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Rocks Can Be Deadly (Sage Gardens Cozy Mystery Book 5)

Page 2

by Cindy Bell

  “I’d like that.” Samantha nodded.

  Eddy walked over to her as Peter left the shop. “You did a number on that guy, huh?”

  “What?” Samantha looked over at him. “Did he say that?”

  “He didn’t have to.” Eddy chuckled. “The heartbreak is written all over his face.”

  “That’s not possible, we didn’t even date.” Samantha shook her head.

  “That doesn’t mean he didn’t fall in love, Sam.”

  “Eddy, you’re being ridiculous.”

  “Am I?” He smiled. “I could easily see you so wrapped up in a story that you didn’t notice the young cop mooning over you.”

  “Oh trust me, no one has ever mooned over me.” Samantha laughed.

  Chapter Two

  Walt reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. He checked the time. Eddy had called earlier to ask if he could stop by after lunch. Walt calculated the time it would take Eddy to get to his villa and waited on the porch for him. As another minute ticked by he squinted down the street. He saw the neighbor’s Pekinese peeing on a bright red fire hydrant. A few ambitious people jogged down the sidewalk despite the heat. He didn’t see Eddy. He looked back down at his phone to check the time. The shrill ring of the phone startled him so much that he almost dropped it.


  “Yes, I’m on my way. Sorry, Walt, I got held up.”

  “All right, I’ll be here. On the porch.”

  “Okay.” Eddy hung up. Walt slid the phone back into his pocket. He sighed. He didn’t like it when things didn’t go as planned. A few minutes later Eddy walked up.

  “What took so long?” Walt leaned against the railing.

  “Sorry, I went out for lunch with Samantha. It took a little longer than I expected.”

  “Oh? How is she?”

  “She’s good. I had an old friend along with me for lunch, and apparently he and Samantha have quite a history.” Eddy winked.

  “Oh?” Walt stood up straight. “What kind of history?”

  “She says they just worked together, but from his attitude I’d say that he expected more.” Eddy shook his head. “Poor sap looked like he’d just been socked in the gut. The worst part is, she barely even remembers him. She claims there was never anything between them.”

  “Samantha doesn’t seem like the type to be insensitive to anyone’s feelings.” Walt scratched the curve of his cheek. “Are you sure you’re reading him right?”

  “Trust me, when Samantha works a story, she works that story, and does nothing else. I don’t think there’s ever been a time that I’ve seen her notice someone’s feelings while she was focused on an investigation.”

  “Huh.” Walt tilted his head to the side. “You wouldn’t be jealous would you, Eddy?”

  “What?” Eddy took a step back. “You’re crazy. I haven’t been jealous of anyone or anything since I was twenty years old.”

  “Oh sure, okay.” Walt nodded. “Take it easy, pal, it was just a question.”

  “A crazy question. Besides, Samantha and I are just friends.”

  “You’re right, maybe I read too much into it.” Walt smiled.

  “Oh, you think you’re real clever don’t you?” Eddy laughed. “I see what you did there.”

  Walt shrugged. “Either way it’s none of our business.”

  “The reason I came round is because Sam wants us to go on a train ride to a flower show with Jo.”

  “Huh. Wait, Jo invited us to go on a train?” Walt raised an eyebrow.

  “Not exactly. She invited Samantha, and then Samantha invited us.” Eddy shrugged. “If we go we get free food and drinks.”

  “Oh. Well I suppose that would be nice. Are you sure that Jo will be okay with us going though? She’s never invited me anywhere before.”

  “There’s a first for everything.” Eddy shrugged. “Besides, it’s time that Jo knew we were her friends, too. If that means inviting ourselves along on a trip, then that’s what we will do.”

  “You’re just in it for the free food, aren’t you?” Walt smirked at him.

  “I can tell you that I’m not opposed to free anything.” Eddy laughed.

  “What do you need on a train ride?” Walt frowned. “Lots of wipes, and hand sanitizer. That’s for sure.”

  “Yes, that would be good.”


  After Eddy left to talk with Walt, Samantha settled onto her couch and called Jo back.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t take your call, I was in the middle of lunch with Eddy and one of his friends.”

  “Oh, it’s okay, I just wanted to make sure that you knew to pack a sunhat. It’s going to be pretty hot.”

  “Thanks for the warning.” She paused a moment. “Jo, something strange happened at lunch.”

  “What was it? Did Eddy order a salad?”

  “Ha, no. Actually his old friend, was someone I once knew. I worked a story with him.”

  “It must have been nice to be reunited then.”

  “It would have been, but he seemed annoyed with me, like I’d done something wrong to him.”

  “Well, did you?”

  “That’s the thing, I don’t think that I did. I don’t remember doing anything wrong. Apparently, he called and e-mailed me and I didn’t get back to him. I probably moved on to another story, and just didn’t get back to him.”

  “It sounds like you made more of an impression on him than you realized.” Jo sighed. “It happens sometimes. It’s not your fault that he didn’t get the hint.”

  “Want to know the worst part?” Samantha pressed the phone to her ear.


  “I can remember having a huge crush on him. It was actually pretty distracting to me while I worked on the story. I didn’t usually go for police officers, but he was so idealistic, so determined to follow the letter of the law, but also to help people.”

  “So, he did make an impression.” Jo cleared her throat.

  “He did, it’s just that I didn’t remember any of it until I saw him. That time of my life was so chaotic, it felt like everyone was out to get me. I guess the memory of Pete just got lost in the shuffle.”

  “Well, here’s your chance.” Jo’s voice heightened with excitement. “It’s a perfect time to reconnect. You’re not actively working now, plenty of time to get to know each other again.”

  “It would be perfect, if he didn’t seem to have a problem with me.”


  “That’s not even the worst part.”

  “There’s more?” Jo asked eagerly.

  “He’s going on the same train to the same flower show!”

  “Oh no! But wait, that could be great. It might give you two the chance to get to know each other again.”

  “Maybe.” Samantha sighed. “So, that’s my big adventure at lunch today.”

  “Sounds like quite an adventure. I’m looking forward to the trip, even if your heartbroken ex is on it with us.”

  “He’s not my ex, and I’m sure he’s not heartbroken!”

  “We’ll see.” Jo laughed.

  Chapter Three

  On the day of the trip, Samantha took a little extra time getting ready. Her mind kept drifting back to the fact that Peter would be on the train as well. Maybe she would have the chance to find out what happened. Once she was sufficiently primped Samantha grabbed her bag and walked towards the front door. When she opened it, she found Eddy and Walt poised to knock.

  “Yes, right on time. I knew you would be, Walt, wasn’t so sure about Eddy.”

  “I’ll have you know I set two alarms,” Eddy said. “Ready to go?”

  “Yes. The cab is going to meet us at Jo’s.”

  “Did you tell her about us going yet?” Eddy asked.

  “No. I want it to be a surprise.”

  Walt cringed. “Not so sure it will be a good surprise.”

  “Relax, it’ll be fine.” Samantha locked her door. The three walked a few streets down to Jo’s
house. Samantha paused at the end of the driveway.

  “Now remember, good attitudes and no complaining about flower talk.”

  “Why do I feel like I’m being coached?” Eddy shook his head. “We’ll be fine don’t worry, Samantha.”

  “Okay, let’s get going.” Samantha walked up the driveway to the door of Jo’s villa. She reached up and knocked on the door. Walt and Eddy exchanged a glance.

  “I think that we should have let her know first.” Walt frowned. “I don’t like surprises, I bet she doesn’t either.”

  “Shh, it will be great!” Samantha waved at him to be silent. A moment later the door swung open and Jo stepped out. She had her overnight bag slung over her shoulder.

  “Samantha, ready to go?” She smiled. Then she noticed the two men who stood behind Samantha. Her smile reduced considerably. “Walt and Eddy, what are you doing here?”

  “See!” Walt frowned and adjusted the strap of his small bag.

  “We’re going along for the ride.” Eddy sighed. “We don’t have to come if you don’t want us to. Samantha thought it would be a good idea.”

  “Oh did she?” Jo narrowed her eyes.

  “So we can get the discounted package, the free food and drinks!” Samantha’s tone was very enthusiastic.

  “I guess that will be a good thing. We’ll have two rooms?” She looked at Eddy and Walt.

  “Yes, of course.” Eddy nodded.

  “I hope it’s not a bother to you, Jo, to have us go along,” Walt said.

  “No, it’s not.” Jo looked at Samantha. “Samantha, may I speak to you for a moment?”

  “Sure you can.” Samantha dropped her bag by Walt and Eddy’s. “Give us a minute.” She followed Jo into her villa. Jo closed the door and fixed Samantha with a frown.

  “Why would you do this to me?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, you could have at least asked me about it instead of springing this on me.”

  “If I had, would you have said no?” Samantha asked. “I honestly didn’t think it would bother you.”

  “I probably wouldn’t have said no, but that’s not the point. The point is I would have at least known what to expect. I like to be able to prepare for things.”

  “That’s funny.”

  “Why is it funny?” Jo threw her hands in the air with exasperation.

  “I’m sorry, it’s just that Walt told me that you wouldn’t like to be surprised and he was right. He likes to prepare for things, too.”

  “I think most people do.” Jo put her hands on her hips. “I thought it would be just you and me on the trip.”

  Samantha’s eyes widened. “Oh Jo, I didn’t realize that you were looking forward to it just being us. I mean it’s usually just us. I thought you might want to see that Eddy and Walt are your friends, too.”

  “I know that Eddy and Walt are my friends, too.” Jo shrugged. “Just not quite the same as you are.”

  “Well, maybe after this trip they will be.” Samantha smiled. “It’s worth a shot isn’t it?”

  “I suppose it is.” Jo sighed. “Only for you, Samantha.”

  “It was a good idea, admit it.”

  “We’ll see after the trip.” She picked up her bag. “Looks like the cab is here,” Samantha said as she opened the door and saw the cab pulled up at the end of the driveway. Walt had his and Samantha’s bags in his hands. Eddy reached out to take Jo’s.

  “Let me get that.”

  “Oh, that’s okay, I can carry it.”

  “I know you can, but I insist.” Eddy took the strap of the bag.

  “All right.” Jo smiled.

  “See.” Samantha nudged her with her elbow. “Not so bad having them around, hmm?”

  “Maybe not.” Jo laughed.


  Jo gave the instructions to the driver while Eddy and Walt stowed their bags. Walt did a quick wipe down of the inside of the cab before he allowed anyone to get inside.

  “It’s a bit tight in here, isn’t it?” Walt shifted over further on the bench seat of the cab.

  “Just try not to breathe.” Eddy smiled at Walt. Samantha and Jo wedged in on the other side.

  “Might want to get used to it, I’m pretty sure the rooms on the train won’t be much bigger.” Samantha patted Eddy’s knee. “We’re going to be in close contact for the next nineteen hours.”

  “Actually, it’s only eighteen.” Walt nodded. “I checked.”

  “Trust me it’ll feel like longer.” Eddy grimaced. “I was stuck on a train once for three days. It felt like a year.”

  “Why were you stuck on it?” Jo looked past Samantha to meet his eyes.

  “It’s a long story, but basically I was following a suspect. I fell asleep, and woke up about five states away from where I was supposed to be. Then I had to take the train all the way back only to find out that my suspect was never on the train in the first place.” He shook his head. “It was not my greatest hour.”

  “That’s what you get for sleeping on the job.” Samantha grinned.

  “You’ve always got something funny to say, Samantha, but I bet you’ve had your fair share of embarrassing moments while on a stakeout,” Eddy mused.

  “Maybe Peter knows some of them,” Jo chimed in.

  Samantha looked from Eddy to Jo. “If he does, you’re not going to find out.” She joked.

  For the rest of the trip to the train station Samantha’s antics as a crime reporter was the main topic of conversation. When they pulled up to the train station Samantha turned to Eddy and smiled. “Pay the cab, Eddy,” she said as she gave him a light smack on the knee.

  “Me?” He sputtered and reached for his wallet. “How much?” He peered at the driver. As Eddy settled the fare, Jo and Samantha climbed out of the cab. Walt stepped out of the other side. He immediately began wiping down his trousers and anything else that might have touched the interior of the cab with a disposable disinfectant wipe.

  “All clean?” Eddy slid out behind him.

  “Can I ever be clean again after that ride?” Walt cringed and tossed the wipe in a nearby trashcan. The train station was small, but crowded.

  “Jo and I already have our tickets, so we’ll wait for you two on the platform.”

  “Here, just make sure you give them this code so that we can get the group discount.” Jo handed Eddy a slip of paper.

  “Will do.” Eddy nodded and walked towards the ticket window. Walt followed after him. He clutched his bag so tight that his fingers were white from the pressure. Samantha linked her arm through Jo’s and walked towards the platform. It was crowded with people saying goodbye and people waiting for the train. Samantha leaned close to Jo.

  “Looks like I might not even get to see Pete on this trip.”

  “He might be hard to spot.” Jo nodded. “I didn’t expect it to be this busy.”

  “Must be the warm weather. Everyone has somewhere they want to go.”

  “You might be right.” Jo looked towards Eddy and Walt as they joined the line. “I still wish that you had told me about Eddy and Walt joining us.”

  “Why? Would you have packed something cute?” Samantha winked at her.

  “No, of course not. It’s just I’ve been looking forward to this trip, and you know how Eddy can get. To him I will always be a criminal.”

  “Eddy’s stubborn, but he’s been coming around lately, don’t you think? Besides, one of the main reasons he agreed was because I pointed out that he would have the chance to get to know you better.”

  “Really?” she asked doubtfully. “I don’t know why.”

  “Maybe they enjoy their time with you. What’s so wrong with that?” Samantha pulled away from her and stepped to the edge of the platform. “But you’re right, I should have told you the truth and asked if it was okay. I guess the real reason I didn’t was because I thought you would refuse the idea. I just wanted the four of us to have some fun together. It seems like the only time we spend any amount of time
together is when something goes wrong. Have you noticed that?”

  Jo laughed. “Yes, I guess I have noticed that.”

  “It’ll be fun, I promise,” Samantha assured her.

  “It doesn’t look like too much fun for them right now.” Jo tipped her head towards the long line.


  The line was about ten people deep when Eddy and Walt stepped into it. More people filed in right behind them. As they waited Eddy looked around at the crowd. It was instinct for him to always assess his environment. There was quite a mixture of people from business people to young teens. Everyone appeared fairly under control, but there were a few who were not so steady on their feet. The train station had a small restaurant attached. Eddy guessed that some of the passengers had enjoyed a few drinks over lunch.

  “Oh, that is disgusting,” Walt’s voice rattled with horror. Eddy’s attention snapped right back to him. He looked around for what Walt saw.

  “What is it?”

  “Just look,” Walt barely whispered.

  Eddy followed Walt’s line of sight. He noticed a man in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Eddy didn’t see anything that disgusted him.

  “His hands,” Walt hissed.

  Eddy looked down at the man’s hands. He saw that there were several scabs on his skin which he picked at until they flaked off and fell onto the ground.

  “Oh.” Eddy tried not to roll his eyes.

  “Why would anyone do that, in public no less?” Walt shook his head.

  “Just try not to look. We’re almost at the front.”

  Walt sighed. He didn’t look away from the man, or his hands. Eddy glanced over at the edge of the platform. He saw that Samantha hovered near the edge of the platform. He was about to open his mouth to admonish her, but before he could she moved away from the edge.


  Eddy turned towards the ticket agent. Her eyes drooped and her lips were tight.

  “Busy day?” Eddy said.

  “Very. The train is going to be very crowded.”

  “We’d like to purchase two tickets under this code, I believe that should make it the Buy Four and Save More deal.” He slid the piece of paper with the code on it towards her.


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