I am now thirty-six years old, a wife and mother, and with God’s love and constant support I am still learning to be the Proverbs 31 wife. Within my journey, my husband has become saved; my son (of his own accord) has gone through the classes and was water baptized; and as a family we went to Africa in 2006 on a two-week missions trip to help the AIDS orphans. We are constantly growing in the Lord with prayer and Bible studies. But with every person I tell my story to, it always starts with, “When I was fifteen years old, I sang at the Billy Graham crusades and was saved.” Thank you so much, Mr. Graham. You saved me and my family!
When I was fourteen years old, I went to a Billy Graham crusade for Christ at Anaheim Stadium. That was the beginning of my being born again; I stood up and went down the aisle. I have fallen behind at times, but that inspired me to pick up and keep going. I rededicated myself three years ago, at age fifty, and am now happy to be a servant of the Lord’s. I am still learning, but my understanding has improved, and I have been so blessed in that our Lord gave me the gift of believing Jesus Christ is my Savior. Thank you, Billy.
I was born in Jamaica, West Indies. I came to know the Lord in a personal way in January 1964, when Billy Graham visited my island. He preached so clearly that a ten-year-old could understand. When the altar call was given, I still remember walking all by myself—with no fear and with tears streaming down my face. Billy led us all in the sinner’s prayer, and right there I asked the Lord to be my Savior and friend. I never thought at the moment about being lost in that great crowd; I just wanted to give my heart to the Lord. Mr. Graham, because of your obedience to visit my island to preach God’s Word, I know beyond any doubt that God is real in my life today. May heaven’s blessings be yours continually. I am looking forward to meeting with you at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
I was nine years old when my family attended Explo ’72 in Texas. When I came home, I wrote a poem for Billy Graham.
I can still recite it today:
Preaching a sermon, Billy Graham
And singing a hymn were Jesus Christ’s fans
Listening to the sermon, never bored,
And then one jumps up and shouts, “Praise the Lord!”
Attending that Graham crusade affected my life greatly. I owe much of my walk to your ministry. To this day, I say “Praise the Lord!” numerous times during the day. Thank you, Billy!
I remember as a child going to see Billy Graham with my two older sisters and my parents. He was talking at the Pontiac Silverdome in Pontiac, Michigan, back in the 1970s. I was probably nine or ten years old and had grown up in a Christian home. I had seen Mr. Graham on TV, so I knew what to expect when we got to the Silverdome. However, I remember being blown away by what I now know as the presence of the Holy Spirit, when thousands of souls were saved and people walked to the center of the field to ask Jesus into their hearts and lives. My family and I also walked down to the stage as we welcomed Jesus into our hearts. It was quite an experience. Since then, I have shared with my now Spirit-filled Christian husband how I was there when I was a child. I will never forget that life-changing experience. Thank You, Jesus, and Mr. and Mrs. Graham, for all the hard work and dedication to our God and heavenly Father.
My parents took my brother and me to the Billy Graham crusade as children. I remember, even as a child, how the Spirit of the Lord spoke to my heart through this powerful evangelist. My brother and I accepted Jesus Christ as Savior on the same day. We will always remember that great day! What an awesome preacher! Even as children, we were drawn to what he said. I will never forget how he laid out the simple plan of salvation so that even we could understand. And as so many other thousands of people came, as the song “Just As I Am” was being sung, we walked down that aisle to give our lives to the Lord.
We have been saved now for fifty-three years. It’s not always easy, but the Lord has been there every step of the way. We are both now serving in ministry at our respective churches. But I will always be grateful for the wonderful evangelistic ministry of this great man of God, Billy Graham. God bless and keep you, until you hear the Lord say (and I know you will), “Servant, well done.”
It was—as I can best recall—1964, at a place called Jet Stadium in Columbus, Ohio. My mom, God rest her soul, took my siblings and me to the stadium to hear this man, Billy Graham. The place was packed, and the stadium seats were full, so we sat with the multitudes of others on the baseball field. There was music and singing, and of course the pressing of the crowd as the Lord was praised and worshipped. Rev. Billy took the stage and began to speak, and the words I heard as an eleven- or twelve-year-old boy were as if He were speaking directly to me. The story of Jesus and how He died for me to save my life. That was it in simplest terms, and though Rev. Graham spoke many words, the ones that pierced my heart and took to seeding were the ones of this man, the Son of God, Jesus.
As a child, I feared my earthly father, as he was many times drunk and abusive, both physically and verbally. I was confused that there could be a heavenly Father who was loving and forgiving and who would send His only Son to come save me. I heard these words as a child, and I try to think back as a child as I write … but now a child of God. That night, under the lights, this scared-to-death little boy walked seemingly forever through the crowds when the altar call was given by Rev. Graham. Mom held my hand, and my siblings went forward as well, pushing through the crowd that was gathering around the front of the stage area. Billy Graham led us all in prayer, the sinner’s prayer; and not knowing fully why, I cried unashamed as I repeated those words as best I could.
I walked away from that night feeling a huge relief inside. I was clean, though I was sweaty from the summer heat … clean inside! Over the many years since that night, I have strayed somewhat from the path, but never once did God’s Spirit let me stray too far away. Always, His Spirit spoke to me in what we Christians know as that “still, small voice,” and I have always been brought back to the path called straight. I am getting along in age now, and I often reflect on that night at Jet Stadium. I think about the tumultuous times in family life as a child, and how I learned how a Father truly loves His children, even to the point of sacrificing His own for another’s sake. Grace is truly amazing to walk in, and no matter what the world throws at me, at us, we are His children. I am because He is.
Thanks to Rev. Billy Graham for his simple approach to the Gospel and truth of Jesus as our Savior and Lord. So easy that even a child can understand it! I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God continues preparing your mansion, Rev. Billy, and one day I would like to visit you there!
Billy Graham, you and your family are shining examples of who Jesus is. You give this country hope that if we give our lives to Jesus Christ, He will take care of things. Well, this is my story:
My mom was divorced when I was nine, and I had two younger sisters. Mom worked when she could, but we had no support from Dad, and food was a bit scarce—although Mom’s family helped us when they could. Every time you were on TV, Sunday for special events, my mom would say, “Let’s all get in front of the TV; Billy Graham is on.” She told us that she watched you to give her hope in dark times. She told us that hearing you speak gave her goose bumps and made her feel good inside. (She didn’t realize that was Jesus—and I didn’t either, until I got older.)
So I was watching you on TV one night, and on this particular night, I heard Billy say, as I had before, “Come on down, give your life to Jesus, we will wait.” Then the song “Just As I Am” came on. I was thinking how badly I wished I were there so I could run down those stairs. Then I heard Billy say, “You at home, you can give your lives to Jesus right from your living room.” I was thinking, What? If he had said that b
efore, I certainly hadn’t heard it. But I did this time, and I did just as he said: I bowed my head and gave my life to Jesus. I think I was ten years old.
Then I heard them say, “If you gave your life to Jesus today, write for this little book, it will help you get started.” So I did. I still remember the address—it was simply, Billy Graham, Minneapolis, MN. (It was my sister’s job to remember the zip code. I still don’t remember it, but I bet she does.)
I remember getting that book, after checking the mailbox every day! When I got that book, it explained that I was clean and that I had no more sin in my life. I was kind of mean to my sisters, so I assumed I needed a lot of forgiving. It was the best time in my life. I went to church then, but I never heard it spoken like Billy did it.
Thank you so much, Billy and family. We truly love you all. Thank you for being that shining light when the world can get so dark. We so need prayer for our country now. Be blessed and know you are truly a man after God’s own heart.
As so many people have, I grew up with Billy Graham. I cannot remember a time when he wasn’t on TV, preaching in those crusades. I remember listening with my family to some of them and being impressed by his total certainty in what he was saying. He had no doubt about Jesus Christ, and no doubt about expressing the message of God’s Son to the rest of us. He was educated, forceful, and clear-cut in his sermons. And I have no doubt that whenever and wherever he preached, the Holy Spirit moved. Billy has always seemed as solid as a rock to me. Oh, I know he is human, and I’m sure he has made mistakes in life, but to my knowledge, they weren’t public mistakes. He never did anything to disgrace his ministry or God’s message. As Peter was the rock of the early church, Billy has been the rock of our lifetimes. I’m sure that the lives he has touched, and those who have come to accept and know God through Billy’s preaching, is a staggering number.
When I was around ten years old, and not long after I was saved, I took a correspondence course from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. I still have the certificate of completion, with Billy’s signature. It is one of my most prized possessions. That course not only added to my Christian education, but the memory of it kept me seeking after God all my life. I’ve been a Christian for forty-six years now, and I know the influence of Billy had a hand in that decision.
Billy has probably influenced this country and our world more than any other modern minister. Thank God for you, Billy! Thank God that you answered His calling, took courage, and stepped out in faith, so that so many could hear God’s Word. I am sure that someday in heaven I will come to a long line of people who are waiting to give you a hug. I will get in line, and I will reserve a giant hug for you. May God bless you now and forever!
When I was a very young child, around five years old, my maternal grandmother would come and stay with us for several weeks at a time. During this period in my family’s history, my father was a practicing alcoholic. My grandmother worried about the outcome of my life living in such an environment. I would often hear her “whispers” of prayer for me every night. She was hard of hearing, so they were whispers to her, but louder than she realized. Her other intervention in my life, frequently throughout my childhood, was to make me stop all that I might be doing and watch your crusade. She would yell to me, “Charlotte, Billy’s on TV!” I knew exactly which “Billy” she was speaking about and that there was no choice but to stop and watch. Numerous times, I prayed with you, not only for my own salvation but for my family’s. God was faithful and provided protection and deliverance from this situation. I truly believe that those prayers for salvation at such an early age opened the door for God’s hand in my life. Thank you for sharing your crusades with those of us who never came to a coliseum but nonetheless felt God’s Spirit move right in our own homes.
I can remember as a young child watching the crusades on TV. I always attended church, and our family was very active in the church. My grandmother was also a great influence on me as far as becoming a Christian. But one night stands out in my mind as the night I believe I really began my walk with Christ. As I watched the crusade and Rev. Graham gave the invitation, he made it sound so simple and inviting. I just couldn’t refuse. I got down on my knees and prayed with him, after walking toward the TV. It was like I was there, along with all those people going forward. Not long after that, I was baptized in a small creek and joined the church. It has taken years of growth, and I am still learning more about myself and how sinful I was and am without Jesus. But I am a born-again Christian raising four kids, and I am very thankful for God’s grace that was revealed to me from Rev. Graham and his desire to serve God and lead others to Christ. Thank you, Billy Graham, for all your dedication.
When I was only three years old, my mother and father took me to the local fairgrounds to hear a preacher they had seen on our small black-and-white TV, which my dad had just purchased from money he had saved and put aside for the family. I was so little at the time and yet I can still remember people from everywhere, coming from all directions, following one another inside the grandstand. They seemed so happy! Bibles were in their hands and smiles were on their faces.
They served snow cones that night, and I was so excited when my mom took me down to buy one. We were on our way back when, lo and behold, I accidentally dropped my snow cone down the back of a lady’s dress! My mother was upset with me, but the lady was so sweet and never missed a beat singing and following along to “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.”
I remember the night so well because everyone was so happy and full of love. Love that you don’t really feel in a lot of the churches we have today. It was a peaceful type of love. When Billy Graham got up to speak that night, I remember it so well. His voice was full of love for our Lord Jesus Christ, full of love for the people he was talking to, and full of love for the Word of God.
He loved me! Jesus loved me! Even if I did spill that snow cone down that lady’s back. Jesus still loved me, because Billy Graham told me so that night. Yes, I still remember the first night I heard Rev. Billy Graham. I thank him so much for telling me that night how much Jesus loves me. Since that time, I have always loved to hear him preach and tell everyone how much they are loved, because I feel as if someone, somewhere at that very moment, really needs to hear it just like I did that first night.
It was a hot summer evening in 1956, at the Oklahoma City fairgrounds. My older sister and I, visiting our Oklahoma relatives with our mom, were sitting with aunts, uncles, and cousins, waiting to hear this “new preacher” who had come to town. My sis and I had attended church all our lives and been “good little girls” growing up, but this night, as I listened to this fiery preacher, I heard (with spiritual ears) some things I hadn’t grasped before. I guess I understood for the first time that I was apart from God. And I understood why Jesus had to die for me. One of the verses stuck in my young head: “What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36 KJV). I had pretty much “gained the world” in my young teen eyes, but what Billy shared made complete sense in my mind and heart. I didn’t want to lose my soul … I wanted God.
The choir started singing “Just As I Am,” and I ached to go forward. But we were high in the bleachers, and there was a long line of relatives and strangers between me and the aisle. I chickened out.
Later that night, deeply troubled, I confided in my sis. “I really wanted to go forward tonight.” My sis, who has always been there for me, told me she would take me back the following evening so I could follow through with my desire. And she did.
The following evening, I listened intently, knowing exactly what I wanted and needed to do when the right time came. But, to my surprise, when “Just As I Am” began, my sis hopped up an
d started down the aisle before me. I followed, unsure of her motives, until we met at the foot of the stage where Billy stood. My sis looked at me and said, “I need to do this, too!”
So it was that two sisters were ushered into the counseling tent and into the Kingdom. The counselor explained some things to us and gave us some “B-rations,” which were verses on assurance to memorize. Billy actually came into the tent shortly afterward, and all of those who had received Christ went by, one by one, and shook his hand. When I shook his hand, I remember his piercing blue eyes looking into mine as he asked me, “Did you receive Christ as your Savior tonight? Do you want to live for Jesus?” I said yes, and I meant it.
I have now been saying yes to the Lord for more than fifty years, as He has led me through valleys and on mountaintops. I know Him as my Husband, my Friend, my Counselor, my Rock, my Light, my Joy, the “I Am” of my life. From memorizing those verses in that small pack given to us at the crusade, my sister and I went on to discover the joys of quiet time, scripture memory, Bible study, and sharing our faith with others. Though both married, we are very close and often pray for each other over long-distance wires.
What if I had not gone back to hear Billy the second time? I could not have made it through the years without Christ. I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, Billy. All glory to God for His message of grace brought to me through His dear and precious messenger, Billy Graham. May His peace and comfort and joy overwhelm you as you look forward to the day when you will place many, many crowns at the feet of our Lord Jesus!
Thank You, Billy Graham Page 34