Finding Peace (Finding Series Book 1)

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Finding Peace (Finding Series Book 1) Page 26

by Love, K. J.

  “I know, it feels good. Doesn’t it?”

  “It definitely does.”

  Softly touching her face, I lean into her again. She slides closer to me putting her hands into my hair, the girl loves to mess my hair up. As the intensity of the kiss increases, I pull her onto my lap. She clings to me tighter, like she’s afraid I’m going to stop. Smiling against her lips, at her reaction she pulls back to look into my eyes.

  “Are you laughing at me, Mr. McGinnis?”

  “Never, baby. By the way, I like Mr. Sexy way better.”

  “Oh, I bet you do.”

  We hear someone clear their throat, looking up we see Tessa and Asher standing at the edge of the dock.

  “We don’t mean to interrupt, but we thought y’all might like to use these.”

  Tessa holds up two sleeping bags and what looks like a sheet. Kayla twists and looks at me raising her eyebrows asking with her eyes if this is something I want to do. Does she not know me at all? I am a guy. What man wouldn’t want to spend the night with her under the stars?

  “Anything you want beautiful. I’m game.”

  A beautiful smile lights up her face. Her eyes are full of excitement and love. I can see it plain as day now. She is finally showing me her true emotions. I love this girl beyond words.

  Asher holds up an ice chest too. “Lisa packed an ice chest with snacks and drinks.”

  “So, they’re okay with us spending the night out here?” Kayla asks.

  “I guess Dad trusts you. Plus, he’s kind of fond of Blake right now. We told him everything that happened. He’s not a fan of violence, but he believes what happened will stop David from bothering you anymore.” Tessa explains.

  “Well, we’ll just leave this here and see you guys in the morning.” Asher states.

  “Wait! Y’all aren’t staying out here too?”

  “Not on your life. You two need some time alone. Enjoy it.” Tessa says with a smile and a wink.

  Mouthing thank you, over Kayla’s head to Tessa. She simply nods her head at me.

  “Thank you, Tessa. Please, tell Lisa and Troy we said thank you when you go in.”

  “I will. See you two tomorrow. I just hope the bugs don’t kill you. You know the tents are in the garage if you decide to use one.”

  They turn and walk back to the house together. Kayla turns to me with a shocked look on her face.

  “All night together. I can’t believe this. They must really trust you.”

  “I think it’s more that they know you and the type of person you are.”

  “Maybe it’s a little of both.” She says with a smile.


  “So tent or sleeping bags under the stars?”

  “Hmm. Tough decision. You decide.”

  “A tent might keep some of the creepy crawlers off of us.”

  “Okay. Where are these tents?” I ask laughing.

  She jumps up taking off toward the house, yelling, “I’ll get it.”

  I jump up and run after her. “No, you just show me where and I’ll carry it.”

  She takes off faster, but I catch her with ease. Picking her up as I go, I continue in the direction of the house.

  “Why are you always picking me up?” She asks and then squeals.

  Continuing to run until I get to the house, I place her on her feet. She shows me where the tent is and we walk back to the dock with it.

  Looking down at her, she is still breathing hard and her hair is rumpled from me running with her, she is adorable. “Where do you want it set up?”

  “Right here, so we can watch the sunrise.” She says pointing to a grassy area to the left of the dock.

  Nodding my head, “Good choice.”

  We get the tent set up quickly. Placing the cooler and the sleeping bags inside, then we go back to sit on the dock. Sitting side by side with our feet dangling over the side, her head is resting on my shoulder and we are holding hands. It’s a simple gesture, but it’s priceless to me.

  “So, the big eighteen next weekend. What do you want to do?”

  “I don’t care as long as you are here with me.”

  “I’ll be here. Then prom and graduation. Have you thought anymore about moving in with me?”

  She bites her lip. “Some. I’m just not sure yet.”

  “Fair enough. We still have some time. I want you to come and meet my parents, the weekend after your birthday.”

  She’s still biting that lip, which I now know means she’s worried about something.

  “They’ll love you Kayla, just like I do.”

  “It’s not that. I don’t have a car, remember?”

  “Not a problem. I’ll come and get you and bring you back.”

  “No, that’s too much.”

  “No, it’s not. It’s settled. I want you to see the land and look at the house plans. You can even let me know what appliances and what type of fixtures you like.”

  “I can’t do that. That is your house you need to pick that stuff out.”

  “What did I tell you Kayla? It’s going to be our house one day, you should have a say in it. Even if you don’t believe that, you can still give me your opinion, right?”

  “You’re impossible.”

  “So, you keep telling me, but you still love me.”

  “Yes, I do.” She says as she touches my face.

  My breath hitches in my throat at such a simple contact from her. Maybe it was the fact that I have told her how I feel, and not only did she not run away screaming, but she feels the same. There are so many moments in my life that I’m not very proud of, but whatever I’ve done to earn the right to love her and have her love, I’ll do it all over again if the results were the same. We may only have one night together and the day may have started off shaky, I’m more happy for the minutes I get to spend with her than the hours I missed out on. Frankly, one minute with her makes up for the whole week without her.

  We talk late into the night. Until finally, Kayla starts to nod off. She’s against my arm when her head falls forward. Catching her before she falls, I pick her up.

  “What are you doing? She asks groggily.

  “Putting you to bed.”

  “I can walk.”

  “I’ve got you. I like carrying you.”

  “I’ve noticed.”

  She doesn’t protest anymore, she just lays her head on my chest. I take in a deep breath. How did I get so lucky to have her in my life?

  Laying her down on the bed, we’ve made out of both sleeping bags, using the sheet as cover, so that we do not get too hot. Tessa even thought to bring us some pillows down, when she saw that we had opted to sleep in the tent.

  Deciding to leave the front flaps open, I did close the mosquito netting in hopes of keeping some of the insects out. This way we will be able to watch the sunrise like Kayla requested.

  Laying with her in my arms makes my life feel complete. There’s a peace with me, when I’m with her. It’s like I’ve finally found what I was looking for. Although before she stormed into my life, I hadn’t known anything was missing. Strange how one event or person can change your life forever. Because no matter what happens with us, my life will never be the same.

  She stirs in my arms, rolling over to face me. Seeing that sleepy look on her face makes me smile.

  “Blake, can I ask you a question?”

  “Baby, you can ask me anything.”

  “Do you believe in God?”

  Okay, not what I was expecting, but an important question all the same.

  “Yes, I do. I’ve been raised in the Church. I play on my Church’s softball team. Why do you ask?”

  “Good. I just think it’s important that we both believe in the same things.”

  After giving her a gentle kiss, she rolls over and falls asleep in my arms again.

  This girl amazes me with her kindness, her heart of gold, and her convictions. I suspect after all I’ve seen today, she can be a little hurricane when she is angry.

  Lying awake most of the night, breathing her in. Just reveling in the feeling of her being this close to me. Nothing on this earth can be better than being right here with her.

  Miraculously, I wake right as the sun starts to rise. This is like a dream come true.

  I whisper in her ear, “Kayla, wake up, baby.”



  Waking with arms around me is a new experience. Waking with Blake’s arms around me is divine.

  He whispers into my ear, sending a delicious shiver through my body. “Kayla, wake up, baby.”

  Groaning, I snuggle deeper into him. “Sleep. Feels too good to wake up.”

  He laughs into my hair.

  “You’re going to miss the sunrise.”

  “Did I mention I’m not a morning person?”

  He laughs harder, causing my body to shake with his. “This was your idea, baby.”

  Ugh. Rolling over onto my back, I look out the tent opening.

  “Wow! That’s beautiful.”

  “Yes, it is. But not near as beautiful as you are, with your messed up hair.”

  I reach up trying to straighten my hair some. “Oh no. Don’t look at me. I know I have to look horrible.”

  Blake takes my hands and moves them.

  “Stop. You’re beautiful. Just enjoy the sunrise with me.”

  Ducking my head, I lay it on his chest. We lay in silence, holding each other as the sun slowly peaks up over the water. The colors bleed across the sky in shades of orange, pink, and purple. Reflecting off of the water they dance and sway about creating a majestic light show. There's a light breeze coming off of the water. It lightly kisses our skin as it flows into the tent where we hold each other in awe of it all. Being able to experience this moment with Blake heightens the beauty of it and of this moment. As the sun climbs higher into the sky the colors reach further across the water dancing their way toward us.

  It isn’t just the spectacular show of colors that has me mesmerized, but Blake himself. The love that we share makes this moment perfect. Having fallen asleep in his arms, then waking in those same arms, is like this beautiful sunrise. The colors represent the colors this wonderful man has brought into my life, my heart and my soul. I’m his forever as he is mine. It’s gorgeous, being in the arms of the man I love, however, makes it spectacular.

  Once the sun has risen I ask the question that I dread hearing the answer to, “What time do you have to leave?”

  “Are you already sick of me?”

  Looking up at him I see that he is smiling, however, when he sees my expression, he smiles sadly.

  “No, I just hate the thoughts of you leaving me.”

  “I don’t have to leave till later this afternoon.”

  I let out the breath I was holding. “Good.”

  Chapter 37Kayla

  It’s been a long week for me. Going to school and back is my life, counting down the days, hours, and minutes until I can be with Blake again. He left late on Sunday last weekend, neither of us was ready to say goodbye.

  He’s called me once since then, being very vague about the plans he has for my birthday this weekend. My nights end with me reading the letter, I received from him this week over again and thanking God for bringing him into my life.

  Tomorrow is my birthday, so as I sit here tonight reading his letter I’m giddy with excitement to see him and what he has planned. Tessa seems to be in on the secret, along with Lisa, Troy, and even Asher. None of them will breathe a word of what he is supposed to do or what he has for me.

  Pulling his letter out, already dressed in his softball jersey, I sit on my bed to read his letter again.


  I had a great time this weekend! Holding you all night was beyond amazing. I hate that we live so far apart, because I would really love to see you a lot more. I hope that the distance between us will only make our love for each other grow stronger. You bring such joy into my life, I never knew things could be like this. Kayla, you are a very sweet person who is beautiful inside and out. I just want you to know that in the short time I have known you, you have become an important part of my life.

  You surprised me when you told me that you loved me this past weekend. I thought it would take you a lot longer to admit it to yourself much less to me. I’ve wanted to tell you since the night after I met you. I knew however that I would probably scare you off if I did.

  I really hope that you will be able to come down next weekend to see me, meet my parents, and see where our house will be. Kayla there is so much that I want to say, but I just can’t find the right words to express all the emotions I am feeling. Let me just say that I am glad I met you and I love you. If you care half as much about me as I do you, then I am sure that we will last forever.

  I’m counting down the days till this weekend. I want to make your eighteenth birthday one to remember. Wear a nice dress Friday night. I’ve got something special planned for you. I’ll be leaving to come and see you right after work on Friday. Sweet dreams, my girl.

  Love always,



  P.S. If you have any more problems with that little punk, you be sure to let me know. Call me, I will be there for you.

  I carefully fold the letter up and place it back on my nightstand. I’ve never felt this loved since I was a child.


  Blake’s letter said for me to wear a nice dress for the special night he has planned for us. So Tessa is helping me get ready. Finding a classic dress in Nineteen eighty nine is a chore. The fashion right now is wild, funky, and really bright colored. We searched every store in the mall looking for the perfect dress. I don’t know where Blake is taking me or what he has planned, but I want to look beautiful for him.

  Wanting to look romantic and not overly sexy was my goal. After hours of shopping, we finally found a dress I loved. It looks very much like the white dress made famous by the late Marilynn Monroe, just shorter and in a bright peach color. Topping it off with nude heels, my pearl necklace and earrings. We have achieved the exact look that I wanted.

  Tessa meticulously curls each section of my blonde hair that is now highlighted with some platinum blonde thanks to the summer sun. My skin has a nice bronze glow that makes the peach dress look even better against my skin.

  “I know you are not fond of this kind of lipstick, but I just think it’s a must. We’ll put it on lightly.”

  “Tessa, why can’t I just wear mine?”

  “Kayla, yours isn’t lipstick. It’s lipgloss.”

  “It works just fine.” I say rolling my eyes.

  “Just try it if you don’t like it, we’ll take it off.”

  “Okay, just do it before I change my mind.” She claps her hands, jumping up and down. I can't believe this is making her so happy.

  Not letting me look in the mirror as she makes the final adjustments to my hair, has me feeling anxious. Hearing Lisa, Troy, and Asher talking with Blake earlier, I know he is here waiting on me. However, my stylist is being very strict about me not seeing him until I am ready.

  The excitement and nervousness are almost too much to take. Not seeing him for a week has been unbearable. I now live for his letters and calls.

  Blake is constantly with me, whether he is here physically or not. He’s invaded every part of my life and I couldn’t be happier about that.

  “You look perfect.”

  “Can I see now?”

  She has a huge smile across her face when she nods her head yes.

  Turning slowly, I face the person in the mirror, I almost don’t recognize this girl. Tessa has done an amazing job of playing up my green eyes and I must agree the peachy bronze lipstick really compliments my skin and it goes well with the dress.

  Looking and feeling soft and romantic, I’m ready to see my man. Just then Lisa comes through the door of my bedroom.

  “Are you girls about done? Blake is getting a little antsy waiting.” Li
sa asks.

  She stops and just looks at me. “You are beautiful. I mean you're always beautiful, it’s just that you look so grown up.”

  Looking down at myself, I actually feel beautiful tonight. Then my self-doubt creeps in.

  “What if Blake doesn’t like it?”

  “Nonsense, he is going to be blown away.” Tessa announces with certainty.

  “Dad might be a little upset that there’s a little too much cleavage showing.” Lisa says with a laugh.

  Taking in a deep breath, we leave my bedroom. I hear Troy and Asher talking as we get closer to the great room. When they hear us they look up and Troy shows us a big smile.

  “Absolutely beautiful.” Troy says.

  Looking around I ask, “Where’s Blake?”

  “Oh, he asked me to give you this.” Asher says handing me an envelope.

  “Where is he?”

  Troy winks at me and says, “Just read the note sweetie.”

  I’m confused, I know he was here. I look over to the windows that look out over the lake, but the blinds are pulled closed. That’s odd they’re always open except when we are asleep.

  “Open it!” Tessa exclaims with excitement.

  Looking around at everyone standing there. I’ve been waiting a week to see him. I’m really not in the mood to play these games. All I want is to see and hold him. I look at the note that is now in my hand, unfolding the paper I read the words he has written.


  I know if you are feeling like I am right now you probably want to scream at me.

  I laugh, he knows me so well already. Smiling, I continue to read.

  The night I met you I sang to you to get your attention. That song will always hold special meaning for us. I do get lost in your eyes every time I look at you. I want to look in those eyes for the rest of my life.

  Come to me sweetie. I’m waiting for you on the dock. I can’t wait to see you.

  Love always,


  “Go! What are you waiting for?” Tessa nudges me to go.

  I’m really nervous now. What is he doing on the dock? I feel like I can’t breathe, although this isn’t from panic this is from excitement. Rushing to the stairs and to the back door that faces the dock I walk out and I’m floored by what I see.


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