Thank You, Billy Graham

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Thank You, Billy Graham Page 35

by Jerushah Armfield



  I was a volunteer at a crusade. I don’t remember my official title. I guess I was an escort. I had a wheelchair and helped (a few) people into the Cox Convention Center. I wanted to be a blessing, but I felt as if I wasn’t doing enough. I “got lost” in the message, and I remember that I enjoyed it. (I was up in the nosebleed section.) As I worshipped the Lord, He reminded me that all my children would come to know and love Him, a promise He had given me a decade or so before. This time, He added that it would begin with my youngest daughter. What a blessing! I wanted to be there as a blessing, but God gave me a blessing instead!


  I first learned of this great man of God as young boy. I once again encountered the teachings of Dr. Graham while serving as a US Marine on Okinawa in the late 1980s. The one thing that has remained the same is his unwavering love and commitment to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. One of God’s true generals.


  Dear Billy, thank you for coming to Melbourne, Australia, in 1959. That was the start of both my husband Peter’s and my walk with the Lord. We were both almost thirty years old, with two children and a mortgage. By the time the crusade was over, seven of our immediate family members had made a decision for Christ, and each one has continued in the walk, which began nearly fifty years ago. During those years, my husband and I have served the Lord in our church—my husband as an elder, and both of us in youth and Sunday school. We have also worked with Prison Fellowship for nearly fifteen years, and ten years with the Gideons.

  We thank God for the opportunity we had to go forward for Christ. If you had not followed God’s leading, Australia would be a sadder place. Both Peter and I recall vividly how God spoke to us and has led us every day. Thanks to you again, our daughters and their children have made a commitment for the Lord.

  When God spoke to me through you, I learnt that “I had to come as a child, and God would teach me.” One of the meetings was held at the Melbourne Showgrounds, and it was there that Peter asked the Lord into his heart. On that night, it was raining so heavily that it caused a delay in the program. The announcement was made as a road was blocked. Then the choir sang “There Shall Be Showers of Blessing.” When they had finished, the rain stopped, the clouds parted a little, and the moon shone through the gap onto you … Billy.

  This physical sign of God’s presence softened Peter’s heart. When you said from God’s Word that “there is a wide way and a narrow way, and there will be many on the wide way and few on the narrow way,” Peter knew that God was speaking to him. Praise God for the changes that have come into our lives, and the lives of others led to us for counseling or encouragement. We have, with His help, faithfully served God within our own family and with others we have met over our journey. We are both seventy-eight now and yearn for the unsaved in our family and friends.

  We considered it a privilege to share in the counseling at your following crusade here in Melbourne, and also at your son’s crusade. Thank you, Billy, from the bottom of our hearts.

  Marion and Peter

  Thank You, Billy Graham … for Sharing Ruth with Us


  This morning in our prayer meeting at Desiring God, as we gave thanks for the life of Ruth Graham, I was moved. Probably because of her death in proximity to my father’s (March 6). The connection is this: When I was growing up, there was a cluster of independent traveling evangelists in Greenville, South Carolina. My father, Bill, and his brother, Elmer, were in that group. Cliff Barrows, Billy Graham’s partner in music for decades, was also part of the fellowship from time to time. That was our connection with Billy and Ruth Graham. So, in my mind, my mother, Ruth, and Ruth Graham were in the same business—supporting a traveling evangelist.

  It was a hard calling. In those early days, when propeller airplanes with their single rear wheel would whisk away Big Billy (Graham) and Little Bill (Piper) to who-knows-where around the country, for two, three, four, five, or six weeks at a time, to preach the everlasting Gospel, Ruth (G) and Ruth (P) were left at home with house and lawn and rusting gutters and leaky faucets and weeds and utilities and checkbook and laundry and church and neighborhood and homework and discipline and sports and plays and teenage acne and fear and no one at their side at church or in bed. It was a hard calling. So when we gave thanks for Ruth (G), I was flooded with thanks for Ruth (P) and Little Bill (P), and that flood increased my thanks for Ruth (G). Only when the books are opened in eternity will we know the ten-thousand-fold fruit of their lives, as they bore the weight of sending their men into the greatest battle in the world.

  John Piper


  For as long as I can remember, I have counted Dr. and Mrs. Graham among my heroes. While I never had the privilege of attending a Billy Graham crusade (though I’ve watched many on television over the years), the Grahams have nevertheless had a deep impact on my life and that of my family. My dad grew up just down the road from the Grahams’ home in North Carolina, and when I was growing up I heard countless stories of their kindness to him over the years, kindness that continues to this day. Many years ago, I did have the honor of meeting Mrs. Graham at the reception following my grandfather’s funeral. (I believe Dr. Graham was ill at the time.) And at the funeral home, I met George Beverly Shea. Although I was sixteen—an age at which many would be apathetic to such things—their simple presence meant the world to me and is something I believe I will never forget.


  My grandparents, parents, and I sat around the TV watching the Billy Graham crusades. The impact the crusades had on our lives still rings in our ears today with Brother Billy’s patented voice: “You can have eternal life today through salvation at the cross.” Whenever I read one of Billy Graham’s books, I hear his voice speak each word as if he were in the same room…. I do not know where I would be today if not for Billy and Ruth Graham. They are some the greatest Christians I have ever seen. I use Billy’s books and magazine to aid me in teaching Sunday school. What an impact he has had on my life.


  I am an Ethiopian living in the United States. I have never been to any crusade physically, nor seen Billy Graham in person. But I’ve heard the testimony of a person I highly respect. He got saved in Ethiopia during one of the crusades conducted a long time back. He was desperate and almost at the end of his life, with years of sinful life without Christ. Today, he is a church elder and worships the Lord with his family.

  I personally have been reading about Billy Graham and his family members in magazines, and watching crusades through TBN and other Christian TV stations. In a Newsweek magazine article, I read Ruth’s response to the question, “Have you ever considered divorce?” Her reply was straightforward and dynamic: “Divorce, no. But murder, yes!” This great frankness and humility encourages those who struggle with the pain and stigma of divorce. I am not divorced, but the message helps to encourage others, not to be taken as excuse, but to understand the existence of struggles in every marriage, including great people of God. It also encourages enduring and looking upon God for solutions.


  Words cannot describe the sorrow I feel for your loss. My family is devoted Baptist, and God-fearing people. I learned of religion on my grandmother’s knee, and usually listening to you. Thank you for your wife’s devotion to the Lord; it obviously rubbed off on you, Mr. Graham. Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time.


  Dear Rev. Graham, first of all, I send sincere condolences on the loss of your wife…. What an amazing tribute to Mrs. Graham, to be the standard that wives everywhere strive to be. She truly was a special person, wasn’t she? I grew up watching Billy Graham crusades on TV, and when you talked, it felt as if you were talking directly to me. Awesome! I would like to personally thank
you for not ever letting your followers down. You never fell to the scandals and controversy that other evangelists did. You and Mrs. Graham are one of a kind, and there is a special place for both of you in heaven. Just know that a tear falls for you today, and may God hold the hand of Mrs. Graham on her trip home. God bless you and your family.


  My grandmother, who gave me my first Bible, recognized my interest in reading the Bible at an early age. Where it came from, I’m not sure. I was adopted at the age of two weeks, and my parents—the only ones I’ve ever known—don’t remember where my interest in the Bible came from. They were typical holiday-only churchgoers.

  Church for me as a child was a massive place where people came to hear someone speak way up front. Yes, we sat in the back primarily, or near the back. I don’t know if it was because we were late or for an easy escape route. Sometime during my early years, I attended a Ladies-in-Waiting church function for a few weeks. We memorized scriptures and moved up the ladder to Ladies in Waiting. What we were waiting for, I don’t know. But those events, reading the Bible, and memorizing scripture, affected me in ways I didn’t know then, but I found out around the age of twelve.

  My grandmother, who was an unbeliever herself, a hoper, was living with our family after the death of my grandfather. Her bedroom and mine were next to each other. As she focused on TV after dinner, she called out, “Billy Graham is on!” I asked, “What channel?” because I also had a TV in my room.

  Had I watched him before? I believe so, but I’m not sure. I flipped to the channel and listened. And as so many have done before me, I laid my hands on the TV during the invitation to Christ. As a child, I didn’t know where that decision would take me; but I’m still on that marvelous journey.

  In my late teenage years, when I had tested everyone, including God, I found myself at my sorry-self end. As much as I was in control of my life, I wasn’t. Subsequent to having my fiancé call off our wedding two weeks before the event, I was raped two weeks later. I tried numerous times to commit suicide, but for some reason, God physically saved me each and every time. As I look back, I realize the salvation events were miracles. Teenagers are unaware of their mortality, so I had tested anyway.

  Following my last suicide attempt, I was dragged to a church retreat I had commited to. I was awful to everyone, and everyone was so gracious with me. I slept through most of the retreat and on the final night recognized again that I needed a savior. But it all started with the invitation from Rev. Billy Graham over the air forty-one years ago. That invitation holds a special memory in my heart! Thank you, Rev. Graham, for following God’s leading and being obedient. Thank you for being our nation’s pastor. Thank you for meeting with dignitaries and sharing the message of Christ with them and all of us. Thank you!

  Years ago now, I purchased one of Mrs. Graham’s books. I believe it was her first one, but I’m not sure. It was the same gentle and loving message that the women on the retreat shared with me. If I could have spoken to Mrs. Ruth Graham, I’d have embraced her and cried. I would have cried for her faithfulness, her commitment, her dedication to her Savior, her husband, and her children. I looked up to her as a godly woman! I still do. She left a lasting image and message, as does Rev. Graham. Now their children, and probably their grandchildren, are serving the Lord, along with thousands of others, because of Rev. Graham’s messages. What a legacy!


  Thanks for the TV crusades of days gone by. I used to listen to them and get “saved” at every one. I loved them.

  What a wonderful example Billy and Ruth have lived for the world, and especially for the Body of Christ. These things will never be forgotten by the many whose lives were touched by these courageous people. In Jesus’ name, may all the family be blessed as Billy and Ruth live on in them.


  When I hear the names Billy and Ruth Graham, I always think of Jesus Christ. When I hear Billy’s preaching, I am always attached to the television screen. He quickens and stirs up my soul. I thank God for his ministry, for he is an icon to evangelism. May you all be blessed beyond measure.


  I love Ruth and Billy Graham! When I was a little girl, I loved watching Billy Graham on television. When they opened the new Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, I really wanted to go, but I have been so sick with my health, I just could not make it. Those words Billy said about Ruth made me cry like a baby. I want the entire Graham family to know that you’re in my prayers. Could you please pray for me and my kids? I lost my husband last July, coming up on one year. My kids are constantly in my prayers. God be with you, Billy, and your family. Thank you, Billy and Ruth.



  Our thoughts and prayers go out to Rev. Graham and all the Graham family. When our news channel told us of Mrs. Graham’s going home, my mind went to Proverbs 31:10–31. Mrs. Graham was the mother of all mothers. She may not have been in the spotlight as much as her husband, but she knew and taught other women their roles in being a Christian. She and Rev. Graham were a fantastic role model to the whole world. Their love for each other glowed brighter than any candle ever could. It was clear on both of their lives. Ruth lived her life strictly by God’s Holy Word. Even though hearts are saddened and broken down, Sister Ruth is shouting on the Hills of Glory and is safe in the arms of Jesus. May each of you look to Jesus for comfort during these days of sorrow. We will have everyone in our thoughts and prayers.


  Dear Rev. Graham, I simply want to give God praise, and thank you for allowing God to use you in such a tremendous way throughout the years. I simply want to thank God for your wife, Ruth, and how God used her to be a blessing to us through your ministry. I simply want to thank you for being consistent throughout the years. I recently viewed one of your Classic crusades, and it was truly a blessing and just as powerful today as it was then. I simply want to say that I love and appreciate you and your ministry, and my prayers are with you and your family.

  Finally, I simply want to thank you for not being ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and for lifting His name up all over the world. May God continue to bless and use you for His glory, for you have been a blessing to so many, and God is not finished with you yet!


  Dear Billy and Ruth Graham, thank you for being America’s messengers for God! Thank you for the admirable relationship you have with one another in your marriage. What an example of the words love and covenant, especially in today’s society.

  I was born on a farm in rural Virginia in 1965. I was the baby of the family, with older siblings already married and out of the house. My mother always made sure I attended church. My father, who was a member of the local Masonic organization, didn’t attend church, but we were always tuned in as a family watching you by television whenever there was a telecast on. My dad would sit and listen as George Beverly Shea sang and Cliff Barrows did the introductions. Daddy would comment on how long the two of them had been on the shows. I always had pen and paper ready to write for the free book you would offer, as my mother would suggest that I copy the information down for her. These memories will always be etched in my heart.

  I have been married now for seventeen years, and for a long time, when all our friends were having children we couldn’t. I prayed and prayed, and the Lord blessed us with a boy on December 2, 2004. I wanted him to have a special name, a different name, and I searched the things close to my heart and came up with Graham, so we named him Graham Alan. I would explain to people how I came up with the name: “Graham, like Billy Graham.”

  I’m so thankful to you for being in our home when I was growing up. Please pray for us now as the loss of my daddy has pulled our family apart. I pray also for you and Ruth. God bless you and your family and the ministry as it is continued.


nbsp; Jerushah Armfield lives in South Carolina with her husband and two children. She helps her husband lead City Lights, a church planted in 2012 in Greenville. You can follow Jerushah’s writings at

  Aram Tchividjian grew up in South Florida and now lives in Boynton Beach. He is senior web developer for a Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, agency and father of three kids. In 2008, he coauthored the book Invitation about his grandfather’s ministry.

  Basyle “Boz” Tchividjian is a former child abuse prosecutor who currently teaches at Liberty University School of Law. Boz is the founder and executive director of GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment), designed to educate and equip the faith community to confront and address child abuse.




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