What's His Is Mine

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What's His Is Mine Page 20

by Daaimah S. Poole

  “Cherise, are you crying?”

  “I’m not crying.”

  “Yes, you are. Am I doing something wrong?”


  “You’re making me scared. Did I do something? Talk to me, Cherise. Are you okay? You have me feeling bad, like a rapist.”

  “It’s okay. You’re not doing anything wrong.”

  “No, something’s up. I really like you, and I want you, but not like this.” He pulled the condom off and turned the television on. “Talk to me, Cherise. What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing is wrong. Why did you stop?”

  “Because I want you to talk to me and tell me what’s going on with you.”

  “I said nothing—now let’s finish,” I said, holding tears back.

  “No, not until you talk to me.” I wasn’t going to talk to Gavin about what happened so I got up and walked into his bathroom. I began sobbing quietly in his shower.

  I came out of the shower fifteen minutes later. I still didn’t want to talk. I just got in the bed and lay beside him. I wrapped his arms around me and nodded off. I didn’t want to be with Gavin, but I couldn’t be alone.

  In the morning I didn’t feel any better about DeCarious. I wasn’t sure if halfway sleeping with Gavin was a good idea, either.

  I went to work, and as I entered my building Toni was ringing my phone. I didn’t really want to talk, but I answered.

  “Where have you been? The last thing I heard from you was that you were going to DeCarious’s house. So what happened? Where have you been?”

  “Gavin’s house.”

  “What? You spent the night with Gavin? Oh no, I don’t like this. What happened when you went to DeCarious’s house?” Toni asked.

  “He pretty much said he is married and told me to leave before he called the police on me.”

  “Married! To who? And he was going to call the police on you? Oh hell no!”

  “Yup, he said he married his daughter’s mother, because she is pregnant again.”

  “But didn’t you say he said she set him up with a baby before, and all she wants is his money? See, I hate women like that—using babies for a paycheck.”

  “Well, her paycheck is going to be big, because she is pregnant again.”

  “Oh my God, are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just going to act like none of this happened.”

  “I’ll be over there after work.” I was going to tell her not to come, but she knew I needed her. I was devastated. And poor Gavin, he must have thought something had changed with our relationship. He sent flowers and left a few messages today. I don’t know how I am going to tell him that everything that happened was just a mistake. And it would never happen again.

  Chapter 49


  Our honeymoon was short-lived. Rock and Mr. Joe were in the driveway when we pulled up to the house in Atlanta. We got out of the car and they didn’t say anything. They didn’t speak, so neither did I. I walked into the house and saw Miss Anne sitting, arms folded, like she had a problem.

  I spoke to her and she said, “Adrienne, I need to speak to my son.” She did not even look at me and kept her eyes fixed on DeCarious. It didn’t matter what she said. We were already married and grown and there was nothing she could do about it.

  “Okay, babe. I’ll be upstairs unpacking,” I said as I gave him a big kiss. Before I reached the second step, I heard Rock ask, “Bruh, did you at least get a prenup?”

  “We don’t need a prenup. She is the mother of my children, and y’all going to respect that. There’s nothing else to be said. She’s my wife now. She is pregnant,” DeCarious said.

  “How do you know she is pregnant?” Miss Anne asked.

  “Look, all that doesn’t even matter. Ma, she took a pregnancy test and was about to get an abortion because we wasn’t together and she didn’t want to raise another baby by herself. So I stepped up and did what I was supposed to do. Which is be a man to my family.”

  “But you didn’t have to sneak off and get married!” Miss Anne yelled.

  “Mama, since when are you so against marriage?”

  “DeCarious, your mother is not against marriage. I just wish you would talk to someone before you make irrational decisions,” Mr. Joe said.

  “All I have to say is that’s my wife, she is having my baby, and we are a family. Whoever don’t like it, I don’t know what to tell you,” my baby said, shutting them all down. I stood at the top of the steps eavesdropping . . . silently laughing. That’s right, take up for me, baby.

  “Okay. Fine. I can’t take this. I’m leaving.”

  “Why, Mama?”

  “You have a lot going on, and I just can’t sit back and watch this unfold. You know what you did and what you’re doing,” Miss Anne said.

  I came down the steps. Miss Anne was still my girl, but she shouldn’t be talking against me. It’s all good being her granddaughter’s mother, but not her daughter-in-law. Whatever. I walked her to her car.

  “Good night, Miss Anne.”

  “Good night, I’m not going to say I’m happy that y’all got married, because I’m not. I think y’all are rushing, and if y’all are pregnant, a lot of things need to be discussed.”

  “I know, but we are working everything out now, and I’m working on myself.”

  “I hope so, for you, Asia, and DeCarious. Good night. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  I lugged in my luggage from the car. I was thinking about all the things I needed to do. I had to get everything from Philly. And call my mother and tell her the good news. I had to see what I was going to do with my house, if I was going to sell it or keep it. For the meantime Zakiya could take care of the house and I could afford to still help her out until she found a job. I didn’t want to leave her with no job and nowhere to stay.

  As I unpacked, DeCarious took a shower and his stupid family was still calling and texting.

  Rock sent him a text and it read,


  Instead of DeCarious responding to Rock and his stripper-loving self, I responded. I deleted his text and typed,


  Then I deleted both texts and put DeCarious’s phone back.

  DeCarious came out of the shower and I grabbed him. I had to show him that he made the right decision and make him uber happy.

  “I can’t wait until the baby gets here.”

  I guess I better get working on that.

  “I can’t wait either, DeCarious. I am so happy to be your wife and to have our family,” I said, hugging him but thinking I need to get pregnant ASAP. When I got pregnant with Malaysia it was totally a surprise, but before DeCarious I tried for a few months to get pregnant and it didn’t work out. But I’m not on anything now. I’m going to go visit an ob-gyn and get this baby stuff happening.

  Chapter 50


  I really liked Jabril. We always had fun. We were silly together. He told me he could be himself with me, that I would play video games with him, but I knew how to be sexy, too. And as much as he liked me, I knew time was running out. I wanted to try it, but I was just so scared. The other night, when he just put the head of his long friend near the rim of my vagina I wanted to cry. But I was going to have to have sex with him soon. Like real soon. Like right now.

  I was back in Oklahoma again, at Jabril’s house. We were both naked and coming out of the shower. He began kissing the side of my face. I tried to relax. He inserted one finger and slid it in and out, then he tried two as far as his fingers would go. It didn’t feel so bad. I pushed my hips down to meet the end of his fingers. He kissed me on my lips again.

  “Please, Kiya, please can I try it now? You’re wet. I know you are ready. It is not going to hurt, and if it does I will pull it out if you tell me to. I promise.”

  “Okay, okay. But we have to use a condom.”

  “Man, why? You are a virgin and I’m good. You’re really going to make me use a condom? I don’t have anything—you don’t have anything.”

  “Jabril, I don’t want to get pregnant,” I said.

  “You’re not going to get pregnant, and if you do, so what? We should have a baby. We would make a pretty baby—all that long hair like her mommy, and light eyes like me.”

  “Jabril, I want to go back to school and do something with my life.”

  “I’ll pay for you to go to school. I can buy anything I want in this world. I can. I don’t know, I was just thinking, what if something happened to me? I need a little shorty to carry on my name. I’m going to call him J. S. the second.”

  “No junior.” I laughed.

  “No, junior is too back in the day.”

  “So—what, Jabril? I’m serious. I don’t want a baby yet.”

  He sighed then and went to go grab a condom. I lay on my back on the bed. He began kissing my neck and rubbing on my breasts. I felt relaxed, and then I felt him fumbling around with a condom and then the head was pushing through. It felt like my entire body was ringing as he gently forced his body through mine. I knew I had to take the pain. He was huge, and I felt like he was tearing my body apart. He was taking real slow, deep, delicate strokes. He pulled me in closer and went in deeper. I just took it all in. I knew the pain couldn’t last forever. Adrienne told me to think about something else.

  “Zakiya, this feels so good. You feel so good. You’re my girl, right?”

  “Yes, Jabril,” I whispered back.

  “I’m the only one who is ever going to have this, right?”



  “Yes. Forever, Jabril.”

  Chapter 51


  My first order of business as Mrs. DeCarious Simmons was to treat myself to a new car. I couldn’t decide if I wanted a Mercedes-Benz, BMW, or Range Rover. I really wanted a Bentley GT, but I’d wait on that. I walked out of the Benz dealership because they didn’t have an E550 in white. So I went to the Range Rover dealership and bought a white-on-white Range Rover. It was beautiful. The insides smelled so new. My white leather was plush, buttery, and so soft. It only had five miles on the odometer. I cruised down the highway in my new car. I loved it.

  I was so glad to be back and to have money. Having money is like . . . I can’t describe it. Of course you want your health and family. But money is better than a best friend. Forget what they say, money doesn’t make you happy. It doesn’t, but you have less issues when all your bills are paid. The only problem I wanted to have in my day-to-day life was Gucci or Louis Vuitton, or Christian Louboutin or Manolo Blahnik.

  Right after the car dealership, I went to the mall and went crazy. The sales girls—white, black, didn’t matter—they just knew if they waited on me they were going to get a big commission. People just treat you differently when they see you coming. Like, Hello, money, how you doing? It is the sparkle in your eye and the way you carry yourself. People can just tell.

  While on my spending spree, my phone rang. It was Angelique.

  “Where have you been? I’ve been calling you.”

  “Girl, my phone has been off. I’m about to get this number changed so no one can call this number and get me in trouble, ’cause I’m married now.”

  “Shut up. You got your baby’s father to marry you?”

  “Yes, I did.”

  “Oh my God, you are my shero for real. How did you do it?”

  “I told him I was pregnant again.”

  “Are you?”

  “No, not yet. I’m working on it, though. At first I was going to act like I lost it, because I didn’t feel like being all big, but I have to do it now because his family is hating.”

  “He didn’t ask you to take a test?”

  “No, I was a step ahead of that. I put my positive pregnancy test and abortion pamphlet in the trash so he could find it.”

  “That was good. Well, I know a real good fertility doctor down there. My friend was trying to get pregnant and had twins. I can get the number for you. And he can hook you up and you can be pregnant in weeks.”

  “I need that number, ’cause I think right now he thinks I’m like two months. I got to get pregnant fast so the dates won’t be too off. I can just act like the baby is coming late. He is dumb—he won’t know any better.” I laughed.

  “You married. Princess married. Damn, I gotta get married.”

  “Angelique, you always get someone with some money.”

  “I know, but I’m having a dry spell right now. And it is not about getting it. It is about keeping them for the long haul, not just be their girl for a few months. I’m tired of going city to city.”

  Chapter 52


  I had two weeks until I got off of house arrest. I already knew what I was going to do. I wrote a list of everything I ever wanted to do. I wanted to run in the park on Kelly Drive, take the children to the beach, to the zoo and just enjoy my freedom. I could not wait.

  I called my Mr. Neal. “How long before you get up here?”

  “I’ll be there.”

  When he arrived, he inspected the box and then took the ankle bracelet off and my leg felt so much lighter. I felt like a dog and someone left the door open. I was free. I walked around the neighborhood. I took in the sun and the cars passing by. I had been to hell and back, and now I was off punishment. I called Kevin.

  “I’m outside!”

  “That’s what’s up. So when are we going to go out? I promised the kids I would go out with them tonight, and then after that maybe you and I can go out.”

  Chapter 53


  “Didn’t I tell you to watch these fast girls? You just got in the NBA. Damn it! It didn’t even take your dumb ass a year to get somebody pregnant. I told you one would try this on you. I knew I should have sent that girl home, too. Everything is at stake. All these years, all my hard work. For what? For this? I can’t believe you, Jabril. What’s wrong with you?” Wendell yelled as he paced back and forth in the living room.

  “She didn’t try to get pregnant by me. I got her pregnant. I wanted a baby by her. I don’t care—I have enough to take care of her and a baby,” Jabril said.

  “That’s not the point, boy. You are trying to get endorsements and everything else. Now you are just like any other player. You got tattoos all over your body and a baby mom. Why do I even bother? You are supposed to be a role model. You are not supposed to be a father yet. You are a young kid. Let me ask you—are you to ready to marry her?”

  “No, not today, but when I’m like—when I’m old, like twenty-five or something.”

  “I can’t believe you. You’re so stupid.”

  I couldn’t believe Wendell was accusing me of trying to get pregnant. It wasn’t my fault; it was Jabril’s. He wouldn’t stop touching me. Bril would come in from practice, all energized and find a way to get me naked. It was Bril’s idea for me to stay here. But now Wendell was acting like this was all my fault. I don’t even know how I became pregnant. Almost every time we had sex we used a condom. The only time we didn’t use one is when I would wake up and Jabril would already be having sex with me, or at least he would be trying to have sex with me. I’d be half-asleep. I told him to stop and he promised me that he never came inside of me. Now I know for sure that was a lie. I didn’t even realize I was pregnant until my breasts became so sore every time he would touch them. I asked Claudette what did it mean, and she said my period was probably about to come on and took me to the doctor to make sure I didn’t have the flu. That’s when the doctor told us that I was expecting.

  Jabril was scared to tell Wendell, but Claudette said if he didn’t tell him, she would. So he decided to tell him this morning. All I know is I don’t want a baby. I don’t want to be stuck. I’m mad. I don’t want an abortion, but I’m not ready to be a mom. I texted
Lisa first and told her. I told her not to tell anyone. I didn’t know how she was going to react, and she texted me back Congrats. Within a few minutes my aunt Darla was on my phone.

  “Congratulations, little lady.”

  “Aunt Darla?”

  “Yeah, it’s me. I’m so glad me and Tina got you out of Philly. I looked up your boyfriend, and Vicky told me how famous and rich he is. We are all so proud of you.” Was she serious? Why was she proud? She asked for tickets and wanted to know when I was coming to town.

  Immediately after I hung up with Aunt Darla, Aunt Tina called me screaming.

  “What is this nonsense. I hear you’re pregnant?”

  “He plays basketball, Aunt Tina.”

  “And that doesn’t mean he is going to be a good father. All I can say is I tried, Zakiya. I wanted so much more for you. I don’t have anything else to say.” And she hung up on me.

  I started crying and then I called Adrienne. I told her I was pregnant and I didn’t get the reaction I expected. She almost sounded excited.

  “Adrienne, I don’t want to be pregnant. How am I going to take care of a baby? I’m not ready. I don’t have anything. You even said ‘don’t be anyone’s baby mom.’ ”

  “Those rules don’t apply in this situation. Look who your baby’s father is—he is a millionaire. Zakiya, you are one of the most compassionate people I know. You are going to be a great mother. You took great care of my daughter and your nephews.”

  “But I don’t know how I’m going to go back to school with a baby. I am so mad at him.”

  “Sweetie, the guy you are with has a lot of money. When you are ready to go back to school, you’ll be able to go.”

  “But I don’t want to be with him for his money.”

  “You are not with him for his money. Let me tell you something: Love will get your ass. Love is what your sister has. Your sister tried to commit suicide. He just walked away. That’s love. You might not love him yet, but you will grow to love him. What you have is security, and security trumps love any day. You hear me?”


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