took an infinite screams of everlasting permeating through the coffins of deplorably diminishing hell; in order to unite two wondrously enchanted and true lovers,

  It took an infinite ticks of the painstakingly thwarting clock; whilst waiting for the most consummately royal moment to strike; in order to unite two enchantingly gorgeous and true lovers,

  It took an infinite inexplicably tormenting riddles to uninhibitedly confront and decipher; in order to unite two beautifully amiable and true lovers,

  It took an infinite flagrantly slit throats; whilst bare-bodiedly opposing the mortuary of lies; in order to unite two holistically melanging and true lovers,

  It took an infinite unbelievable sacrifices; which rendered even the most resilient of physical form into the most desperately sullen carcass; in order to unite

  two ubiquitously charismatic and true lovers,

  And Yet. Paradoxically Yet. It took those same two lovers just uttering that

  heinous word thrice; or just putting a legal application in the court; or just walking in different directions altogether; to  vindictively “Divorce” each other; to get ruthlessly separated for a lifetime ; after they had so immortally and altruistically met .



  Unmarried; when we kissed; we felt the waves of untamed passion rise to the ultimate crescendo of fulfillment; whilst when after Marriage; we felt it to be just routinely boring ritual to be inevitably done; just to spuriously appease each other,

  Unmarried; when we listened to each other; our eyes interlocked for hours immemorial as we became oblivious to every other sound in the atmosphere; whilst after Marriage; the words seemed to irately pound like a billion unwashed boulders; upon the extremely tempestuous chords of our eardrums,

  Unmarried; when we philandered together; we almost seemed to unanimously admire and appreciate each natural creation of the Lord Almighty; whilst after Marriage; we sat taut and haughty in stony silence; even as the most majestically virile sceneries

  and greeneries passed by,

  Unmarried; when we confronted any problem; both of us earnestly put in our the last droplet of our sweat to emerge unitedly victorious; whilst when after Marriage; each of us left it wholesomely on the other to get out of the inexplicable disaster,

  Unmarried; when we sipped wine; we cheered a toast umpteenth number of times

  in the sensuous wilderness of the night; whilst after Marriage; each of us chimed our glasses just once for the sake of the sanctimonious society; and that too with profound abhorrence lingering in our eyes; and time and again casting sneering glances at the bottle price,

  Unmarried; when we slept; we were aware and fondly traced even the tiniest creak of our bodies with our uninhibitedly wandering fingers; whilst after marriage we indifferently slept poles apart; thunderously snoring till eternity; even as either one of us was being crucified by the swords of diabolical hell,

  Unmarried; when we sat to eat supper; each one of us altruistically waited for marathon moments before the other devoured to his/her hearts content; whilst after marriage both of us made a barbarous beeline for the singleton dish; at times ending with raw gashes of unsavory blood; on our profusely scratched hands and face,

  Unmarried; when we wrote each others names; we felt the most pricelessly

  blessed organisms alive perpetually possessing each other in our hearts; whilst after marriage we never disclosed it to anyone that we even had a lifepartner; specially if it was someone of the opposite sex,

  Unmarried; when we swam in the choppy ocean; even the most infinitesimal

  vein of our body was so perennially entwined that it was impossible to separate us even in the fiercest of storm; whilst after marriage we deliberately used each others heads as a lifeboat; drowning the other in our attempt to stay triumphantly afloat and selfishly alive,

  Unmarried; when we awoke; the very first thing that we did in the morning was to bow down to each other’s feet as we found our ultimate liberator in each of ourself; whilst after marriage we strangulated each other’s senses for uncannily waking up early in the morning; and hideously disrupting the heavenliness of bountiful sleep,

  Unmarried; wh
en we were wounded; we compassionately ran every contour of our

  fervent lips to those parts which hurt till there was not the tiniest of pain; whilst after marriage all that we could hedonistically muster; was indigenous salt to apply on the agonizingly crimson streams of blood,

  Unmarried; when we laughed; it was as if to trace and assimilate even the most insouciant bit of ecstasy hidden in our unconscious veins; whilst after marriage we invidiously chortled and exploited each other’s idiosyncrasies; even at the cost of an infinite tears which unstoppably flowed,

  Unmarried; when we sketched; all we could capture on our barren canvases was


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