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The Beast 4: Soul Tripping

Page 6

by Renee George

  “I will.”

  “Nathan!” Tyr shouted from the stairwell as he was running back toward them, Alfred and Shirley on his heels. “Your mother. They took Nan.”

  “No, no, no…” Nathan staggered back, nearly dropping his half of Anna. “How?”

  “The window in her bedroom. It was wide open.”

  Chapter 8

  Nathan had given her specific instructions. Keep Anna hydrated, which meant give her lots of water, keep her calm, and let him know if her water broke. The woman named Shirley cowered in the corner, while Alfred paced.

  “What’s going on here? I want to know right now. And where’s Nan? This is crazy. Are we under siege? It’s like Vietnam all over again.”

  “Sit your ass down, old man, before I knock you down,” Nadine snarled.

  Anna doubled over and moaned. “Oh, God, it hurts. It hurts so bad.”

  Nadine knelt next to her. Comfort, she thought, what the hell do I know about comforting someone. She did the best she could. “Uh, shush now. Don’t panic.”

  Anna grabbed her hair and yanked her head down. “Don’t panic? Don’t panic! Are you crazy? This is the time to pan -- Ahh!”

  Nadine felt some of the hairs rip from her scalp. “Ouch! Jesus freaking Christ!”

  “Think about how I’m feeling!” She let go of Nadine’s hair and pushed on her lower abdomen. “There’s so much pressure. Oh, God. The contractions are coming way too fast.”

  Think, think, Nadine. “So, you know when you asked about what was going on with me earlier?”

  “Yeah,” Anna said in between panting.

  “Well, Tyr broke up with me.”

  “Really? I knew you all were seeing each other, but… Oh shiiiit!”

  Anna started making noises that sounded like “hee-who, hee-who” and Nadine was seriously ready to run away. She wanted to take a cue from Gone with the Wind and scream out, “I don’t know nothin’ about birthin’ no babies!” Instead she asked, “What can I do?”

  “Tell me… about… your break… up.” Anna’s breathing normalized again. “That was a bad one. I’m scared, Nadine. Talk to me. It helps.”

  “Well, we were in bed. Just woke. And the bastard walked out on me.” Nadine clenched her fists. “I think it was because of Nathan Greer. Argh! That man is the bane of my existence.”

  Anna took her hand, and Nadine nearly pulled away from her sweaty grip. “Are you upset because he walked out on you, or are you mad because you think he left you for Nathan?”

  Nadine thought about that for a moment. It was like the woman could see right through her. Of course she was angry he left her for Nathan, but she realized, she’d have been just as upset if he’d left her for someone else. She liked Tyr. Really liked him. Possibly, she even loved him. She pulled away from Anna. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Please. Talk to me. It really does help. It’s a good distraction and I need that right now.”

  “Well, tell me something. You dated Nathan, and from what I hear you nearly married him. What is so fucking special about him? From the moment he entered the nightclub the night I… well, anyway, from the minute he entered, it’s like I stopped existing for everyone important to me.”

  “You mean Guillermo.”

  “Yeah, but not just him. I guess it’s not fair to Tyr, because they have that stupid freaking bond! But dammit! Just once, I’d like to be put first.”

  “Do you really care about him being with Guillermo now?”

  “No. I guess not. But Tyr. Him I care about.”

  “Have you tried telling Tyr that?”

  “I…” Could it be that easy? “No. I haven’t.”

  “I don’t know if you know this or not, but I’m psychic. I get flashes of feelings and thoughts from people and objects. Now in the past, it hasn’t worked with vampires, but since I got pregnant, I’m picking up everything. And with Tyr, I’ve definitely been getting an ‘I’m not a toy’ vibe. I get the distinct impression that he still wants you, but he’s not certain why you want him.”

  “Really?” Nadine softened a little toward the woman. “You think he still wants me?” She’d kept herself guarded from him, expecting the day would come that he wouldn’t want her anymore.

  “Yes, I know. You’ve kept yourself closed off and distant to protect your heart, but you can’t live like that. You asked what Nathan has that you don’t? Well, he’s honest with himself and the people he cares about. It makes him special, unique. But Nadine, you’re special, too. You just don’t let people see it.”

  “I’m not sappy. I can’t wear my emotions like a badge. It’s not me.”

  “You don’t have to. Just be honest with Tyr.” Anna grabbed her stomach again. “Oh, Lord, another one’s coming.”

  * * *

  The Brotherhood of Truth stood on the front lawn. A young vampire, not cloaked, stood with the thirteen and had his arm around Nan’s neck. Nathan rushed forward, but Tyr and Guillermo held him back.

  “Let go of my mother, you bastards!”

  “Nathan, what’s going on?” Nan asked, obviously on the verge of tears.

  “Shut up, old lady,” the young vamp snarled and jerked her head viciously.

  “I am so going to kill you, asshole, if you harm one hair on her head.”

  The pale and pasty leader stepped forward. “I told you I’d be back, Guillermo.”

  “Wilhelm, you are making a mistake here.” Nathan could hear the shift in Gui’s voice. He glanced over in time to see his eyes go from nearly black to a glowing silver. “Let the woman go.”

  Wilhelm giggled, and it sent shivers through Nathan. “Let the Unrein give up himself and the woman carrying his unborn child and I will let the human live.”

  Nathan stepped forward.

  “No!” Guillermo said, stopping him with a hand. “Asquerosa. You will let her go or I will kill you.”

  Wilhelm motioned to the young man holding Nan and the boy jerked her again. Her shriek was cut off with a strangling sound. “You can have me,” Nathan yelled. “But not Anna. Me for my mother. Take it or leave it.”

  “No, Nathaniel. You cannot do this. They will not be satisfied unless you are dead. I will not allow it.”

  Nathan pulled away. “Luckily, you can’t order me around.”

  “Nathan.” Tyr placed a hand on his shoulder. “If you die, I die. I’m willing to do this for Nan, but what happens to Anna and the baby then?” He drew his sword and stepped in front of Nathan. “I say we hack them into bloody pieces and let their bodies go to dust!”

  Guillermo grunted as he joined Tyr. Nathan moved in between them. “We all do this, or none of us.” He glanced at Guillermo. “Do you think we can get to them before they kill my mom?”

  Guillermo nodded his confidence. “It’s the only way.” Nathan looked at his mother, her eyes full of fear. “I’m sorry, Mom.” She blinked and her face grew calm. And with that, he let go of his control over his Beast, let it take over.

  He felt his eyes shift and his brow ridge push forward, stretching the skin tightly. His fingernails extended to razor sharp claws, and his fangs dropped down. Looking to Tyr and Guillermo, he saw that both vampires had fully changed over as well. They growled, low, predatory, and stalked forward. The Brotherhood took a step back and Nan fainted, surprising the young vamp who held her enough to give Nathan an opening.

  He ran forward with lightning speed, slamming his fist into the young skinny vamp’s teeth. The half dozen men who’d come with the Brotherhood lunged forward to attack Guillermo and Tyr, but Nathan couldn’t worry about them at the moment. His mother’s safety was his first concern. Nathan yanked the vampire up close, and could see acne scars on his otherwise clear skin. He couldn’t have been more than twenty when he turned. “I’m going to rip out your heart and shove it up your ass.”

  “Wait,” the vampire said through bloody lips. “I don’t want to die. That’s why I did this. Can’t you see? You’ll kill us all.”

Suddenly a sharp pain ripped through Nathan and he crumpled to his knees. The young man, recognizing an opportunity, jerked away from Nathan and ran back behind the thirteen cloaked men who had gathered in a circle around them, while Tyr and Guillermo were busy tearing apart the others.

  Wilhelm was chanting. As the rest of the Brotherhood joined in, Nathan felt like his insides were being pulled out. Nan lay in front of him on the grass. Her eyelids fluttered open. She took another look at Nathan’s face and began to crawl away. “Demon.”

  “No, Mom. It’s me.” The pain was getting to be too much. He felt his Beast being yanked down as his forehead receded back to normal. “Get… away. Hurry,” he managed to tell her before collapsing to his back.

  The Brotherhood’s chanting grew louder and Nathan could see Tyr was on the ground as well. Only Guillermo managed to stay standing, but he had three attackers who were persistently coming at him. “Nathan!” Gui shouted.

  Nan shook her head. “Nathan?”

  He groaned as the pain grew worse, moving into all his extremities. He felt his life drifting away as two strands of light rose from his body, one white and the other yellow. “I… I can’t…”

  “No!” Guillermo yelled, trying to crawl to Nathan with two men hanging onto his legs.

  “He has two souls!” Nathan heard someone shout triumphantly. “I told you. He is Unrein! The prophecy is true!”

  “Kill him! Do it now!” another shouted.

  Nathan, he heard Tyr’s voice in his head. We are nearly finished. Nathan’s vision blurred as the pain ebbed and he knew his servant was right. He could feel the world slipping away with the strands of light. His head lolled to the right and he saw his mother running through the circle of vampires and disappearing into the darkness. Yes, his mind whispered. Nan would get away, she would be safe. That was all that mattered.

  A piercing scream tore through the night air and the chanting stopped. A jolt of energy rushed back into Nathan’s body, filling him once again with life. But his body lacked the will to move. He looked over and saw Guillermo had broken free of his assailants and was rushing at the Brotherhood, who all stood staring at their leader with dumbfounded expressions. Then they ran, all of them except Wilhelm. His mouth lay open, gaping his surprise, and Nathan saw the silver blade protruding from his abdomen, dark, nearly black blood oozing down his white robe. He fell forward, dragging Nan with him.

  “You son-of-a-bitch!” Nan screamed. “Nobody --” She pulled the blade out and stabbed him again. “Messes --” And again. “With my baby!” This time, Tyr steadied her hand, took the sword and cut off Wilhelm’s head.

  “Yeah. What she said,” Tyr added.

  Nan passed out again.

  Tyr and Guillermo rushed to Nathan and helped him up. “That was a close one.”

  Nathan looked at his unconscious mother. His heart nearly burst with admiration, pride and love. “Wow.”

  “Quite a woman.” Tyr smiled and picked her up from the ground. “If she were twenty years younger…”

  Grinning, Nathan said, “You’d keep your hands off her.”

  “Of course, boss.”

  Guillermo, bloody and battle warm, embraced him. “I thought I lost you. Can you walk, amor?”

  “I think so.” Nathan steadied his legs, which felt like Jello. “Let’s get inside and check on Anna.”

  Chapter 9

  As they walked into the house, Tyr carrying Nan and Nathan leaning on Guillermo, they were greeted by Anna, who had her pants on again, Nadine, Alfred, and Shirley.

  Nadine inclined her head. “We saw them on the monitors. They took off over the wall.”

  Alfred’s hand went to his mouth. “Nan!”

  “She’s okay.” Nathan sagged a bit in Gui’s arms. “She just fainted. How are you, Anna?”

  “Better. When those freaks took off, my contractions stopped.”

  A rush of relief went through Nathan. “Thank God. I still think you need to go to the hospital.”

  “Tomorrow.” She sighed. “I’ve had enough for tonight. The baby’s not going anywhere, and I don’t want to run into those guys outside of these walls.” She started weeping and Nadine grabbed her hand and squeezed.

  “Steady, sister. Keep the faith.”

  Anna pursed her lips and nodded. “Thank you.”

  Nathan could have sworn he saw a small smile on Nadine’s face. Not the usual snide or sarcastic smile, but a genuine one. “Did I miss something?”

  “Mind your own business, fang boy,” Nadine told him. Anna looked at her, then Tyr, and something passed between the two women. “Tyr, we need to talk.”

  Tyr glanced at Nathan.

  “You don’t need his permission!”

  “She’s right,” Nathan agreed. “Don’t let me stop you.”

  Guillermo took Nan from the Viking and Alfred rushed over to help the master vampire carry her into the living room. Shirley sort of stayed back from all of them, still a bit freaked out.

  Putting his hand on Tyr’s shoulder, Nathan said, “Well, my friend. We survived to fight another day.”

  “They’ll be back, Nathan.”

  “I know. But not tonight.”

  Nadine put her hands on her hips and clicked her tongue. “Can I have him now?”

  “He’s not mine to give away.” Nathan walked past Nadine and whispered a mental good luck to Tyr as he headed in after the others.

  * * *

  In the bedroom they’d shared on the second floor, Tyr stared at Nadine. She had determination written all over her face, and frankly, it made him nervous. “You wanted to talk. Talk.”

  “Don’t be such an ass, or I’ll never be able to do it.”

  “Do what?”

  “Why did you walk out on me tonight?”

  “Uh-uh. You first.”

  She scrunched her nose, which curled her upper lip. Tyr found it adorable.

  “Fine.” She turned away from him, as if she were afraid to look at his face. “I want you.”

  “I know that.” Her desire for him wasn’t in question.

  Her voice grew small. “I more than want you.”

  Tyr grunted. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  She spun around. “Are you as thick as you look?”

  “I’m not stupid, if that’s what you’re asking. I’m not a windup doll or a yo-yo to be played with and manipulated. I am a person with feelings. I’m tired of being a pawn and a plaything. I’m not going to do it anymore, Nadine. Not for you. Not for anybody.”

  Her mouth formed a small “o”. “Is that how you think I feel about you?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t know how you feel. You order me around like a slave in the bedroom. I already have a boss. I want a partner.”

  “I --” She stomped her foot. “How am I supposed to be your partner when all you can think about is Nathan? I’m just supposed to give everything to you and let you leave me for him?”

  “See. That’s what I mean. You don’t want me. You just want to use me in your revenge game with Nathan.”

  “I don’t give two shits about Nathan Greer!” Nadine stopped, her eyes glittering with anger. “I love you, you big, mammoth oaf!”


  “Nathan can have the whole flipping world. All I want is you. Can’t you see? I’m…” Nadine closed her eyes, and for the first time Tyr saw her as vulnerable, as real. “Before you, I was just going through the motions. I don’t want to be lonely again, Tyr. I’m laying it all out for you. If you don’t want me, I’ll leave. I can’t stay if I don’t have you in my life. I’ll even share you with Nathan. I don’t care about that anymore. I just don’t want to be second best for you.”

  “You’re not second best.” She kept her head down, and Tyr knew how much it had taken for her to admit her feelings. “Did you hear me?”

  “Of course I heard you. I’m a vampire. We hear everything.”

  “I don’t want you to leave.”

  “I’m not a princes
s, Tyr. I don’t know if I can be what you want.”

  “I don’t want a princess. I just want to have someone who wants me for me.” He walked over and smoothed her hair.

  Nadine jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist. “I do that.” She licked at the dried blood on his face. “Mmm. You taste good.”

  “Are we equals?”


  “In everything?”


  “Good, because I plan to fuck you until you are good and properly fucked.”

  Nadine’s eyes widened. “I thought you were a bottom.”

  “Woman.” He grinned. “You never bothered to ask.”

  “Oh, my.” She fanned her face and ground her pussy against his hardening cock, kissing him hard enough to break the skin. Pulling away, she looked into his eyes. “Have you fed lately?”

  “I’m not hungry.” He threw her onto the bed. “For blood, that is.”

  She squealed as he flipped her onto her stomach and unzipped her cat suit, then ripped the latex from her body. Tyr stripped his clothes off and flipped Nadine again, pinning her arms above her head with one hand as he lay over her.


  Tyr gripped her wrists tighter. “What?”

  “I still get to top you sometimes, right?”

  “Yep.” Tyr grinned as he nipped her lower lip. “But not tonight. Tonight, I’m in charge.”

  “Oh goody.” She squirmed beneath him, rubbing her pierced nipples against his chest. “I can live with that.”

  His seven-foot body completely covered her before he moved down her chest, flicking his tongue across her skin. He trailed a line down her belly, then moved between her legs. “Sit up on your elbows. I want to see your face.”

  Nadine eagerly complied, spreading her legs for him without prompting.

  Grinning, Tyr used two fingers to spread the folds of her wet sex. Her pussy was as decorated as her breasts, with a shiny gold hoop pierced through her swollen clitoris. He caught the precious metal between his teeth and tugged, watching as she rolled her lovely lavender eyes back and moaned. He quickened his tongue over the ring in a series of flicks, then tugged again, this time harder.


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