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Guardian Unraveled_Fallen Guardians

Page 34

by Georgia Lyn Hunter

  “He paid, Jenna, and he’ll be paying for eternity where he’s now trapped,” Michael said from the opposite end of the long dining table. “There is no escape from Purgatory.”

  After a long moment, she nodded. “He deserves no less.” Her gray eyes lifted to Shae’s. “You were fifteen when your father decided to fall. He didn’t want us to be hunted for the rest of our lives, and you had to be protected at all costs. It was a dangerous time for us. He trusted no one and wanted us shielded while he was gone to the Celestial Realm. We were going to tell you the truth after he came back, Shae.”

  She pushed her cocoa mug aside and rubbed her brow wearily. After everything they’d been through, anger was so pointless when her parents were only trying to protect her. She lowered her hand. “I’m so glad you’re safe, but I wish I’d known about Dad.” Just thinking about her father, and her chest compressed. She’d known all about her parents’ first meeting, bumping into each other on the street, and it was love at first sight. “Dad was wonderful.”

  “He was.” A trembling smile touched her mother’s lips. She tucked an auburn strand of hair behind her ear. “He simply wanted a quiet life with us. He was tired of the heavenly wars, the bloodshed, and Samael’s plans to take over this city. He was furious at Gus’ decision. I guess that’s when he decided to kill him.” She picked up her tea. She didn’t drink and set it down again.

  No one spoke.

  Hedori stood near the island counter, adjacent to Michael. He appeared pale, his features drawn. Eyes unreadable.

  “When I saw your powers consume you three days ago, I thought I’d lost you, too.”

  At the immense pain in her mother’s eyes, and knowing she was still grieving for her father, Shae leaped off her seat, lowered to her knees, and hugged her. “I’m here, Mom.”

  “Now. But you died, Shae.”

  She frowned, letting her mother go as memories of the violent night at her old home resurfaced. “If I’m a nephilim…then the seraphs would want me dead.” Her gaze rushed to Dagan. “You told me that in Romania.”

  “I know.” He straightened from the doorjamb, the night silhouetting him like some deadly being ready to destroy “Now it no longer applies.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You were already incinerating from the immense power,” Michael explained. “Your human body couldn’t handle it. I stabbed you in the heart to end it faster, and to give you a chance at rebirth. Given who your sire was and your inherited abilities, you absorbed Samael’s powers and angelhood.

  “He was the Angel of Death, but he also possessed a singular ability, too—one he never used—to restart life because then it would mean giving up his status as Death. It’s what happened to you. You sensed it and rebirthed yourself. You are an exception. Not a divine angel, but still immortal. You made it through the change, which can be…excruciating.”

  Excruciating? Shae sagged on her heels, her mind reeling. She’d been in hell, burning alive.

  Remembering the impossible agony coursing through her and begging Dagan to end her life, she shuddered. But the unadulterated torment in his eyes that she’d asked him to do such a thing would always remain with her. She jumped up and hurried to him, sliding her arms around his waist.

  “I couldn’t,” he whispered. “I just couldn’t…”

  “It’s okay. But it’s not something I ever want to experience again.” Her fingers bunched his shirt. “I know what Michael said, that he gave me a chance at rebirth, but it was you who pulled me back—you.”

  He stroked her healed cheek, his eyes damp with tenderness. Before he could speak, a shift in the air signaled Aethan’s and Týr’s appearance on the terrace. They entered the kitchen, bringing in the chilly night air with them. Aethan instantly headed for Echo and drew her up into his arms, kissing her on her nape. Týr dropped onto a chair and tilted it back on two back legs.

  “It makes sense now,” Echo said, leaning against her mate and brushing away her overlong bangs from her eyes. “Why I couldn’t get a proper reading of your aura. It’s a lot like Michael’s—a silvery white. Before, it was almost translucent. Hidden. I guess it was the protection spell keeping it at bay.” She smiled, her bi-colored eyes gleaming in mischief. “If I’m the Healer, what will you do as an immortal who—ugh, it’s simpler to say—who’s an angel?”

  “I don’t know…” Shae blinked. She hadn’t thought that far ahead, except for cataloguing Dagan’s work for sale. But what she’d taunted him with, about being a Guardian… That idea perked her up. Not just yet, though. Heck, she had to get used to being who she was now first before she gave Dagan a coronary. Besides, her mother was going to need help to get well again.

  “I’ll find something, I’m sure,” she said instead.

  Michael picked up his Coke, took a swallow, and glanced at the warriors. “Seems like this is something we need to pay attention to if there is another.”

  “Man,” Týr groaned and rose, his tilted chair hitting the floor with a thud. “Hope the next one is way in the future.” He headed for the fridge.

  Michael set down his drink, lines creasing his brow. “Jenna? About those killings from months ago…”

  Her lips pressed tightly for a second. “I’m really sorry about their deaths. But I had to. Samael threatened to hurt Shae and mate her to that horrible Aza. I lived in constant terror. There was no escape from that place. Then he started to take away my memories when I became h-hysterical, or he’d put me under in a deep sleep. As time passed, I didn’t know what was real or not anymore. I thought the killings were a nightmare…” She swiped her damp cheeks with the long sleeves of her green sweater. “Now that I know Shae’s safe, I’ll accept whatever the punishment is for taking the lives of those innocent men.”

  “Mom, no!”

  The sudden fierceness of the emotions in the room was so thick, light a match, and it would explode like an H-bomb. “No one will touch her,” Hedori said, his voice harsh with resolve.

  Jenna frowned at him then looked away.

  Michael shook his head. “Since Samael was behind the killings, I’ll speak to the seraphs and request a pardon. But, those abilities will be bound,” he warned Jenna.

  She shut her eyes and nodded. “Thank you. I don’t want them anyway. I don’t want to ever become a liability again.”

  “Okay. I’ll go get this settled.” Michael vanished in a swirl of silvery sparks.

  Shae had to take several deep breaths to calm down. Unable to stay still, the power she’d consumed from Samael still riding high in her, she stepped away from Dagan and rubbed her arms. It was a struggle to keep her abilities leashed as anger pounded through her at what her family had endured at Samael’s hands.

  Dagan drew her to him, asked quietly, “You okay?”

  She didn’t want to worry him, so she just nodded.

  “Good thing the bastard’s been captured,” Týr muttered, a half-empty bottle of water in his hand. “You have some great abilities there, Shae—” He broke off at the sudden draft of air blowing into the kitchen.

  Shae frowned at the tall, snow-haired man on the terrace. Another immortal.

  He didn’t come inside. Dagan pushed her behind him. Aethan and Týr immediately flanked him, swords drawn, and moved Shae farther away from the door. They knew him, and he wasn’t a friend. A shiver of unease slid down her spine.

  “It’s why we came back early,” Aethan muttered. “Echo told me Shae had awoken, knew this asshole law-keeper would be by.”

  Týr grunted in agreement. “I’m quite happy to take his head.”

  “What do you want?” Dagan snapped.

  The stranger held up a hand in the universal peace sign. “Before you all get your blades in a knot, the Fallen has demanded the female he marked as mate be handed over. I have come for her.”

  Oh, Lord. She’d barely had time to recover from what had happened, and now this? Her stomach churned.

  “Not fucking happening.”

  At Dagan’s snarl, Shae rubbed the brand on her wrist, wishing she could scour it off.

  Without a doubt, Dagan would find Aza and kill him, but retribution burned deep inside her. He’d hurt the people she loved. And he’d killed her father and Harvey.

  The Guardians and Dagan looked ready to hack the stranger into firewood, while he appeared determined not to leave without her.

  At their standoff, Shae worried her lip between her teeth, and realized there was only one way to end this. “Dagan?”


  “He wants me, let me go. I can handle myself.”

  His head snapped to her. Fury cracked through the ice in his gaze. “Not fucking happening!”

  She wasn’t surprised at his furious response. Then she remembered something pivotal from the commotion when Samael had her trapped in the power storm at Stone Ridge, and Dagan had fought his way to her. Not even Michael had broken through, yet Dagan had.

  Without a word, she grasped her man’s hand and tugged him from the kitchen. Honey, you know I can do this, that I can kill him, right? she mind-linked with Dagan, not wanting the law-keeper to hear her. You can follow in your invisible state after I leave.

  No way. His snarl, though tinny and faint, reverberated through her head like nails as she hauled him down the hallway. You’re still struggling with all those new powers flowing through you, and you’ve barely gotten used to your wings. They are more a liability right now. They will appear in a fight and weaken you with their weight. Besides, the fucker will have backup.

  Shae bore his anger. It was no easy feat dragging an inflexible obelisk with her. You know the law-keeper’s not going to leave without me, and you guys can’t kill him, not if you want to avoid another bloody battle on our doorstep with the gods. Besides, Aza can’t be as scary as Samael was. She slowed when she came to a door just past the rec room and opened it. It was a small closet with circuit boards and stuff. She shut them inside.

  Dagan switched on the light, his jaw melded in that intractable jut. No, it’s too dangerous. Your powers still roil inside you, I can feel them, and I’m sure everyone here can, too. You’ll draw every fucking evil out there to you.

  “We can speak aloud now,” she teased.

  His yellow eyes burned with deep-seated emotions. “I’m not handing you over.”

  God, she loved him so much. “Kiss me.”

  He scowled. “You brought me here for—dammit, Shae!”

  “You don’t want to?” She put on a hurt expression and let her mouth tremble.

  Growling, he pressed his lips to hers, and before he pulled back, she wrapped his shorter hair in her fists, keeping him there. “Bite me, take my blood.”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  “No, but you can reap my powers.”

  He reared back, tearing free of her grip. “What?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’ll excuse you for not being aware of that because of everything that occurred. Dagan, I saw—I know. You not only taste food through my blood, you also harvest my powers when you take my blood. It’s how you broke through the force field surrounding Samael and me. Furthermore, it’s one surefire way to get this churning power inside me down a level, too, I think.”

  He stared at her, shock brightening his beautiful eyes. “I did, didn’t I?”

  “Yes. At least, this way, you’ll always be gifted with the powers I drain. Though how long it lasts, I guess we’ll have to see.”

  Without a word, he lowered his head and licked her on her pulse point once, twice.

  Her breath caught, the feeling so sensual, her heart thudded in anticipation. His mouth pressed against her skin, and his fangs sank deep into her. He sucked hard, a pull she felt all the way to the spot between her thighs. A soft moan escaped her. She rubbed her aching core against his hardening cock. A growl rumbled low in his throat as he fed. All too soon, he licked her skin and pulled back.

  “I love you, you crazy, impetuous woman, more than I ever believed possible.” He caressed her face, his eyes filled with tenderness. “You are my smile—my heartbeat—my entire existence. So you damn well better survive this shit. Or I swear on every godsforsaken star that I will find you, and you will be sorry.”

  She laughed and hugged him with an airtight squeeze. “I love you, too, my dearest barbarian. Now let’s go get Aza.”

  His gaze skimmed over her, and she knew he was scanning for the churning power inside her, but it had quieted. A sigh escaped him. He nodded and picked up her wrist. “This knot remains open because he hasn’t completed the physical bonding. Don’t engage him, Shae. He gets anywhere near you, he could flash you—”

  “And I’ll flash right back.”

  “Great.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Just be safe, okay?”

  Her heart melting with love, she stepped out of the closet. Good thing she hadn’t told him what Samael had revealed about Aza and his twisted sexual needs or Club Illudo. Later, she’d tell him. Maybe.

  Chapter 30

  Dagan followed Shae into the silent kitchen, hating the thought of her meeting Aza on her own. And helpless to do anything about it. Her power rolled inside him now, but at least she wasn’t sending out those deadly vibrations that would alert every evil bastard out there as to her whereabouts.

  Jenna and Echo were no longer in the kitchen. The law-keeper—the same one Blaéz had nailed to the castle wall several months ago—waited out on the porch, having a stare-down with the Guardians. The lethal, black-tipped silver sword used to kill those who broke the Absolute Laws remained sheathed in a scabbard on his back. Like that would stop them from killing him. Nothing showed on the law-keeper’s face as Shae crossed to him.

  “You’re just letting her go?” Týr barked, his expression incredulous.

  Dagan didn’t respond, mostly because his jaw was clenched so tight. The bastard touched her hand. She sent Dagan a little smile as if to say, “I’ll be okay”.

  Not until he had her back with him and Aza was roasting in Hell, would it be okay. The moment Shae and the law-keeper vanished, he dematerialized.

  So, what’s the plan? Týr mind-linked with him.

  You can’t be with me.

  We aren’t, Nik shot back, joining them. Then Dagan sensed the others close.

  Yeah, Aethan added. We’re going back on patrol.

  C’mon, let’s go get the dumbass. Blaéz.

  Damn stubborn bastards. One of the others must have told them what was happening.

  Aza was a damn fool to think he would so easily let Shae go. Yeah, the fucker had put the mark on her, staking his claim, but that was just semantic bullshit, one Dagan planned to rectify in the next few minutes. Bastard probably had no idea he was no longer weakened from not feeding—and just how in the hell did Aza find out about that?

  In his molecular state, Dagan coasted across the city. Connected through his blood-link with Shae, he tracked her to some small town in New Jersey, and a run-down, boarded-up factory slated for demolition near the bay.

  I’ll call if I need help, he telepathed the rest of the Guardians.

  Hope she ices the dickhead, Týr retorted.

  The warriors dispersed. Dagan couldn’t feel their presences but knew they’d be close.

  Still in his invisible state, he glided in through the broken window and into a silent, empty place. What the fuck?

  Where the hell were they?

  * * *

  The law-keeper took form with her in some rundown warehouse with a vaulted roof overlooking the bay. Shae didn’t think they were in New York any longer. She shrugged off his hold but didn’t move away from him. Bits of broken furniture and a few steel pipes scattered the ground.

  On the other side of the old furniture factory, Aza stood with a demon minion whom he waved off. Wearing a dark suit, his dark blond hair in its typical neat, short style, he appeared more like a banker than an insane parasite. His dark gaze slid over her in a manner that made her want to take several baths.

  She gritted her teeth, didn’t say a word. No way would she add to his excitement by letting him see her smidgen of fear. But at the thought of what he’d done to her family and her friend, vengeance blazed deeper, burning away the last remnants of unease. With all the mind manipulation this monster and Samael had used on them, it was a miracle her brain and her mother’s had remained intact.

  The snow-haired law-keeper looming at her side said, “She’s been delivered. One question, did she agree of her own free will to this mating?”

  Aza ambled toward them and nodded, his unwavering gaze pinned on her. “Yes.”

  “Did you?” the law-keeper asked her.

  Shae narrowed her eyes. “It’s strange. I don’t recall it at all.”

  The law-keeper didn’t ask questions. He grasped Shae’s wrist and Aza’s, closed his eyes, and a faint glow appeared over the mating mark, then he nodded. “It is as he claims.”

  Of course, it would be. Her jaw clenched.

  The law-keeper vanished.

  “Finally.” Aza strolled closer. “We’re gonna have so much fun.”

  She countered his moves, keeping her distance. She summoned her abilities, but only a faint heat remained. Had Dagan taken all of them? Shit, she was so screwed. She needed time. “What? You think I’m just going to lie back and let you fuck me while choking me?”

  “You’ll do anything I want. You see, I’m protected from your abilities, and I know Ash still lives. This time, I’ll make sure he stays dead if you don’t behave.”

  He’d hurt Ash? Fury tore through her. “You bastard!”

  He shrugged. “At least I had the forethought to prevent you from mating anyone else with my mating mark. I wouldn’t have been in this position, but the asshole Guardian just had to destroy Club Illudo, the one place I could have my needs fulfilled. Now, he thinks he can have you as his mate?” Aza glared at her like it was all her fault. Then he sighed. “Yes, providence is a wonderful thing. I will have it all now.” He broke off, eyed her coldly. “You stink of him. You’ll regret letting him touch what belongs to me!”


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