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Romance: Detective Romance: A Vicious Affair (Victorian Regency Intrigue 19th England Romance) (Historical Mystery Detective Romance)

Page 64

by Lisa Andersen

  They were standing on top of a hill that overlooked a valley that stretched to the horizon.

  “Look at that view, Sarah. Look into the sky. Look at the stars.”

  Sarah looked up and saw more stars than she had ever seen in her entire life. There was no pollution to hide or obstruct them as they shown through the crystal night sky. They seemed so close that Sarah felt like she could reach up and grab a handful of them. She wished she could take some back to her father and show him.

  “Look at the horizon Sarah, we are just in time.”

  Sunlight crept over the top of the mountains in the distance as the sun began its journey. Sarah felt wonderment, as she had never seen anything quite so beautiful before in her entire life.

  “watch as the orange hued rays kiss the skyline,” said Ezekiel. “The light will slowly creep over the valley. Watch as the flowers turn to face it as it greets them. Listen as the birds begin to sing as the sun ascends over the horizon. Feel the energy of the woods as the animals come alive all around us. This is the glory that each new day brings. Feel the sunshine kiss on your skin as it banishes the cold of night.”

  Sarah did feel all that Ezekiel had said. She wondered how he had come to speak so poetically about the sunrise. She looked straight into the sun as it was not bright enough yet to hurt her eyes. It was beautiful.

  “So this is what you wanted to show me?” Asked Sarah.

  “Yes,” said Ezekiel.

  “It is beautiful,” continued Sarah. “But what does this have to do with faith,” she asked.

  “You really are clever, Sarah,” said Ezekiel. “The reason I brought you here is because you said that you could not have faith in a God that would allow suffering and your mother to die. Well I say how could you not have faith in a God that created something so wonderful as this sunrise.”

  It made sense to Sarah. It didn’t answer a lot of questions, but it made sense. And it resonated with her.

  “Sarah, there is a lot that we cannot know. I don’t know why your mother died. I don’t know why anything bad happens in this world. But I also don’t know why anything good happens either. So should I focus on being angry about the bad? Or should I focus on being grateful and happy for the good? You are a smart girl Sarah. You tell me which is more logical.”

  Sarah nodded her head slightly, almost imperceptibly. She knew deep down that Ezekiel was right, that there was no good reason that she should focus on the evil and not the good. She was standing next to a wonderful guy that had shown her something amazing, and taught her something even better. She was with a family that loved her and would always be there for her. Her father was becoming a changed man and finding happiness. What did she have to be mad about anyway? Maybe this was God’s way of working things out for good?

  “I think that we both know the answer to that,” said Sarah with a smile.

  Ezekiel didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to.

  They stood and watched the sunrise for a while longer, making sure to soak in every moment. Ezekiel reached for her hand. It caught Sarah off guard. But he had been holding her hand all night, guiding her through the woods. It felt good she admitted to herself. She laughed to herself. A few days ago she hated everything to do with the Amish. Now she was holding hands with one of their own.

  “We must go back now,” said Ezekiel. We need to make it back for breakfast and our chores. We wouldn’t want to miss any of that now would we.”


  it was light out now, and Sarah could see her way through the trees much easier. her feet felt light as she still energized from the beauty of the sunrise. It was as if she was gliding through the forest. Ezekiel helped her across the creek and made sure she didn’t fall. He made sure that her every step was in its proper place, and something told her that he would always look out for her.

  When they got out of the woods on the other side, Sarah saw the house again. But this time it didn’t look old and primitive and devoid of luxuries. This time it looked cute and charming and rustic and beautiful. She wondered if this is how the Amish see everything. The grass seemed to tickle her legs as she ran. They got to the house just as breakfast was starting.

  “Where were you guys?” Asked Isaiah.

  “I was showing Sarah the sunrise. You know at the spot that you used to take me when i was younger,” explained Ezekiel.

  Isaiah gave a knowing nod. He looked at Sarah and could see that her temperament had changed. She looked happy, as if there was as glow about her. “And is that the case?” He asked Sarah.

  “Why, yes, of course. Your son actually showed me a lot. In a way, he opened my eyes for the first time.” Sarah was emphatic.

  Isaiah believed her and looked at her as if to say that he understood exactly what it felt like to have your eyes opened. Sarah looked at her father. He seemed delighted to see her and in a better mood than she was used to out of him.

  “Well now that we are all here, let’s dig in,” said Rebekah.

  Sarah heartily agreed, as she was very hungry after the long morning. After breakfast, they did their chores just like they had the past two days. The chores seemed easy with her newfound joy and perspective. She talked with Ezekiel and grew closer to him. He was like a best friend to her. But a great looking best friend that she never wanted to be apart from again. When they were finished with everything, they began to head back to the house.

  “Ezekiel, I have a question for you,” asked Sarah nervously. “Do the Amish date, and if so how?”

  Ezekiel laughed. “How do you think that we get married and have kids. We date, but we don’t do it the exact same way that you are used to.”

  “Oh interesting,” said Sarah.

  “Why do you ask,” replied Ezekiel.

  “Oh no reason,” Sarah felt for sure that she was coming across as ridiculous.

  “You are asking because you want to date me, aren’t you Sarah. I can see it on your face. And and I can hear it in the way you talk.” Ezekiel laughed.

  “Why do you laugh at that idea. Even if it were true it wouldn’t be funny.”

  “You are right,” Ezekiel calmed himself down. “But, to clear up any of the tension, let me ask you Sarah if you would do the honor of allowing me to court you. Not date you. But court you. That is what we Amish call it.”

  Sarah looked relieved and thrilled. “Of course. I would love that. But how do we court? I wouldn’t know the first thing to do?”

  “We have a way of doing it that you are going to get a kick out of. Most outsiders think it is the strangest practice. But it actually makes a lot of sense. I have never done it myself. But it sounds pretty awesome. Well, awesome if you are with the right person of course.”

  “Oh and what is this method for courting?” Asked Sarah.

  “Sarah, again, you are going to have to trust me. I will ask father about this.” Ezekiel looked eager. “I will ask now. Let’s go inside. We can start tonight.”

  Sarah was confused, but decided to trust Ezekiel. “One thing, before we can court though.”

  “Anything,” replied Ezekiel.

  “It is not anything that you need to do. It is something that I have to do. There is a lot of enmity between my father and I. I wouldn’t feel right about starting something between us if there is so much negativity in my life. It wouldn’t be fair to you Ezekiel. You deserve the very best from me.”

  “I understand,” replied Ezekiel. “And I think that is very noble of you. How about I talk to my father and you talk to yours. You can ask him if he thinks it is alright for us to court as well.”

  Sarah went into the house. her father was already finished with his chores for the day and was sitting at the table reading a Bible. She was surprised, but also happy for him. Her father really was a changed man, and that would make it much easier to forgive him.
br />   “Father, can I speak to you really quick about something,” said Sarah.

  “Yes, of course honey, you can talk to me about anything, you know that,” he replied. Sarah couldn’t remember the last time that they spoke to each other so respectfully.

  “Remember the other night when you asked for my forgiveness. You said that you needed to hear is so that the burden of guilt would be lifted off of you. Well the reason I couldn’t give my forgiveness last night was because of me, not you. Something happened to me today, and I feel changed. I feel that I can forgive you, and I do forgive you.”

  “Oh Sarah,” said her father as tears welled up in his eyes. “I have longed to be at peace with you again for a long time. You have no idea how much I love you. You are my daughter and you mean so much to me. I will be a better father. I promise.”

  “I know you will,” said Sarah. She hugged him. They embraced for what felt like a long time. Then Sarah remembered the second question she wanted to ask him. “Can I court Ezekiel?”

  Her father looked surprised. “You want to court Ezekiel?” he exclaimed.

  “is that a question…or what,” asked Sarah.

  “It is shock and an answer to prayer. What father wouldn’t want their daughter to end up with someone like Ezekiel.”

  “So is that a yes?”

  “It is indeed,” said her father. Sarah hugged him again. Then she rushed to tell Ezekiel the good news.


  Sarah knew that she would be courting Ezekiel that night. Isaiah had approved it and her father had approved it. But she still didn’t know what it meant. After dinner Rebekah lead Sarah and Ezekiel into a special room. “This is the courting room. The bed has a bundling board in the middle of it. That is there to make sure that you do not touch each other. You may stay up all night talking. But you must keep your clothes on and not touch,” explained Rebekah.

  Sarah jumped into the right side of the bed and quickly got under the covers. She was too excited to contain herself. She noticed that she felt light, not burdened with guilt. Forgiving her father had liberated her. And so did Ezekiel’s interest in her. The idea of staying up all night and talking to him was too much for her to handle. He got into bed. The bundling board was only about a food high. They couldn’t see over it, but they could easily communicate.

  “Are you comfortable,” asked Ezekiel.

  “Yes, I am comfortable,” replied Sarah. “And I have a surprise for you.”

  “Oh now you are coming up with surprises.” Ezekiel sounded excited. “I can’t wait.”

  “Well, unlike you, I won’t make you wait.” Sarah passed one of the earbuds over the bundling board. “Here, you listen with on ear, and I can listen to the other one. It is almost out of battery. I told myself that I would only use it for special occasions. I used it on the first night, because that was the worst night of my life. And now I am using it tonight, the best night of my life. Funny how that worked out”

  Ezekiel knew how to put an earbud in from his rumspringa days. “What are we going to listen to?” He asked.

  “You will see.” Sarah turned on the music and the hymn began to play. It was “Amazing Grace.” They listened until the song was over. Then they talked more about life and the farm and about God and what they hoped for the future. After they were tired and done talking they each put an earbud back in and listened to the hymn, on repeat, until they fell asleep.

  Amish: A Hard Choice

  Mary had just finished her chores for the evening and walked back to her house. Her sister, Ruth, was playing in the front yard, running around and chasing butterflies. Mary admired her carefree nature, without a thought for tomorrow, unfettered by the concerns of the world. That was how it used to be for Mary as a child, for everyone really. But growing up is a necessary part of life, and with it comes responsibilities. Not that Mary’s life was altogether horrible. But when she watched her sister, she definitely knew she missed the days of blithe unconcern about the world, where the only responsibility is to have as much fun as possible.

  In truth, Mary’s life had only become encumbered by responsibility recently. Her father had died of a heart attack not long ago, leaving her and her mother in charge of the house, the farm, and the rest of the children. It meant that she had to grow up fast. Mary had faith in God, but the struggles that she had gone through made her feel distant from Him at times. It was hard for her to talk about it with anybody. She especially didn’t want to talk about it with Samuel, the love of her life.

  He was as respectful and as good as a boy could be. He was only a few years older than her, and the way Mary saw it, likely to propose soon. She had known him her whole life and to this day he kept gifts that she had given him when they were children. Such a romantic. But she feared talking to him about her pain and responsibility feeling it would be too much to put on him, for he had fallen in love with the happy carefree girl that she once was, the one she pretended to still be.

  “Help me with supper, Mary,” yelled her mama, Deborah. “Don’t worry, we are making something simple. I know how hard you are working now. How hard we all have to work.” Her mother looked wistfully out the window and onto the farmland, as if wondering how it would be possible to reap the fields before the harvest. She shook her head.

  “Mama, you don’t have to worry about me, I will always be here to work hard for our family,” said Mary. She meant it with all her heart.

  “I know child,” her mother said with affection. She put her hand on Mary’s cheek. But I don’t want your life to suffer because of the accident with your father. I want you to live your life, to be free. He would want that for you. I have a blessed home here. God has his hand in all of this, you will see.”

  Mary helped her mother diligently. She loved her mother with all of her heart, and didn’t like to see her sad. But mama spent many hours every day in mourning. It broke Mary’s heart.


  “This is not going to work out between us,” John told his now ex-girlfriend, Jessica. “We are just two different people. I met you when I was young and rebellious, but I can’t keep living this lifestyle. It is unfilling[PE6] and going nowhere. I’m sorry, it’s over.”

  Jessica had cried, and begged him to come back. But John knew he had to move on. He had been able to find a good job in the world of the Englishers and amassed a good fortune. But it left him empty and with no direction in life. After breaking up with his girlfriend, he went to the local bar to think about his life.

  “Dude, you have it all, money,freedom and girls. I don’t know what you are complaining about,” said his friend Jake. John had known him for eight years now, ever since he had left the Amish community of his youth. He had been a good friend.

  “It’s not that I don’t know I should be happy, it’s just that I’m not,” replied John. “Look around, Jake. See that table over there, with the group of girls? Right now they are evaluating you, me, and every other guy who walks in here. I’ve been watching them. They compete over who can get the best guy. That’s who Jessica was when I met her, and still is.”

  “So then get another girl,” replied Jake. “There are plenty of fish in the sea. Like you said, look around. There are girls everywhere.”

  “Maybe there are girls out there who aren’t so superficial, just looking to compete for the best guy with the best job and the fastest car. But they aren’t here. This city, this life, there is something in the air that I can’t breathe. I don’t know.” John shook his head in frustration.

  “So what are you saying?” asked Jake. He looked puzzled, for he rather enjoyed the rat race and the chasing after girls.

  “I grew up different from this, Jake. I don’t think that you would understand. Ever since I left, I have always felt alien, like I was living a lie. Sure it was fun at times, but never fulfilling. There has to be more to life than this, right?
I mean, you get a good job, you get money and nice things. The pretty girls are easy to get when you have all that. But what’s next. Isn’t there more?”

  “Right now you seem very ungrateful, man.” Jake was getting angry at his friend. “I think that you should be grateful for the superficial women that you get. They are more than what most guys get. I don’t get you man.”

  John closed his eyes. He imagined things being different. But his imaginations turned into memories. Memories of his youth, of singing songs in church, of playing outside with his friends, of doing chores until his whole body ached. He slept like a baby then. His mother used to tuck him into bed and tell him stories of a God who loved him. He smiled ever so slightly.

  “Here you go in your little dream world again,” said Jake. “What you need is to find another girl. That will get you out of your funk.”

  John snapped back. “I don’t need another girl, I need another life.” John walked out of the bar. It was cold out. He looked up and could see the clouds moving out of the way, revealing the stars. They were beautiful, but he remembered seeing them as a kid, even as a teenager, and thinking they looked so much better back then.

  He continued to walk the night alone. John felt like a man against the world, by himself in a city full of millions. He knew he didn’t fit in, that there was nothing left for him. More than anything he desired belonging, a community. But he didn’t know if the belonging he desired was in front of him or behind. John hailed a cab.

  When John told the cab driver where he was going, he got a strange look. Apparently he didn’t take too many people to the Amish community outside the city. “What business do you have in Amish country,” asked the cab driver.

  “It’s where I belong,” said John. He thought it strange how easy it was to say things to a stranger that you would never say to someone you knew. “I grew up there, but on the eve of my 21st birthday, I left to set out on my own. But now I feel something pulling me back; I don’t know what it is.”


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