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A Lasting Love

Page 11

by Mary Tate Engels

  "I know you're grateful to him. He is a loving and kind man," Loren acknowledged gently.

  "If only there was something I could do to help," Lupe wailed, wiping her eyes with her apron.

  "Well, you are doing something, Lupe. You're keeping the house going and meals cooked and everything around here running. I know Reid really appreciates that. It's important to him."

  "You're kind, Señorita Loren," Lupe murmured. "Nice to let me cry and make me feel good about doing nothing."

  "Lupe, personally I'm very glad you're here. You're keeping me company. I would be very lonely without you here in this big, rambling house."

  "Some company," Lupe sniffed.

  "You've been marvelous. Now, tell me what in the world you're cooking. It smells wonderful." Loren peeked into the pot that was simmering on the stove. She listened attentively as Lupe explained her method of making Reid's favorite, Berria.

  Around noon Reid returned. He explained to a very worried Lupe that his father was in stable condition and doing well.

  "Lupe, 'stable' means he isn't getting worse. Not now, anyway. They are giving him medicine to fight the infections. You know he's a strong man. He'll pull through this." He placed a reassuring arm around her rounded shoulders and hugged her. “Do I smell berria cooking?”

  Lupe smiled and nodded. “For you. And Senor Mecina when he comes home.”

  "Is he awake?" Loren asked.

  "Yes." Reid smiled grimly. "And he recognized me. Gave me hell for loafing around the hospital. Said I should get to work back here."

  Lupe smiled, somewhat relieved with the tale. "Oh, Señor Reid, I'm so happy. My prayers have been answered." She crossed herself quickly.

  Reid held his hands up. "I'm not saying there is no more danger, but things are looking up. Now, this man's hungry, Lupe. Could I have a couple of soft tacos with chicken and salsa? I've missed your food terribly. You'll never guess what this lady tried to feed me a few days ago."

  "What, Señor Reid?" Lupe's eyes grew large.

  Reid shook his head. "Oh, I don't dare tell you, Lupe. It would ruin your meals for the next week."


  "It wouldn't be fair, Lupe." He sighed. "Well, maybe . . ."

  She leaned toward him curiously. "Yes?"

  He whispered loudly. "A creature from the sea, Lupe! With crawly legs and big eyes!"

  "No! No! I don't want to hear no more!" She covered her ears. "I'll fix the tacos! Not another word!" Lupe made a dash for the door while Reid chuckled devilishly.

  "Loren needs some lessons on how to cook real food, Lupe. Will you help her?" He called laughingly after the retreating woman.

  "Sí, sí, Señor Reid!" Lupe's voice trailed off as she escaped his taunting.

  The mood had switched from one of mourning to a lighter one. Reid's very presence did it. He managed to give everyone a sense of security and a feeling that everything would be all right. Yes, Reid was home. His home . . .

  Loren gazed over the strange landscape. Would she ever look at it and not think, ‘how strange’?

  "You're good for her, Reid. She has been extremely worried about your father. A little diversion and a few laughs were exactly what she needed."

  Reid ran his hand wearily through his hair. "I know this has been a heavy load for her to handle. I'm sure she feels somewhat responsible for being essentially in charge of the hacienda when he got sick. But it just couldn't be helped. She must realize that she isn't to blame."

  "Well, you certainly gave her some relief. And I'm glad Senator Mecina is better, Reid."

  He raised his eyebrows. "He's still in serious condition, Loren."

  "Then why did you tell Lupe he was stable?"

  "I didn't really lie about his condition, just stretched it somewhat. His life signs are now stable. That, in itself, is hopeful. But he's still struggling to live. Problem is, Raul took my father to the hospital and stayed with him until I arrived. Of course, Dad has tubes everywhere and oxygen and the heart monitor beeping all the time. All that just scared the hell out of Raul, and he spread his fears to everyone around here. So I've got to keep their spirits up, with false hope if necessary, so they can continue their lives. My father needs them to continue their work. So do I. Dad would really raise hell if he knew they were sitting around, wringing their hands."

  Loren smiled at his comments, recalling Lupe's almost exact words. "Somehow I think they all know that."

  Reid began unbuttoning his western shirt. "Let's take a quick swim before lunch. That pool looks so inviting to me, and I can't think of a better way to enjoy it than with you."

  "Okay, it's a deal. Meet you in a minute." Loren agreed, hurrying to follow Reid in the house.

  As she slid the sleek black swimsuit up her long, straight legs and over slender hips, Loren reflected on how wonderful it was to have the liberty to swim and relax in this desert world of Reid's. It gave her the opportunity to unwind with no commitments, no appointments, no noisy traffic jams. It was wonderful here. She hadn't realized just how much she had needed this little vacation, marred though it was by Reid's father's illness.

  What an adjustment Reid had made when he first came to Washington and adopted her very city-oriented way of life. Except for the cowboy boots, he had blended well. At least enough for her to fall in love with him . . . and hold on to that love for six cheerless years. Now that he was back in her life, she intended to enjoy every treasured moment.

  Loren arrived on the veranda in time to see Reid, clad in a brief black bikini, stretch to his full masculine length. With an easy spring of taut leg muscles, he dove into the blue water, making barely a splash. She took a shaky breath, blatantly admiring the athletic form of this man whom she had loved for so long. His dark head emerged, and he swam the entire length of the pool with long, smooth strokes.

  Loren stood by the pool's edge until Reid motioned her in. The hot Arizona sun warmed her shoulders and the sight of Reid's appealing virility radiated feminine cravings throughout her body. She dove into the cold water, and the fire within her cooled quickly. She came to the surface with a healthy shout and was immediately engulfed in Reid's arms, pulling her to his scantily clad body.

  "Dios mío! You are gorgeous in that suit, woman. Is this really my Loren?" Laughingly he ran his hands down her slick form, pausing to cup her breasts and tease the nipples, then stroke ever downward over ribs and around her slim waist. When his hands reached her hips, they caressed the slight curve, relishing her femininity, then pressed her to him.

  Loren floated against him, instinctively wrapping her long legs around him to stay above water. She felt his force against her as his hands dug into her hips. She reached for his shoulders and, with a teasing shriek, pushed his head under water and swam away from his roving hands.

  "Hey!" he shouted upon emerging from the shimmery depths. "You'll pay for that, woman!" And he swam playfully after her.

  She giggled as he pulled her against him again, this time sealing her mouth with his. Breathlessly she clung to him, drinking of his intoxicating kiss, allowing their passion to mingle. His lips were persistent, his tongue quickly penetrating to taste her sweetness. She met his probing with a welcoming of her own and shamelessly clamped her legs around his waist as the two of them floated to a warm haven far beyond the blazing Arizona sun. While Reid's lips incited her wanton abandon, his hands moved underwater and under her suit to excite her intimately.

  The touch of her breasts, cold against his palms, tore at his control. When those dark peaks stood up to his satisfaction, he stroked elsewhere—downward over her slick- suited hips. Sensuously running long, curious fingers around the legs of her suit, he found easy access to further probing, adding to her eagerness by the minute.

  Suddenly a noise attracted Loren beyond her desire-crazed state, and she looked up to see Lupe making her way down the steps and toward the pool with a tray laden with food. "Reid, it's Lupe!" she muttered against his lips. Reluctantly the two of them broke free f
rom each other and swam apart underwater.

  Reid emerged near the pool's edge and cast a winning one-dimpled smile at Lupe. "Hi! What have you got there, Lupe? Did you bring beer?"

  "Excuse me, Señor Reid." Lupe nodded, not looking him in the eye. "I just thought you and Señorita Loren would like lunch by the pool."

  "As usual, Lupe, that's a great idea!" Reid boomed. "We'd love it. What would I do without you?"

  She cast him a faithful look, appeased by his enthusiastic praise. "There have been several calls this morning. I said you would return them after lunch. Is that all right?"

  "Yes, that's fine, Lupe. Thanks." He pushed his muscular body easily out of the water, then turned to watch Loren's slender form climb the ladder.

  "Thank you, Lupe." Loren smiled. "It looks wonderful."

  Lupe set the tray on the umbrella table and walked away, a small, satisfied smile tugging her lips.

  "You are so luscious in that suit, I don't know if I can eat my lunch with you so tantalizing across the table!" Reid affirmed.

  "Brrr! You don't have to worry! I freeze the minute this dry air hits me, so I'll just slip on this robe." Loren grabbed the thick terry-cloth wrap. "How can I be so cold when it's so dang hot out here?"

  He followed her to the table. "The water evaporates from your skin rapidly because of the low humidity. That's what chills you. But you'll warm up soon enough, when you try Lupe's tacos. And hot salsa."

  Loren glanced down at the plateful of small round tortillas folded in half encasing some juicy food. "Chicken tacos?"

  "This, my señorita, is a Mexican soft taco. Flavored chicken wrapped in corn tortillas. Nobody makes them as good as Lupe does. You'll love them. Here's the hot salsa. The sissy stuff is in this other bowl."

  Her eyes traveled from the red to the green salsa, each full of interesting looking ingredients. "Which is the hot one?"

  He looked up and smiled. "You'd better try the green salsa until you get used to our food."

  She spooned the thick sauce over the taco and sampled a bite.

  "Well, how is it?" He waited anxiously.

  "This isn't the hot one?" she gasped, grabbing for a beer.

  "Nope." He grinned, generously spooning red salsa on his food. "Delicious, isn't it?"

  "Once you get past the burning, it does have a nice flavor," Loren admitted timidly.

  "Same could be said for a lot of things, mi amor!" Reid laughed.

  Loren gave him a menacing look and ignored his comment. "This place is different in all ways. Even the food is strange."

  Reid leaned over his plate. "Strange? You, who ate that . . . that damned scraggly animal on a sandwich, have the gall to call this food strange? This is home cooking."

  "Speaking of strange animals," she smiled sweetly. "I was enchanted this morning by the local wildlife. On the way to the stables I scared a jackrabbit with those giant ears. And a roadrunner was as close to me as the pool. He twisted his head all the way around and glared at me. Then those cute little quail marched by and scattered under the cactus."

  "You've had a good initiation, but there are more. We also have coyotes, coatimundi, and an occasional bobcat in the mountains. How would you like to go horseback riding in the Catalinas tomorrow?"

  "I'd love it. Could we?"

  "Sure. I'll get my business under control this afternoon and leave tomorrow free. Depends, of course, on how Dad is. But we'll plan on it, okay?" His contented gaze settled on her, happy to have her close, in his world.

  After lunch Reid spent several hours in his office, then headed downtown for meetings and another trip to the hospital.

  Loren was left to her own devices. She lounged in the sun as long as she dared, then ambled inside where the coolness invited her to take a brief nap. She spent a heavenly half-hour in the Jacuzzi, her mind roaming to the limits of her imagination. As the turbulent water rushed around her legs and churned over her back and breasts, she thought of Reid. How exciting it would be to have him there with her! She leaned back and closed her eyes, dreaming about his body pressed urgently against her. It probably wouldn't take much persuasion to convince him to join her. She made a mental note of that.

  By evening, when Reid returned, they were both hungry for each other. One starved exchange of glances between them and it was obvious. He was weary and the sight of Loren's blue-violet eyes and gentle smile made him ever grateful he had persuaded her to come along.

  Loren thought there was a definite slump in the squareness of Reid's shoulders tonight. Perhaps it was the heavy load he was carrying, plus the unfinished business of the water bill in Washington.

  "Wine?" he asked, opening the tall liquor cabinet.

  "Sure," she nodded.

  “Red or white?”


  He poured, handed her a glass, then carried the bottle with him. "Come on. This is the prettiest part of the day. Out here, mi amor. "

  They sipped red wine on the veranda while the setting sun sent its magnificent explosion of color across the western sky. They spoke very little—just enjoyed.

  Lupe approached the quiet couple on the porch. "Everything's done, Señor Reid. Your dinner is in the warming oven. Your favorite, berria."

  “Fine, Lupe. We'll see you in the morning."

  "Buenas noches, Señor Reid, Señorita Loren."

  Loren smiled at her new friend. "Good evening, Lupe. Thanks for making me feel so much at home here."

  "Sí, señorita."

  "Good night, Lupe." Reid waved her away. "Go on and take care of your family. And thanks for everything."

  "Where does she live, Reid?" Loren asked as Lupe's car drove away.

  "She has a small place in the barrio. Remarkable woman. She has two children of her own and is keeping the teenaged son of her sister, who died last year. A few years ago that bastard she married deserted them, leaving her with two small children to support."

  "She seems to be a wonderful employee. Very loyal."

  "Oh, she's terrific. Like part of the family. We tried to persuade her to move out here, but she keeps hoping her husband will return to the family someday."

  "Well, she's extremely grateful to you and your father, believe me. Why, she thinks the sun rises and sets with your dad . . . and with you."

  "What about you, Loren? What do you think?"

  She laughed and scoffed. "I know better, Señor Reid."

  "Do you know that I need you?" His voice was low and serious.

  "I'm glad I came, Reid. I can see you're under stress." Her hand touched his arm.

  "Can you see that I want you . . . now? Now, Loren." Reid's dark eyes were sable signals of suppressed passion that beckoned to her.

  Loren's eyes inadvertently traveled down Reid's lengthy frame as he sat lounging in the casual chair beside her. His fingers trapped the delicate wineglass at his waist. One thumb rubbed the glass impatiently. Below his flat waist his slacks pulled tautly, revealing his arousal.

  "Reid?" She grinned mischievously as her eyes rose to meet his. "Before dinner?"

  "Oh, it’s a toss-up. Berria is my favorite, like the best roast beef you’ve ever, ever had. But it doesn’t compare to what you have to offer."

  She grinned and tried to tweak his nose, but he grabbed her hand and pulled her against him. "Food can wait. Right now, I want you . . . want to love you, Loren." His kiss was a torch that lit passionate embers within them both, kindling explosive tinder. Flames of desire shot through her limbs, and she opened her lips to his probing tongue.

  The flavor of wine lingered, and Loren relished the taste of him, the heady fragrance of his skin. Reid's soft mustache tantalizingly brushed her intoxicated lips, the exquisite column of her neck, the noble curve of her breasts. His kiss, his touch, sent whorls of desire spiraling drunkenly through her veins, and she writhed with undisguised pleasure.

  Breathless and giddy, Loren leaned against him, locking her arms around his neck. Wildly she wanted to press him into every cell, every inch of
her. She never wanted to forget the resilience of his solid chest and the flourish of his taut maleness, aroused so urgently by her touch.

  Her hands roamed recklessly down his chest to free his shirt from the belted slacks. Exploring fingers moved under his shirt, caressing his bare ribs, traveling his spine, surveying his lower back, digging into his firm butt. Instinctively, Reid thrust his hips ardently against hers.

  She shifted away slightly to allow one brazen hand to slide around and cup his groin. With affirmed satisfaction Loren knew that Reid was within the power of her touch. Curious hands continued their ecstatic torment until, with a distressed groan, Reid swept her up in his arms.

  Forgotten were their wineglasses, their waiting dinner, even the illness that brought them to Arizona. Loren was aware only of being carried to heaven and the fiery trail of Reid's lips on her neck and half-exposed breasts. By the time they reached his bedroom, she was burning with an inner fever that could be quenched only by Reid's matching passion.

  "Reid, be careful." She gasped as he tore vigorously at her sundress.

  "Careful?" he growled. "After what you did to me out on the veranda? You're lucky I didn't lay you down on that cold Mexican tile."

  With quick, shaky hands Loren discarded the flimsy dress. "You don't want to cool things too much, do you?" she taunted.

  He reached for her. "With this heat between us, I'm not worried, mi amor!" His lips played over her tight, aching breasts, then encased each alert nipple.

  With a delicate moan she began unbuttoning Reid's shirt. She could only think of his proud, magnificent body loving her, relieving the burning fever in them both. While he swiftly shucked his remaining clothes, Loren's hands raked over his body, examining and inflaming. “Beautiful.”

  "Por Dios, woman. You're driving me crazy."

  "Good," she murmured as she kissed the cords in his neck. "I've been crazy since you entered my life."

  "We must belong together then." He paused before her, his eyes drinking in the sight of her nude form.

  "We do," she agreed, permitting him careful scrutiny of her silken figure. His dark eyes devoured her, creating a savage yearning in her loins.


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