In Search of Lucy: A Novel

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In Search of Lucy: A Novel Page 18

by Lia Fairchild

  Rick read Carly a couple of her favorite stories in bed while they waited for Katie to come in. With his elbows rested on the bed, Rick leaned against Carly’s bed on his knees. Exhaustion from the day was starting to run down through his entire body, and he fought to stay awake. A few times his eyelids drooped and he slurred his words. Carly shook his shoulder with both hands and yelled, “Daddy! Stay awake.” Thankfully, Katie walked in just as he was finishing the second book because he knew he wouldn’t make it through another.

  “Thank goodness. Mommy’s here.” Rick got up and gave his girl one last kiss on the forehead. “You’re my special girl, right?”


  To Katie he said, “You okay?”

  “Yeah, everything’s fine. I’ll be there in a few minutes.” Katie grabbed Rick’s hand and gave it a squeeze before he walked out of the room, shutting the light off. Then she turned and smiled at Carly. She could barely make out her face with the faded light shining in from the hallway.

  “Mommy, come cuddle with me.”

  Katie climbed in behind Carly’s little body to form a perfect spoon formation. She kissed her hair and took in the beautiful scent of her daughter. “I’m only staying for a couple of minutes,” she whispered. Katie knew if she didn’t put that out there up front that Carly would ask for more and more time until she eventually got Katie to stay until she was fast asleep.

  “Were you and Aunt Lucy fighting?”

  “No honey. We were just talking.”

  “You guys sounded like you were mad at each other.”

  Katie rubbed Carly’s back. “Shhh.” She didn’t want Carly to think about unhappy things before she went to bed. She and Rick had worked hard to keep things positive in their home, especially during the rough times. “Everything’s fine. It’s time to go to sleep.”

  “Should we try to meet in our dreams tonight?”

  That was something they had been saying to her for years. It helped Carly to sleep, thinking about being with her parents in her dream, and feeling safe there too.

  “I’ll meet you there. Now close your eyes and go to sleep.”

  Carly’s eyes blinked rapidly, fighting it off, and then after a few moments, her lids floated shut.

  “Sweet dreams, honey pie,” Katie whispered.

  A pillow propped behind her back, Anne sat up reading a thick textbook. Lucy didn’t want to disturb her, but she also didn’t want to talk. She was spent and just wanted to go to sleep.

  “Hi,” Anne said, glancing up from her book.

  “Hey.” Lucy plopped down on her dorm-style bed, aiming for the center. She was used to having a bigger bed and wasn’t looking forward to sleeping in one lane.

  “Everything okay?” Anne didn’t look up this time, making it easier for Lucy.

  “Yeah, everything’s fine. Actually, it’s kinda like you said before. Everything’s going to be okay. I feel…better about things for some reason.”

  “See…that’s great. By the way, I texted Benny because I tried to call Chad.” She made a face and tilted her head to the side. “His phone was disconnected.”

  “Bummer. Must have been his stepdad.”

  “It was, but Benny said everything’s fine. They’ll stay at his cousin’s house until Monday and leave Tuesday morning. He also said that his family is calling Chad hermanito.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Little brother.”

  “Like they need another one of those.”

  Anne laughed and continued looking through her book. Lucy grabbed a pillow, hugged it close, and sat replaying her talk with Katie in her brain. After a minute or two, she reached down to a bag that was next to the bed and pulled out the laptop. She’d planned on calling Kyle when they arrived, like she’d promised him, but everything seemed to happen so fast. It was too late now, and after her conversation with Katie, she really didn’t feel like talking. She’d send him an e-mail instead. Plus, she didn’t want to know if he was not home on a Friday night. The truth was that she had been thinking of him more and more lately. It didn’t matter that he continued to call, text, and e-mail her. She was insecure and starting to worry that eventually he’d move on. They all did.

  She opened her e-mail and started a new message.


  Well, we are here. Sorry I didn’t call you, but we arrived right around dinnertime and—

  Then something hit her. She remembered that Anne had used the computer last to check her e-mail, but now it showed that she was offline. Should she go online and see if Kyle was online too? It was a chance to see how the instant messaging worked. That would be a good excuse. She clicked herself online, but didn’t check for Kyle. She remembered instead that she told Amy she would send her contact information and let her know she’d arrived. Amy had gotten a temp for Lucy’s position and promised to hold her job as long as she kept Amy updated. Lucy sent off a quick message to Amy, then began researching and reading about her sister’s illness. Halfway through an article on insulin pumps, the bottom right corner of the screen flashed. It was an IM from Kyle.



  How are you? Are you there yet?

  We’re here. Sorry I didn’t call you.

  It’s okay. Should I give you a call right now?

  No. We got here around dinnertime. The house is quiet now, and I’m sitting here next to my new roomie.

  Tell Anne I said hi. How’s your sister?

  Pretty good. We’ve talked a little too.

  That’s good.

  So, all alone on a Friday night, huh? Her heart skipped a beat as she stared at the blinking cursor, waiting for his reply. She had an idea what it would be, but she wanted confirmation. She needed to know that he wanted to be with her.

  I’m not alone…I’m with you.

  Oh, what should we do?

  I can think of a few things.


  Seriously, I’ve been thinking about you a lot.

  That was exactly what Lucy wanted to hear, and now she knew he wanted to hear the same from her. It would be a lot easier than saying it in person. She knew she had to stop keeping him at arm’s length. It wasn’t fair. But then again, it wouldn’t be fair to lead him on either. To let him think they had a chance, when the odds were against them. It seemed to be an impossible situation. But Lucy found herself wishing it wasn’t. Hoping it wouldn’t be.

  I’ve been thinking about you too.

  Good. What are you doing tomorrow?

  What? He couldn’t possibly be asking to see her. The thought of being with Kyle brought her back to their night on the beach. That beautiful, perfect night that she wished would never end.

  Hanging out here, shopping, going out to dinner. Why?

  I want to talk to you. Can you pencil me into your busy agenda and call me?


  Anytime. Call my cell. I’ll be waiting.

  Okay. Goodnight.

  Sweet dreams, Lucy.

  A good thirty minutes later, Lucy was still awake staring at the ceiling. Anne was breathing heavily, and there wasn’t a sound outside their bedroom door. She was sure everyone was asleep. The more she thought about needing to fall asleep, the harder it became to relax. At first it was just the excitement of thinking about Kyle. But she knew now that it was something totally different. It happened often at home, her insomnia. Except there she had the freedom, and the resources, to take care of it. Knowing she would continue to struggle well into the early morning, she eased out of her bed and quickly crept out of the room. She knew ahead of time exactly where to go and what to look for. Luckily for her, Rick had to open a second bottle of wine to give Anne and himself a second glass.

  Guided by the dome light above the stove, Lucy made it to the kitchen, avoiding any obstacles. Reminding herself that Rick did point out that a little wine was actually good for you, she grabbed the bottle from the back counter and quietly edged the cork out. Now she just needed to remember which cupboard housed t
he wineglasses. For a second she did contemplate drinking straight from the bottle. Then she wouldn’t have to worry about the evidence of the glass sitting in the sink the next morning. Why did she feel the need to justify it? Just find the damn glasses and stop feeling guilty, she scolded herself.

  “They’re in the one above the microwave.”

  The whispered voice shot her heart to her throat and had her arms flailing around, just skimming across the top of the wine bottle. It teetered and tilted like a bowling pin, but Lucy quickly grasped and settled it.

  “Rick!” Her voice was quiet but strained. “I’m sorry, did I wake you?”

  “No, I think we both had the same idea.” He walked over to her, reached across to open the cupboard, and pulled out two wineglasses. “Trouble sleeping?”

  “Yeah. It’s just hard for me to get used to sleeping somewhere different,” she lied.

  Rick poured them each half a glass of wine, then picked one up and handed it to Lucy. It seemed oddly intimate with the lighting and what they were doing so late at night.

  “Lucy, I hope you don’t think we would ever judge you.” It was as though he could read the guilt in her eyes, like she had been caught cheating. “We’re all so grateful you’re here.”

  Lucy tried to think of an appropriate response. What could she say? Thanks, me too, too bad it wasn’t someone better. Nothing seemed to fit, so she just took a sip of her wine and smiled. Rick walked across to the pantry door and put his hand on the knob.

  “Take a look at this,” he said, opening the door.

  Taped to the back of the door was a piece of paper. Lucy saw that it was one of Carly’s drawings, but she couldn’t make it out in that lighting, so she walked toward it. It looked like a drawing of Rick, Katie, and Carly holding hands. Just to make sure Rick said, “That’s us,” pointing to the picture. Then on the side there was another woman with her hand out, reaching out to the other three. She was holding a heart in her hand. Above all of them was written, Our hero, Aunt Lucy!

  “I think that about says it all, don’t you?”

  Thankful for the shadows, Lucy felt her eyes moisten as she stared at the picture. Rick gave her a soft tap on the back as he walked past her and out of the kitchen.

  “Good night.”


  It was all planned out. Saturday would be a day of fun, shopping and going out to dinner, courtesy of George. Sunday would be spent relaxing in anticipation of the arduous day that was in store for both Katie and Lucy on Monday. They would have to check in Monday morning for a day of final tests and preparations for the double surgery tentatively scheduled for Thursday afternoon.

  It was unusually quiet in the Moore household, especially for a Saturday morning. Rick decided to let everyone sleep in and took Carly to the bakery. Lucy was the first one up and took the opportunity to wander around the house alone. She couldn’t help but feel jealous looking at all the little knickknacks, photos, and pieces of their life experiences that were scattered around the house. In the hallway there was an enclosed cupboard that was probably used for blankets or some other kind of storage. It was covered, end to end, with photos in varying unmatched frames. One picture that wasn’t in a frame, but was just leaning against a frame, was one of those amusement park ride photos. Carly and Katie were in front sporting open-mouthed smiles, with two men slightly visible behind them. She could tell one was Rick, but she couldn’t make out the other. She had zoomed her head down in closer for a better look when she suddenly sensed that she wasn’t alone. Assuming it was Anne or Katie, she almost jumped out of her skin when she heard the gruff-sounding voice behind her.

  “That’s me…sitting behind Carly.”

  Lucy straightened up and whipped around in one swift motion, and she came almost nose to chest with the tall gentlemen.

  “Sorry, Lucy. Didn’t mean to scare you.” He was wearing jeans and cowboy boots and sported a nice thick mustache. “I’m George, Rick’s dad.”

  “Oh…right…hi.” What she really wanted to say was, What the hell are you doing sneaking up behind me? She hadn’t known he was going to be there that early and wondered if he’d let himself in. George must have read her mind, or her expression, because he jumped right in with his explanation.

  “I have a key; I usually let myself in. I need to be here from time to time for Carly.” He turned to walk toward the living room, but gestured with his arm for her to go first. “I was pulling up when Rick and Carly were takin’ off to go to Dotty’s.”

  “Who’s Dotty?”

  “That’s the gal who owns the bakery down the street.”

  George sat down at one of the three barstools that lined the counter like a rancher at a fence rail. He watched Lucy as she sat on the couch, and they engaged in a bit of small talk. George asked about their trip, and they spoke a little about plans for the day. Lucy felt instantly comfortable talking with him, maybe because she sensed that he already seemed to like her. She thought George had that Tom Selleck look—an attractive older man who seemed like he’d stepped out of the Old West.

  “Ya know, Lucy, I wanted to say thank you since we have a moment. What you’re doin’ for Katie and for Rick…it’s…well it’s just a really great thing.”

  Lucy could hear the love in his voice, the love of a father. She was aware that George had taken them in when Katie got pregnant, but she could see clearly now that he was a big part of their lives. It was strange that she was almost starting to envy her sister. How could she want to trade places with someone who’d had such hardships, someone who was now very ill and faced an uncertain future? It was obvious that no matter what Katie had to deal with in life, she would never do it alone. She was surrounded by people who loved her and wanted to take care of her.

  “I’m sure you would have done the same thing.”

  “You got that right, missy. I’d do anything for Katie.” Smiling, he ran his thumb and index finger around and down his mustache.

  “She’s very lucky to have all of you.”

  Just then the door opened and Carly came running in followed by Rick. Carly was still in her pajamas with a jacket over the top. “Hi, Papa! Guess what I got you?” She hurled herself into a lock around George’s leg as he stood up from the stool.

  “Let me guess,” he said, looking up at the ceiling. “Uh…a taco?”

  “No, silly!”

  “Uh…a new car?”

  “Papa! We got you a blueberry muffin.” She went over and sat down at the table as if waiting to be served.

  “My favorite. Thank you, darlin’.”

  Rick let them know that Katie would probably sleep a while longer. She was struggling to get up, so he insisted she stay in bed and sleep until she felt stronger. Anne eventually waddled into the kitchen, sleepy-eyed and sluggish like she was waking from a night of partying. But as to be expected, Carly’s energy knew no bounds. She was, of course, ready to pick right up where she’d left off last night. She started by telling Lucy and Anne all about every one of her “best friends” and how she wanted to invite the ones from her neighborhood over to meet them. Then she asked if they could all have a painting party later in the afternoon. Fortunately, Rick put a quick halt to Carly’s itinerary and explained that Lucy and Anne were guests and not her personal entertainment. Although she was overwhelmed at the thought of fulfilling all of Carly’s requests, Lucy was also incredibly proud of what a creative and driven little girl her niece was. She couldn’t help thinking there were probably so many other wonderful things like that she had missed out on.

  After breakfast, it was time for Rick and George to let the ladies go off on their own while they took care of a few work-related details. Or, the girls guessed, maybe they just didn’t want to be around for a day that was obviously focused on the female persuasion.

  Lucy was pleasantly surprised to be out shopping, and Anne was just plain excited to grab some Texas souvenirs. Anne bought herself one of those “Everything’s Bigger in Texas” T-shirts, no
t really realizing how some would take that. She also bought Chad and Benny Texas Rangers hats. Why, Lucy had no idea. A handmade coin purse caught Carly’s eye, and Lucy ended up buying one for both Carly and for herself. Lucy put the change from the sale in Carly’s coin purse, which filled her with excitement. “Thanks, Aunt Lucy. Now we’re twins!”

  The one thing Lucy hadn’t counted on that day, and was not pleasantly surprised about, was where they ended up last. Just before going home, they stopped at Painted Pink nail salon. It was to be a surprise for Lucy and Anne, a thank-you for coming. Obviously it was a nice gesture, and of course what Lucy was doing could never be measured. But Rick and Katie just wanted to pamper the girls after their trip and before the stress of everything began.

  Walking into the salon, they were immediately hit with the scent of acrylic, which in turn brought Lucy right back to Amy’s Nails. Painted Pink was bigger, but the setup was pretty much the same. At the front counter, Carly went over and grabbed Lucy’s hand.

  “I’m getting a manicure and pedicure just like the grownups.” Her smile was so bright, and her eyes lit up looking up at Lucy.

  “Really, well I guess you are a big girl, huh?” Lucy was not going to ruin this time for Carly, and actually, she hadn’t had a manicure or pedicure since she’d starting working at Amy’s. It wasn’t just the money, though. There was no way she was letting any of those hags touch her. So Lucy made a conscious decision to relax and have a good time and not think about her job. And once they were all settled, it wasn’t that difficult. She had forgotten how nice it was to have someone rub your feet. Even a total stranger.

  The girls kept the conversation light, and Katie was interested to hear from Anne about nursing. All the time she’d spent in and out of hospitals, nurses were the ones who had helped her through everything the most. She praised Anne for picking such a wonderful line of work and told her how great she thought Anne would be.


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