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Eternity (Circle of Light)

Page 16

by April Margeson

  Eric’s house seemed farther away than it actually was. Any amount of distance between us made me uncomfortable. Especially now with everything that is going on.

  I wasn’t sure if my powers relied on my strength. If they did, I was in trouble. I had no strength left. Almost everything I had had been taken. Just washed away with my flooding emotions.

  I called to Eric softly. His voice quickly filled my head. I could tell that he had whispered intentionally, trying not to cause my head to hurt worse.

  I love you Bailey.

  I love you too.

  How are you feeling?

  Terrible. I have a killer headache and my eyes are giving me some trouble. How are you, my love?

  I’m ok. I just needed some sleep to clear my head a little.

  What are we going to do?

  I was expecting a positive answer from him because he had always been so reassuring in the past. However, this was nothing like anything we had ever been through before.

  A simple answer was all he gave me. I don’t know. And he left it at that. Nothing more and nothing less.

  He asked me if I felt good enough for him to come back over, or if I wanted him to stay home for a while longer. I told him that it was not the fact of my feeling good that mattered. It was the pressure of us not being together that bothered me the most. And I was sure that I would feel better if he was here with me.

  I’ll be over as soon as I get dressed.

  Ok. I’ll be here.

  Oh yeah, are your parents’ home?

  Honestly, I’m not sure. I haven’t been out of my room yet.

  That’s ok. It doesn’t matter anyway.

  I’ll see you shortly, I replied wondering why he wanted to know if my parents were at home or not. Maybe he had come up with some genius plan to get us out of the terrible fix we have gotten in and wanted to go over it with me. It would make it more difficult to talk if anyone was around. They would be likely to overhear our conversation and commit us both to a mental hospital.

  I watched for him to come out of his house but after a few minutes, he still didn’t. He was probably taking his time. Waiting for me to get good and woke up would be my guess. It was awful early in the morning and I could sure be a grouch.

  This morning was different. I wasn’t moody and I didn’t get up hating the world. I am stressed and in pain. If my headache does not ease up real soon I was certain that my head was going to explode.

  Healing powers would be a big plus right now, but I just didn’t have the strength to try it to be honest.

  Sitting by the window was getting uncomfortable. The icy winter air made the glass so cold that it reminded me of standing next to the freezer too long. I shivered and got up to go lie back down in bed.

  Every thought I had was of the future. What was going to happen to us now? Could we elude the danger we were in? It seemed unlikely. Power or no power, I was still too unskilled to be fighting someone who was as powerful as Eric said Lord Raylan is.

  There has got to be a way. I knew there was, but I have to get rid of this headache so I can think properly.

  I closed my eyes and put a hand on either side of my head. Slowly massaging my temples, I willed the pain away. Please go away. I just can’t take any more of this. I need to think.

  Eric came in the room and shut the door behind him. I didn’t even turn over to greet him. I was so focused on what I was doing to notice that he was getting into bed with me.

  He put his arm around me and held me gently. I could feel the surge in my power just from the touch of his hand and I needed the boost. I was weak and just a little more power and I was certain that my pain would go away. It was almost gone before he came in the room with me.

  Go away. Please don’t bother my Queen anymore he said as he tightened his hold on me. He laid his head on the pillow and kissed my back gently.

  The pain was gone. My eyes didn’t feel swollen anymore and I felt power flowing through my body once again. I felt better now and I was grateful because I wasn’t sure how much more of that I could take.

  I closed my eyes and tried to lose myself in Eric’s arms. This was not hard to do at any time. He was my comfort. My stability. My world. My rock.

  I couldn’t deny the passion I felt for him. And I knew he felt the same for me. It showed every time we were alone together. One kiss, one touch and we were flirting with losing our control.

  We were joined in the Circle of Light, but that did not hold true in this world. To everyone here, we are just two love-struck kids. Everyone would think we were crazy for even mentioning getting married at our age and it’s not like Eric had even asked me, so it didn’t matter. I had given the matter more thought than necessary at this point.

  I quickly became nervous about my parents walking in and seeing us together in bed. I jumped out of bed and started to get dressed. Eric sat up and asked me what I was doing.

  “You’re parents aren't home. It’s ok. They ran down to town to pick up some breakfast.” he said with a smile.

  “And, how is it that you know this?” I asked.

  “When I came in they called and asked if I was planning on coming over this morning and that they had ran down to town to get breakfast for us all. They will be back soon.”

  “Oh. I guess that does explain it, huh?”

  He laughed and talked me into getting back in bed with him. I wanted to, but at the same time, I didn’t. I knew exactly where it would lead and we would be busted for sure. I did it anyway, against my better judgment.

  And I was right. As soon as I got back in the bed, he started kissing me. I didn’t hold back at all. We kissed and he touched me like I have never been touched before.

  Before I realized it, I had allowed him to take off all of my clothes except my bra and panties. That fact worried me. I had completely lost control and my parents would be back any minute.

  I jumped out of bed and grabbed my pajamas to put them back on. I heard the front door close. They were back. I hope they don’t come up here until Eric gets dressed. I would just die if they see him in here like this because my father would kill us both.

  Eric smiled at me and got out of bed. He did not waste any time putting his clothes back on. Every hair on his head was in place and no one would have ever been able to tell that he had just been in bed in his boxers.

  I was sitting on the platform when Mom knocked on the door. “Good morning.” I called as she opened the door.

  “Are you guys ready to eat?” She asked.

  “Yeah. I’m starving.” I told her.

  Eric got up and started making the bed. It was another wonderful thing to watch him do. I purposely lounged back and watched until he was almost finished. Then I jumped up and helped him pull the last wrinkle out of the comforter. Just to be nice.

  He laughed and thanked me. Naturally, he pulled me into a loving embrace, but I could feel the tension in his body. Grabbing my hand, we went downstairs to eat.

  Breakfast went by fast. I forced myself to act as if everything was normal. Trying to hold a conversation was the worst part. I really wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone, but Eric and about what we were going to do to save ourselves.

  Mom was unusually chipper this morning. Dad was too. Something was going on. That was for sure. They were probably going to announce that they had this big vacation planned for us all or something. At this point, I could care less.

  I was just about to excuse myself from the table when Dad called for me.

  “Bailey. Could you come here for a minute?” he asked.

  “Yeah. Sure.” I replied, trying to hide my lack of interest in anything.

  He was standing at the front door with it halfway open. I hear a quiet giggle come from the kitchen. It was Eric. I am sure glad that he is in a good mood, I muttered under my breath.

  “Did you say something sweetie?” Dad asked.


  “What's wrong?”

  “Nothing. I guess I’m just
not completely awake yet.”

  “Well, maybe this will help you out.” he said as he stood there with a huge grin on his face. “Are you coming guys?”

  “Yeah.” Eric called from behind me and I wanted to ask what was going on, but before I got the chance, Dad had started pulling me to the door.

  Eric came up behind me and put his hands over my eyes before I knew what was happening. I was startled.

  Relax. Everything is fine. I heard him whisper in my head.

  What's going on Eric?

  You are going to love this.

  I relaxed a little bit as they lead me out the front door, off the porch and onto the sidewalk. I had expected to have stopped by now. No such luck. They just kept pulling me forward and I hated not being able to see where I was going.

  “Ok. Are you ready?” Mom asked me, unable to control her excitement.

  “I guess so.” I said hesitantly.

  Eric uncovered my eyes and I had to wait a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to being outside. It took longer than I had expected because the sun seemed to be brighter than usual this morning.

  In front of me in the driveway was a brand new Ford Explorer. My mouth hung open in surprise. I cannot believe my parents had bought me a SUV, and it wasn’t even my birthday.

  After the stunned disbelief resided, I could hardly contain my excitement. I looked over the outside of my gift. The black paint was perfect, not a single scratch or speck of dirt on it anywhere. The windows were darkly tinted. I couldn’t even see inside of it with my face up against the glass. Stepping back, I noticed my initials were on the bottom left hand side of the window. B.I.S. Bailey Isabel Sims. It was great.

  I opened the driver’s side door and the smell of the new interior was overwhelming. It sparked more joy inside me.

  The inside was clean enough that I could probably eat off the seats if I wanted to. The carpet was a deep grey that matched the seats. Thank goodness they weren’t leather. I hate that kind. They have a tendency to freeze you to death in the winter and burn you in the summer time.

  It was completely loaded with anything I could have asked for. Sirius satellite radio, CD player, and a GPS system.

  I turned to my father and hugged him as hard as my arms would allow.

  “I hope you like it.” he said with pride.

  “Like it? I LOVE it!” I shrieked.

  “So, how about taking an old man for a ride?” he asked smiling.

  “Absolutely!” I replied as he handed me the keys and walked over to the passenger side door.

  I hugged my mother, quickly kissed her on the cheek and turned to Eric.

  “You knew all about this didn’t you? I asked as I hugged him.

  “Yep, sure did.” he laughed.

  I kissed him and told him I wouldn’t be too long. “Take your time and enjoy the drive. I have to help your mother with a few things anyway.” He said as he closed the door for me.

  “Be careful.” Mom said as we pulled out of the driveway.

  The drive was fun. Dad and I talked about this and that. The main topic he was focusing on was Eric.

  “Do you feel as strongly about him as he does you?” Dad asked.

  “I hope so. I can’t imagine being with anyone else if that's what you’re asking.”

  “I was kind of hoping for that answer. He really is a great guy and I genuinely believe that he truly loves you.”

  Confused, I asked, “So Dad, Where’s all this coming from anyway?

  Not really wanting him to answer the question, I paid a bit more attention than necessary to the road.

  “I see where you guy’s relationship is going and I just wanted to be sure that you weren’t oblivious to it.” He said as he looked out the window.

  “What do you mean Dad?”

  He took his time before offering his response. “He loves you Bailey. Very much, as far as I can tell.” He cleared his throat before he said, “I hope you know for certain that you return the same kind of love back to him.”

  “I do Dad. And I’m positive that I really love him too.”


  We pulled back into the driveway. It didn’t seem like we had been gone very long. I had been having so much fun just riding around with Dad that I must have lost track of time. And, of course, we had stopped at Sonic. We each got a milkshake and we sat there and drank them before we left. So, that took a little time too. Mom would probably be upset that we had one before breakfast.

  I turned my new truck off and took the keys out of the ignition. “Thanks Dad. I really appreciate this. I said trying not to tear up.”

  “I know you do Bailey. Just promise me something, would you?”

  “Yeah, Dad. What is it?” I asked not knowing if I should have agreed or not.

  “Don’t lose yourself. And don’t forget about your old man. Ok?”

  “How could I ever forget about you Dad?”

  He was the greatest man I have ever and will ever know.

  We walked arm in arm up the sidewalk. He had made a few comments on the way to the door that I was not completely sure that I understood. He had said something that sounded like I’m not ready for this at all. He was really acting strange today.

  As soon as we walked in the front door, I knew for sure that something else was going on. The evidence was already there.

  Covering the floor, were thousands of white rose petals. Someone had wound roses around the rails of the staircase and somehow tapped them to the walls. The foyer was empty except for the small table that stood in the middle of the room. On top of it sat a small black box. I immediately became nervous.

  Mom was standing in the doorway of the kitchen with her camera in hand. The flash was blinding as she took several pictures.

  “What is all this?” I asked her. She smiled and shook her head, refusing to answer my question.

  I looked around for Eric, but he wasn’t in here.

  “Dad, where is Eric?” I said impatiently.

  “He’ll be here in just a second. I think he had to run home for something.”

  Mom told me that he had made her promise to not let me look in the box on the table until he got back. That worried me. He had never acted like this with me before. Being secretive and stuff. I just don’t get it.

  But it was my birthday after all and I was thinking that the small black box was holding a brand new pair of earrings. It was the perfect size box for something like that.

  No more than I had finished the thought, Eric came bounding through the front door. He was holding a bouquet of roses that looked like more than a dozen. They were a mixture of white and red. They were beautiful. He shot Mom a quick smile and then walked up to my father and shook his hand. I watched as my father pulled Eric into a hug. As they backed away from each other, I heard my Dad wishing him luck.

  I couldn’t understand why Eric needed luck. Everything was so confusing today. Neither of my parents was acting normal. Eric was acting the same way. I wish they would just tell me what it was they had up their sleeves and get it over with already.

  Eric walked over to my mother and gave her a gentle kiss on her cheek. I could see that she was wiping tears from her eyes.

  When he turned and looked at me, I was breathless. I focused all my attention on him. Nothing else in the room existed. Nothing else mattered. Only us.

  He walked over to me and it was almost as if we were moving in slow motion. He was keeping a strong grip on the bouquet. If I didn’t know any better I would say he was using it for support.

  Eric took my hand and I could feel him shaking. He led me over to the small table and picked up the black box that was sitting on it. He cleared his throat and before I knew what was happening, he had dropped to one knee in front of me with the box open.

  “Bailey Isabel Sims. I love you with all my heart, you must know that.” he said with his voice trembling slightly. “I know that you love me just as much. I have asked your father for your hand in marriage.”

  “And I’m certain he said yes, didn’t he?” I asked.

  “Of course.” I heard my father say softly.

  “I can’t imagine living my life without you. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?” Eric asked.

  I took a second to answer him. Only because I was not sure that my vocal chords were even going to work. When I finally collected myself enough to answer him, all I could say was, “Absolutely. I couldn’t live any other way but with you.”

  He slipped the ring from the box onto my finger. It was magnificent. The band was wide and the set was not overly sized. I could tell that it was expensive due to the way it was crafted. It fit my finger perfectly.

  Eric stood up slowly as if he was trying to catch his breath. I leaned forward to kiss him and I could see the tears running down his angelic face. “Please don’t cry my love.” he said.

  I had not noticed that I had been crying too. When I looked around, it seemed as though I was not the only one. My Mom and Dad was standing arm in arm with tears flowing down their cheeks.

  I stood there locked in a comforting embrace with Eric. I didn’t want to let go of him. This was the happiest moment of my life and I just wanted to hold on to it and him for as long as I could.

  Nothing ever lasts as long as you want it to. Mom and Dad came up and began congratulating us.

  “So, this is why every one of you guys has been acting funny?”

  “Yeah. We were sworn to secrecy by Eric.” Mom replied.

  I let Mom carry on about us setting a date and getting the plans going. She was just as excited as I always imagined she would be when this day finally came. However, Dad was hesitant about all the planning. He squirmed at the idea of it. He wasn’t good with things like that.

  “It’s ok Dad.” I said as I hugged him. He kissed me on the top of my head just like he used to do when I was a little girl.

  Eric took my hand and presented me with the bouquet of roses.

  “I love you.” he said.

  “I love you too.” I replied with the feeling that my heart had doubled in size.

  All the excitement had calmed down except for the constant flow of ideas rolling out of my mother’s mind. I had to have a break from it. It was not that I do not like it, but I really needed to take a shower.


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