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The Fixer, Season 1

Page 12

by Rex Carpenter

  “Don’t look at me,” he said. “It’s not my gun. It’s his,” JC said. Indicated Kowalski with his head.

  “Why the hell do you have his gun?” Campbell said.

  JC smiled. “I said it was his. I didn’t say he could keep it.”

  Kowalski showed the detectives his Secret Service identification. They relaxed. He took his gun from JC. Glowered at him. JC turned and walked back to Joan and the waiting driver, continuing on through the automatic doors into the Los Angeles sunshine.

  “Aren’t you going to carry our bags?” JC asked the driver.

  “Carry your own bags, bossman,” the shorter man replied, smiling.

  Joan shook her head again. “Theo Petrosian,” she sighed.

  Chapter 20

  There Is No Company

  JC sat in the back of the Town Car, eyes closed, thinking. He had already caught up with Theo when they spoke days earlier on the phone. Joan and Theo were having their go at recapping the last few years. Now it was time for planning.

  Who killed Meier? That was the one thing that had been running through his head since Kowalski told him. JC had long ago learned to compartmentalize. Right now he didn’t have enough information to make any progress on that question, so he set it aside. He would know more after meeting Marcus.

  Next issue: JC knew about the tails they had. Knew about them soon after they began following them in D.C. His tail had been unable to follow him to Korea, but he expected they would be on him again after landing in Los Angeles. He imagined Joan’s tail would be here in Los Angeles soon if not already. Duke’s tail was likely still on him as well. He doubted Theo had anyone on him. Yet. Maybe that could be used to their advantage.

  The bigger question was who was behind the tails. Finding out that meant watching the people following them. Hard to do in a city they didn’t know. When they were being watched closely by the LAPD. And when they weren’t carrying guns.

  JC had half a mind to set Theo after them. The man was a bulldog. Ruthless as they come when he wanted to be. But he still hadn’t decided how much he should bring Theo into the job they were doing. At the present time, he was helping them. Getting them things they needed: clothes, computers, connections, cars. However, it had been quite some time since the man had been an actual part of JC’s team. Theo had left on good terms, and for good reasons. JC’s physical and mental health were due in no small part to Theo Petrosian. But a lot can change in a few years and now really wasn’t the time to bring in someone he didn’t fully trust.

  Still, he had little choice.


  They arrived at the hotel. The valet drove Theo’s Lincoln away as the team walked through the lobby of the Peninsula.

  “Theo,” JC said. “Hold up a minute.”

  Theo stopped along with Joan.

  “Go say hello to Duke, Joan. I’ll be up in a minute.”

  Joan stood still for a second. Said nothing. Went and waited for the elevators.

  Once she was on her way up, JC led Theo to a private alcove off to the side of the hotel’s front desk. They both sat down.

  “Listen, man,” JC said. “I know I’ve been keeping you in the dark about what’s been going on.”

  Theo nodded. “Yeah, I get it. Don’t even gotta say it.”

  “Yeah, I do,” JC said. “Without you, I’d be a basket case, drinking or drugging or gambling myself to an early miserable death. I owe you more than I can ever explain. Or pay back. Which is why I’m keeping you in the dark.”

  Theo nodded. Quiet, serious. JC had forgotten that about him: underneath his joking, his good nature, his disdain for authority, when it was time to get down to business Theo was rock solid. Professional. A valued member of the team.

  “Down the road,” JC continued, “if I need you to come in on this more, I’ll bring you in. I’d rather not. You’ll always have the option of walking away. But if I bring you in, it’s because I need you. Because we need you.”

  Theo waited a bit. “I’m here because you asked me here, JC. I know what you do. I know what you might ask me to do.” He paused. Stared at JC. “I’m ready. For anything.”

  “Good,” JC said with a nod.

  “Do you want a hug now?” Theo dead-panned.

  JC laughed.

  “It’ll be a manly hug,” Theo continued. “Not a jailhouse hug like you would’ve got if the cops had you sent to county lockup. Nothing like that.” Cracked a smile.

  JC clapped Theo on the back. Stood, as did Theo. “Here’s what I need you to do. Joan, Duke and I all have tails. They picked us up in D.C. and are back on us here in L.A. Far as I can tell you won’t have one yet.”

  “What’s a man gotta do to get a tail around here?” Theo cracked.

  “Good thing is that lets you get the drop on them,” JC said, ignoring the joke. “I want you to do some snooping. Find out who is tailing us. If you can find out the why, then all the better.”

  “You want me to cut them off?”

  JC smiled. He knew why Duke and Theo would get along. Both liked to joke. Both eager to do violence at the drop of a hat. Both loyal.

  “No. Figure out who they are, and then report back to me. Use whatever means you need to do it. Don’t get seen, don’t get killed and don’t get locked up. I need you, man.”

  Theo lunged forward, encircling JC in a bear hug. “I love you too, man.” Just as quickly, he let go. “Wait, you said you loved me, right?”

  “Go. We’re leaving in about thirty minutes to go over to the Beverly Wilshire to meet with Kowalski. I want you ready and in place to track our tails by then.”

  Theo slapped JC on the butt like a coach would to a player then walked through the lobby towards the exit. JC shook his head as he headed to the elevators. Surprised. Amused. He realized he was going to need to pay Theo more than he had planned to.


  Duke was sitting at an elegant table near the balcony. The windows were open. Three laptop computers were laid out in front of him. Joan was already there. Flopped out on the sofa. Changing channels on the flat screen with the remote.

  “JC!” Duke said as the boss walked in. “Welcome to Beverly Hills.”

  JC nodded. Put down his bag. Duke looked past him.

  “Where’s Theo,” he asked.

  “Arranging transportation,” JC said.

  “Dude, was he really your nurse?” Duke said

  JC nodded. “Coletti and Mercier pulled me out of the ammo depot after it exploded,” he said, absently rubbing the small of his back where the scar tissue remained. “They saved my body, but Theo brought me back to health. Physically and mentally.”

  Duke looked confused.

  “My back was pretty messed up. Burns all across my upper legs and lower back. Skin grafts, physical therapy. Theo’s good nature and sunny disposition helped me get through it all.” Smiled. “Best nurse in the Army.”

  There was a knock at the door. JC and Joan both looked at Duke. He shrugged his shoulders. Joan picked up a fork from the table while JC went to answer the door.

  “Yeah?” JC said, voice deeper than normal.

  “Open the door, man.” Theo.

  JC opened the door as Theo walked through, took Joan’s position on the sofa, picked up the remote and started flipping through the channels. JC closed the door. Stood by it. Crossed his arms and waited for Theo to look at him. A minute later, Theo did.

  “What?” Theo said.

  “Transportation? Our conversation? It’s been less than five minutes.”

  Theo waved his hand. Smiled. “Don’t worry, man. I made the calls. It’ll be taken care of.”

  The look on JC’s face showed he didn’t believe him, but he said nothing.

  Duke pointed at Theo, looking at JC. “I love this guy.”

  “If you boys are all through,” Joan said, “there’s some pretty important things we need to deal with.”

  Theo stood. Turned off the television. “Okay,” he said, “here’s what Duk
e and I worked up. Show ‘em, man.”

  “Pretty sweet, actually.” Duke took over the conversation. “Theo was wearing a button-hole cam inside that ass-ugly Magnum PI Hawaiian shirt. Sorry, buddy, but it is. That cam was broadcasting in real-time to a laptop that was in the trunk of the Lincoln. Which in turn was sending the live feed out to servers I’ve got up and running. I could then take that feed, record it, and store it for later use.”

  “Impressive,” JC said.

  “Wait, it gets better,” Theo jumped in. “I got ahold of some really nice editing software. We rigged it up so Duke just hits a key. The software does a screengrab of the feed, isolates any identifiable faces on the picture and sends them to Duke’s servers.”

  “Which then runs my facial recognition software on the screengrabs,” Duke continued. “Once a match is made, they start running through any database we can get our hands on to find out everything about who is in the picture.”

  “Sweet, right?” Theo said, finishing the presentation for them.

  “Again, impressive,” JC said.

  “Yeah, and more than a little creepy,” Joan said.

  “It will be very useful for us,” JC said over Theo and Duke’s protests to Joan’s critique. “Problem is I need you to shut it down. Until I say to use it.”

  Duke and Theo started to protest even louder, but JC talked over them.

  “Listen, guys. It’s awesome. And we’ll likely have some use for it. But for now, I don’t want anything that’s going to be happening the next few days recorded.”

  Theo and Duke looked at each other. Crestfallen.

  “Are we clear?” JC pressed.

  “Yes,” Duke said dejectedly.

  “Yeah,” Theo said, face equally disappointed. Picked up the remote again. Duke was powering down the computers. JC walked over to Theo. Held out his hand. Theo looked up. Sighed and pulled the button cam off his shirt, putting it in JC’s hand.

  “Next,” Joan said. “Guns.”

  “Up to you guys,” Theo said. “You want to go all out I can get you whatever you need. But with LAPD and BHPD on your tail, plus what looks like a Secret Service guy who doesn’t like you very much, can I make a recommendation?”

  JC nodded. Joan crossed her arms.

  “Among other things, I am a licensed private investigator,” Theo said. “I am also licensed to carry a gun in L.A. County. Let me be your protection. I’ll carry heat. Multiple weapons, if you want. Something goes down, you grab whatever extra guns I’ve got. Not ideal, but might be less sticky for you if the PD comes a’callin’.”

  JC thought about it. Looked at Joan. Didn’t bother asking her opinion. Could see it on her face. “Not a bad idea, Theo. But for now, you’re our hitter. Don’t carry extra for us. Just what you would normally.”

  “Are you sure, JC?” Duke said. “I mean, if the Bolivians show up here again, it might be a good idea to have something extra we can grab.”

  Theo’s eyebrows rose. “Bolivians? Again? When are you ever gonna get out from under The Mexican, JC?”

  JC shrugged. “Good question. Probably when I choke the life from his wrinkly old neck.”

  “Well, if the Bolivians are back, I oughta be loaded for bear,” Theo said. He looked between JC and Joan. “You ready to tell me why you’re really here?”

  “We’re running security for a VIP who should be here any minute,” Joan said.

  “Don’t pull that vague crap with me,” Theo said. “You don’t want to tell me? That’s cool, baby. Just don’t lie to me.”

  Joan frowned, but JC smiled. “Fine. We’re not going to tell you until I’m damn good and ready. Now, go away, change into something presentable and get your guns.”

  “That’s the JC I know and love!” Theo exclaimed, pointing at his old friend. Walked over. Gave JC another bear hug. “Good to see you, man. Glad you’re doing well.” He turned and walked over to Joan.

  “I swear to Christ, Theo—” Joan said, pointing a single index finger at him.

  Theo stopped. “Ha! God, she is so hot. I’ve missed you guys!” he half-yelled then walked out of the room.

  Joan smiled after he left. “I hate that fat little man. But I did miss him.”

  “As irritating as he is, you work with a guy for a year and a half, it’ll happen.” JC turned to Duke. Pointed at his ear. “We clear?”

  Duke looked up. Grabbed a bug-sweeping device. Swept the room. “Clear.”

  “Follow me.” JC took off his jacket, shirt and shoes, leaving only his pants on. Indicated to the others to do the same. Duke did. Joan stopped at her bra and skirt. Duke indicated with his head she should continue. Joan indicated her response with her middle finger. JC walked to the bathroom. Motioned for them to follow. Shut the door when they were all inside. Turned on the shower. Both sinks. Gathered them close.

  “Duke, did you hear about Meier?”

  “Yeah. Messed up. Never thought he was the type.”

  “He wasn’t. Loved himself too much to do that.”

  “Was it us?” Duke asked. JC scowled at him. “Sorry.”

  “We need to find out who,” JC said. “LAPD wants me for it. Doesn’t matter that I was out of the country. If whoever is pulling their strings wants it bad enough, they’ll find a way to pin it on me. Kowalski thinks I did it. I imagine he’s poisoned the senator’s mind already. She’s likely very upset. Considering.”

  “She did seem worried about Meier’s absence. I think she cared about him. Despite him being a prick,” Joan said.

  “That’s her style. That can hurt us,” JC said.

  “What’s the plan with her?” Duke asked.

  “Simple,” JC said. “According to Joan, she has a glass of water by her bed every night. Takes a drink before she sleeps and once or twice during the night. Add a little something to the glass. She never wakes up. Untraceable. Will look like her heart gave out.”

  Duke and Joan nodded. It seemed like the best solution.

  “Your money is already in your accounts,” he continued. “Five million cut three ways. Little less than two mil each.”

  Duke and Joan looked at him. Both surprised. Understanding spread across Joan’s face but not Duke’s.

  “Three ways?” the younger man asked. “What about Theo’s cut? And the company’s cut?”

  “Theo gets a quarter million,” JC said. “I’m paying him directly. And there is no company cut this time.”

  Duke still didn’t understand.

  “There is no company after this,” Joan said, then looked at JC. “Right?”

  He nodded.

  “What?” Duke said. “Just like that?” Clearly less than happy.

  “We kill a US Senator and there is no way we can just continue on as if nothing happened, Duke,” JC said. “Won’t be long before someone puts the pieces together. Starts asking the right questions.”

  Duke shook his head but didn’t argue. Not now. That will come later, JC thought. He knew the kid looked up to him. Knew he wanted to run his own team someday. Duke had yet to figure out one thing. This wasn’t a long term job.

  “We need to meet with the senator now,” JC said. “Before this Meier situation spins too far out of control.” Turned to Joan. “Where is she staying?”

  “Beverly Wilshire,” Joan said. “About ten blocks. Theo can meet us there. We can just walk over.”

  “Joan,” Duke said. Shaking his head. Disapproving. “Nobody walks in L.A.”

  Chapter 21

  Per Your New Stipulations

  Thirty-nine minutes later, JC, Duke and Joan were driving to the Beverly Wilshire to meet with Marcus and Kowalski. Theo had arranged for a car to be delivered for each of them so they could drive individually to the meeting, allowing Theo time to track who was following them. When Duke heard they were each getting a car he had begged JC for Mini Coopers just like in The Italian Job. JC declined. When Theo showed up with keys to three black sports cars, Duke was interested, but not excited. JC laughed. Jo
an, uncharacteristically, smiled. A 1969 Dodge Charger for Duke. A 1969 Chevy Camaro for JC. And a brand new Maserati GranTourismo coupe for Joan.

  “Come on, man, why does she get the nice car?” Duke complained.

  “Dude, your car may be black,” Theo said, “but take a closer look. Paint it orange, put the flag on the roof? Know what you’ve got?”

  Duke’s grin spread from ear to ear. “The General Lee.”

  “You’re damn right. I look out for you bro, you hear?” Theo glanced over at Joan. “Besides. The lady deserves a nice ride.”

  Joan looked at him. “Don’t ruin it, Theo,” she said, but her face betrayed her happiness.

  Each car was outfitted with a navigation system with a pre-programmed course. JC had the most direct route. Just driving straight from their hotel to the senator’s hotel should have taken him about five minutes. The route Theo had chosen for him took twenty. Duke’s route took forty-five minutes, taking him through Beverly Hills and adjacent neighborhoods, with some celebrity houses marked with waypoints. Joan’s took just over an hour, driving up through the Hollywood Hills and on Mulholland Drive.

  JC guessed the reasons for the three cars. Understood more when Theo told them of the three routes. He didn’t explain to Duke or Joan. Wanted them to drive as naturally as they could. He needed to know who was behind the surveillance teams following them.

  Theo had each of the team members tailed in order to see who was tailing them. He had used his considerable pull in the City of Angels to get two teams to follow each car. One team was off-duty or retired LAPD. The other team was made up of associates of his. From the other side of the law. People he trusted or who owed him favors. After each member of JC’s team had arrived at the senator’s hotel, Theo’s surveillance teams were to report back to him with pictures, license plate numbers and detailed information of the cars and drivers tailing the team. Theo would drive over to the hotel in the Lincoln Town Car after JC and his team had arrived to coordinate with his surveillance drivers.


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