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Beautiful Burn

Page 13

by Rachel Blake

  Gwen couldn't tell if Sierra was happy to have her interfere or terrified by it. "Gwen, this is Devon. Devon, meet Gwen. She is one of the medics on my brother's shift and a very good friend of mine."

  As she looked to the man who stood in front of her, Gwen would have said it was a completely different person from the one who spoke so harshly only a few seconds ago. Gone were the narrowed eyes and the hard lines of his face. In their place were bright, almost caring eyes with a smile that looked to be contagious and genuine.

  "Gwen, it is so good to finally meet you. Sierra has told me so much about you."

  A chameleon. That was the first thing that popped into her head. Changing its appearance in a blink of an eye to survive and thrive in any surrounding.

  A chill ran up her spine as he grabbed the hand that hung loosely at the side of her body, shaking it as if they were meeting under any other circumstance. Had she not made her disdain toward him clear?

  She roughly pulled her hand from his. "Sierra, are you okay?"

  "I'm fine; I was just telling Devon that my family isn't all that thrilled with me right now."

  "Good," Devon chimed in, taking Sierra's hand in his, his eyes going soft as he looked at her. She was almost able to hide the flinch. Almost. "When I came back into the room from retrieving her purse to find her gone, I could have paddled her little butt." He ran his hand down the side of her face. "But I was beyond relieved to hear that it was only a dislocation and not a break."

  A battle raged inside her head. She wanted so badly to hold on to her dislike for the man, but the way his eyes got soft every time he looked at Sierra made it increasingly difficult. "I found you a dress for the ball that will look beautiful with your hair." Gwen looped her arm through her friend's, turning her in the direction of the dressing rooms before turning to the man. "It was nice to meet you."

  "Absolutely. We will all have to get together for supper some night soon." Sincerity shone bright in his eyes, confusing the hell out of Gwen.

  She forced herself to walk at a steady, normal pace as she moved toward her vacant dressing room. As soon as they were inside, she turned to the shaking girl in her arms. "Are you okay?"

  "I'm fine, I-I just need a minute." Her sob tore her declaration to shreds.

  "I'm calling the cops."

  "No! The only thing calling the cops will accomplish is embarrassing me." She wiped at her eyes. "It's just…" She looked at her toes before looking Gwen straight in the eye. "…he isn't happy with me. I was supposed to wait for him, but when he was in the other room, I left and flagged down the first cab I saw. Now my family is mad at the both of us and ready to have a few choice words with him. This is not the first impression either of us wanted." She shook her head. "I'm in trouble, a lot of trouble, and not just with him."

  It made sense. Hell, it had happened to her before. Mess up, break the rules, dread the consequences. It fit. She knew Sierra well, but did she know her kinks well enough to judge the conversation between the two of them?

  "I am going to ask one question, and I need an honest answer." Sierra nodded. "Are you afraid of him?"

  "God, no." Fingering her necklace, Sierra let a harsh laugh escape. "Maybe when he is wielding his paddle, but even that is my choice."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Unless he has an implement aimed at my ass, he is harmless." She paused for a second before adding, "It's not him I'm scared of."

  Chapter 20

  "I have good news."

  "You caught both the arsonist and the copycat, and it turns out you were wrong this whole time and it wasn't an inside job?" Gwen attempted a sweet and innocent smile.

  Atticus' eyes cut to the man at her side. "You have your hands full."

  "Wouldn't have it any other way."

  "While I would love nothing more than for the news to be just that, you know it's not. Nonetheless, your living quarters have all been swept, and you're in the clear." Cheers rang through the small group as glasses clicked together.

  "Are you on shift?"

  "Rare night off, actually."

  "Then join us," Liv offered as she pushed the chair next to her out with the toe of her shoe.

  "I would be happy to, lovie." He took the offered chair and threw his arm over the back of Liv's chair as he addressed the group. "Sierra decide to stay home tonight?"

  "I am not sure decided is the correct word." The woman next to Leland smacked his chest lightly. "Princess," he warned.

  "Don't embarrass her."

  "I am going to embarrass you if you don't keep your hands to yourself." When she dropped her eyes, Leland continued. "She is staying with my parents, and this time, I spoke to my dad and know she is actually staying there, but Dad gave her the old 'my house, my rules' speech, so she is either nursing a sore butt or grounded."

  "My bet is on the first one." As he stood from the table, Zander pulled out his darts. "Anyone up for kicking my ass in a game?"

  When the door to the bar swung open an hour later, a strangled sound escaped Autumn. As she followed her line of sight, Gwen smiled and waved to the man. "I'm surprised to see him here. I didn't think he could be in a bar."

  "It isn't a term of his probation," Kennly muttered absent mindedly. "But he doesn't drink, so."

  "Autumn, we should…" She stopped short when she caught site of the woman sitting across from her. "Are you hiding?"

  "No, I just…" She sat up straighter in her chair, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

  "What did you do?" Kennly's whisper was ignored.

  "Hey, Colt." Gwen's smile fell from her lips when the stormy look on the man's face registered.

  Eyes glued to Autumn, his demand rumbled across the table, "Is your man here?"

  "Umm." Her eyes shot to the dart board for just a second, but it was enough.

  "Do not move." After issuing his order, he turned to the three stunned women. "Ladies."


  "Can you do me a favor and keep her here for me? I'm sure Leland will want to talk to her when I am done talking to him." Without waiting for a response, he strolled away, leaving three gaping women in his wake.

  "I'm dead."

  "What did you do?" Liv asked, her eyes narrowed.

  "I tried talking to Colt."

  Gwen stared open mouthed at the woman. "You, what?"

  "I tried to talk to Colt."

  "Like, on the phone?"

  "No, I—"

  "Autumn Rose Johnson."

  "Oh, fuck." Gwen watched as the other woman tracked her man's movements across the bar with her eyes. "I'm so dead."

  When the group of guys stopped at the table, Atticus held his hand out to Liv. "I have no idea what's going on, but I have a feeling this is going to get a little heated, lovie. Care to join me for dinner?"

  Without a second's hesitation, Liv laid her hand in his and allowed him to pull her from the chair. With a wide-eyed look and a wave over her shoulder, she followed him out of the bar.

  "Tell me he is mistaken."

  "He. I…" Her eyes dropped to her hands as she picked at her nails.

  "I am waiting, Autumn, and my patience is running dangerously thin."

  "He isn't lying, Sir."

  "Did you know she was going to do this?"

  Gwen looked at Jensen as he took his seat next to her, his whispered question catching her off guard. "No, I-I'm still not sure what she did."

  "Tell them, Autumn."



  "I contacted Colt."

  A snort from the man in question contradicted his hard look. "Contacted me? That implies that you picked up the phone and called me or sent a text. No, you showed up at my house. You talked to my mother, and then, the best part, you convinced her that you were a 'special friend' of mine."

  "Well, our relationship is a little unconventional. Some would say special."

  "I swear to God." Leland rested his clenched fist on the table, bringing his face down to Autumn's level so he
could speak to her without the entire bar hearing him. "Livid. I am livid right now and far beyond the point where I can deal with this any time soon."

  "I'm sorry, Sir."

  "You will be, but for right now, you are going to sit right here, slip your panties out from under that skirt of yours and sit your naked ass on that chair."


  "Now. You know the rule. When my princess is naughty, she doesn't get her panties."

  Gwen gave the other woman a sad but encouraging smile when their eyes met. The second of reassurance did the trick.

  While dropping her eyes to the table, Autumn wiggled in her seat before she pushed off the chair, slipped her hands under her skirt and dragged her underwear down her bare legs in the middle of the crowded restaurant before fisting them in her hand. A blush colored her face when Leland held out his hand for the garment.

  As soon as it dropped into his hand, he shoved them into his pants pocket and issued his final order, "Spread your legs, lift your skirt, and put your naked, disobedient ass on the chair." After a few seconds, the man's face softened. "Good girl. Stay here. I have a game to finish and some nerves to calm." He slapped Colt on the back and addressed the other man as they walked away. "Any good at darts?"

  "I don't know; the prison system frowns on the inmates playing with sharp and pointy items."

  Laughter faded as Gwen turned back to Autumn. "What were you thinking?"

  "I was thinking that this all was taking too long. I just…I just wanted to see if he had any more information."

  "You put this whole thing at risk!" Kennly's tone was harsh.

  "I only went to talk to him."

  "What if Atticus hadn't left? We decided not to tell the cops about Colt for a reason, and you nearly destroyed that."

  "I know."

  "She messed up; there's no reason for you to scold her, too. Leland will do plenty of that later."

  "Can we talk about something else? Anything else. Please?"

  It was silent for a second before a smile slowly spread across Kennly's face. "Did anyone else notice how eager Liv was to leave with Atticus?"


  "Wait, what?" Autumn asked.

  "He asked her to dinner."

  "A date? How did I miss this?"

  "Probably had something to do with the group of men glaring daggers at you."

  "I thought you were changing the subject."

  Gwen stirred her drink before pushing it away as she chewed her lip. "Are they dating?"

  "I don't know. I hope not." Shocked, both women turned to Kennly. "I mean, don't you think it's a little fast? Kevin hasn't been gone very long."

  "There's more, isn't there?"

  "I don't know. I just can't read the guy, and I don't like that."

  Sierra reached across the table and patted Kennly's hand. "I don't think they're dating, I think he feels for her, like he knows what it feels like to lose someone like she did. Give him a chance."

  "Hell, he's working harder to catch the arsonist than Starling ever did, even before it was his case."

  "You're right."

  "Autumn." Her name was all the instruction she needed. With bottom lip caught between her teeth, Autumn stood from the table and allowed Leland to lead her from the bar.

  "Is he going to do what I think he is?"

  As she allowed the corner of her mouth to quirk, Gwen turned to Colt. "Do you think he's going to bare her ass and make her regret breaking a promise?" At his nod, she continued. "Then, yeah, he is going to do exactly what you think he is."

  Chapter 21

  "We have a report of a man down at the corner of Plymouth and Frank." Gwen pried her eyes open, glancing at the red numbers glowing from the clock. 0343. Too early. She stood from her bed, shoved her feet into her boots, grabbed her radio off the nightstand and was headed to the bay as she shrugged on her jacket.

  "What are you doing up?" she questioned the man standing in his socks next to the rig.

  "Is a man not allowed to kiss his girl before she leaves?"

  "Not when she is leaving before four in the morning."

  "Davis was sick; I just sent him home." When she went to climb into the rig, he took hold of her chin, catching her eyes for the briefest moment before planting a hard kiss on her lips. "Be safe." She watched him walk away.

  "Quit ogling the man. We have a patient who needs us."

  "I am allowed to stare at his ass; he's mine after all." The bay door opened and she pulled forward and flipped on the lights as she pulled into the road. "You want me to take lead on this, or do you want it?"

  "It's mine. You had the last one."

  Gwen glanced to her partner as she maneuvered around a car that had pulled over to accommodate the ambulance. "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing is wrong." A smile spread across Autumn's face. "Leland asked me to move in with him."

  "Oh my God! I would give you a hug if it wouldn't kill the both of us. When?"

  "He mentioned it the other night after he found out about and dealt with the whole Colt thing. Said it would help him to keep a better eye on me." She pointed to the road. "That idiot isn't going to move. When I was helping him wash the trucks, earlier tonight, he brought it up again."

  A flick of a switch had the sirens wailing. "Nothing says romance like physical labor, but hell, at least you weren't draped over his thighs for this conversation."

  "A romantic he is not, but I don't need romance. I just need Lee."

  "Ahh." In an attempt to get the infuriating truck to move, Gwen hit the horn impatiently before she put her hand over her heart.

  Her teasing gesture turned into a scream as the truck in front of them stomped on its brakes, swerving dangerously before screeching to a halt in the middle of the road, blocking both lanes of traffic. As she hit her own breaks, Gwen was able to bring the ambulance to a stop before they were in an accident. "Holy shit!"

  "Ambulance 23 to dispatch."

  "Go ahead, Ambulance 23."

  "We are at the corner of—" There was a heavy tap on the window.

  "Put the mic down, Autumn." When the woman hesitated, the masked man pulled Sierra roughly into view from the side of the rig. "Do it, or I shoot her." Gwen's eyes landed on the gun that had been used to knock on the window, noticing it for the first time.

  "Ambulance 23, you were cut off, can you repeat your last transmission?"

  "Jay, I—" That was all the further Sierra got before the man released her arm and backhanded her across the face.

  "I told you to shut up!"

  Gwen's door was pulled open and a hand wrapped around her arm. She cried as she was pulled from the rig and into another man's arms. "Devon?"

  "Do as you're told, and you won't get hurt. Cause a scene, and I can't protect you." He nodded to the other man and continued. "He will make Jensen's punishments look like child's play." He grabbed for her radio, pulling it from her belt and holding it up to her mouth. "Tell dispatch that you're at the scene. Tell them!"

  "Ambulance 23 to dispatch. We're on scene."

  Chapter 22

  "Firefighter Davis to Dispatch." The frantic tone in the man's voice had Jensen on his feet, his heart in his throat.

  "Go ahead, Firefighter Davis."

  "I just rolled up on ambulance 23. It's abandoned." Breathing instantly became difficult.

  "Repeat that, Firefighter Davis."

  "I rolled up on Ambulance 23. The doors are open, the radios are here, but the paramedics are gone.

  "What do you mean, you don't know where they are? There are cameras on the inside and the outside of the rig. Use them."

  "We tried, but the devices were scrambled."

  "Meaning what?"

  "The recordings are useless. The only thing we have is six minutes of static."

  "The radios worked; I heard the girls call in before Davis got there."

  "The radios use older technology. The people who did this knew that, and they used it to their advantage. They needed a head
start. Thankfully, Davis came upon the scene, or who knows how long it would have taken before anyone realized they never made it to the call. Truthfully, they never should have radioed that they were there."

  Jensen took a threatening step toward the officer. "Don't question the choices of my people."

  "Don't threaten my men. They can only tell you what they know."

  "Then tell me you have more information! Tell me you know where the girls are."

  Atticus shook his head slowly. "I don't have any other material to give you."

  "Sir." An officer walked up to the small group of men, leaning in to speak privately with his superior.

  "What is it?"

  "A street cam caught a truck headed out of town."

  "Was it the girls?"

  He nodded his head, briefly closing his eyes as he took a deep breath. "One of them was able to jump from the car."



  Liv stepped out of the curtained off section of the ER and was immediately surrounded by a handful of men.

  "How is she?"

  "She just got here, but she looks fine, a few bumps and bruises, maybe a minor concussion, but nothing major that I can see so far." Leland didn't need any more information before he disappeared behind the wall of fabric. Jensen looked to the small woman. "Even if I say no, you are still going to barge in there and ask her a million questions. Go, get it over with so she can rest." When he went to step away, she grabbed his arm. "Get our girls home safe."

  As soon as he stepped into the space, a broken cry hit his ears. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to leave them, but the door on the other side was broken and he sat between us."

  "Calm down, princess."

  "What happened?"

  "We had no choice."

  "I know, but we still need you to tell us what happened."

  "The truck. It stopped in front of us. Gwen tried to call it in, but they were at the door before she could tell dispatch what happened. We had no choice. They had Sierra."


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