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Eternity (Circle of Light)

Page 13

by April Margeson

  Eric walked to the foot of the bed and looked down at me.

  “Wow!” he said clearly stunned by the sight of me lying on the bed.

  “I hope I look as good as you wanted me too.” I said softly.

  “You look more stunning than I thought you would.” he replied.

  “I’m not sure if that's a good thing or not.” I laughed.

  “Oh don’t worry. It’s a good thing.” he said as he got on the bed.

  He was graceful as he moved closer to me. He leaned in and kissed me. I don’t think he had ever kissed me with such passion. I mean, sure, we have had heated kisses, but nothing like this. This one was different.

  I gently pushed him back. I needed to catch my breath. The way that Eric was kissing me was incredible. But in reality, I needed a moment to gather my thoughts and get my head on straight before I ended up doing something that I might regret later. The key word was might.

  Eric was trying hard to catch his breath as well. The sense of urgency I was feeling was coming from him.

  I searched his thoughts quickly. He was thinking about me. He kept saying to himself that he needed to calm down, but he just couldn’t manage doing it. The attraction between us was so strong that he could hardly control himself. And to tell the truth, I was having just as hard of a time with it myself.

  I got up off the bed and walked back to the window. I could see the pool from the window on the other side of his room. The water was its normal color of blue. Everything looked to be the same as it should be. It was just as if nothing had happened earlier. There were no sign that the dark figure had even been there, but to look at it made me shiver.

  Eric got up and slipped on his shorts. I wouldn’t have even noticed he was getting dressed until I heard him pick up his belt off the floor. I turned to look at him. He had a disappointed look on his face. That made me feel bad. I really didn’t mean to hurt his feelings when I got up. The reason didn’t have anything to do with him. Well, not entirely anyway.

  I was fine with where our little make-out session was going, but I wanted to have my mind completely free of everything when we went farther. At this very moment, my mind was wandering back and forth between him and the dark figure that had tried to kill me in the pool.

  I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why someone would want to hurt me. The powers I possess will be used for good, not evil. I’m not an evil person and I don’t intend on causing anyone any harm. It just makes no sense that someone would intentionally want to hurt me. I suppose that comes with the territory. Everything has consequences.

  I have no idea what I was thinking. I mean, here I have these awesome powers now and I was obviously going to use them for good. There was no question about that. I guess that there are people out there that wouldn’t agree with the way I was going about doing things.

  That is funny because I haven’t really used my powers all that much. I have done a few things like played around with things in my room and I changed my mother’s rose bush. The only other things I could think of was the day Eric and my powers joined together, and the day I saved Katrina from her uncle. Not to mention, when I couldn’t save him from Carolyn and helping the girl change her flat tire on Graduation day.

  I tried to shake those thoughts from my mind. I was not ready to have to deal with that again. Eric put his arms around me and rested his head on the back of mine.

  “What's wrong?” He asked.

  “I was just thinking.”

  “Yeah, I could tell that. I heard everything.”

  “So you understand?” I asked.

  “Yeah.” he said as he held me.

  We stood there looking out the window for what seemed like forever. Time had a way of getting away from me when I was with him. I noticed that Mom had already left to go to her meeting.

  “Do you want to go to your house for a while?” Eric asked.

  “Sure. If you want to.” I replied.

  I grabbed his t-shirt off the floor and tossed it to him as I scooped up the one he had loaned to me and put it on. I did not put on the shorts because I was going to change as soon as I got home. A hot shower would be good, I thought to myself.

  We walked hand in hand to my house. Eric, being a gentleman, opened the front door for me. I was beginning to get used to that. He led me up the stairs to my room.

  “Do you want to take a shower?” He asked.

  “Why do you even ask this stuff? It's not like you don’t already know the answers to all of your questions.” I replied.

  He smiled at me as he grabbed the remote off my bed and turned on the television. He sat on my bed and flipped through the channels trying to find something worth watching.

  I gathered my clothes and took them to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and turned on the hot water in the shower. I liked to let it heat up before I tried to adjust it to the right temperature. To be honest, I liked the steam that came off the hot water.

  I washed all the chlorine from the pool out of my hair. As I was putting conditioner in my hair, I heard the bathroom door open.

  “Eric?” I called.

  “Yeah?” He replied as he opened the shower door and stepped in.

  I was shocked and I didn’t know whether I should be okay with it or hit him right in the mouth.

  “It’s ok sweetheart. I’m not intending on doing anything bad. Pool water makes me itch and I didn’t take a shower before we came over here.” he smiled triumphantly.

  I moved up and handed him the shampoo.

  “Great. Girlie shampoo.” he said flatly.

  “What did you expect? You are in a girl’s bathroom.” I said to him slightly amused.

  He lathered up his hair and asked if he could get under the water to rinse it out. I finished rinsing off and moved to the back of the shower so he could rinse his hair. Not being under the water sent shivers all over my body.

  “I’m going to get out. I’m cold.” I told him as I opened the shower door and stepped out.

  “Would you care to hand me a washcloth and lay out a towel for me?” He asked as he put his head under the shower stream.

  “Sure.” I replied as I dried off.

  The smell of my banana shampoo filled the foggy bathroom as I got his towel out. With my hand on the shower door, I pulled it open only to see Eric standing there facing me. I couldn’t keep from looking at his wonderful body.

  He stood there looking back at me as I scanned over his body. Water ran down his perfectly sculpted abs. I tossed the washcloth to him and winked as I closed the door behind me. He was laughing as I left the bathroom and went into my room to get dressed.

  I hurried to get my bra and panties on because I knew what would happen if I was not dressed when he came into my room. I really don’t think right now is the time for me to surrender myself to him. It wasn’t like I didn't want to do that. Sneaking and doing it, wondering if my parents were going to come home and catch us wasn’t my ideal vision for our first time together.

  Hitting the last hook on the band of my bra, I heard him turn the water off and step out of the shower closing the door behind him. My heart skipped a beat. Actually, I think it stopped for a second or two to be truthful.

  It didn’t take long for him to come out. I had already picked out an outfit and was trying to put it on when he looked at it and said, “Wait, I have something you will probably like more than that.”

  “Okay.” I replied questionably.

  He held out his arms and smiled. A deep red silky blouse appeared in one hand and a black full-length skirt was in the other one. I had to admit, he was good at picking clothes.

  He was attuned to me, which is beyond belief sometimes. I walked over to him and thanked him for the outfit.

  “Can I get you something too?” I asked.

  “Yeah, but don’t overdo it.” he said watching me smile back at him eagerly.

  I thought that a Royal blue button up and black Carpenter pants would be perfect. As soon as the
y materialized, I was proud of my decision.

  “Thanks.” He said seeming to be impressed. This will be perfect for where we’re going.

  He took the clothes and put them on. The whole time he was getting dressed, I wondered what it was that was making him be so secretive. I knew that he was doing something that he didn’t want me to know about. I just hope that it wasn’t something that was going to make me angry with him. If that was even possible.

  Are you going to get ready? He asked. Not realizing I was still standing there in my undergarments, I laughed and got the blouse.

  “Yeah. Sorry.”

  I’m still amazed that we can make things appear with our minds. If I concentrate hard enough there is no doubt that I can accomplish anything I set out to do.

  After I had put on my outfit, fixed my hair, and put on a little makeup, I asked him what he was up to.

  “You‘ll just have to wait and see.” he said taking my hand.

  He explained that he had made reservations for us at the Italian restaurant in town. That made me a little nervous. I was thinking that maybe he was just doing it to celebrate our graduation.

  “We have to be there in thirty minutes.” he said. “Better hurry.”

  “So, how long have you been keeping this a secret?” I asked.

  “For a couple of days.”

  “Well, I guess I should be a little more inquiring.”

  “I don’t think it will do you much good. Guessing isn't one of your strong suits.” he laughed. “Let's go.”

  On the way to town, I stared out the window. Everything's like a fairy tale and I am Cinderella with my prince. I had the perfect life, the perfect family. I even had the perfect boyfriend and supernatural powers. Something was telling me that it was not all good.

  I shoved the daunting feeling to the back of my mind. There was no sense in worrying about things if I didn’t have to.

  Eric had a way of making me feel like I was the only person in the world he wanted. Of course, I knew how much he really cares for me.

  “You are everything to me Bailey.” he said reacting to my thoughts.

  “And you’re mine as well.” I replied feeling like my heart would explode.

  At no time in my life did I ever think I would find love with someone like I have with him. I was truly happy in the moment.

  The restaurant was crowded. The server showed us to our table. It was out of the way, which I liked. Being around a whole crowd of people was not really my favorite thing in the world. For some reason, I always thought they were all watching me, but they were not. It makes me, somewhat, uncomfortable.

  Eric took my hand from across the table. “It’s ok. It’s just food.”

  He can be so silly sometimes, I thought to myself. He looked at me with a grin and said, “I heard that.” I couldn’t help but to laugh aloud at him.

  That drew a little attention to us. Some of the people that were sitting at the tables around us looked over and smiled. I smiled back at them apologetically.

  The server came to take our orders. Eric said he would order for me, so I really wasn’t paying much attention to what he was telling her. The thoughts of the other people around us had caught my attention.

  It was fun to look into other people’s minds. You never know what kind of things they are thinking. Now I have the power to experience that and I loved it. And I am not a bit ashamed about prying sometimes. It is completely harmless and cute at times, depending on the mind.

  The woman next to us was thinking about how handsome her husband looked tonight. I watched as he looked at her with nothing but pure adoration. He was bragging to himself about how lucky he was to have such a wonderful woman for his wife. To hear things like that actually spoken aloud made me feel more hope for the whole constitution of love.

  I didn’t stare at them as I listened, even though it was hard not to sneak a glance here and there. They were such a lovely couple. I noticed that she was thinking about how he would react when she told him why she had wanted to come here. I hope he doesn’t knock the table over she thought to herself as she twisted a napkin in her lap.

  I could tell she knew he would be excited. She’s pregnant. I sensed that they had been trying for a long time to have children. She could hardly contain herself.

  He was wondering why she had been acting so strangely today. He was thinking that she was going to tell him that she had gotten the promotion she was up for at work. Boy was he wrong, I thought to myself.

  The server placed our food in front of us and I heard the woman thinking about having a pacifier placed under his pasta. The longer that I listened to her, I noticed that I could feel her emotions.

  “Be careful sweetheart.” Eric whispered to me.

  I nodded my head to acknowledge that I heard him. Suddenly, I heard a tiny voice say something. I looked around expecting to see a small child, but there were no children around.

  Listening more carefully, the realization that I was hearing her unborn child slapped me in the face. Eric noticed the shocked look on my face and instantly asked what it was.

  “Listen.” I directed him to the woman next to us.

  “I don’t believe it. I can hear the baby.”

  “There’s something else.” he whispered.

  I tuned into the baby’s thoughts. I could tell the voice was a little girl. She sounded so beautiful that I could hardly stand to hear her. “Move over!” I heard. It was someone else in there.

  A boy.

  I gasped. She was having twins.

  I was having a hard time containing my excitement for the couple.

  I watched as the couple’s server brought their food to them and placed it on the table. Her husband picked up a fork and began gently stabbing at his pasta. After a few times, he looked at his wife in confusion.

  “What is it honey?” She asked trying to hide that she knew what was going on.

  “I think there is something in my food.” He replied moving the pasta around in his plate looking more and more confused with each second that passed.

  His wife looked on intently. He brought his fork up above his plate and from it dangled a pacifier.

  She smiled at him waiting for his reaction. He jumped up and started yelling, “I’m going to be a daddy!”

  Everyone in the room with us stood and applauded. The man jumped up and down without a care about what the other people would say about the way he was acting.

  After a moment passed, he went over and hugged his wife. I have never seen anyone hug another person like that. He held her as if he had been away for a long time and was just getting to see her again. This was pure joy and I was fortunate enough to be able to witness it.

  Tears ran down my face before I could stop them. Seeing them like that was so moving that it was hard not to be touched by it.

  Eric sat back down in seat. By now, I was sure our food was cold. I did not care at all.

  We were caught up in the moment and we had ignored our plates. When we finally settled back to our seats, I looked at Eric and laughed.

  “I hope that we are that happy when we reach their age.” I said to him picking up my fork to take a bite. To my surprise, the food was still warm. I picked around at it, taking a bite here and there. All the delight from the couple had caused me to forget all about being hungry.

  Eric went on eating as if nothing had happened. It is amazing how people can be about stuff. It is almost as if they live from minute to minute. Nevertheless, I know that Eric is not exactly like any other person, but it seems like his stomach was.

  I watched him as he ate. He was finished a few minutes before I was. My appetite was not very big tonight. The dark figure from earlier today was still haunting my thoughts. Why would he want to hurt me? I was unsure of the reason behind it. I had not done anything to anyone.

  Eric sat there looking at me attentively.

  “Are you ready to go?” he asked.

  I nodded at him as he stood up and held his ha
nd out to help me from my chair. He always thinks of ways to be courteous. Every little thing he does still amazes me and makes me feel so loved.

  He put his arm around me as we walked out the door together and to the car. He opened the door and held my hand until I sat down. I buckled my seatbelt and exhaled deeply. If only everything could be like it was with us. The world would be a perfect place.


  Months had passed since Eric and I went to the Italian restaurant to eat. Nothing happened out of the ordinary. We were still spending every moment together. Mom and Dad were home more often. Their schedules had changed to allow them more time together at home. I was thankful for that.

  My Dad and Eric were inseparable. They had so much in common. We were all a big happy family.

  Mom would complement me on what great choice I had made picking him as my boyfriend. If she only knew the truth. The truth about how we were chosen for each other before we even knew it.

  Time seems to pass so quickly. Eric and I had been together for a little over seven months now. Our relationship was as strong as ever.

  He was helping me learn more about my powers. I hadn’t realized how much I was capable of doing. It was the most amazing feeling being able to do what we could do. Without him, I was sure I would still be as lost as I was in the beginning.

  I haven’t had a visit from the Queens in a very long time. Eric has called on his Kings once or twice, but it wasn’t anything major. He said he needed some advice about a couple of things. He said it was nothing that I should concern myself about and that everything was fine. Therefore, I didn’t. This was a very big change for me. Worrying was in my blood.

  Out of the window, I gazed at the blanket of snow that had fallen over night. Just looking at it caused goose bumps to rise all over my body. I missed the warm breeze, the colors of bloomed flowers, and the smell of fresh cut grass. I felt like I was being held in my house, against my will, by old man winter.

  The cold is not something that I enjoy very much. Eric acts like he enjoys it. Hardly anything seems bothers him and I have come to think that he is not completely human. That was the truth. Neither of us are exactly normal.


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