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The Red Army Faction, a Documentary History, Volume 1

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by J. Smith

  Frankfurt arson trial 49, 583

  Green Party 443

  on Drenkmann assassination 265

  Revolutionary Struggle 265, 436

  Cold War. See CDU (Christlich Demokratisches Union): Adenauer years

  See anticommunism

  co-management 10, 20, 583

  mentioned by RAF 102, 130, 223

  Committee for the Immediate Liberation of Klaus Croissant 526

  Committees Against Torture 245, 254, 326, 451, 514

  dissolution 268, 461

  foundation 244–245, 593

  guerilla, passage into 248, 253, 268, 332, 439, 474

  Info 344

  RAF’s politics 245, 248, 461

  Teach-In (May 11, 1974) 248–249

  third hunger strike (1974-75) 253, 264, 459

  Common Market. See EEC (European Economic Community)

  Confederation of Iranian Students 124

  Confédération Syndicale des Avocats 526

  Congo 11

  and German mercenaries 12, 27

  counterinsurgency 467, 491. See also BKA (Bundeskriminalamt)

  See also psychological warfare

  and death of Ulrike Meinhof 386–388

  Court of Appeals, Braunschweig 378

  Crisis Management Team; during Lorenz kidnapping 333

  during Schleyer kidnapping 479, 499, 533

  Critical University 581

  Croissant, Klaus 245, 246, 337, 528–529, 565, 601

  attacks on 266, 345, 419, 473, 595, 598

  barred from representing Baader 300, 346, 597

  barred from taking political cases 601, 602, 605

  France, seeks refuge in 473–474, 509, 526, 609

  and Ulrike Meinhof’s death 384, 386, 460

  prison 509, 528–529

  accused of aiding RAF 246, 480, 526

  and Stasi 246

  trial (1978-79) 610, 612

  on Winter Trip 267

  CSU (Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern) 6, 29, 615. See also Strauß, Franz Josef

  anti-feminism 447, 535

  mentioned by RAF 130, 139

  on the RAF 532, 533, 535

  Czechoslovakia 6, 477

  Daimler-Benz 623

  Daoud, Abu 191, 194

  Das Info xx

  Daume, Willi 231

  Davezies, Robert 382

  Davis, Angela 199–200. See also Angela Davis Congress (1972)

  Dayan, Moshe 188, 552

  mentioned by RAF 206, 231

  The Death of the KPD: Communism and Anti-Communism in West Germany, 1945-1956 17–18

  d’Eaubonne, Françoise 537

  Debray, Regis 95

  Debus, Sigurd 333, 339, 528, 614

  December 21st Movement of the Arabic Revolution 439, 599

  De Gaulle, Charles 582

  Degenhardt (prison doctor) 250, 304

  Dehler, Thomas 15

  Dellwo, Hans-Joachim 514–515, 566, 611, 613

  Dellwo, Karl-Heinz 514, 566, 623

  Committees Against Torture 253, 254, 451

  Hamburg squats 435

  konkret interview (1992) 622

  on Stammheim deaths 511, 517

  prison 605, 611

  released (1995) 624

  release demanded 498, 505

  on SAWIO skyjacking (1977, Mogadishu) 483, 529

  Stockholm Embassy Occupation 334, 335

  trial (1976-77) 600, 606

  Democratic and Social Center Party (Portugal) 427

  denazification 5–6. See also Nazis, former

  Denmark 57

  Destroy Bild 150

  Deutsche Bank 138, 619

  Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft 285

  Deutsche Kommunistische Partei. See DKP (Deutsche Kommunistische Partei)

  Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbund. See German Union Association

  Deutsche Volkszeitung 90

  Deutschland im Herbst 610

  Dinnawi, ‘Abd al-Qadir ad- 191

  Ditfurth, Christian von 306

  Ditfurth, Jutta 53, 201, 393, 558

  DKP (Deutsche Kommunistische Partei) 42–43, 140. See also KPD (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands) [pro-Soviet]

  conservatism 169

  criticized by RAF 88, 140, 424

  mentioned by the RAF 95, 130, 152

  Dollinger, Fredericke 32

  DPA (Deutsche Presse Agentur) 608, 611 draft dodgers. See West Berlin: draft dodgers

  Dregger, Alfred 229, 331, 532, 566

  Dreher, Eberhard 243

  Drenkmann, Günter von 262, 566, 595. See also 2nd of June Movement: Drenkmann assassination (1974)

  Dresdner Bank 606

  DST (Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire) 504

  Dubai 484

  Duensing, Erich 34

  Dümlein, Christine 566, 614, 620, 620–621

  Dürrenmatt, Friedrich 85

  Dutschke, Rudi 137, 247, 566

  in APO 30, 35, 579, 581

  attempted assassination 36, 226, 582

  on guerilla 35, 257, 538, 581

  long march through the institutions 35, 424

  at Holger Meins’ funeral 265, 595

  Dyck, Elisabeth von 482, 527, 566, 606

  arrested (1975) 337, 597

  killed by police (1979) 612

  Easter Marches 23, 36–37, 579, 580

  mentioned by RAF 81, 90

  Eckardt, Hans 115

  Eckes, Christa 566

  captured (1972) 325, 594

  captured (1984) 616

  release demanded 339

  sentenced (1977) 607

  Eckhardt, Hans 566, 589

  EEC (European Economic Community) 454, 602

  mentioned by RAF 209–210, 361, 379, 426

  Egypt 551

  and Black September Munich operation 189, 231, 233

  Six Day War 34, 551–552, 580–581

  Ehmke, Horst 237

  Eidel, Uli 628

  Eleftherotypia 454

  Emergency Powers Act 38–39, 582

  mentioned by RAF 88, 97, 183, 229, 309

  Encounter 197, 331, 544, 546

  Engels, Friedrich 297, 373

  England 4, 311

  counterinsurgency 193

  and IRA 305

  Astrid Proll in hiding 240, 529–530, 611

  women’s movement 42, 445, 529–530

  Ensslin, Gudrun 387, 483, 566. See also Stammheim deaths

  in APO 34, 55

  apprentices collectives 50, 527

  captured (1972) 171, 591

  dead wing 412;

  death in Stammheim 485–486, 507, 513, 518, 519, 608

  Frankfurt department stores 48–49, 581, 583

  library break-out 54

  postmortem and burial 384, 515, 533–534

  prison 238, 244, 471, 548–549, 594

  release demanded 328, 332, 339, 476, 492, 498, 505

  Spiegel interview (1975) 300, 596

  Springer bombing 357, 422

  Stammheim trial 604. See also Stammheim trial (1976-77)

  Statement Calling Off the Fourth Hunger Strike (1977) 493

  underground 53

  Ensslin, Helmut 518

  Entebbe skyjacking. See skyjackings: Air France/Entebbe (1976)

  Eppendorf University Hospital (Hamburg) 239

  Eppler, Erhard 147, 233

  Epple, Richard 111, 175, 566, 589

  Eritrea 451

  Ernst, Barbara 616

  Eschen, Klaus 595

  ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna) 311, 489

  Ethiopia 451

  European Commission of Human Rights 244, 548–549

  European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism 454, 602, 603

  European Economic Community. See EEC (European Economic Community)

  European Relief Program. See Marshall Plan

  Evangelical Student Association 32

  Evening Star 12

  Extra-Parliamentary Opposition. See APO (Außerparlamentarische Opposition)
  Faisal (king) 329

  false flag actions 84, 235–236, 470, 604. See also psychological warfare

  Bremen Central Station (1974) 314–315, 349, 371, 376, 595

  Celle hole (1978) 528

  Cologne Central Station (1975) 349, 380, 599

  Hamburg Central Station (1975) 349, 376, 378, 378–379, 599

  Michael Luhmer kidnapping (1971) 61, 586

  Milan bombing (1969) 376

  non-existent abduction of children (1975) 488, 604

  non-existent attack on Munich subway system (1975) 350

  non-existent attacks on nuclear power plants (76-77) 488

  non-existent contamination of Lake Constance (1975) 488;

  non-existent kidnapping of Canadian ambassador (1977) 469

  nonexistent kidnapping of Willy Brandt (1971) 61, 84

  non-existent mustard gas attack (1975) 350, 488, 598

  nonexistent poisoning of drinking water in Baden-Württemberg (1974) 371, 376, 378, 488

  non-existent rocket attack on Soccer World Cup (1974) 371, 376, 378

  non-existent Stuttgart bombing (1972) 169–170, 179, 181–182, 185, 371, 376, 378, 488, 590

  Nuremberg train station (1975) 349, 599

  Jürgen Rieger kidnapping hoax (1971) 62–63, 586

  Weisbaden train station (1977) 469

  Fanon, Frantz 108, 316

  Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 610

  Fatah 193–194, 557. See also Black September (organization)

  and Black September 188, 192

  relationship to RAF 56–57, 59, 482, 583, 584

  FDP (Freie Demokratische Partei) 6, 41, 613, 615. See also Social-Liberal Brandt-Scheel Government (1969-1974)

  See also Social-Liberal Schmidt-Genscher Government (1974-1982)

  See also Maihofer, Werner

  See also Genscher, Hans-Dietrich

  Federal Administrative Court 101, 102, 372

  Federal Association of German Employers 134, 477

  Federal Association of German Industrialists 477

  Federal Border Guard. See BGS (Bundesgrenzschutz)

  Federal Border Patrol Law 229

  Federal Constitutional Court 14, 248, 597

  antiabortion ruling 447

  bombed by Women of the RZ 377, 447, 460, 462

  KPD banned 15

  mentioned by RAF 217, 416, 424, 465

  Federal Criminal Investigation Bureau. See BKA (Bundeskriminalamt)

  Federal Labor Court 137, 141, 184, 229

  Federal Minister of the Interior 193, 616

  Hans-Dietrich Genscher 60, 266, 585

  Werner Maihofer 266, 474, 598

  mentioned by RAF 123, 175

  Otto Schily 247

  Gerhard Schröder 147

  Rudolph Seiters 623

  Federal Republic of Germany; considered a colony 17–18, 198, 424, 434, 615

  “economic miracle” 7–10

  foundation 6

  sovereignty 11, 413–415

  Federal Republic of Germany—Imperialism 11–13, 89, 130, 308, 413–415, 425, 430, 503

  development aid 12, 88, 125, 207, 212, 232, 233, 330, 332, 503, 550, 552

  in Europe 207, 379, 426, 454, 503

  and Iran 124–128

  and Israel 11, 177, 193, 214, 503–504, 550–553

  military aid 12, 97, 131, 212, 503, 550–552

  Vietnam War 11, 414, 430, 601

  Federal Supreme Court 627

  force-feeding 259;

  mentioned in passing 101

  neurological abuse of Ulrike Meinhof 241, 319, 593

  RAF trials 176

  seizing legal correspondence 344–345, 596

  trials proceeding without defendants 372, 417

  Federation of Trade Unions 36, 552, 581

  Feigenwinter, Gunhild 446

  Filbinger, Hans 181, 532, 567

  Fink, Heinrich 626

  Firma Agit-Druck 525, 608

  First International 373

  Fischer, Joschka 567

  anti-guerilla position 201, 441–443, 538, 601

  Green Party 443, 626

  Putz Group 442, 443

  Revolutionary Struggle 436

  Floß der Medusa 247

  Folkerts, Knut 567, 605, 623

  Boock’s Lies (1988) 527

  Buback assassination 470–471, 471, 627

  captured (1977) 480, 607

  Committees Against Torture 253

  konkret interview (1992) 622;

  prison 523

  released (1995) 625

  trial (1977, Holland) 609

  trial (1980, FRG) 613

  Folkerts, Uwe 472–473, 567, 605

  Ford 4

  Foreigners Act 42, 124, 140, 149, 183

  Foucault, Michel 526

  France 4, 440. See also Action Directe

  and Algeria 23, 480

  asylum for Klaus Croissant 473, 526, 605, 608

  radical left 57, 522–523

  and RAF 50, 388, 501, 613, 614

  women’s movement 42, 446, 537

  Franco, Francisco 179

  Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 379, 413

  “Ulrike Meinhof läßt sich nur die Stichwort geben” 196, 197, 544–547

  Frankfurter Rundschau 179, 379

  Frankfurt Legal Collective 250

  Frankfurt School 24, 26, 200, 460, 532

  influence on New Left 25, 30, 46, 108, 118

  Frankfurt University 39, 168, 264, 582

  Frankfurt Women’s Center 445, 535

  Free German Youth 21

  Free University of Berlin 155, 243

  Ernest Mandel 117, 130, 140

  student activism 40, 140, 580, 582

  Freie Demokratische Partei. See FDP (Freie Demokratische Partei)

  Freikorps 67, 84

  Frey (prison doctor) 304

  Frey, Stefan 616

  Fried, Erich 25, 247, 265, 388, 530, 567

  Friedrich, Ralf Baptist; arrested (1990) 620

  in the GDR 614

  trial (1992) 622

  Friends of Astrid Proll 530

  Friends of the 2nd of June 601

  Fritzsch, Ronald 52, 328

  Fromm, Erich 24

  Front for the Liberation of Occupied South Yemen 330

  Frühschoppen 533

  Gäng, Peter 444

  Garstka, Hans Jürgen 531

  Garweg, Burkhard 626

  Gauche Prolétarienne 104

  General Motors 4

  General Union of Palestinian Students 194, 592

  General Union of Palestinian Workers 194, 592

  Geneva Convention 554–556

  Geneva Convention (strategy) 420, 455–456, 470, 600

  Andreas Baader on 467–468

  criticized 461, 463

  demand 176, 404, 431, 471, 487, 604, 606, 610, 612

  Genscher, Hans-Dietrich 110, 231, 266, 567. See also Federal Minister of the Interior

  See also Social-Liberal Schmidt-Genscher Government (1974-1982)

  Lorenz kidnapping 330

  mentioned by RAF 141, 183, 206, 229, 231, 233

  offered self as Black September hostage 188, 214

  on the RAF 60, 170, 344, 585

  George Jackson Brigade 524

  Georg von Rauch House 110, 148, 588

  German Democratic Republic (East Germany) 4, 12, 18, 25, 29, 551, 561, 620. See also APO (Außerparlamentarische Opposition): GDR

  and konkret 26, 28

  and KPD 17–18

  and RAF 58, 59, 485, 558, 614, 619–620

  German Peace Union 90

  German Union Association 415

  Giáp, Võ Nguyên 153, 316

  Gnädinger, Fritz-Joachim 267, 567

  Göbel, Wolfgang 470, 567, 604

  Goder, Angelica 621

  Goemans, Johannes 530, 567, 611

  Goergens, Irene 567

  captured (1970) 60, 585

  library break-out 54

  reform school 54

sed (1977) 64, 605

  trial (1971) 60–62, 64, 586

  Gollwitzer, Helmut 532

  Götte (psychiatrist) 319, 410

  Graefer, Edelgard 161–162, 357

  Gramsci, Antonio 399, 400

  Grams, Wolfgang 616, 621, 623

  Grand Coalition 29, 38, 39, 41, 88, 226, 414, 579

  Grashof, Manfred 60, 296, 320, 567

  captured (1972) 114–115, 589

  pardoned (1988) 619

  release demanded 339

  trial (1975-77) 598, 605

  Grass, Günter 25, 103, 532

  Greece; dictatorship 125, 183, 580, 594

  and Rolf Pohle 453–454, 602

  radical left 523

  Green Party 227, 246, 247, 625

  and K-groups 538

  and undogmatic left 443, 525, 540

  Griebel, Walter 71

  Groenewold, Kurt 247, 325, 567

  attacks on 266, 344, 346, 348, 595, 597, 598, 606

  Committees Against Torture 245

  trial (1978) 609, 611

  Groppler, Eckhard 618

  Grosser, Karl-Friedrich 621

  Gross, Jan 239

  Grundgesetz. See Basic Law

  Grundmann, Wolfgang 352, 567

  captured (1972) 114–115, 589

  Kaiserslautern bank robbery 588

  trial (1975-77) 598, 605

  Gruppe 47 24–25, 103, 112, 265, 421, 530

  Grustadt, Eric 567, 585

  GSG-9 (Grenzschutzgruppe 9) 193, 623

  origin 193, 592

  and SAWIO skyjacking (1977, Mogadishu) 484–485, 608

  Guevara, Che 153, 247, 311, 316

  Guillaume affair 312, 344, 433, 594

  Guillaume, Günter 312

  Gulf War 620

  Haag, Siegfried 247, 379, 568

  arrested (1975) 337, 598

  attacks on 266, 341, 419, 597

  captured (1976) 454–455, 602

  Committees Against Torture 245

  and Holger Meins 260–261

  and PFLP (EO) 482

  Stockholm Embassy Occupation 337

  trial (1979) 612

  underground (1975-76) 337, 341, 597

  Habash, George 232, 559, 560

  Habermas, Jürgen 24, 199, 579

  accuses APO of “left-wing fascism” 25

  mentioned by RAF 397

  Haddad, Waddi 438, 439, 481–482, 559–561, 568

  Haig, Alexander 612, 624

  Hammami, Abdullah Ali Al 481

  Hammerschmidt, Katharina 161, 171, 250, 568, 591

  cancer in prison and death 250, 252–253, 593, 598

  death mentioned by RAF 428, 465

  Hand Grenade Law 55, 80, 97, 584

  Hansen, Hans-Wilhelm 529, 568, 611

  Happe, Manuela 624

  Harb, Nabil 485, 568

  Harich, Wolfgang 227

  Harms, Monika 627

  Hauff, Reinhard 618

  Haule, Eva 620, 627

  prison 624

  split in the RAF 623

  trial (1994) 624

  Häuserrat 264

  Hausner, Siegfried 250, 356–357, 568

  autopsy 386


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