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The Life Of Robert Peterson

Page 13

by Paul Kelly

  Freya wasn’t worried about defending Robert if need be when she went to his flat, but she was concerned about Sarah’s reaction. Apparently this wicked woman had tried to extract money and other things from Robert and he was afraid, due to the way the divorce was going at that moment and the lies Sarah was telling amidst her tears . . .

  in order to win her case. Freya began to wonder what on earth an oath was for, if someone could take it in a court of law and then lie through their teeth ... It was at that moment that she remembered what her own divorce lawyer had told her on one occasion and it made her think again. “The law and justice go their own separate ways,” She heard that lawyer say again and she resolved in that moment that the truth must be adhered to if she was to help Robert Peterson in any way and she wished she had more knowledge of the situation.

  Her morning passed all too slowly and she made her way to Robert’s flat with her percolator under her arm as a suitable excuse for her visit, together with her little tape recorder in her handbag, but with a sad heart, if also with a determined mind to do all she could for him. It was Cameron who answered the doorbell and she hugged him as she stepped into the little hall leading to the lounge.

  “Nice to see you darling,” she whispered in the little boy’s ear thinking that Robert may not hear until she was actually in the flat, but contrary to what she wanted, Robert suddenly appeared from the bedroom, still dressed in his pyjamas and dressing gown and demanded to know what she was doing in his flat as he had no recollection of any arrangement where they should meet. Freya thought swiftly and looked at Cameron.

  “I wanted to see Cameron before he went back to school, “ she lied “It’s tomorrow he goes back isn’t it?” Robert looked at Freya sternly.

  “Cameron is on holiday for the summer months, Freya. I thought you knew that,” he said and she could see that Cameron was a little taken aback at her excuse. He looked worried. “I may have to ask you to leave soon, Freya,” said Robert as he brushed his hair away from his face. “I have a visitor coming this afternoon and it is rather private business, so if you don’t mind.” He looked at her with one eye cocked and Cameron interrupted to save the day.

  “Oh daddy, please let Freya stay, just for a little while. We could have a cup of tea or something, couldn’t we?” he jabbered somewhat incoherently with nerves and Robert sighed heavily as he sat down on the sofa.

  “Well, yes, I think you should have something now that you are here,” he said, “but I do have a lot to do this afternoon and ...” Freya interrupted to ease the situation,

  “I understand perfectly,” she said, “and I just wanted to see Cameron as I’ve said ... oh! and also to give you this.” She brought the percolator from the carrier bag she had in her hand and Cameron jumped for joy.

  “Oh! Look daddy. It shines beautifully and we can have some lovely coffee now. Thank you Freya. I should give you a kiss for that,”

  “A big one, “ said Freya as she bent down to be nearer the little boy and hoped that Robert would appreciate her offering. After all, he wouldn’t know, but that was her best percolator. The other one at her flat was an old one that she kept in a cupboard as a reserve in the event that her new one might break down. Robert crossed his legs and tucked his dressing gown under his knee.

  “Thank you Freya,” he said “ and do please forgive me for being so rude. I’m just a little on nerve today, but please stay and have coffee with us.”

  Freya sat down on a chair near the sofa, hoping she could spread the time out with her coffee to correspond with Sarah’s visit, but she didn’t have to wait long. Sarah arrived before the coffee was on the tray and Robert quickly ushered Freya into the bedroom, trying to explain that she couldn’t be seen when his visitor arrived and Cameron watched the movements from lounge to bedroom before he answered the door.

  Freya sat on the unmade bed and ruffled the pillows. She was strongly tempted to look around the bedroom to acquaint herself with some of the things that must have been so close to Robert, but time was limited and after a few seconds later she could hear the raucous female voice in the lounge and she guessed it would be Sarah as she tried to get as near to the door as she could to hear all that was being said. It was difficult, but she managed. Her determination assisted her greatly. Robert’s voice sounded faint in comparison to the screaming of the visitor and within a few seconds the bedroom door opened and shut quickly, after Cameron came in to be beside Freya and away from the row.

  “I’m frightened,” the little boy whimpered, “I wish that woman would leave us alone and never come back.” he said and Freya hugged him closely to her as he started to cry.

  “Sssh darling,” she whispered, “I need to know what’s being said if I am to help daddy, don’t I?” Cameron dried his tears and nodded.

  “Will you go in and throw her out?” he asked and Freya had to smile.

  “Hardly, darling, but I might be able to gleam some evidence that will help daddy in the not too distant future. Wait and see and listen quietly with me.”

  Both figures in the bedroom crouched down together by the door and Freya produced a little notebook and biro pen from her handbag, whilst placing her little tape recorder at the ready.

  “I hope this picks up what we want to hear,” she whispered to Cameron, but the little boy cupped his mouth to her ear.

  “Sarah talks very loudly ... Much louder than daddy does,” he said and Freya raised her eyebrows in hope.

  “I can’t give you any more. You must realize that,” came a mumbled voice from the lounge and Freya knew it to be Robert who was speaking, but the voice that followed, didn’t want to accept anything that had been said.

  “You can and you WILL,” Sarah barked. “I know you hide behind this bloody MS thing, but I don’t care about that. I have my health and that’s all that matters to me, so let’s get down to business. Where’s your bank statements.”

  Freya could not believe her ears and young Cameron stuck his fingers in his mouth as he stared up at her from where he was squatting on the floor and the little tape recorder buzzed on.

  “I don’t have any bank statements in the flat. You know I always kept them with my accountant, so why are you asking this ridiculous question. I suggest you leave now before I get even more angry.”

  “Oh! That would suit you fine, wouldn’t it, if by any chance I should make you angry. Maybe you could hit me then. That would make some exciting evidence in the court, wouldn’t it?”

  “I wouldn’t hit you and well you know that. I have never struck a woman in my life and I’m hardly likely to start now. Now will you leave please ...”

  “Oh! always the gentleman, eh? Too much of a gentleman for me, Danny Boy.” Sarah mimicked. . . “I like my man rough and ready. I don’t know why I ever agreed to marry you, but enough said. When we’ve finished, I’ll have what you have in the bank, plus any other little bits you might have stacked away and of course, I’ll have this flat too and the house we shared which is still in your name. I hope you’re still paying the mortgage as I don’t want to be left with anything like that.”

  Freya was busy writing in her little notebook the points that she thought might help Robert as she could hear that Sarah was indeed very demanding and extremely greedy. It seemed she wanted to strip Robert of everything he had and she wished she could have stepped out of the bedroom and confronted her, but she knew that would be unwise at that moment and that she would do better with her notes ... and of course, Cameron as her witness ... and her little old tape recorder which had seen better days in the far distant past, but was happily making a purring sound.

  “I have the boy to look after. You know that,” came the muffled voice from Robert and Sarah responded angrily.

  “That brat is no concern of mine. He’s yours and that other bitch you had before me,” she screamed and Freya could hear Robert’s voice much lou
der when Sarah spoke as she did.

  “Don’t you dare refer to my son in that way. I told you I have never ever struck a woman, but if you go on like this ... I don’t know what I might do. Get out of my flat. I don’t feel too well at the moment”

  Freya hoped Robert would contain himself, despite his anger. She hoped he wouldn’t lay a finger on Sarah, even if she deserved it, as it would go badly in court if he was known to strike anyone. Her old tape recorder kept turning and she hoped it would pick up all that was necessary and nothing that would incriminate Robert, but the more she listened to the conversation that was going on in the room next door, the more she realized that Robert was the man that she wanted to be with, for the rest of her life.

  “Daddy won’t hit her, will he?” Cameron whispered and Freya stroked his hair.

  “No,” she whispered. “For once Sarah was right. Your daddy is a gentleman and gentlemen don’t hit ladies ... but another lady would do it, I suppose.”

  Cameron chuckled and Freya put her hand gently over his mouth to silence him.

  “Listen,” she said and concentrated on her notes.

  “I have a lot to say before I go,” shouted Sarah “and you’ll hear me out regardless of how you feel. I’m used to your whinging whenever anything upsets you, but I’m going to make you feel that you had never met me, darling boy. You listen to what I have to say, but before I go on. I noticed there was a strange woman in the flat the last time I came. Abigail, I think her name was or something as common as that.” Robert ignored the name that Sarah mentioned. He was tired and Freya could sense that from the sound of his voice. “Are you seeing another woman?” Sarah barked and Freya was wondering what answer Robert would give as she stared at the tape recorder. Would he commit himself in any way, she wondered as she tightened her fingers around Cameron’s hand, but he did not respond to Sarah’s question.

  “I asked you a question Lover Boy “ Sarah went on. “Answer me when I talk to you and don’t sit there like a bloody dummy.”

  At this point Freya could take no more and she opened the bedroom door and stepped out into the lounge. Sarah was surprised as she stared at her.

  “Aha!” she exclaimed, “So not only are you seeing this ... this person, but you’re sleeping with her as well, Well now, that’s something we must take notice of, mustn’t we darling?” she snorted sarcastically and sneered at Freya.

  “The name is Freya, not Abigail,” said Freya as Cameron grabbed her hand. “I am not sleeping with Robert, not that it is any of your concern, but as you can see, Cameron and I were together in the bedroom. I was looking at his toys.”

  Sarah stared at Freya and then at Cameron.

  “You’re not into children as well, are you dearie?” she snapped and Robert stood up.

  “Get out. Get out of my flat and don’t come back,” he said and Sarah shrugged her shoulders.

  “I’ll get out,” she snapped, “but I’ll be back to take what’s mine for starters ... You’ll see”

  With that she left the flat, banging the door behind her and Robert turned to Freya.

  “I’m sorry you had to see that,” he said as Cameron ran forward and threw his arms around his daddy, but Freya dismissed the apology as she showed Robert her little tape recorder. He looked at it in surprise as if he didn’t know what it was.

  “I’ve got notes on everything that was said,” Freya stated with an air of authority and Robert looked even more surprised. It was Cameron who brought him into the picture.

  “Daddy, Freya made some notes in her note book about what Sarah and you were talking about, should you need that information for the court case which is due soon. She also has everything down on tape.”

  Robert frowned for a few moments before his face broke out in a large smile.

  “I should be wild with you for doing this,” he croaked with a husky voice, “but I am glad you did. Maybe I’ll have a little more going for me now than I had before as I was dreading this court case business as I hate puting anyone down, even if it is Sarah.”

  “But she would pull you to bits, Robert. She’s merciless. You must realize that by now.”

  Robert wrinkled his brow and nodded his head in agreement,

  “Yes, you’re right, but you are what you are and there’s nothing you can do about your nature. Left to myself in court, I would have hung my head and let her get on with it. In the past, when we were together as a married couple, she always wore the trousers and could never be told what to do. She was never wrong, was the incommunicable Sarah and she’s chosen one of the best lawyers, as far as I can understand. His name is Cohen, Maurice Cohen.”

  “But that must be very expensive I would have thought,” added Freya as she sipped her coffee.

  “Well yes and no. Sarah‘s parents are fairly wealthy I think. Her grandmother is, or rather was ... as she was the one who left us £50,000 as a wedding present in her will and we put that down as a deposit on the house.”

  “Can we finish our coffee now?” asked Freya with a large beaming smile on her face, “We seem to be talking so much about money and that is far out of our reach, I would say. Here’s to better days.”

  Robert sat down again on the sofa with his hands folded carefully across his knees, hoping to apologize for monopolizing the conversation.

  “I should have dressed before you came, dear lady,” he said, as he looked down at his dressing gown, “but this will teach you that you have to make an appointment, won’t it?”

  It was only after Freya had left the flat and had walked a fair way down the street outside that she realized she had left her notes and her tape recorder behind. She didn’t want to go back and start the issue going again and she realized that the ‘evidence’ would be safe in the flat, as only she and Cameron knew where the things were and what was in them.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Freya met Jenny at 7.30 that evening in the cafe. It was a quiet evening and there were only a few customers who seemed to have nothing else to do but sit around chatting in the cafe and without any other thought of what to do with their time. “Are you feeling any better now?” asked Freya as she could see that despite her enthusiastic hopes that Jenny looked anything but happy. Jenny sighed and looked dreadful as she held her hand against her tummy.

  “I should feel better, I suppose, since I told Sammy that I didn’t think our relationship was working out.”

  “And what did he say to that, Jenny?”

  “He didn’t seem to show any feelings one way or another. All he said was he would see me regularly whatever I decided to do, but he insisted again that he didn’t want to be committed.” Freya was wild when Jenny said that.

  “He doesn’t want to be committed but he’ll take all you can give him in the way of sex, alright. That’s for sure.” Freya shouted before she realized that her voice could be heard by anyone in the café and she lowered her tone.

  Jenny could not deny what Freya had told her, but she was very sad, thinking that she had made such a big mistake in her life, especially as she truly believed that Sammy Boyle really loved her.

  “I told him I’m going to keep the baby, Freya. He didn’t seem very pleased but he said it was up to me and that whatever I did, he would always be there for me,” she said and Freya threw her arms in the air.

  “Be there for you, whatever you did, Jenny,” she screamed and held her hand to her mouth, realizing that she was screaming loudly. “Does that mean he will marry you when you’ve had the child?”

  “I don’t think he meant he would marry me Freya. I think what he meant was that he would be there if ever I needed him for anything else. He was very kind in saying that, I thought.”

  “Oh, Jenny, for God’s sake wake up. Sammy Boyle will be there when HE needs you. That’s what he means. He’s a womanizer I tell you and you’ll only be one of
many, although I’ll never know how he does it. He’s not a looker, despite what you think and his lovemaking is pathetic.”

  Jenny looked sad as she thought of what she imagined life to be like with Sammy as her long term partner. It was a like a dream to her; a dream that had turned into a nightmare and Freya could feel her sorrow as she tried to change the subject.

  “There are plenty of fish in the sea, Jenny and you are too good a person for him to spoil your life. Within a very short time, you’ll forget about him and have a lovely life with someone new. You wait and see.”

  Two days later when Jenny had decided to take Freya’s advice, even if she found it hard to do so, as she knew it would be when she was still in love with Sammy, Cameron phoned Freya and asked her to come and see him as he had a little trouble that he wanted to discuss and of course, Freya was there without the slightest delay.

  “What’s the trouble?” she asked as the little boy opened the front door to her and asked her to come in to the flat quickly so that he could close the door.

  “It’s that Sarah again, Freya. She keeps phoning daddy and I answer the telephone if he is having a little nap.”

  “And what has she got to say for herself this time, Cameron?”

  Cameron bit his lip and looked very shy which made Freya think it might be something ‘naughty’ that a little boy wouldn’t want to talk about.

  “Is it something that little boys shouldn’t talk about. . . Is it?” she asked, but Cameron still remained silent for a few seconds as if he was holding his breath. “Look, I have a pen here in my handbag, so you can write it down for me if you like,” Freya went on, but the little boy shook his head.


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