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The Fixer, Season 1

Page 45

by Rex Carpenter

  Thanks to The Team for getting on board and your support, spoken and unspoken.

  I’d like to specially thank The Advance Team for helping out with the things they help out with. Specifically, Cary Lory for the eagle eyes, B. Penny for coming through in the clutch and Ty for reminding me that brains don’t fare well when hit by hard objects.

  Most importantly thanks to you for taking a chance on this book. I hope you enjoyed it. I certainly enjoyed writing it and will try to make each successive episode and season better than the last.

  In Chapter 25 there is both a short extrapolation of a quote and also an extensive quote from the movie Usual Suspects. Mr. Singer and Mr. McQuarrie — your movie is awesome. Mind-blowingly good. I still get goosebumps when I watch it. Even after literally hundreds of viewings. I can remember the theater I first saw it in, the seat I sat in and the person I watched it with. I can remember the feeling like my head was disconnected from my body as I was walking back home, like my mind was floating away. The inclusion of your material here is homage and worship, nothing more. Please take it as such. In other words, please don’t sue me.

  When shoving Campbell into the trunk of his car the first time, Duke’s Nick Nolte impression and line are from the movie Mulholland Falls. Although, I have to admit, I first heard the line in the Delinquent Habits song This is L.A.

  Duke references the movie Star Wars in his showdown with Kowalski when he said “Han shot first.” His next line, “That is why you fail,” was spoken by Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back.

  I believe most the other movie references are credited in the text of the story. If not, again, don’t sue. Duke loves movies because I love movies. Simple as that.

  Same as the way Duke loves Gary Busey. I respect and admire the man, his body of work and just freakin’ him. Including all his eccentricities. He rocks. He’s awesome. Mr. Busey — you’re awesome. Full stop.

  About the Author

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  Rex Carpenter was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. When not writing heart-pounding action thrillers, he loves snowboarding, hiking, mountain biking, reading, watching good television as well as both good and bad movies and spending time with his wife and daughter. After fifteen years in Asia, they currently live in the sunny climes of Cascadia.




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