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Fated Love (The Soul Sisters Series Book 3)

Page 17

by Victoria Johns

  My speed increases and I work up a rhythm of thrusting hard at the end of every stroke, Lottie starts groaning and I begin to wonder if my play has been too much, until I hear, “More,” and “Harder,” leave those luscious lips of hers. With little control left inside me, I give her what she wants and plough into her with as much force as I think she can stand.

  I can feel her gripping my cock again and I know she’s heading for orgasm number two and this time I plan to go with her, if only I could fucking last long enough. “Baby, come with me,” I demand and on my command she falls apart at the seams, leaving me with the spinal rush of my own joy forging ahead. It feels like hours have passed before I cave and let myself go, spilling all I’d been fighting to hold back inside her, before collapsing on top of her in a sweaty heap.

  After a few minutes rest, I lean up and move the hair from her covered face and look into her eyes, “You OK?” Shit, I feel nervous.

  “Yeah, totally,” she smiles back at me.

  Pulling back the covers and rearranging her in bed was the only thing I had on my mind, going out to somewhere we couldn’t talk was the last thing I wanted. If we did, I was fairly convinced she’d retreat into herself again. I couldn’t take that chance, I wouldn’t let it happen. “How about I get some take out from the Chinese down the street and we stay in?”

  “I like that idea, sounds cozy.”

  Grabbing the menu I’d seen last night, I ring and place an order of different stuff.

  “Hate to leave you,” I tell her thirty minutes later, it’s been relaxing to just chill out and hold her, “but it’ll be ready by now. I’m gonna throw on some clothes, haul ass over there so I can come back and feed you naked in my bed.”

  “OK,” she’s watching me get dressed, I know she likes what she sees. Dumping my cell and keys on the sideboard I grab the room key and billfold and head out after kissing her. Wandering down the road I find my mind is not on food, or Carter, or work or anything apart from the beautiful woman I’ve left in my bed. I’m praying like fuck she wants to get in deeper with me, I feel like I’ve finally found what I’m missing and can’t fucking wait to explore it further.

  As I get back to the room, the door flies open, “What the fuck?” I was not expecting to be greeted by a fully dressed, blood boiling, angry Lottie making a hasty getaway.

  “I need to leave,” she tells me through a clenched jaw.

  “Not so fast. Ass back in that room. What the fuck is going on?” I demand dumping the food bag down.

  “I can’t, no, I won’t be that girl. The one who doesn’t get all of you. I won’t let you fuck me over again,” she snarls back at me.

  Now I’m confused and starting to get really pissed off myself, “Calm down, what the god damn has got into you?”

  “You, that’s what. Being nice, showing me the Oli I want, I need. Being all that for Carter and still dicking around with her.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, but stop looking at the fucking door. There’s no way I’m letting you walk through it until I get some answers.”

  “You left your cell.”

  “Yeah and?”

  “Claire fucking Michaels rang to let you know that she’d been to yours and got the house ready for you for when you get back.”

  “What? You have got to be shitting me,” I say, not understanding at all.

  “Playing innocent won’t cut it this time,” she shouts.

  That did it. I saw red, as in angry red, “Stop talking now Lottie. I have no idea why that bitch is calling. The last time I saw her was the day you moved out of my guest room. Do not let that bitch do this to you, to us. Do not let her undo what we’re starting to build. I’m not proud of my past, but I can’t fucking change it and that’s exactly what she is, past. You have to trust me.” Lottie looks at me and says nothing. “Now I’m going to open up that food and you’re going to eat it with me. You’re going to forget that bitch and move on, just like she’s going to have to. I will deal with that shit when we get home.”

  I start doing as I promised, unpacking the food whilst leaving her to make the decision to either go with the actions of the old Lottie and run or trust me, like I expect this new and improved version to do. I’m also trying like fuck to front it out, because on the inside I am terrified that she’s going to lose faith and leave.

  After a few minutes her bag hits the bed and she kicks her shoes off. Turning around with a carton of king prawn fried rice, I hand it to her. “Good choice Lottie, don’t pull that shit again. Ever. You don’t run or skulk off, you stay and fight this out with me, otherwise there will be consequences. If you don’t, this won’t work. I think this is worth fighting for and I’d like to think you feel the same. Oh, and this isn’t done until I fucking say it is and it certainly isn’t done because of Claire fucking Michaels, understand?”

  Lottie nods and takes the food carton, it’s clear I have some work to do on her insecurity and there are clearly some trust issues which are all of my own making. But not as much work as I have to do with Ms Michaels, getting her to understand my message once and for all just moved up to high on my priority list.

  And understand it once and for all she fucking will.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Leaving Thornton Grove was as difficult as I expected it to be. Thankfully Oli was around and having him there meant that Carter had to act all manly and put on a brave face. Carter was trying his hardest to reassure us both that he was the man of the house and the protector of Sunnyside Buildings. Even with tears streaming down my face, that little guy was able to hug me goodbye and remain in one piece, it was that important to him to be seen in a good light by Oli. Before I left I made sure Lacey had my contact details, she was under strict instruction to call me if she was worried about anything, anything at all. I was keen to keep the bond we’d begun to forge, growing. Saying goodbye to Annie was tough, I’d filled an empty space in her heart and made things a little easier around Sunnyside and she’d become a firm fixture in my heart too. We were family now and just starting to become familiar with each other as well as depend on each other.

  My task list at home was clear, see out the investigation, sell my parents mansion and then re-evaluate my options. Could I carry on my life in Hawkstown and only be a part time member of this family or did I need to bite the bullet, relocate and start again? The big sticking point was my girls, my soul sisters wouldn’t like the latter option unless it was the best thing for me and of course now there was Oli to consider. I never expected that I’d have to factor him into my life decisions, I’d given up that hope. I desperately hoped that I’d have a better idea of where we were heading before I needed to make that final choice.

  Oli decreed that I follow his car home, he wanted me to leave my car in Thornton Grove and ride with him, but for practical reasons he agreed that I’d need my car back home. He decided that we needed to make a quick pit stop at his place first and wanted me to wait with him, he wasn’t keen on me arriving back at my place alone after being away for so long. When we did this it wasn’t a pretty sight, on entering the front door I heard him roar, “How the fuck did she get in here? Some twat at the security gate is getting fired for this.”

  Claire fucking Michaels was not joking when she said she was getting things ready. Flowers were on most surfaces, an empty ice bucket and glasses were laid out, it was just missing the bottle which was no doubt in his chiller and the odd girl accessory had appeared. His man pad had clear evidence of a feminine touch to it that it definitely didn’t have before. Throw cushions, snuggle blankets and trinkets were all winking at him from various prominent positions.

  Risking a quick glance at Oli confirmed that he was on the verge of losing it, I mean, gritting his teeth so hard I was waiting for them to shatter. “Oli I don’t know what to say.”

  “Do not say one fucking word.”

  Oh yeah, he was pissed, “OK, understood,” which left me wondering whether I should venture into the
house further or retreat to a safe distance.

  “Wait here, be right back,” he told me whipping in the direction of the laundry room and true to his word he returned armed with a roll of trash bags. Within ten minutes all the offending items had been rounded up, bagged and hurled out of the front door.

  “All better?” I ask trying not to laugh.

  “Not quite, but I will be,” he disappeared again, this time to his bedroom and returned again a few minutes later armed with a gym bag. “Keys,” he demanded with an open palm.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Keys. To your ride, hand ‘em over.”

  “What’s in the bag?” I enquire nervously, wondering whether Oli owns firearms or explosives like Jonas.

  “Am I finding the fucking keys myself or are you gonna give them to me?” Sensing that he was rapidly running out of what little patience he had left, I decided to comply.

  “Should I be worried about the contents of the bag?”

  “No, just my gear,” he shouts over his shoulder already walking through the door.

  I catch up with him at the car in a bit of a daze, he can’t possibly mean what I think he means, “What gear?”

  “Some clean stuff, not gonna schlep my ass over here every day Lottie.”

  “No, not happening, you live here and I live around the corner, well maybe more than around the corner, but anyway, you’re not staying with me.” For the second time I found myself being barricaded against a car by Oli Hart. He’d dumped the bag on the floor, apparently so he could utilize both of his massive arms, leaving me with no escape room. “Had you in a bed once Lottie and then had to let you go back to Annie’s. Wasn’t a big fan of it then but I did it out of respect and so you could be with your brother. Neither or those reasons are here and I’ll repeat, I wasn’t a fan of you not being in my bed. Walking into that fucking bullshit pimp parlor has supremely pissed me off, so we are not staying there. That means your place. Now, did any of that not make sense?”


  “Yes or No? And brace for a fucking meltdown if you give me the wrong answer.”


  Even though I didn’t really agree or not, he seemed satisfied with it and leaned down to kiss me, “I’ve fucked up and missed years of this, of you and I’ve got time to make up for. Us baby, it’s on. So let me take my woman home and get us settled so I can have a beer and really unwind.” I’m not used to this kind of passion in him, especially when it’s directed at me and it’s making me smile because I feel special and a little bit squishy inside. As soon as he’s released me, he heads to the driver’s side and climbs in whilst I flop into the passenger side, on cloud nine.

  Drama over. We’re actually doing this, he’s coming to stay at mine.


  My place is clean, like show home clean. I pay for help in the form of a monthly deep cleaning service, not some psycho ex though. I realize that the cleaning service is something associated with old Lottie, new Lottie has learned to fend for herself so I make a mental note to cancel that as soon as possible. Oli doesn’t stand around on ceremony like I did at his place, he heads for the master bedroom where he ditches the gym bag and then heads back to the chiller for his beer. Christ, he looks comfortable here, sexy as hell and really comfortable.

  I work through a list of phone calls I need to make, one to each to the girls arranging a Mudjoes meet, one to the sheriff letting him know I’m back and finally one to Carter and Annie letting them know I’ve arrived safely. Carter is less than impressed however, because I’ve made an actual call and not a skype call. With nothing more to think about or fuss over I feel my nerves start to get the better of me, I’m in my house, with Oli who is spending the night, in my bed. Holy shit balls, it’s like my teenage dream has finally come true, I’m going to get to make out with Oli in my own bed. Whilst Oli sits alone, soaking up some solitude and calming down with a beer, I bumble around nervously trying to occupy myself. “Calm down,” he tells me as I fuss past by him for the fifth time.


  “Come here, sit down, take a load off and calm down. I won’t bite… much.”

  I’m a grown woman and I’m being ridiculous, what’s the matter with me? “How is this so easy for you?”

  “I never said it was, but I don’t think you should be as nervous as you are.” Dumping his beer on the side table and not on a coaster (we’ll talk about that later), he pulls me into him. “Tell me what you’re thinking right now?”

  “I don’t know how to do this. Old Lottie wasn’t spontaneous, she was calculated and measured, thought through and prepared for all eventualities and consequences. New Lottie is well and truly out of her depth and if I’m honest, waiting for the bubble to burst.”

  “I think we both need to relax. I’m just as worried that I’m going to fuck up somehow and get it wrong. This shouldn’t be hard, I’m a guy who wants you,” my head snaps up to look at him, “And when I say want you, I mean could quite literally go all caveman and drag you by the hair to the bedroom.”

  He knows how to play me and what these words do to me, he’s not stupid, and they make me buzz. I’m afraid to reply for fear of him retracting them. If he wants to drag me into the bedroom, well… hell yeah! My imagination is running away with me so much that I wasn’t aware I was in some lusty trance until I hear, “Fuck me, she wants that.” Any further thoughts I have are interrupted by his cell phone ringing, to which he angrily cuts off after checking the display. It rings a second time and he repeats the dismissive action. On the third ring, he finally answers it, “There had best be a good fucking reason you’re calling me, when I know and you know we’re through.”

  Claire fucking Michaels.


  “Stop fucking talking. What made you think I’d do anything other than lose my god damn mind, when I found out you’d been in my place without my permission.” He goes quiet for a brief moment, “We are not doing this now or ever. We are not over because we were never fucking on in the first place. I’m staying at my woman’s until I can get my locks changed, your access through the gates revoked and someone, whose cock I imagine you’ve sucked to get in, fired.”

  The brief mumbling on the other end goes quiet for a moment until I hear her scream the words, “You’ll pay for this you motherfucker,” down the handset and then she hangs up.

  “I guess she wasn’t happy with how that went then,” I say smugly.

  “I’ll say. Enough about that, bed, or have I got to drag you by your fucking hair?” and because I’m either weak for letting him boss me around or strong for taking him on, I let him lead me to my room.

  Once in my room, my dream really does come true. Oli Hart the guy I drooled over for years works me so hard that I’m not sure whether I collapse from exhaustion or satisfaction. Either way, cuddling into him and falling asleep is just as perfect.

  Chapter Twenty Three

  “Babe, wake up, gotta go into the office. Got shit to do.”

  I can feel someone gently caressing my back and it’s the best dream ever.

  “Your skin is fucking amazing,” and the gentle caressing is moving lower, along with the sheet that is covering my naked ass. “Fuck it, looks like I’m gonna be a little late,” I hear again and the dream which is so far amazing, becomes very real and very amazing. When a finger drags down my ass crack and finds its way to my cooch, I wake with a start and can’t believe how quickly my body responds to his touch.

  “This is gonna be quick,” he tells me in between finger pumps and thumb flicks. Err… yeah, you’re damn right it will be, if he keeps doing that I’ll explode in a Nano second.

  As I’m adjusting to his finger percussion, his hand leaves my body and I find I’m being pushed up onto all fours. “Well, look at you, all swollen and ready to go. Brace for me baby.” I have just enough time to take in some extra oxygen, before he enters me in a strong single movement from behind. Oli drags my body to the edge of the bed and adjusts
my height to give him all the access he needs, his grunts and my cries for more mingle together until I start to feel my body come undone.

  “Stop holding on. Let. It. Fucking. Go!” I recognize the command and strain in his voice, he needs me to come first because he likes to feel me grip him from inside. He wants to win this game.

  And it is a game. A game that means he gives me more and in the end we both end up winning. “More, give it me harder,” I request.

  “She finally fucking speaks and it’s to give me orders,” his idea of more is to insert his finger into my ass hole and play me like a fine tuned instrument. “That kind of more baby?”

  No one has ever done this to me, I was the princess, I was only ever treated to normal sexual positions and activities and I wanted so much more. I want to tell him yes. New Lottie would be honest, but in the cold light of day, I’m worried about what he’ll see, what he’ll think of me. My lack of answer does something to Oli, its causing uncertainty in him and he removes his finger and I feel its loss immediately. I’ve failed in my pledge to be honest. He’s slowing down his pace, worried that he’s pushed me too far and I don’t want that. I want the unrelenting animal in him to free the animal inside me.

  “Don’t stop,” I begin with shaky confidence, “again. Do it again.” I don’t have to ask twice because he resumes his assault fuck and it really is an all out assault fucking I’m being subjected to. Oli adds a second finger to my butt and he can feel what he’s doing to me.

  He’s unraveling me and I’m coming loose at the seams.

  “I can feel it baby, fucking astonishing.” As if it was even possible his pace and speed picks up and I know he’s chasing his own pleasure now. I know he thinks he’s beat me at this game, because he’s starting to compete with the only competitor really left in the race, himself. Oli doesn’t last long before it consumes him too and by the hard way he’s breathing I know he’s enjoyed it as much as I have. “You’re gonna fucking kill me,” he tells me as he retreats from my body and heads to the bathroom to wash up. I resume my original position, front flat to the bed, smiling because that was way better than any fucking dream.


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