Andrews, Duane, 64
Annandale High School, 12–14
Anonymous (hacker group), 298
Ansar al-Sharia, 167, 168, 169, 180
anti-Muslim violence, 335
antiwar sentiment, 1970s, 32
Aplington, Hank, 23
Apollo program, 31
Apple, 306
Apprentice, The (TV series), 326, 328
Arab Spring, 157–61
Arafat, Yasser, 78
Archuleta, Katherine, 297
Arkin, William M., 136–37
Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center (AFMIC), 68
Armstrong, Neil, 31
Army, US, 34, 63, 116
artificial intelligence, 307, 309–10
Assad, Bashar al-, 165, 167, 238–39, 303–4
Assange, Julian, 215–16, 219–20, 241, 341, 347, 354
Australia, 236
Five Eyes meetings, 78, 255, 308–9
Awlaki, Anwar al-, 123–24
Babich, Ruth Anne (Chris) Clapper (sister), 8, 10–13, 137, 196
Bae, Kenneth, 270–71, 279–81
Baghdadi, Abu Bakr al-, 264
Bahamas, 241
Bahrain, 161
Bannon, Steve, 347
Barger, Deborah, 69, 103
Base Realignment and Closure Commission, 107–8
Ben Ali, Zine El Abidine, 158–59
Benghazi attack, 168–81
investigations into and politicization of, 173–81
postattack Intelligence Community “talking points,” 172–73
Berlin Wall, 55–56
Berners-Lee, Tim, 77
Biden, Joe, 127, 142–43, 146, 152
bin Laden, Osama, 93
bin Laden raid, 150–56
Bin Laden’s Bookshelf, 293–94
birther conspiracy, 153, 326, 327
Black Lives Matter protests, 318
Blair, Dennis, 131
as DNI, 121–22, 126–27
Panetta and, 126–27
Boehner, John, 179, 200
Boko Haram, 287
Bond, Kit, 137–38, 139
Booz Allen Hamilton, 86
Bossert, Tom, 374, 376
Boston Marathon bombing, 211–12
Bouazizi, Mohamed, 157
Boundless Informant, 225–26
BP oil spill, 110
Brazil, 256–57
Brazile, Donna, 353
Brennan, John, 122, 142, 143, 148–49, 197, 362, 372, 373, 374, 380, 384
Brooks, David, 329
budget, US government, 182–95
appropriations, 185–86, 188–89
authorization bills, 184–86, 187–88
budget cycle process, 184–86
continuing resolutions, 187, 188–89
debt ceiling and, 189–90, 200
DOD versus DNI handling of sequestration cuts, 201, 203, 210
financial crisis and, 183–84
for fiscal year 2011, 188–89
for fiscal year 2012, 194
government shutdown, October 2013, 242
IC leadership meeting to establish priorities and ways to meet future cuts, 2011, 190–192
increase in, from 2001 to 2011, 182–83
leak of 2013 Congressional Budget Justification Book, 240–41
Military Intelligence Program (MIP), 182–83, 185–86, 189, 194, 201
National Intelligence Program (NIP), 182–83, 185–86, 189–83, 194, 201
planning for future needs, 186
sequestration and, 193, 196–97, 201, 202–3, 205–6, 210–11, 213, 242
Budget Control Act of 2011, 193
Bulgaria, 55
Bunning, Jim, 114
Burgess, Ron, 119, 122–23, 144, 145
Bush, Billy, 352
Bush, George H. W., 73, 244
Bush, George W.
address to joint session of Congress, post-9/11, 95
“axis of evil” State of the Union address of, 96
Executive Order 12333 and, 118
at Ground Zero, 93
Cambone, Steve, 104–5, 108, 109–10
Canada, 270, 305
Five Eyes meetings, 78, 255, 308–9
Caracristi, Ann, 19
Cardillo, Robert, 123, 145, 146
Carlson, Bruce, 122
Carrano, Jennifer, 69
Carter, Ash, 176, 201, 203, 210
Carter, Jimmy, 315
Casablanca (film), 234
Center for American Progress, 287–88
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 3–4, 63, 102, 116
bin Laden raid and, 151, 152, 153, 156
extraordinary rendition and, 101, 126
Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 and, 60
Panetta’s authority as head of, 126–27
Chaffetz, Jason, 355
Chain, Jack, 57
Chambliss, Saxby, 177, 187, 204
Charlie Hebdo attack, 286–87
Charlie Wilson’s War (film), 119, 120
Cheney, Dick, 57, 87, 97
Chile, 317
China, 33, 234, 304
island building in South China Sea of, 266
Office of Personnel Management hacking and, 295–98
Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 and, 54–55
Church Committee, 317
CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
civil liberties, 81–82, 212–13, 232
Clapper, Andy (son), 31, 44, 55, 57
Clapper, James R.
addresses IC Pride group, 262–63
addresses Snowden in University of Georgia lecture, 246–49
as Air Force Security Service senior resident officer at NSA, 34–35
as Air Force senior intelligence officer at Pentagon, 57–62
Alexander and, 59–60
on “alternative facts,” 397–98
analyzes Philadelphia Police Department radio transmissions at age twelve, 10–11
attends Air Force Signals Intelligence Course, 18–20
attends National War College, 34
attends University of Maryland, 15–16
awarded Coast Guard Distinguished Public Service Award, 110
as chief of intelligence for US forces in South Korea, 43–48, 51–52
childhood of, 5–12
in college, 15–18
commencement speech at Annandale High School of, 13–14
commissioned as Air Force second lieutenant, 18
consultant and advisory positions of, 86–87
corporate jobs of, 86, 110
as deputy chief of Soviet Air Defense Branch, 20–21
as deputy chief of staff for Strategic Air Command, 54–57
as DIA director, 64–82
DNI nomination and confirmation process for, 128–35, 136–40
Executive Order 12333 and, 118
in foreign material acquisition program, 32–33
in high school, 12–13, 14–15
jury duty summons of, 291
Khobar Towers bombing investigation and, 83–86
Korean crisis and, 33–34
in Marine Corps Reserve, 16–17
marriage of, 21
master’s thesis on DOD equal-opportunity housing policy of, 27
meets Kennedy, 18
Meet the Press appearance of, 386–87
as military aide to Coira, 24–25
as NGA director, 88–110
at NSA, 31–33
Obama and, 129–33, 137, 143, 146–47, 149, 196–97, 229–30
at Pent
agon, 37–41
personal belief that Russian efforts swung election to Trump, 395–96
postretirement Congressional testimony of, 388–92
preelection warning on Russian interference by, 2
as professor at Georgetown University, 110–11
promotions of, 32, 53
purpose of writing book, 398–400
refutes Trump’s claims that Clapper had cleared him of collusion, 393–94
retirement from active-duty service of, 82–83
retirement from DNI position, 381–83
ride-alongs with Fairfax County Police Department, 38
secures release of American prisoners in North Korea, 270–82
survival training of, 28–29
switches to Air Force Reserve, 17
on transparency in intelligence gathering, 81–82
on Trump administration indifference to Russian threat, 396–97
on 2012 presidential election and politicization of Benghazi attack, 175–81
U-2 spy plane flight orientation of, 56–57
as undersecretary of defense for intelligence, 111–27
at US Pacific Command, 33, 52–55
Vietnam War service of, 21–24, 29–31
visits North Korea as DNI, 48–50
on why we do intelligence, 310–11
wife’s illness and, 291–93
See also director of national intelligence (DNI)
Clapper, Mike (brother), 12, 137
Clapper, Sue (wife), 8, 17–18, 19, 21, 44, 55, 82–83, 87, 88–89, 112–13, 114–15, 128–29, 137, 146, 196, 291–93
Clinton, Bill
JWICS installed in White House Situation Room by, 77
Loretta Lynch’s tarmac meeting with, 338
withdrawal from Somalia and, 73–74
Clinton, Hillary, 1, 142–43, 149, 163, 176, 179
announces candidacy, 318
classified emails found on home server of, 322
deletion of “personal” emails on private server by, 320–21, 322–23
Guccifer reveals private email address of, 320
Russian parliamentary elections of 2011 results condemned by, 313–14
See also presidential election of 2016
CNN, 394, 400
Coakley, Jennifer Clapper (daughter), 37–38, 44, 55, 137
Coast Guard, 63–64
Hurricane Katrina response and, 108–10
intelligence component of, 117
Coburn, Tom, 139
Cohen, William, 85
Coira, Louis, 24
Collins, Susan, 103, 105–6, 344
Comey, Jim, 212, 306, 307
Clinton email investigation findings announced by, 338–40
Clinton emails found on Abedin’s computer announced by, 355
dinner at White House, 385
IC assessment on Russian interference and, 362, 372–73, 374, 375–76, 380
Russian contacts with Trump campaign, investigation of, 387, 388
Trump’s firing of, 392–93
Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction, 101
Congress/congressional committees
budget. See budget, US government
Bush’s post-9/11 address to, 95
Clapper’s postretirement testimony to, 388–92
IC assessment of Russian election interference, Clapper’s testimonies regarding, 368–72, 377–78, 379, 380–81
metadata storage program, Clapper’s testimony on, 207–8, 222–24, 234, 243
Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs, 76
worldwide threat assessments given to, 149–50, 159, 164–65, 175, 204–8, 250–51, 252–54, 286–87, 307–8
Congressional Budget Justification Book for 2013, leak of, 240–41
continuing resolutions, 187, 188–89
Conway, Kellyanne, 326, 397
Cook, Tim, 306
Corker, Bob, 177
Cornyn, John, 391
Corona program, 26–27
Cretz, Gene, 166
Crimea, 58, 260–61, 307–8
CrowdStrike, 341–42
Cruz, Ted, 341
Cultures of Protest (documentary), 316
Curran, Sean, 248
Curveball, 99
Cyber Command (CYBERCOM), 135, 296, 299
cyberspace and cybersecurity
different ways hackers can affect information, 298–99
encryption applications and, 299
International Conference on Cyber Security, Clapper’s speech to, 284–85
Office of Personnel Management, hacking of, 295–98
phishing, 285–86
Russian hacking and phishing operations, in 2016 presidential election, 321–22, 341–43
second- and third-order vulnerabilities potentially resulting from cyberattacks, 296
Sony Pictures, hacking of, 283–84
worldwide threat assessment of 2015 and, 286
worldwide threat assessment of 2016 and, 307
Czechoslovakia, 55
Danoy, Jim, 141–42
Darby, Joe, 101, 248
DCLeaks, 366
“A Deadly Mix in Benghazi” (Kirkpatrick), 171
debt ceiling, 189–90, 200
Deep Blue, 309
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), 63, 116
briefing of Middle Eastern leaders on Hussein’s troop movements, 78
budget cuts at, 72
Clapper as director of, 64–82
downsizing and reorganization of, 72–73, 182
equal opportunity policies and programs, 70–71
funding for new facility for, 107–8
General Defense Intelligence Program (GDIP), consolidation of, 67–68
HUMINT service, creation of, 74
imagery analysts of, consolidated into NIMA, 76–77
Iron Curtain countries, visits to, 78–81
Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System, creation of, 77–78
Military Forces in Transition, publication of, 67
National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs), 71–72
POW/MIA resolution and, 75–76
racial tensions and discriminatory practices at, 70–71
Somalia and, 73–74
women, role of, 69–70
#DemocracyRIP, 356, 357
Democratic National Committee, 322, 341–43
Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea (DPRK). See North Korea
Dempsey, Jack, 114
Dempsey, Joan, 68, 69–70, 135
Dempsey, Martin, 170
Dempsey, Mike, 381–82
Department of Defense
intelligence agencies of, 63, 116
reorganizaton of, after Grenada, 41
sequestration cuts and, 201, 202–3, 210
Department of Energy intelligence offices, 63–64, 117
Department of Homeland Security intelligence offices, 117
Department of State intelligence offices, 63–64, 117
Department of the Treasury intelligence offices, 63–64, 117
Deptula, Dave, 59
desegregation, 9, 12
Desert Shield, 61
Desert Storm, 59, 61–62
Detica, 110
Deutch, John, 82
DIA. See Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
Dickas, John, 209–10
director of national intelligence (DNI)/Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)
Arab Spring and, 157–61
authority, lack of, 106–7, 118
bin Laden
raid and, 150–56
Blair as, 121–22, 126–27
budgeting and. See budget, US government
Clapper’s interview with and letter to Obama regarding role of, 129–33
congressional testimonies and briefings on cyber threats and Russian election interference, 368–72, 377–78, 379, 380–81
cross-community centers of, 117
and ethical principles of Intelligence Community, 268–69
Executive Order 12333 and, 118–19
Gaddafi/Libya, Intelligence Community assessments of, 163, 164–65
Global Trends Report of National Intelligence Council, 377–78
Hayden and Clapper advocate for strong DNI, 104–5
INSA address of Clapper, 363–65
Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 and, 60
legislation creating, 103–6
McConnell as, 115
Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt, Intelligence Community assessment of, 159–61
National Security Council (NSC) meetings and, 142–44
Negroponte as, 107, 115, 147
nomination of, and confirmation process for Clapper, 133–35, 136–40
Obama’s speech at tenth-anniversary celebration, 147, 290–91
Office of the Secretary of Defense, improving working relationship with, 115–16
organizational changes at, 145
President’s Daily Brief and, 141–42, 146–48, 345, 358
Principals Committee (PC) meetings and, 142–44
prioritizing relationships and, 144
public communications of, 148–50
repairing and restoring international relationships after Snowden leaks, 254–58
retirement of Clapper, 381–83
Russian interference, Intelligence Community assessment of, 3–4, 361–62, 366–69, 372–77
staffing and role of, 117
transparency initiatives, 236–38, 293–94
Trump briefed on IC assessment and Russian “dossier,” 373–77
work with Trump transition team, 360–61
Djibouti, 159
Doherty, Glen, 171
Donilon, Tom, 151, 164, 239
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, repeal of, 124–26
Downing, Wayne, 83–84, 85, 398
Dr. Strangelove (film), 56
Drug Enforcement Administration, 117
Dugan, Mike, 57
Dunford, Joe, 336
Dutch Safety Board, 266–67
Duty (Gates), 153–54
East Germany, 55, 80–82
Ebola outbreak, 110, 266
EC-47 signals intelligence planes, 28
Economist, 394
Ecuador, 235
Edelman, 268
Arab Spring in, 159–61
Mubarak’s resignation, 161
Facts and Fears Page 53