Muslim Brotherhood and, 159, 160–61, 167
Eisenhower, Dwight, 14, 314, 345
Electronic Security Command, 35
encryption, commercial, 299, 306–7
enhanced interrogation techniques, 126
Eritrea, 5, 6–7, 84
Espionage Act of 1917, 231
Ewing, Mark, 140
Executive Order 9981, 9
Executive Order 12333, 118–19
extraordinary rendition, 101, 126
Facebook, 395
Fairfax County Police Department, 38
Farenthold, Blake, 243
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 3–4, 117
Federal Emergency Management Agency, 109
Federal Intelligence Service (BND), 257–58
Feinstein, Dianne, 133–34, 187, 204
Fetchet, Mary, 103
fiscal cliff, 196, 200–201
Five Eyes intelligence chief meetings, 78, 255, 308–9
“Fixing Intel: A Blueprint for Making Intelligence Relevant in Afghanistan” (Flynn), 330–31
FLR-9 antenna arrays, 25
Flynn, Mike, 79, 330–32, 333, 341, 361, 366, 374, 386, 390–91
Forbes, 326
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Section 702, 208–10, 234
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 Amendments Act of 2008, 198–200
foreign material acquisition program, 32–33
Foreign Policy, 261, 345
Fort Hood shooting, 123–24
Fowle, Jeffrey, 271
Franks, Tommy, 95
Franks, Trent, 243
Fravel, Rich, 201
Fred T. Berry, USS, 6
Frist, Bill, 103
Future Imagery Architecture systems, 89, 122
Gaddafi, Muammar, 162–64, 165–66, 174, 193–94
Gates, Bob, 62, 96, 104, 107, 128, 130, 142–43, 152, 153–54, 163
as CIA director, 71
as secretary of defense, 111, 120–21
testimony on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy repeal, 124–25
Gayler, Noel, 31, 121
gays, in military. See homosexuals, in military
GCHQ, 231, 236
Geithner, Tim, 183, 190, 296
General Defense Intelligence Program (GDIP), 67–68
Georgetown University, 110–11
Geospatial Intelligence Symposiums
GEO-INTEL 2003, 100
GEOINT 2004, 100
GEOINT 2011, 194
GEOINT 2012, 177–78, 195
GEOINT 2015, 296–97
GEOINT 2016, 310–11
Germany, 7, 8, 13, 14, 55, 81, 99, 236, 257, 258, 260, 277, 289, 395
Gertz, Bill, 98
Ghouta, Syria, chemical weapon attack on, 238–39
Gilmore, Jim, 86–87
Gilmore Commission Report, 86
Giuliano, Mark, 176
glasnost (openness), 52–53
Global Trends Report, 377–78
Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986, 41, 48, 53, 60–61
Google, 309
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 52–53, 54, 57
Gowdy, Trey, 243
Graham, Jack, 53
Graham, Lindsey, 164, 168, 371, 390
The Great War of Our Time (Morell), 171
Green Movement protest, 148
Greenwald, Glenn, 220–21, 226–27, 241, 256
Grenada invasion, 41
GRU, 79, 341
Guantanamo Bay prison, 101
Guardian, 220, 221, 224–27, 230–31, 235, 332
Guardians of Peace, 283
Guccifer, 320
Guccifer 2.0, 342, 366
Guinea, 266
Gulf of Tonkin incident, 21
Gulf War I, 57–62, 69
hackers/hacking. See cyberspace and cybersecurity
Hagel, Chuck, 201–2, 203, 210
Haiti coup d’état, 77
Hale, Brian, 361, 376
ham radio operators, 15
Hardisty, Hunt, 53
Harrison, Sarah, 227, 234, 235
Hasan, Nidal, 123–24
Hassan, Concetta, 46, 47
Hayden, Mike, 71, 100, 104, 107, 108, 231–32
Hayes, Rutherford B., 130
Hays, Ron, 53
Hezbollah, and Khobar Towers bombing, 83
high-frequency communications, 15
high-frequency Morse code, 25
Hockstra, Pete, 118–19
Holcomb, Staser, 87, 88
Holder, Eric, 142, 196, 243, 250–51
homosexuals, in military
Clapper’s address to IC Pride group, 262–63
Clapper’s handling of, 36
dishonorable discharge policy, 21
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, repeal of, 124–26
Inman’s handling of, 35–36
Hong Kong, 234
Hooker, Allison, 272, 277–78
Horner, Chuck, 59, 60
House of Representatives. See Congress/congressional committees
Human Rights Watch, 101
Humphrey, Hubert, 315
Hungary, 55
Hunter, Duncan, 103, 106, 116
Hurricane Katrina, 108–10
Hurricane Rita, 110
Hussein, Saddam, 57, 58, 78, 83, 98–99, 174
IARPA. See Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA)
IBM, 309
IC. See Intelligence Community (IC)
IC ITE, 193, 194, 195, 269, 294
IC on the Record website, 238, 294
IC Pride, 262–63, 336, 337
Idris I, King, 162
Inboden, Will, 261
incidental collection, 199–200
income inequality, 287–88
INF. See Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty
Inglis, Chris, 198, 199
Inman, Bobby, 34, 35–36, 262
INSA, 363–65
Inspire, 211
Clapper’s view on role of intelligence profession, 49
Grenada invasion and, 41
Gulf War and, 62
Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and, 58
signals intelligence. See signals intelligence (SIGINT)
Somalia and, 73–74
Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 and, 54, 55
weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and, 97–100
See also Intelligence Community (IC); specific agencies
Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), 117
Intelligence Authorization Act, 186
Intelligence Community (IC)
agencies composing, in 1991, 63–64
agencies composing, in 2006, 116–17
bin Laden raid and, 150–56
budget. See budget, US government
foreign election interference and regime change efforts of, 316–18
9/11 Commission report and, 101–3
Russian interference assessment, 3–4, 361–62, 366–69, 372–77
Snowden leaks and, 232–34, 236–38, 242–43
successes of, not publicly discussed, 155
Syrian use of chemical weapons and, 238–39
Trump comments delegitimizing, 362, 379–80
worldwide threat assessments, 149–50, 159, 164–65, 175, 204–8, 250–51, 252–54, 286–87, 307–8
See also intelligence; specific agencies
Intelligence Community (IC) assessment of Russian interference, 3–4, 361–62, 366–69, 372–77
ligence Community Review, 243–46
Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (IRTPA), 60, 106, 145, 196–97, 201
Intercept, The, 241
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, 397
International Conference on Cyber Security, Clapper’s speech to, 284–85
Internet of Things, 307, 310
Interview, The (film), 283, 284
Iran, 165, 266
Green Movement protest, 148
Khobar Towers bombing and, 83
nuclear deal, 289–90, 299–301
2016 Worldwide Threat Assessment and, 307
Iran-Iraq War, 57
al-Qaida in, 158
Arab Spring in, 161
invasion of Kuwait by, 57–59
no-fly zones and, 83
Scud missiles fired by, 69
weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and, 97–100
Iraq Survey Group, 98
Iraq War, 97–98, 194
IRTPA. See Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (IRTPA)
Isham, Joanne, 94, 109
ISIL. See Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)
ISIS. See Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)
Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). See Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), 253, 263–66, 305, 306, 332, 346, 354, 357
capture of Fallujah, Ramadi, and Mosul by, 263–64
US air strikes against, 304
Issa, Darrell, 243
Jackson, Sue, 44
Jacques, Steve, 100
Jade Helm 15 military exercises, 302–3
Japan, 8–10, 25, 27, 39, 256, 270, 277, 328, 347
Jenner, Caitlyn, 301
Johnson, Jeh, 2, 349, 350, 351
Johnson, Loch, 246–47
Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Iran nuclear deal), 289–90, 299–301
Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS), 77–78
Jones, Alex, 302–3
Jones, Jim, 139, 141, 142
Jordan, 159
Joyce, Sean, 195–96
JWICS. See Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS)
Karcz, Jan, 300
Kasich, John, 341
Kasparov, Garry, 309
Kennedy, John F., 18, 20, 315
Kerry, John, 179, 235, 289
key escrow, 306
KGB, 79, 261, 333
Khan, Ghazala, 344
Khan, Humayan, 344
Khan, Khizr, 344
Khobar Towers bombing and investigation, 83–86
Khrushchev, Nikita, 14, 261, 315
Kim Il-sung, 34, 48–49
Kim Jong-il, 48–49, 270
Kim Jong-un, 48–49, 50–51, 201, 270
Kim Won-hong, 273–75, 279–80
Kim Yong-chol, 275–78, 283–84
King, Angus, 207
King, Jim, 91, 94
Kirkpatrick, David, 171
Kislyak, Sergey, 366
Kochanski, Jack, 24
Kojm, Chris, 252
Korean Air Lines Flight 007, Soviet downing of, 39–41
interception of Soviet communications, 39–40
Reagan’s declassification of transcripts of, 40
Soviets’ initial denial of involvement, 39
UN Security Council hears voice recordings related to, 40
Korean War, 33, 43
Kratovil, Gary, 46
Kurdi, Alan, 305
Kuwait, 57, 58–59
Labrador, Raúl, 243
Lamo, Adrian, 219
Laos, 30
Large, Scott, 119
Larson, Doyle, 33, 35
Lavrov, Sergey, 354
Leiter, Mike, 127
Leonard, Mike, 16
lesbians, in military. See homosexuals, in military
Lettre, Marcel, 359
Levin, Carl, 113–14, 125, 164
Levin, Dov, 317
Lew, Jack, 336
Lewis, Daniel, 285
Liberia, 266
Libya, 161–67
Arab Spring in, 158, 161
civil war in, 162–66, 193–94
Gaddafi killed, 165–66, 193–94
national elections in, 167
US airstrikes on and NATO no-fly zone for, 165
US diplomatic compound in Benghazi attacked, 168–72
Lieberman, Joe, 103, 106, 164
Li Peng, 54
Litt, Bob, 196, 197, 198, 199, 208
Livsey, Bill, 43–44, 44, 45, 47, 51–52, 398
Loh, Mike, 60
Long, Tish, 69–70, 109, 135–36, 204, 302
Looking Glass airborne command, 56
Lynch, Loretta, 338, 382
Maas, Peter, 220–21
MacAskill, Ewen, 220–21
McCain, John, 139, 164–65, 168, 175, 204–5, 368, 369–70
McCaskill, Claire, 371–72
McConnell, Mike, 82, 86, 115
McConnell, Mitch, 350
McCullough, Chuck, 322
McDonald, Larry, 39–41
McDonough, Denis, 154, 210, 239, 251, 346
McFarland, K. T., 374
McGahn, Don, 390
McPeak, Tony, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66–67
McRaven, Bill, 153, 154
Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, 266–68
Manafort, Paul, 334, 346–47
Manchin, Joe, 150
Manning, Chelsea (previously Bradley), 215, 219, 227
Marine Corps intelligence component, 63, 116
Marsh, John O., 48
Martin, John Bartlow, 314–15
Mas-Hamilton Group, 114
Mattis, Jim, 213
Medvedev, Dmitry, 312, 314
Meet the Press (TV show), 323, 386–87, 392, 397
Merkel, Angela, 257–58
Merkley, Jeff, 199
metadata storage program (telephone records collection)
Clapper’s testimony before Senate select committee on, 207–8, 222–24, 234, 243
declassification of, 233–34
FISA Section 702 authorities versus Patriot Act Section 215, 208–10, 234
Guardian publication of Snowden leaks revealing, 221–22
termination and replacement of, 245–46
Meyerriecks, Dawn, 192
migrant crisis, 304–5
Mikulski, Barbara, 135, 138, 207
Military Forces in Transition, 67
Military Intelligence Program (MIP), 182–83, 189, 194, 201
Miller, Matthew, 271, 279–81
Missile and Space Intelligence Center (MSIC), 68–69
Mitchell, Andrea, 251
Mogadishu, battle of, 74
Moody, Juanita, 19
Moore, John, 78
Morales, Evo, 235
Morell, Michael, 171, 197
Morris, Del, 46
Morsi, Mohamed, 167
MSIC. See Missile and Space Intelligence Center (MSIC)
MSNBC, 393
Mubarak, Hosni, 78, 159, 161
Mueller, Robert, 198, 372–73
Mullen, Mike, 123, 155–56, 177
on national debt as threat to national security, 183–84
testimony on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy repeal, 124–26, 262
Murrett, Bob, 119
Muslim Brotherhood, 159, 160–61, 167
Muslims, violence against, in US, 335
Myers, Dick, 104–5
My Lai Massacre, 218
Myrick, Sue, 160
Nakashima, Ellen, 361
Napolitano, Janet, 142, 148
National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC), 117
National Counterproliferation Center (NCPC), 117
National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), 117, 127
National Defense Authorization Act, 186
National Foreign Intelligence Board, 97
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), 116
bin Laden raid and, 151, 156
Clapper as director of, 88–110
Clapper’s opposition to formation of, 76–77
farewell reception for Clapper, cost of, 113–14
fusion of mapping and geographic analysis capabilities to create, 76–77, 88
gathering intelligence on Afghanistan, 94–95
Hurricane Katrina response and, 108–10
industry partnerships, 100
integration of imagery analysts with mapping and charting experts, 94
integration with other intelligence agencies, 102
Iraq War and, 98
Long as director of, 135–36
NIMA renamed as, 98–99
Rumsfeld interviews Clapper for directorship, 90–91
secretary of defense/DCI report on and recommendations for, 89–90
term of director, 90
weapons of mass destruction (WMD) intelligence and, 97–100
National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA). See National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs), 71–72
on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, 97, 99
sources used, review of, 99–100
National Intelligence Program (NIP), 182–83, 189–83, 194, 201
National Intelligence Strategy, 2014, 268–69
National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia, 75
National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC), 26–27, 95, 107–8
National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), 26–27, 63, 89, 116, 122
National Security Agency (NSA), 3–4, 63, 116
bin Laden raid and, 151, 156
Clapper as Air Force Security Service senior resident officer at, 34–35
Clapper as military assistant to director of, 31–33
Clapper’s address to IC Pride group at, 262–63
CYBERCOM’s creation and initial reporting to, 135
integration with other intelligence agencies, 102
joint CIA/FBI/NSA/DNI assessment of Russian interference in 2016 US election, 3–4, 361–62, 366–69, 372–77
Patriot Act Section 215 authorities of, 208–9, 212
phone call records database of. See metadata storage program (telephone records collection)
Snowden leaks and, 220–38
Soviets as target of, during détente, 32
National Security Council (NSC), 142–44
Navy, US, 35, 63, 116
Nazarro, Joseph, 30
Facts and Fears Page 54