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The Red Army Faction, a Documentary History, Volume 1

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by J. Smith

  Mayer, Roland 454, 571, 602

  Boock’s Lies (1988) 527

  trial (1979) 612

  McGovern, Eugene 206, 207, 213

  McGuffin, John 382

  McLeod, Ian 111, 233, 571, 591

  Meinhof, Ulrike 112, 270, 571, 594. See also Meinhof, Ulrike—death in Stammheim

  Agit 883 55

  accusations of antisemitism 196–199, 544–547

  and Andreas Baader 50, 53, 381, 384, 395

  Black September (1972) 187, 187–190

  captured (1972) 171, 201, 591

  daughters 48, 58, 118–119, 384, 557–558. See also Röhl, Bettina

  See also Röhl, Anja

  dead wing 238, 239, 240, 244, 271–273, 302, 319, 410, 412, 429, 491, 591, 593

  and Gudrun Ensslin 48, 50, 53

  Fragment Regarding Structure (1976) 397–399

  and Kurt Groenewold 247

  and Gustav Heinemann 41

  konkret 26, 28, 557

  konkret columns 32, 37–38, 41, 48–49, 582

  and KPD (1959-64) 26, 28, 424

  Letter to the Prisoners in Hamburg (1976) 405–407

  library break-out 54, 55, 584

  mentioned by the state 117, 172, 386

  neurological abuse 241, 319, 322, 384, 409–412, 490, 593

  On the Dead Wing (1972-73) 271–273

  psychological warfare 413

  and Jan-Carl Raspe 59, 395–396

  Regarding the Liberation of Andreas Baader (1974) 359–370

  release demanded 189, 192, 328, 332, 339

  and Klaus Rainer Röhl 26, 48, 583

  role in the left 53, 388, 390, 395, 429

  Spiegel interview (1975) 300, 596

  Springer bombing 357–358, 422–423

  Stammheim trial 388, 455, 598, 600. See also Stammheim trial (1976-77)

  Statement to the Red Aid Teach-In (1972) 169, 200, 591

  sued by Franz Josef Strauß (1961) 41

  third hunger strike (1974-75) 253, 594

  trial (1974) 255, 595

  Two Letters to Hanna Krabbe (1976) 400–402

  underground 258, 413, 585

  Meinhof, Ulrike—death in Stammheim 381–387, 600, 611. See also protests: death of Ulrike Meinhof (1976)

  See also International Investigatory Commission into the Death of Ulrike Meinhof

  See also Meinhof, Ulrike—death in Stammheim: psychological warfare

  demand for international investigation 470, 487, 604

  “estate” 460

  funeral 389, 460

  historiography 393–394

  Jan-Carl Raspe: On the Murder of Ulrike Meinhof (1977) 395–396

  psychological warfare 358, 381, 386–387, 391–392, 396, 412–413, 413, 430, 491

  discussed by the RAF 395–396, 408–409, 412–413, 416, 490–491

  mentioned by RAF 428, 428–429, 465, 496

  rape 382–383

  Meins, Holger 238, 572. See also Meins, Holger—death in Cologne-Wittlich

  Agit 883 46, 55

  in APO 31

  captured (1972) 170, 171, 200, 591

  force-feeding 259, 259–260, 292–295

  isolation 238

  Last Letter (1974) 296–299, 483

  Molotov Cocktail film 150, 581

  Report on Force-Feeding (1974) 292–295

  underground 59, 353, 585, 587

  Meins, Holger—death in Cologne-Wittlich 260–261, 595. See also protests: death of Holger Meins (1974)

  demand for international investigation 487, 604

  effect on prisoners supporters 262, 332, 345, 439

  psychological warfare 263

  discussed by RAF 303–305, 304, 307, 429

  mentioned by RAF 341, 395, 408, 428, 465, 470, 490, 496

  Meir, Golda 189

  mentioned by RAF 206, 231

  Ménigon, Nathalie 619

  Merck, Bruno 190

  mentioned by RAF 231, 233

  Metzger, Rudolph 586

  Meyer, Hans-Joachim 382, 383

  Meyer, Horst 619, 621, 626

  Meyer, Till 242, 254, 572

  Milberg, Peter 273

  Militant Black Panther Aunties 51

  military bases, U.S. 11–13, 316, 367, 414. See also RAF (Red Army Faction): attack on U.S. Army V Corps (1972)

  See also RAF (Red Army Faction): attack on USAREUR in Heidelberg (1972)

  See also RAF (Red Army Faction): attack on U.S. Air Force in Ramstein (1981)

  See also RAF (Red Army Faction): attempted bombing of SHAPE School (1984)

  See also RAF (Red Army Faction): Rhein-Main Air Base bombing (1985)

  Military Counter-Intelligence Service 415, 421

  Minimanual of the Urban Guerilla. See Marighella, Carlos

  Minister of the Interior. See Federal Minister of the Interior

  See Interior Ministers Conference

  Der Minister und der Terrorist 613

  Mirbach, Andreas von 333, 340, 572

  Mitbestimmung. See co-management

  mob 475

  Mobiles Einsatz Kommando 333, 429, 490

  Mogadishu skyjacking. See skyjackings: Lufthansa/Mogadishu (1977)

  Mohnhaupt, Brigitte 526, 572, 612

  Boock’s lies (1988) 527

  Buback assassination 627

  captured (1972) 171

  captured (1978, Yugoslavia) 529, 610, 611

  captured (1982) 615

  decision to procure drugs 527

  firefight in Holland 480, 607

  lawyers 603

  prison 624

  released (1977) 470, 603

  released (2007) 627

  release demanded 339

  and SAWIO skyjacking (1977, Mogadishu) 482

  split in the RAF 623

  testimony at the Stammheim trial (1976) 161–162, 163, 172, 347, 352, 355–358, 458, 602

  trial (1985) 617

  Tupamaros Munich 64

  Möller, Irmgard 519, 538, 572, 609, 622

  captured (1972) 172, 592

  in prison 471, 516, 624

  release demanded 339, 498, 505

  split in the RAF 623

  Stammheim, almost killed in 485, 507, 512, 513, 517, 608

  trial (1976) 600

  trial (1979) 612

  Molotov Cocktail Meeting 150, 581

  Le Monde Diplomatique. See RAF documents: Interview with Le Monde Diplomatique (1976)

  Morocco 212

  Moscow and Warsaw Treaties 147, 228

  Mossad 481, 504, 561

  Mossadegh, Mohammed 211

  Most, Johannes 227

  Mouvement d’action judicaire 526

  Movement for the Freedom of Jerusalem 621

  Mozambique 11, 149, 226

  Muhammed, Mahdi 481

  Müller, Arndt 572

  arrested (1977) 480–481, 607

  charged with attempted murder 473

  offices bombed 475, 606

  trial (1980) 515, 613

  Müller, Gerhard 572

  captured (1972) 171, 201, 591

  informant 351–352, 465–466, 588, 600

  isolation 352

  Norbert Schmid 108–110, 588

  SPK 108

  testimony refuted 356–357, 458, 602

  Müller, Herman-Josef 404

  Müller, Philipp 21

  Munich Board for the Emergency Facing Democracy 38

  Munich Olympic Games (1972) 188–189. See also Black September (organization): Munich Olympics hostage-taking (1972)

  Munich Tupamaros 64

  Nannen, Henri 232

  National Liberation Front (South Yemen) 330

  National Security Agency 163, 601

  National Women’s Conference (1972) 446

  NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) 443, 552

  and counterinsurgency 62, 376, 490, 491

  and FRG 11, 15, 212

  Greek coup 580

  and GSG-9 193

  mentioned by RAF 91, 212, 308, 316, 359, 360,
379, 424, 491

  RAF attempted assassination of Alexander Haig (1979) 612

  RAF attempted bombing of SHAPE School (1984) 616

  Nazis. See Third Reich

  See Nazis, former

  Nazis, former 26–27, 29, 41, 61, 77, 116, 306, 477, 483, 532, 552. See also denazification

  and CIA 13

  Hanns Martin Schleyer 477, 607

  KPD courts 18

  as mercenaries 12

  Neckermann, Josef 225

  Negt, Oskar 572

  anti-guerilla position 200–201, 591

  excoriated by RAF 187, 216–222, 226

  undogmatic left 199–200, 579

  neofascists 20, 256

  possible role in false-flag attacks 63, 349, 376, 380

  neo-nazis. See neofascists

  Neubauer, Kurt 81

  Neusel, Hans 620

  Newerla, Armin 572

  charged with attempted murder 473

  charged with supporting RAF 475, 479, 480–481

  offices bombed 475, 606

  trial (1980) 515, 613

  New German Critique 199

  New Left. See APO (Außerparlamentarische Opposition)

  See New Left, international

  See undogmatic left

  New Left, international 87, 108

  Newrzella, Michael 623

  news media 349–350, 469. See also Springer Press

  See also §88a

  See also psychological warfare

  See also Spiegel

  Lorenz kidnapping 331

  mentioned by RAF 98–99, 101, 154, 179–180, 181–182, 307, 314, 341, 379, 421–422

  Schleyer kidnapping 478, 479, 480, 498, 499

  Stockholm Embassy occupation 339–340

  use by guerilla 65, 461, 590

  New Traffic Regulations 64

  Nicolai, Regine 613

  Niekisch, Ernst 67

  Niemöller, Martin 478, 498, 502

  Nixon, Richard 206, 583, 600

  Nollau, Günther 535

  Norddeutschen Rundfunk 277

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization. See NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

  North Yemen 330, 481

  Norway 563, 625

  Noske, Gustav 216

  Notstandgesetze. See also Emergency Powers Act

  See also APO (Außerparlamentarische Opposition): anti-Not-standgesetze campaign

  Oberwinder, Michael 381, 383, 386, 572

  Oestereicher (Amnesty International) 308

  Ohnesorg, Benno. See also protests: shooting of Benno Ohnesorg (1967)

  commemorated 46, 170

  murdered (1967) 32, 572, 580

  OMGUS (Office of Military Government, United States) 6

  OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 199, 439, 449. See also Revolutionary Cells: OPEC raid in Vienna (1975)

  Operation Plan 101-1 13

  Operation Winter Trip. See BKA (Bundeskriminalamt): Operation Winter Trip

  OPFG (Organization of the People’s Fedayeen Guerillas) 616

  Ostpolitik 42, 44

  mentioned by RAF 88, 104, 147, 148, 228

  Palestine and Palestinians 34, 189, 194, 552. See also Fatah

  See also Black September (massacre)

  See also Black September (organization)

  See also PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization)

  See also PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine)

  See also PFLP (EO) [Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (External Operations)]

  in Jordan 56

  mentioned by guerilla 94, 177, 183, 206, 209, 213, 226, 229, 231–232, 235, 377

  resistance movement and RAF 56, 57, 59

  Six Day War 581

  Palestine Liberation Organization. See PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization)

  Palme, Olaf 427

  Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus. See PDS (Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus)

  Patakos, Stylianos 179

  Paule, Diane 197–198

  Payot, Denis 478, 479, 483, 484, 572, 607

  mentioned by RAF 498, 500, 501, 502

  PDS (Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus) 145, 246

  peace movement 450, 614

  Pearson, Williard 164

  Peck, Charles 165

  Peck, Winslow 601

  Peiffer, Jürgen 384

  PEN Club 265, 277

  People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen 329, 330, 481

  and Lorenz kidnapping 329–330, 332, 596

  and Lufthansa skyjacking 480, 484, 484–485, 505

  and PFLP (EO) 438, 482, 560

  rear base area for RAF 57, 482, 527, 612

  Persia. See Iran

  Pflasterstrand 435, 443, 456

  PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) 232

  Dawson’s Field skyjackings (1970) 56, 559–560, 584

  and PFLP (EO) 559, 560, 561

  and RAF 482

  PFLP (EO) [Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (External Operations)] 559–561. See PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine)

  Air France skyjacking (1976, Entebbe) 439–440

  and Carlos 438–439

  Lufthansa skyjacking (1977, Mogadishu) 481–485, 502, 503–504, 505–506, 608, 625

  OPEC raid (1975) 438–439

  origin in PFLP 559–560, 585

  and Revolutionary Cells 438–440, 561

  Pieler, Roland 573

  Pimental, Edward 617–618

  Plambeck, Juliane 527, 573, 602, 613

  PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) 192, 439, 583, 584. See also Fatah

  See also Black September (organization) in Jordan (1967-70) 56, 56–57

  Plottnitz, Rupert von 598

  Pohle, Rolf 573

  in APO 38, 111

  arrested (1972) 111, 588

  captured (1976) 453, 602

  extradition from Greece 454, 602

  freed in Lorenz kidnapping 328, 596

  released (1982) 454

  scare campaign 350

  trial (1973) 111

  trial (1977) 454, 608

  Pohl, Helmut 108, 573

  captured (1974) 325–326, 594

  captured (1984) 616

  isolation 242, 301

  pardoned (1998) 625

  prison 474, 516, 605, 624

  release demanded 339

  split in the RAF 623

  trial (1977) 607

  Ponto, Jürgen 474, 573, 606. See also RAF (Red Army Faction): Ponto assassination (1977); RAF communiqué 494

  Portugal 311

  in Africa 11, 149, 166

  Carnation revolution (1974) 427, 594

  and FRG 11, 131, 166

  Portuguese Socialist Party 427

  Posser, Diether 149, 303, 322

  Poulantzas, Nicos 46, 406

  Preiss, Rosemarie 608

  Prinzing, Theodor 319, 573. See also Stammheim trial (1976-77)

  attacks on lawyers 345–346, 596

  caught leaking documents 353, 603

  mentioned by RAF 372, 374, 418, 423, 431

  mentioned by RZ 458

  rules in favor of force-feeding 259

  prison conditions 237, 467. See also isolation torture

  Contact Ban 479, 480, 485, 514, 597, 604, 606, 609

  as “extermination” 264, 275, 276, 285, 300, 303, 313, 370, 395, 403, 410, 412, 417, 431, 491

  forced drugging 114, 286, 302, 428, 493

  force-feeding 250, 259–260, 292–295, 303–305, 475, 614

  medical abuse/neglect 114, 250, 252–253, 260, 292–295, 304, 334–335, 370, 387, 493

  mentioned by Thorwald Proll 72–77

  neurosurgery and psychiatry 241, 242, 276, 280, 282, 286, 301, 306, 319, 403, 410–412, 490

  24-Point Program 242

  United States 239

  water deprivation 250, 258–259, 259, 285, 304, 370, 387, 428

  prisons. See also Stammheim deaths

  See als
o Meinhof, Ulrike—death in Stammheim

  See also Meins, Holger—death in Cologne-Wittlich

  See also prison conditions

  Aichach 487

  Baden-Rastatt 238

  Berlin 286, 487

  Berlin-Lehrter Strasse 285

  Berlin-Moabit 285, 286

  Berlin-Tegel 285, 302

  Bruchsal 285, 302

  Celle 528, 622, 623

  Cologne 238, 285, 487

  Cologne-Ossendorf 238, 240, 286, 403, 591, 594

  Cologne-Wittlich 238

  Düsseldorf-Schwalmstadt 238, 304, 370

  Essen 238, 285, 487

  Frankfurt-Preungesheim 273, 275, 285

  Fuhlsbüttel 285

  Hamburg 238, 286, 487

  Hamburg-Holstenglacis 493

  Hamburg remand centre 285

  Hannover 285, 302

  Hessen 601

  Hessen-Ziegenhain 250

  Kaiserslautern 487

  Lehrter Women’s Prison 602

  Lübeck 286

  Mannheim 285

  Munich-Stadeheim 520

  Plötzensee 81

  Stammheim 471–472, 474, 487, 493, 509, 594, 604, 605, 606, 609, 613

  Straubing 285, 302, 487

  Stuttgart 286

  West Berlin-Moabit 238

  West Berlin Women’s Prison 250

  Zweibrücken 302, 304, 320

  Proll, Astrid 573

  alleged firefight (1971) 60, 86, 586

  before RAF 48, 50, 51, 581

  captured (1971) 64, 586

  captured (1978) 529, 611

  dead wing 238, 239–240, 302, 410, 588

  escapes to England (1974-8) 240, 529–530, 594

  library break-out 55

  in RAF 161, 585

  trials 113, 613

  Proll, Thorwald 50, 573

  Closing trial statement (1968) 66–78

  Frankfurt department stores 48–49, 582, 583

  propaganda. See psychological warfare

  Protestants 20, 257–258


  peace (1952) 21

  nuclear weapons (1956) 22–23

  Moise Tschombe (1964) 27–28, 579

  Vietnam War (1964-) 35–36, 579, 581

  Shah of Iran (1967) 31–32, 226

  shooting of Benno Ohnesorg (1967) 33–34, 580

  anticommunist (1968) 36, 581

  anti-Notstandgesetze (1968) 38–39

  attempted assassination of Dutschke (1968) 36–37, 111, 207, 307

  Battle of Tegeler Weg (1968) 40, 288, 583

  Nixon (1969) 583

  shooting of Georg von Rauch (1971) 110, 588

  for abortion rights (1974) 446

  death of Holger Meins (1974) 261–262, 263–265, 344, 416, 459, 595

  Wyhl (1975) 449, 450

  death of Ulrike Meinhof (1976) 388–391, 441, 442, 600, 601

  anti-communist ban (1977) 538, 608

  Stammheim deaths (1977) 521–524

  peace (1981) 614

  IMF World Economic Summit (1992) 622

  Psychiatric Clinic in Magdeburg 384

  psychological warfare 61, 237–238, 429, 461, 464–466. See also false flag actions


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