You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 16

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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 16 Page 6

by Nikhil Parekh

  Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your untamed footprints; without the most feckless imagery of pragmatic worldly direction evoking your brain?

  Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for the immortal love throbbing in your heart; without the most orphaned trace of religion; nationality; caste; creed; ever associated with your persona?

  Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your insatiably uncurbed fantasies; without the most fugitive beam of earthly saneness; enveloping your identity?

  Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your honestly unrestricted tears; without the most invisible trace of contemporary sun-glasses stylishly sequestering your eyes?

  Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for the pricelessly insuperable humanity in your blood; without the most disappearing ounce of racially discriminating commercialism fortifying your bones?

  Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your inimitably unique and profound personality; without the most evaporating iota of spell-binding magic descending down your spine?

  Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your pristinely untainted breath; without the most vanishing firmament of state-of-the-art perfume wafting from the pores of your skin?

  Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your perennially compassionate heartbeats; without the most threadbare whiff of stardom and cynosure revolving round your palms?

  And if you did in some impossible way or the other succeed in finding such a

  girl; then first and foremost prove it to me that she was actually an ordinary human being like everyone of us on this gigantic planet; and not the Omniscient Lord in disguise? 



  To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would perpetuate each barren pore of your skin with so much exhilaration; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my ecstasy; even after I died,

  To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would tantalize your brain with so many fantasies of majestic creation; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my sensuality; even after I died,

  To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would rekindle your emptiness with so many fires of untamed virility; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my ardor; even after I died,

  To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would transform every defeat of yours into so many triumphs of infallible optimism; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my courage; even after I died,

  To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would enlighten your hapless eyes with so many shades of blazing fearlessness; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my valor; even after I died,

  To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would complete each unfinished line of your destiny with so many positive ramifications; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my fragrance; even after I died,

  To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would caress each bleeding cranny of your lips with so many befriending kisses; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my compassion; even after I died,

  To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would disentangle each miserably hackneyed sense of yours with so many mystical moments; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my bountifulness; even after I died,

  To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would impregnate each ingredient of your alien blood with so much royal oneness; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my humanity; even after I died,

  To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would permeate each chord of your monotonous eardrum with so many rhapsodic tunes; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my sweetness; even after I died,

  To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would heal each of your obsolete wounds with so many panaceas of companionship; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my intimacy; even after I died,

  To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would nurse each of your inexplicable wails with so many songs of mother nature; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my freshness; even after I died,

  To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would wipe each of your tears with so many flames of my desire; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my exuberance; even after I died,

  To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would guide each dwindling path of yours to so many corridors of magical utopia; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my inspiration; even after I died,

  To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would befriend your inconsolably amputated palms with so many handshakes; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my conviction; even after I died,

  To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would fortify each broken bone of yours with so many threads of redolent humanity; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my humility; even after I died,

  To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would ameliorate your shattered soul with so many colors of this vivacious Universe; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my versatility; even after I died,

  To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would reinvigorate your asphyxiated breath with so many winds of divinely creation; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my enchantment; even after I died,

  And to die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would consecrate your betrayed heart with so many beats of perpetual faith; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my love; even after I died .




  Does love mean; being extraordinarily possessive about your beloved; not leaving her even for an infinitesimal instant; from the ardently obsessive fixation of your sight?

  Does love mean; giving your beloved the freedom to pursue anything and everything she wants; although at times she might transgress the fine line of your poignant emotions and desire?

  Does love mean; overtly forgiving your beloved; even if she blatantly and obnoxiously pulverized the principles of existence; intermittently spat directly on the naked space of your face; at the tiniest of exasperation?

  Does love mean; inundating every conceivable skin pore of your beloved with so many kisses; that she could hardly feel any other sensation of the Universe on her nimble flesh?

  Does love mean; standing like a perpetually unflinching citadel abreast your beloved; knocking the last breaths out of any alien man; who dared to flirt with her?

  Does love mean; profusely kissing every footprint made by your amiable beloved; keep slavering upon obdurately co
ld ground; with your tongue fervently wagging and till the time that she walked?

  Does love mean; expecting your beloved to idolize none other than you; every unfurling instant of the day; and perceiving none other than your countenance all throughout the bewitchingly starless night?

  Does love mean; unthinkably putting every perceivable part of your body forward; to each vicious arrow that dared come the way of your beloved; sacrifice your life at the slightest innuendo of danger to her smiles?

  Does love mean; emaciating yourself to the most extreme levels of gruesome extinction; just in order to witness your beloved replenish even the most evanescent of her shadow; with all the richness of this planet?

  Does love mean; deriving fathomless happiness at witnessing your beloved flourish in her career and pursuits; whilst you abandoned everything so that the feeling of competition never arose; and to forever see her smile?

  Does love mean; unstoppably embracing your beloved in your invincibly vice like grip; from which there wasn't the tiniest of escape; for an infinite more lifetimes?

  Does love mean; penning countless lines of immortal poetry on your majestic beloved; unrelentingly staring into the rustic whites of her eye; all day and in the ravishing stupefaction of the night?

  Does love mean; emulating even the most obsolete action of your beloved; going to the most painstakingly ridiculous heights in copying her bit by bit; and at the same time bearing with the laughter from the society outside?

  Does love mean; in all totality surrendering  even the last droplet of blood in your veins; to the most ethereal command of your beloved; perpetually re-christening yourself as her soul-mate as well as chained slave?

  Does love mean; wholesomely obfuscating and shutting your ears to the outside world; romanticize till times immemorial in the voluptuous bosom of your beloved; even as the planet ghastily deteriorated and crumbled outside?

  Does love mean; prostrating forever at the feet of your sacrosanct beloved; considering them as the ultimate god; the ultimate heaven and hell on this globe; and for a boundless destinations beyond?

  Does love mean; timelessly kissing your beloved on her blissful lips; mollifying every bit of hunger and thirst in your ravenous body; by only savoring the compassionate sweetness of her redolent creation?

  Does love mean; letting each sensuous breath of your beloved; be the only oxygen for your penuriously asphyxiated lungs; as you royally embellished each naked arena of her flesh; with the untamed virility of your creation?

  Does love mean; forever and ever and ever bonding each beat of your passionate heart with your beloved; letting two bodies exist as an unconquerably fragrant 'one' for as long as the earth lived?

  Well. If I for one were to step into a true lover's shoes; then love for me would mean all of the above; impregnably implemented at some stage or the other; in the chapter of my mellifluously destined life .



  Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; the general condition of the environment around; and as every source of media proclaimed it to be on the ghastly brink of extinction,

  Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; the brand new recipes that she'd voraciously browsed through; in every cook-book that she could lay her effervescent hands upon,

  Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; the epidemic that'd taken sinister proportions in the society; the horrendously agonizing anecdotes of several in her invincibly close-knit kin,

  Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; the overall weather being one of the most acrimonious in the country; and her plans to liberate at the fastest possible to a cherished utopian land,

  Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; the current trends of fashion and opulence in the society; and how miserably divested was she of virtually everything on this vast planet,

  Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; how obsolete she perceived me to be-though I was glowing with hard-earned success; just because I'd tread on the path never ever taken before on this planet divine,

  Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; every move and decision that her revered parents took; at times going to unfathomable depths to solve any familial misunderstandings; whilst I sulked in raw sunshine,

  Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; what an indescribable revolution she would bring in the life of every divested soul alive; by impartially distributing the entire wealth of this planet to all alike,

  Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; the gravely unsurpassable amounts of dirt that she'd most tenaciously extricated; from the most obsolete crannies of our already spic-span home,

  Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; the inexhaustible myriad of soap operas-game shows-spell binding documentaries; which she'd watched in each spare moment of hers,

  Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; the headlines; gossips; spiritual sayings which she'd read in every bookshop; as reading was one of her alltime favorite pastime,

  Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; all those established celebrities and luminaries; all those upon whom the media was extravagantly onto; silencing all in vicinity whilst listening to her favorite star interview,

  Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; every like and dislike of our kids; wanting them to accomplish only her unfinished dreams; as she considered every of my talents and works as disdainfully imbecile,

  Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; me being a complete misanthrope and wretched misfit for the society; wholesomely lost and absorbed in my own poetically fantasizing musings,

  Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; my ruining every element of her otherwise victorious life; indescribably denigrating me to lifeless ash whilst comparing me to other husbands in her sight,

  Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; fossils; shells; and virtually every mystical and artificial carving on this Universe; going to painstaking depths to study the elaborate etymology of the same,

  Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; her father's once upon a time 9 to 9 unsparing life; the innumerable droplets of sweat that he'd shed to raise her; whilst all I knew in comparison was staring at insouciant bits of blue sky,

  Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; the stories that her friends; followers and well wishers had recounted to her; and how desperately did she want to make an enlightenment into every aspect of their bizarrely hapless and solitary lives,

  And whilst I appreciated and respected all her talk; O! how I wished and wished and wished; that atleast a line out of the infinite she spoke to me was asking me as to what I did in the entire day; asking me to recite the fervent lines of my poetry on all creations of the Lord; asking me as to how the rhythm of my tender heart felt?

  Anyways; though I knew it was virtually impossible for it to happen this way -naturally and of her own accord in this life; I earnestly pray to you O! Omnipotent Lord; to make it happen in every other impoverished husband's life; so that unlike my sole urge to die this very instant out of sheer indifference; he feels more ardently than

  ever before; to be reborn again and again and again .


  21. My Silence will speak to you

  Never ever would I cause you the most inconspicuous of harm; if you preferred to relinquish every ounce of your life for a complete stranger; whilst neglecting me like a heap of fetid rubbish-in the farthest corner of the trash can,

  Never ever would I cause you the most invisible of harm; if you indulged in senseless gossip with your friends for hours immemorial; and then blaming time for not asking me how I lead my entire day,

er ever would I cause you the most deteriorating of harm; if you admired every insignificant achievement of your close kin; whilst treating each world record of mine as some orphaned jinx fallen from the sky,

  Never ever would I cause you the most baseless of harm; if you neatly clipped every piece of literature you'd read all day; whilst proclaiming the infinite lines of my poetry as just a disdainful squandering of time,

  Never ever would I cause you the most ethereal of harm; if you spuriously supported me for every weakness of mine; only to outrageously reveal the same to the world outside; blackmailing me for the tiniest loss of my temper,

  Never ever would I cause you the most floundering of harm; if you viciously abused and slapped me infront of my own blood; just because I'd fearlessly expressed my individualistic point of view in closed doors,


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