You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 16

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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 16 Page 5

by Nikhil Parekh

  only once in ethereal mischief; and then forever kill me?

  I was dying a horrendously vindictive death every moment; waiting for your

  astoundingly eclectic fingers; why don’t you just come infront of me; trace them like white electricity down my unstoppably reverberating spine; and then forever kill me?

  I was dying a hysterically cadaverous death every moment; waiting for your unfathomably creative mind; why don’t you just come infront of me; unfurl

  its wildest fantasy beside my ardent breath; and then forever kill me?

  I was dying an abhorrently diabolical death every moment; waiting for your

  wondrously stupefying armpits; why don’t you just come infront of me; let their golden rivers of sweat dribble upon my fanatically waiting skin; and then forever fill me?

  I was dying a satanically crucifying death every moment; waiting for your impeccably adorable ears; why don’t you just come infront of me; let their magnetically titillating lobes dangle on my forehead; and then forever kill me?

  I was dying a disdainfully cold-blooded death every moment; waiting for your ebulliently unassailable personality; why don’t you just come infront of me; let its unconquerable fragrance wholesomely capsize each of my senses; and then forever kill me?

  I was dying an unthinkably mortifying death every moment; waiting for your insuperably majestic nostrils; why don’t you just come infront of me; let them fierily breathe down my enthused neck; and then forever kill me?

  I was dying an unbearably remorseful death every moment; waiting for your royally nubile shoulders; why don’t you just come infront of me; entwine their unlimited glory with my uncontrollably resonating chest; and then forever kill me?

  I was dying a mercilessly lambasting death every moment; waiting for your pricelessly voluptuous bosom; why don’t you just come infront of me; unravel just a fragment of its timeless compassion into my life; and then forever kill me?

  And I was dying a gorily demented death every moment; waiting for your perpetually ameliorating heart; why don’t you just come infront of me; lets its immortal beats caress my miserably emaciated soul; and then forever kill me?



  I saw her pristine lips only for just an infinitesimal instant; but they left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of voluptuously untamed desire to cherish; for an infinite more of my bountiful lifetimes,

  I saw her ravishing hair only for just an evanescent instant; but it left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of gloriously unfettered uninhibitedness to cherish; for an infinite more of my enchanting lifetimes,

  I saw her rubicund cheeks only for just a mercurial instant; but they left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of royally untainted mischief to cherish; for an infinite more of my bedazzling lifetimes,

  I saw her nubile fingers only for just an ethereal instant; but they left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of spellbindingly infallible fantasy to cherish; for an infinite more of my enthusing lifetimes,

  I saw her heavenly eyelashes only for just an impoverished instant; but they left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of unconquerably poignant sensitivity to cherish; for an infinite more of my triumphant lifetimes,

  I saw her titillating spine only for just a transient instant; but it left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of unabashedly crimson passion to cherish; for an infinite more of my eclectic lifetimes,

  I saw her ecstatic feet only for just an obfuscated instant; but they left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of ebulliently unfettered adventure to cherish; for an infinite more of my blessed lifetimes,

  I saw her enigmatic goose-bumps for just a feckless instant; but they left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of inimitably priceless exultation to cherish; for an infinite more of my effulgent lifetimes,

  I saw her golden sweat for just an oblivious instant; but it left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of royally righteous perseverance to cherish; for an infinite more of my blissful lifetimes,

  I saw her impeccable nose for just an evaporating instant; but it left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of impregnably bounteous sensuality to cherish; for an infinite more of my benign lifetimes,

  I saw her mesmerizing tongue for just a fleeting instant; but it left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of mellifluously majestic desire to cherish; for an infinite more of my sparkling lifetimes,

  I saw her rhapsodic shadow for just a fugitive instant; but it left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of symbiotically silken charisma to cherish; for an infinite more of my ignited lifetimes,

  I saw her venerated ears for just a non-existent instant; but they left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of unbelievably eternal freedom to cherish; for an infinite more of my vivacious lifetimes,

  I saw her euphoric neck for just an inane instant; but it left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of wonderfully enthralling compassion to cherish; for an infinite more of my victorious lifetimes,

  I saw her seductive hips for just a frigid instant; but they left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of astoundingly fructifying virility to cherish; for an infinite more of my intriguing lifetimes,

  I saw her queenly palms for just a disappearing instant; but they left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of inscrutably unveiling destiny to cherish; for an infinite more of my tranquil lifetimes,

  I saw her amiable bosom for just a worthless moment; but it left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of invincibly divine creation; for an infinite more of my effervescent lifetimes,

  I saw her fiery breath for just an infertile moment; but it left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of tirelessly amazing proliferation; for an infinite more of my undying lifetimes,

  And I saw her fervent heart for just a castrated moment; but it left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of immortally replenishing love; for an infinite more of my piquant lifetimes


  Every man's eye is devastatingly empty; unbearably rotting towards the dungeons of diabolical hell; without the celestially commiserating reflections of a bountiful woman,

  Every man's palm is sinfully empty; barbarously rotting towards the coffins of penalizing hell; without the compassionately befriending grip of an honest woman,

  Every man's vein is dreadfully empty; devilishly rotting towards the vacuum of torturous hell; without the invincibly righteous rudiments of a sacrosanct woman,

  Every man's brain is deliriously empty; sadistically rotting towards the thorns of cold-blooded hell; without the unsurpassably ebullient fantasies of an eclectic woman,

  Every man's lip is ghastily empty; tawdrily rotting towards the mortuaries of parasitic hell; without the wondrously igniting kisses of an ardent woman,

  Every man's shadow is venomously empty; carnivorously rotting towards the skeletons of hideous hell; without the mellifluously symbiotic sweetness of a benign woman,

  Every man's signature is disastrously empty; egregiously rotting towards the nothingness of hedonistic hell; without the astoundingly ameliorating reflection of a caring woman,

  Every man's mission is treacherously empty; horrendously rotting towards the dirt of excoriating hell; without the pricelessly unconquerable encouragement of a blessed woman,

  Every man's lung is cripplingly empty; nonsensically rotting towards the meaninglessness of asphyxiating hell; without the unassailably reinvigorating breath

  of a timeless woman,

  Every man's cheek is lecherously empty; salaciously rotting towards the perversions of crucifying hell; without the mischievously spell binding peck of an untamed woman,

  Every man's chest is drearily empty; ignominiously rotting towards the blackness of massacring hell; without the magically reincarnating caress of a sensuous woman,

  Every man's spine is lividly empty; preposterously rotting towards the holocaust of
morbid hell; without the insurmountably majestic virility of an enigmatic woman,

  Every man's adventure is hopelessly empty; sacrilegiously rotting towards the ghost of tormenting hell; without the inscrutably tantalizing echo of a mesmerizing woman,

  Every man's skin is frigidly empty; inconsolably rotting towards the whiplash of strangulating hell; without the fathomlessly unabashed exhilaration of an intrepid woman,

  Every man's soul is cursedly empty; inexplicably rotting towards the gallows of murderous hell; without the infallibly consecrating sensitivity of a vivacious woman,

  Every man's shoulder is dolorously empty; blasphemously rotting towards the shards of deteriorating hell; without the amazingly unflinching unity of a blissful woman,

  Every man's ear is abjectly empty; viciously rotting towards the gutters of malevolent hell; without the enchantingly unfettered voice of a mystical woman,

  Every man's nostril is despondently empty; perilously rotting towards the wickedness of baseless hell; without the perennially life-yielding fragrance of an intricate woman,

  And every man's heart is haplessly empty; unsparingly rotting towards the evil jinx of cannibalistic hell; without the immortally embracing love of a faithful woman .




  What should a husband do; if his wife indefatigably nagged him; tirelessly made him feel like a naked impoverished beggar; right in the center of the boisterously crowded street; and under the broadest of daylight?

  What should a husband do; if his wife was more indifferent than the acrimoniously stabbing deserts; aimlessly staring towards the amorphously non-existent winds; whilst he inconsolably trembled in the most inexplicable of pain and disease?

  What should a husband do; if his wife was the biggest blackmailer on the trajectory of planet divine; an entity who if once came to know of his weaknesses; would continue to backlash at him like the most venomous scorpion; at the tiniest of opportunity?

  What should a husband do; if his wife preferred to talk more passionately than the Sun to every stranger and obliterated stone on the dusty street; remaining an emotionless ghost right infront of his earnest eyes?

  What should a husband do; if his wife didn’t ask him even once of what he did and achieved the entire day; even though he’d catapulted to such dizzy heights of philanthropic success; that none could ever perceive in the wildest of their dreams?

  What should a husband do; if his wife ghoulishly went of into the realms of unbreakable sleep; whilst he was undergoing the most volatile catharsis of his heart;

  sharing the most latent ingredients of his soul with her persona?

  What should a husband do; if his wife vindictively abused him every unfurling instant of the day and night; when every other entity on the planet loved him for the astounding records that he’d achieved; for all the endless love that he was trying to perennially spread?

  What should a husband do; if his wife mischievously flirted and philandered with every other man  on the Universe; even though he endeavored his very best to

  quench  even the most evanescent of her desire?

  What should a husband do; if his wife sadistically ridiculed even the most sacred of his beliefs; nonchalantly dismissed every element of his devotion; to bond as one with the spirit of the Omnipotent God?

  What should a husband do; if his wife devised an infinite ways to pull his leg and make him lick the most disdainful of dust; instead of inspiring him to unflinching face the world and rise to the most truthfully ultimate of skies?

  What should a husband do; if his wife wholeheartedly supported the indiscriminate felling of trees just to impart more free space to their land; whilst he on the other hand shed a billion tears of sorrow at even the tiniest snapping of a leaf?

  What should a husband do; if his wife wholesomely dictated her insane idiosyncrasies on their only child; threatening to leave him forever and go publicly to her parents house; if he dared to intervene with her suggestions for his very own heavenly offspring?

  What should a husband do; if his wife guffawed like the greatest of marauding demons; at every ardently heart-rendering tear drop that dribbled from his eye;

  for treacherously depraved humanity?

  What should a husband do; if his wife interminably preferred to read every bit of delirious balderdash written on this earth; whilst countless lines of poetry that he’d immortally dedicated and written for her; lay fretfully rotting and obsolete on his writing shelves?

  What should a husband do; if his wife unstoppably sermonized him to go to a flagrantly unceremonious mental asylum; whilst he all he ever attempted to do

  in his life; was to help her successfully accomplish every task of hers?

  What should a husband do; if his wife was severely prejudiced and his worst critic; salaciously excoriating the most inimitably priceless of his art to feckless totters; in her fits of preposterously manipulative practicality?

  What should a husband do; if his wife unsparingly teamed up with her parents; to demonstrate the epitome of cadaverous rudeness towards him; for every kind and

  humanitarian deed that he did?

  What should a husband do; if his wife felt that bearing his child was the greatest sin on the soil of this fathomless Universe; as it would satanically disproportion her body; integrity; identity and unabashed entity?

  What should a husband do; if his wife’s only mission was to squabble and thrash him with the mace of abhorrence; right from the first cry of dawn; for ostensibly not the slightest rhyme or reason?

  Should he Kill Her? Or Should he Kill Himself? Or Should he kill both?  Or Should be Divorce Her?  Or Should he remarry? Or should he keep his second wife alongwith Her? Or should he abandon all worldly pleasures and go to the peak of Everest to perpetually meditate?

  Well if I for one was in his shoes; then I wouldn’t do any of the above. Instead just accept all what was happening around me;  as a part of my inevitably regretful destiny .





  Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your amazingly bohemian behavior; without the tiniest of slang or ostentation adorning your nakedly rustic demeanor?

  Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your vivaciously uninhibited spontaneity; without the most infinitesimal of shrewdness or malice tarnishing your soul?

  Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your timidly plaintive personality; without the most minuscule of brawn or dominance brilliantly shouldering your personality?

  Find me a girl  in today’s world; who loves you solely for the scent of your righteously hard earned sweat; without the most inane trace of contemporary

  machismo radiating from your countenance?

  Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your unabashedly

  mischievous and uncut nails; without the most insipid tinge of suaveness beautifying your shadow?

  Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your vivaciously unpretentious laughter; without the most oblivious insinuation of

  restraint engulfing your form?

  Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your state of glaring nothingness; without the most infidel presence of the currency note in entire of your destined existence?

  Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your open-heartedness-your devoting your entire life to humanity instead of praising her; without the most obfuscated tinge of manipulation in your stride?

  Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your wholesome renunciation of desire; without the most evanescent inferno of longing running through your intricate veins?

  Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your everlasting evolution of an infinite poetic forms; without the most ethereal ingredient of profit enshrouding your destiny lines?
/>   Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your maniacal

  faithfulness; without the most transient shades of partying; merry-making

  and socializing; circumscribing your existence?

  Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your spirit of tirelessly unflinching patriotism; without the most ephemeral innuendo of homeliness surrounding your silhouette?


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