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Loving Revenge (Revenge Is Best Served Hot)

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by C. C. Morian



  Blaise Quin


  C. C. Morian

  Published by YRBS

  Copyright © 2015 by C. C. Morian and Blaise Quin

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the authors, except in the case of brief quotations included in critical articles and reviews. Thank you for supporting the rights of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, is entirely coincidental.

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  Loving Revenge

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  Books by C. C. Morian

  Books by C. C. Morian and Blaise Quin

  Books by Blaise Quin

  Loving Revenge

  Lauren glanced at the clock in the corner of her computer screen. It was past noon, and she was hungry, she had skipped breakfast to go to the gym, her only sustenance a power shake in the car. Her stomach rumbled, but she was consoled by the fact that it was much less of a stomach than she had ever had, she was looking good, better than good. Her last boyfriend, who turned out to be an asshole, had been right about only one thing, lifting weights actually was a great way to get in shape. Well, two things, he said it wouldn’t bulk her up as she had heard, something she didn’t want to deal with on her already large frame.

  But the weightlifting burned calories, and made her always hungry. Right now she was a little pissed that all the other staffers had jumped up right at noon to hit the cafeteria, leaving her alone to finish the job, the deadline fast approaching. They had pressured her to leave too, they had a new boss, just brought in from another company, and the argument was, if he saw them all working through lunch he’d expect them to do it all the time. Better to make it clear to him this was the way things were, no working though lunch break.

  Lauren just couldn’t do that, it was against the hard work ethic that she had been brought up with. And she didn’t want to stay as a staffer forever. She had been temporarily assigned to this group when her other division had been eliminated, she was lucky to have kept her job, even though this role was way beneath her skills. She’d been ready to break out of the pack, make it into management, and she didn’t want to have to start that grind all over again after she had come so far. If she could avoid that, and remind everyone how good she was, missing a few lunches would be a small price to pay.

  Plus the new boss, Bob, was hot.

  Lauren smiled as she worked away at the spreadsheet. Maybe Bob would notice more than her work. She certainly wouldn’t mind spending a little time with him out of the office. Tall, tanned, dark haired, with wondrous wavy hair that Lauren wished she had herself, Bob looked like he spent his share of time in the gym too. She’d never had an office romance, not that she was adverse to one. They were supposed to have all kinds of complications, but her prior two boyfriends had been disasters, how bad could it be?

  It wasn’t like she wanted to sleep her way to the top. But if she was going to be putting in the extra hours to get ahead, where was she going to meet a good man with a steady job? Not at a club. She’d tried online dating and didn’t like it. The gym was a possibility, but that’s where she had met her last boyfriend, and she wasn’t inclined to do that again.

  But Lauren couldn’t imagine how something might start with Bob. She knew nothing about him yet, he could be married, or in a serious relationship, and even if he wasn’t there was little interaction between the staffers and management outside of work. She’d have to find out more about him, see if he had pictures in his office, something like that.

  Maybe start up a conversation with him, something like, “Mr. Evans, I know you are new in town, let me know if you need a recommendation for a restaurant, or a gym.” That might get them started talking about gyms, and working out, maybe she’d find out about him that way, he might ask her to sit down and chat. She’d cross her legs—she had wonderful legs, her best feature besides her big brown eyes and good sized breasts—nothing really inappropriate, since she wore nice but office conservative clothing. Then she’d see if Bob checked her out, if he looked at her legs. That’s how Lauren always knew if a guy was interested, she could get any guy to look at her chest if she wore something tight, but at the office she played down her chest, almost always in a loose jacket. So if a man looked at her legs, that signaled attraction.

  Maybe not so farfetched after all, plus a girl could dream. . .

  Lauren glanced around the corner of her cubicle. From her desk she could just see a bit of Bob’s office. She had been assigned this desk when the prior VP had Bob’s office; that guy, now moved upstairs, had been overweight, a little nasty. No one wanted this desk because anyone sitting here would have to look at him and could be seen by him. The supervisor, Gina, had assigned Lauren here. For some reason that Lauren couldn’t understand, Gina seemed to have it in for Lauren.

  The door was open, Bob sitting back in his chair, reading something, his feet casually up on another chair. God, even his legs were sexy. Lauren watched as he made a few notations on the report, and ran his hand through that wonderful hair. . .

  Lauren forced her attention to her work, but couldn’t concentrate. She drifted off into a reverie, pretending she was giving Bob a shoulder rub as he worked, and it was her fingers in his hair, Bob telling her how good it felt. She bent over and gave him a kiss on the cheek, and he held her arm, pulling her down, reaching for her lips, not caring they were in the office. . .

  A nice warmth started to flow through her as she imagined her arms going around Bob, feeling his muscles under his shirt, the kiss exciting, a little extra thrill from the risk of being seen, her eyes widening as Bob slipped his hand under her skirt, oh my god not here. . .


  Lauren’s head snapped around, and unfortunately so did her arm, knocking over her coffee. Shit. Hastily trying to blot up the liquid from her keyboard she looked up to see Bob standing over her workstation.

  “Mr. Evans, I’m so sorry, I was concentrating so hard I didn’t hear you.” Lauren felt her face flush as she dabbed uselessly at the coffee with wet tissues. What a way to make an impression on the boss.

  “Call me Bob,” he said. He pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and handed it to Lauren. “Use this.”

  “I’ll ruin it.”

  Bob shook his head. “Don’t worry about it.”

  Lauren reached out for the cloth and for a brief instant her hand touched Bob’s, and she immediately felt a little tingle that lifted the hairs on her arm. Some static electricity, she thought, that’s all tha
t was. Or maybe because I was just thinking about him. . .

  “Did you need something, Mr. Evans, I mean, Bob?”

  “I just wanted to get an update on the Simpson report.”

  “I was working on that, I know you have a deadline.”

  “About that. Where is everyone?” He looked around the department.

  Lauren finished cleaning up the coffee and stood there stupidly with the now stained handkerchief, not knowing what to do with it.

  “Just toss it,” said Bob. “I have plenty.”

  Lauren, relieved, did just that. “They’re at lunch.”

  Bob frowned. “They left you here to finish by yourself?”

  That was exactly what they had done, but Lauren was no tattle. “I told them I could finish it up, they could go,” she fibbed.

  “Hmm.” Bob’s tone changed. “I guess that’s because you were really enjoying working on that report.”

  “What?” Lauren, so close to Bob, was having a little problem concentrating, he really was good looking, he had this confident aura, something that she found really attractive. She caught herself staring, he had brown eyes just like hers, with nice lashes and thick eyebrows. She quickly looked down, noticing his designer shoes, he even dressed nice.

  “When I saw you working you had this big smile on your face,” said Bob. “You looked more than happy, you looked, well, almost radiant.”

  Lauren flushed again. Bob had caught her fantasizing about him, that’s why she had been smiling, why had Bob chosen that word, radiant? Was he teasing her?

  She looked up, trying to meet his eyes. “I like my work.”

  Bob gave her a little smile, as if to say, Sure, I know you were thinking about something else.

  Maybe Bob even thought Lauren was thinking about him, could he be that cocky?

  “So where are we?” asked Bob.

  Lauren might have been imagining things, but Bob seemed to have put a little emphasis on the word we, as in where does this leave the two of us? No, that couldn’t be right. Could he be flirting?

  “I’m almost done,” said Lauren.

  “Good. But I don’t want you missing lunch. Go and eat, and when you get back and finish up, bring the report to my office.” Bob turned to go.

  “Uh, I think Gina should do that. She’s lead.”

  “Which one is Gina?” asked Bob.

  The gorgeous slutty one who comes to work dressed like a hooker, thought Lauren. Showing off her tits and skinny waist in tight, short dresses, way up her thighs. Gina would normally be at a level below Lauren, but Lauren’s new assignment had changed all that. If she were working for me, I’d make sure she wore more appropriate clothes to work. “She sits over there, she was wearing a yellow dress today,” said Lauren, keeping her voice as even as possible.

  She watched Bob carefully, hoping he’d say, ‘It’s okay, you bring the report to me.’ But Bob’s eyes brightened. “Oh, her,” he said matter of factly. “That will be fine, she can bring it to me. Sorry, I don’t remember all the names yet.”

  I bet you remembered her tits though, thought Lauren, her hands clenching. Bob walked away, leaving Lauren in her cubicle, smelling of spilled coffee.

  It took her a few minutes to realize that Bob had, at least, remembered her name. It was a small consolation.

  In the cafeteria, Lauren loaded up with protein and vegetables, craving the starches but holding firm to her diet. After paying for her food she headed over to where her new group usually sat by the window. Even though she had been at the company almost three years she really didn’t know that many people outside her old department, and though this new group all sat on the same floor, being stuck inside a cubicle meant that lunch was the only time Lauren got to see a lot of her co-workers. Most of them were women, some career support staff, others trying to work their way up.

  The gang from Lauren’s department was almost finished eating. Unfortunately the only empty seat was right across from Gina. As usual, Gina was wearing one of her slut outfits, a slinky, shiny, tight fitting dress that showed off a lot of cleavage and a lot of leg. Gina had her naturally curly dark hair done in kind of a loose, just fucked look, and she had a bit too much makeup on, although Lauren had to admit, it was artfully applied. In fact, Lauren thought Gina was actually quite pretty, she had a gorgeous body, and wonderful cheekbones and lips. She didn’t have to dress so cheesily, she’d look even better if she toned it down. But that wasn’t Gina.

  “Well if it isn’t Miss Ass Kiss,” said Gina, her voice dripping with exaggerated praise. “Did you get your chance to suck up to Bob?”

  “Gina, that’s not nice!” said Julie, but she was laughing.

  “Oh, that’s right, Lauren probably calls him Mr. Evans. Mr. Evans, can I polish your shoes?” mimicked Gina. “Or maybe, can I kiss your feet?”

  “Actually,” said Lauren, forcing herself to stay calm, not knowing why Gina goaded her, she’d never done anything to Gina. Maybe Gina was insecure about Lauren’s smarts and this was her way of reminding Lauren that she was the boss. Right now though, Lauren had to restrain herself from slapping Gina across the face. “He insisted that I call him Bob.” The look on Gina’s face gave Lauren a little bit of satisfaction.

  Gina recovered quickly. “So you were sucking up to him.”

  Lauren calmly cut her food and took a bite before replying. “No, I was just sitting there doing your Simpson report when he asked about the status.” She paused. “And where the hell you were.”

  “He didn’t.”

  “Well, he did. Don’t worry, I covered for you.” Lauren glanced around the table at the worried faces. “For all of you. I told him that there was just a little left to go and it was easier if one person finished it.” Which wasn’t exactly what she had said, or how Bob had asked about where everyone was, but it was close enough.

  “Thanks, Lauren,” said Rosie. “We owe you one.”

  “I still think she was sucking up,” said Gina.

  Lauren waved her hand dismissively. “I’m sure you’ll get your own chance to suck,” she paused dramatically, “—up, to Bob.”

  Everyone at the table laughed, except Gina. “You can be a real bitch, Lauren.”

  “Look, Gina, I’m just doing my job. No need to be nasty.”

  “Just telling it like it is.”

  “You should be a little nicer, since I was basically doing your work.”

  “You better not have screwed it up.”

  “It’s better than how you left it. Go see for yourself.”

  “I will.” Gina got up. “Come on, girls. Time to get back to work.”

  The other women looked back and forth between Gina and Lauren. It was obvious to Lauren that they didn’t want to get in the middle of anything, but they also knew Gina was the supervisor and doled out the assignments.

  “I’ll sit and keep you company,” offered Rosie.

  “That’s okay,” said Lauren. She didn’t want Gina to be mad at anyone, especially Rosie, who was really nice. “I’m just fine. You all go ahead.”

  Everyone picked up their trays and left, following Gina, a few of them touching Lauren’s shoulder in sympathy or solidarity. Rosie held back a little. “Don’t mind Gina, she’s just jealous of you.”

  Lauren was surprised. “Jealous? Of what?”

  Rosie smiled. “She knows you are smarter and harder working than the rest of us. We all know you’ll go far, and Gina knows she’ll never get any higher than department supervisor. That’s why she says all those mean things.”

  Lauren hadn’t even considered that. Could that really be it? “I’ve never done anything to—” she stopped, realizing how she had just acted. A simple act like finishing up the job on her own had probably made Gina feel even more inferior.

  “She’s also probably jealous of how pretty you are,” said Rosie.

  Lauren blushed. “I doubt that.”

  “Oh, come on, you are beautiful. I’d kill for your eyes and your body,” said Rosie.

  Lauren thought that was sweet, Rosie was cute herself, although she too was on the heavier side of slender, but probably didn’t deal with it the way Lauren did. “Thanks honey. It’s the weight lifting.”

  “Whatever it is, keep doing it,” said Rosie, giving Lauren’s hand a little squeeze. “And don’t let Gina get to you.”

  “I have to admit it, she does sometimes.”

  “Me, too.”

  After Rosie left, Lauren chewed thoughtfully as she considered what her friend had said. Could Gina really be jealous? It sounded farfetched. Although that might explain a few things about how Gina acted. In fact, when Lauren had first started working in the group, she had been impressed by how Gina had dealt with the sometimes thankless job of supervisor. Lauren actually hoped that they could be friends. But Gina had been, not quite cold, but snide right from the beginning. Could it all be from jealousy?

  Lauren’s eyes drifted over to Gina’s tray, which Gina had thoughtlessly left on the table. Probably expects me to clean up after her, just like I do with her work, thought Lauren.

  Worse, the tray was filled with the worst kind of food, French fries, potato skins dripping in butter, and fudge cake. The fact that Gina could have the unbelievable body she had while eating food like that upset Lauren more than Gina’s comments. Of course, Gina’s body would probably fall to pieces once she turned thirty, but in the meantime, her skin was smooth, and she had an amazing figure. Lauren had to work so hard to just hold her weight, and Gina looked like a pinup while eating crap.

  That just wasn’t fair. . .

  Lauren was still simmering and a little despondent when she got back from lunch. The good thing about where she sat was that she got a view of Bob’s office, the bad thing, today, was that Lauren got to see Gina now in the office, with Bob. Gina had pulled the visitor chair around the side of Bob’s desk, putting them pretty close. Bob, for his part, didn’t seem to mind. Lauren couldn’t pull her eyes away as the two of them worked over the report, the same report that Lauren had improved and finished for Gina.


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