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Firefight: The Soul Scorchers MC (The Scorched Souls Serial-series Book 2)

Page 8

by Riley, C. L.

  “Boone, ten minutes,” Leg barked. “You need to focus.”

  He was right. I couldn’t jump in the ring worried about everything else. My sole purpose for the next forty-five minutes, preferably less, was to defeat Ringo. Losing this match would be a serious affront to the club, though winning wouldn’t help our truce either. Bottom line: this was a lose/lose situation no matter how it played out.

  Regardless, I intended to win. Ringo would pay for insulting my woman.


  I huddled closer to Harmony and her old man, Wolf. I hated violence, and watching Boone face off with someone as dangerous as Ringo had my stomach in knots. I took the drink she offered and chugged it down, praying it would calm my frazzled nerves.

  For such short notice, the gym was jammed with spectators, and from what Harmony had explained, there was an impressive basement-bar right below us that had reached its occupancy max as well. Apparently, Boone’s reputation as the uncontested champion and Ringo’s notoriety as a coldblooded killer had been major draws.

  If I would have just poured the beer in a glass instead of over the asshole’s head, we could have been home right now, Boone beating on my body instead.

  I almost laughed at the comparison. Boone spanking my ass was a beating I’d endure any day…or night.

  “You doing okay, hun?” Harmony asked, her concern genuine.

  “A refill might make it better,” I said, half joking, raising my red plastic cup.

  She quickly poured me another, before handing the bottle to Wolf. He set it on the floor by his folding chair.

  Upstairs, around the ring, where we were located, it was a BYOB affair with casual seating. I’d learned the downstairs offered free, fancy cocktails for those willing to pay a steep admission price.

  Accepting the drink, my mind drifted to how Harmony had blamed the earlier beer-pouring mishap on my memory loss. It seemed she, too, was part of Boone’s scam. She had been with Wolf for years and had obviously known Boone’s wife, Rita. They’d probably been good friends.

  I still couldn’t fathom how Boone had managed to convince any semi-sane person that his plans for me were rational. Crusher and Twila certainly didn’t approve. Granted, Twila had ulterior motives for not liking me, but I couldn’t help thinking that Crusher, and at least a few of his brothers, including Bones, had tried to talk him out of his get-even-scheme.

  What had I done, apart from being a bitch, to earn Boone’s wrath? I still couldn’t figure out what would elicit such a drastic reaction.

  The nasty letter…the one dollar check? Had he somehow discovered those? I couldn’t see how. Or had he overheard me talking with Conner that day by the pool? I’d said some pretty horrible things about Boone in my attempt to convince Conner I wasn’t interested in a biker.

  Before I could ponder the possibilities further, a bell dinged, signaling the match’s first round.

  Crusher slipped through the ropes and bounded to the ring’s center. “Ladies and gentleman…”

  The room thundered, and the applause was deafening.

  “Tonight we have a championship match! In this corner…”

  Once again, more stomping and clapping halted his spiel.

  I took the opportunity to examine my surroundings. The room was divided by club loyalty. The Soul Scorchers filled our area, while on the opposite side, at least twenty men, wearing Hells Guardian colors, took up the first two rows. Their other supporters had claimed the chairs behind them. One Guardian caught my attention. He was staring my direction with open curiosity.

  Well-groomed, he looked more like a businessman in leather than a biker. I nudged Harmony. “Who’s the dude with the banker’s haircut?”

  She chuckled. “Don’t let appearances fool you. That’s Rowdy, their president. He’s a badass all the way, and smart. He ran a fortune 500 company before taking over Guardian leadership.”

  I found myself meeting his stare, a bit awed by his history. He nodded and raised his drink. To my dismay, my cheeks flared with heat. He flashed me a crooked grin.

  Thankfully, with Crusher shouting out introductions, no one seemed to notice our exchange. I forced my attention back on the ring, where Boone stood rigid in the corner, his narrowed eyes shooting daggers at me.

  N-o-o-o-o! Did he see my reaction to Rowdy?

  His lip curled into an ugly sneer and he turned away, giving me an answer I didn’t want.

  What I wanted was to climb in the ring and explain. My blush wasn’t because I found Rowdy attractive. Or was it?

  I snuck another glance across the ring. Rowdy met my gaze a second time, making it hard to look away. Okay. There’s definitely something about him, but it’s Boone I love.

  Before I could give further thought to my reaction and Boone’s rage, the bell rang a second time.

  Ringo and Boone circled each other, hands extended. Ringo appeared to favor a more traditional boxing style and danced back and forth, his energy stirring the crowd on his side. They alternated between shouting advice and insulting Boone, who moved like a panther, stalking its prey.

  Under the bright lights, every drop of their sweat was visible. Both were bare-chested, tattoos on display. Where Boone was smooth and tan, Ringo’s skin was paler, and he had far more body hair than I found appealing. They both had fire in their eyes and looked ready to kill. I had no doubt, given the right opening; they wouldn’t hesitate to end the other’s life.

  My stomach knotted again. The liquor I’d consumed providing little relief. I gripped Harmony’s hand and squeezed tight. She mirrored my action, making me even more grateful for her support.

  Ringo threw the first punch, hitting Boone between the ribs. I loud oomph exploded from his mouth, along with a spray of spit.

  “No!” I screeched, leaping to my feet. By that point, no one was sitting.

  Still clinging to Harmony’s hand, I watched with increasing horror as Ringo dominated Boone. His punches landed with ease, while Boone appeared unable or unwilling to block him. Bones and Leg were at the ring’s side, yelling instructions.

  The bell rang three times, and the first round ended with Ringo still bouncing around like a kangaroo on steroids and Boone hunched in the corner, where Doc worked to patch up his eye and the bloody scrapes he was already wearing.

  I’d seen enough. I charged forward, ignoring Harmony’s calls for me to stop. I reached Boone’s corner and grasped the ropes.

  “I don’t know what the fuck you think you saw before the fight, but it was nothing. You hear me! Nothing! I love you. And if you want some of this ‘sweet pussy’ later, you better kick that fucker’s ass.”

  He dropped to one knee and pulled my face to his, our lips meeting between the ropes. He crushed his mouth over mine. I reached for him, tangling my hands in his sweat-soaked hair and deepening the kiss. When he finally pulled back, I realized the crowd was hooting and cheering, enjoying our passionate display a little too much for my liking.

  “I want that pussy,” he whispered, his gaze hungry.

  “Then you know what to do, don’t you?” I lifted my eyebrow.

  The bell sounded and he was off, firing out of his corner like a missile, bulldozing into Ringo and propelling him backward.

  I stayed by Bones and Leg, hollering for Boone to kick the punk’s ass.

  My little pep talk and our very public kiss had the desired effect. He was a new man, fighting like I knew he could. This round it was his fists and kicks that connected. One arcing kick knocked Ringo onto his ass. The whole ring quaked from the impact. Before I could blink, Boone was on top of him, twisting his limbs like a pretzel and putting him in a submission hold that would easily assure his victory. I was certain he’d won when a silver gleam caught my attention.

  “Boone, he’s got a knife!” I screamed.

  It wasn’t difficult to figure out what had happened. During our make out session, with all eyes focused on us, someone from Ringo’s camp had managed to pass him a blade. Once again, I was Boo
ne’s downfall.

  I screamed louder, but it was too late.

  Ringo sliced Boone’s thigh, releasing a torrent of blood.

  Rolling off Ringo, he collapsed on his side, palming the wound.

  As Ringo raised the knife to finish what he’d started, an ear shattering boom rocked the room. A crimson flower blossomed on the Guardian’s shoulder. The knife fell from his hand.

  He staggered back against the ropes, eyes wild with pain.

  Doc and what I guessed was a Hells Guardian medic were already in the ring, rushing toward their respective patients. I started to climb in, but was pulled back by Grinch.

  “It’s gonna get crazy in here. We’ll take care of him. You go with Harmony and Wolf. He’ll protect you.”

  I wanted to protest, but I’d already done enough damage.

  Harmony was at my side, tugging me away from the pandemonium. I let her lead me from the room, leaving behind the one man I loved.


  Olympia’s soft crying released me from darkness’ firm grasp.

  Drifting along on the magic carpet, only a high dose of quality narcotics could provide, I struggled, without success, to recall what had happened.

  Beneath the pain medication’s shielding layer, my inner thigh throbbed, creating a considerable distraction from coherent thinking.

  “Boone? Thank God. You’re awake,” she whispered, her muffled crying replaced by relief. “I was so worried.”

  I cleared my throat, and she handed me a water bottle. The damn thing weighed a ton, or so it seemed; my hand trembled as I fought not to drop it.

  Cradling my head, she took the bottle away and held it to my lips. I sipped cautiously at first. When that wasn’t enough, I wrapped my hand around hers, tilting the bottle and allowing the cool liquid to create a soothing waterfall that caressed my scorched throat. I knew better than to gulp, but I couldn’t help it.

  “Thank you, babe,” I whispered, my voice raspy, despite downing twelve ounces of water. I considered asking for more.

  Before I could make the request, the door opened and Doc and my father entered. “You were supposed to call us,” Doc scolded, looking Olympia’s way.

  “I just came to,” I answered for her, sounding more like myself. “Don’t make me kick your ass for insulting my girl. The last guy…”

  “The last guy nearly killed you,” Bones snarled.

  “And what does he look like?” I met my dad’s angry stare with my own narrowed eyes.

  Doc intervened. “Now isn’t the time. The good news is you’re going to be okay. The blade missed your femoral artery by a centimeter. I’d say you’ve got one hell of a guardian angel.”

  I squeezed Olympia’s hand. “I definitely have that and more.”

  Her eyes filled again, and she squeezed back.

  “Well, is someone going to update me?” I glanced between the two men. “Is he dead? Are we at war?” I didn’t think we were at war, considering I was resting in my upstairs room at the clubhouse.

  “No war. Not yet. But it’s only been three days since your fight,” Doc offered.

  My dad was too pissed to speak. I knew the look he was wearing well. I’d seen it plenty of times over the years. He wanted to say something but was refraining. I had no doubt I’d hear every word when we were alone.

  Doc continued, “What’s the last thing you remember?”

  “I had the motherfucker in a winning hold and he cut me.”

  It was Olympia who filled in the blanks, her voice gentle but strong. “Eggs shot Ringo in the shoulder. Doc took care of your injuries. I don’t know much about the whole ‘war’ thing, but I do know their president saw Ringo pull the knife on you.” She paused, giving me a sly smile. “You’re still the champ, by the way. That asshole was disqualified.”

  My thoughts made a drastic U-turn. Olympia’s mention of the Guardian’s president sent a spike of adrenaline through my battered body. That fucker had been leering at her from across the room. I knew that look well. He wanted her.

  “Boone…?” She didn’t finish, but she wore a worried mask that distorted her striking features, something I hated to see because of me.

  I took a deep breath, fighting to calm the fuck down. This whole jealousy thing was new for me, and I didn’t like it. The green-eyed monster was an appropriate description. I felt like a monster, but if my eyes changed color to match my mood, they’d be glowing red not green.

  “We have a lot to talk about,” Bones said at last. His gaze rested on Olympia.

  I started to protest, but swallowed the words. It was easier to let him say his piece now so I could get back to what I wanted to be doing, holding my girl.

  She took the hint and rose from the bed.

  Reaching out, I grabbed her wrist, forcing her to look at me. She leaned over and brushed her lips against mine. “I’ll go check on the boys. They can’t wait to see you.”

  Even with my leg bandaged and sore as fuck, and my cracked ribs wrapped tight, her soft kiss stoked the flame burning between us – a flame that burned hotter every day. I didn’t know how I’d manage with my injuries, but I’d find a way to possess her pussy before the day’s end. I whispered my intentions in her ear.

  Her eyes widened and she glanced nervously between my father and Doc, both who were watching our interaction closely. “All right then. I’ll be back,” she pledged, her voice sounding breathy.

  “You better be. This won’t take long,” I shot a disapproving glance at my dad.

  The minute the door clicked behind her, he exploded. “What the fuck, Boone? I told you not to fuck her. It was an order not a suggestion. What is it with this bitch? I get it she’s gorgeous, but you’ve been with plenty of women just as attractive. It’s like she has a golden pussy or something.”

  Doc chuckled.

  Bones turned on him. “Give me some time with my son.”

  The doctor raised his hands. “Shit, man. Don’t shoot me. And don’t get him pissed off. He’s still my patient.”

  “Out,” Bones growled, pointing at the door.

  With Doc gone, he pulled a chair next to my bedside and launched into his well-rehearsed spiel. “You’re fucking up. Everyone can see it. Some of the guys are even questioning your ability to lead. I don’t have to tell you how serious a problem that is.”

  I didn’t bother responding, and he took my silence as agreement and continued. “Olympia Olsen has fucked with your mind. When you were unconscious, after the fight, we took a vote…”

  “You had church and voted without me?” Now it was my turn to rage. “You don’t see any problem with that? And what about that body? You should have let us deal with it instead of inviting a known contract killer into our clubhouse. Did you even bother to vote on that decision?”

  I’d never wanted to knock my dad out more than I did in that moment. It was probably a good thing I could barely move, or we’d be testing our fighting abilities outside the ring.

  It appeared my critical questions had hit their mark. His gaze darkened and his face blazed with barely contained fury. “One more mistake. One more negative situation connected to Olympia Olsen, and she’s gone.”

  “Then I’m gone.”

  The shock on Bone’s face reflected how I felt after saying those three short words.

  Was I so buzzed on my pain meds that I’d lost my mind?

  “You’d just up and leave your club and your kids for a woman who is gonna hate you the minute she remembers who you really are and how you screwed with her life?”

  “Nope. I’m taking my boys too. We’ll go to another chapter. Didn’t you say you were concerned about the club in Hood River? I could go check them out and get away from here till things cooled down.” A sense of peace stole over me as soon as I made the offer. It was perfect; just me and the boys, and Olympia, far away from this town and all its crazy bullshit.

  Bones let out a heavy sigh, his anger subsiding. “You really like this girl, don’t you?”

nbsp; I nodded, not bothering to tell him my feelings had far surpassed the ‘like’ phase.

  It seemed he was already well aware of that fact. “You had to go and fall in love with the one woman you should be avoiding like the plague. I’ll admit; she’s damn good with those boys, and most of the guys like her. They just don’t like the way trouble follows her around. The club comes first, son. You know that. No female can get in the way of the commitment you made to your brothers.”

  I met his gaze. I couldn’t say what I wanted, because the truth would send him over the edge.

  But I sure as hell could think it.

  For the first time in my life, I wasn’t certain my brothers were more important than my kids and the one woman I’d ever truly loved.

  It might be difficult, but I could survive without the club. I knew for a fact, I didn’t want to even try surviving without Olympia and my boys.

  “Son, you might not believe it, but I want you to be happy, but I gotta do what’s best for this MC. We’ll try to make it work, but one more Olympia-centered crisis and she’s gone, with or without you. That’s your choice to make.”

  I’d already made my choice. I intended to tell Olympia the truth. Tonight.


  I watched as Boone hugged JV and Joey goodnight. It was glaringly apparent his positive attention impacted them like nothing else could. They needed their father. While we’d been hiding out at the cabin, he had made time to talk with both boys on the phone every night, listening to their stories and offering advice. That was the side of Boone I’d fallen for; the amazing sex didn’t hurt either.

  His eyes met mine over JV’s head. He winked; something he’d been doing a lot of before Ringo’s assault.

  I had to smile. Every wink, smile, playful smirk and heated glance acted like an illicit drug to my system, sending shockwaves that radiated through my entire body. I wondered how he would make good on his promise to claim my pussy. He never failed to deliver, but I suspected this time would be unique, putting me in the position to control our encounter.


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