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Star Wars - One of a Kind

Page 3

by Paul Danner

  The strike speeder rammed two more airspeeders, enduring minor damage from the collisions and flames. It finally roared out the other side of the blockade at full speed, streaming a trail of fire and wreckage behind it.

  Sconn and Shandria looked up, amazed that they were still alive, and headed right for the docking bays. Sconn let out an excited whoop and Shandria couldn’t contain her smile.

  Their celebration was cut short, however, as the strike speeder began to shake and groan.

  “This thing isn’t going to make it much farther,” Sconn said.

  “Luckily we don’t have far to go. My docking bay is right up there.”

  “Better hurry,” Sconn warned as he checked the computers. “Those Imperials don’t look like they’re ready to give up just yet!”

  “Don’t turn, you idiots! Follow their path!” Daraada’s scream echoed through the strike speeder as he dove for the controls. The pilot’s instinct had been to try and avoid the flaming wreckage, but it was a tactical mistake, as Daraada realized. At the speed they were going, it would also be a deadly one.

  The other pursuing strike speeder had already tried to swerve, but the maneuver resulted in the vehicle crashing into what was left of the blockade and exploding.

  Daraada’s quick-thinking and action saved his vehicle and his life. The speeder screamed through the hole as easily as the stolen one did. The pilots exchanged relieved glances, but they didn’t last long as Daraada barked orders in their faces.

  “Now keep on them! They must not escape!” Daraada sat back in his chair and added in a threatening whisper, “But if they do, the interrogation rooms will still all be occupied.”

  “There it is,” Shandria yelled. “There’s my ship!”

  The stolen speeder screeched to a halt at the entrance to docking bay 18, and Shandria nearly leaped out the door. Sconn followed, glancing at the Y-wing fighter inside.

  “There’s room for two, you know,” Shandria added softly.

  The thief smiled, then glanced over his shoulder as he heard the other strike speeder approaching. It would be on top of them very shortly.

  “You’d better get going,” he said quietly. “I’ll hold ’em off as long as I can.”

  “Why don’t you come with me? We could use someone with your … talents.”

  “Me? Join the New Republic?” Sconn laughed. “I don’t think so.”

  Shandria glanced at the approaching vehicle with a worried look. “I can’t just leave you here. They’ll kill you.”

  “If they catch me, maybe. It’s not you’re problem. You’ve got a job to finish. That’s your problem. Now, go ahead … get going.”

  “I’ll never forget this.” Shandria hugged him tightly and whispered in his ear. “I’ll never forget you.” Before Sconn could say anything, she kissed him on the lips. Softly and tenderly.

  “You really are one of a kind, Sienn Sconn.” With that, she turned and ran to her ship, but Sconn was too busy letting her softly scented smell wash over him to notice.

  The pursuing strike speeder’s imminent arrival snapped him out of his reverie. Sconn turned and hopped back onto the stolen speeder. He quickly made his way across the roof and hopped into the gunner’s niche. The thief grabbed a hold of the mounted heavy blaster cannon and turned the large weapon towards the other strike speeder. He opened fire, raking blasts across the approaching vehicle — which slowed down considerably.

  The roar of powerful engines drew Sconn’s attention upwards and he watched Shandria’s ship lift up from its docking bay. He saw her face for an instant and grinned, flashing a quick wink.

  Inside the Y-wing, Shandria quickly wiped a tear from her cheek. “May the Force be with you,” she whispered, and punched the engines.

  The Y-wing roared up into the atmosphere, and was nothing more than a tiny set of twinkling lights.

  Sconn grinned and gave the disappearing craft a quick salute.

  Blaster fire streaked across his speeder, rocking it. As Sconn climbed out of the gunner’s seat, the blaster cannon was hit. The heavy weapon exploded, and the force of the blast knocked him down into the cockpit of the vehicle.

  Grunting in pain from his hard landing, Sconn got to his feet and checked the speeder’s controls. It wouldn’t be going anywhere anytime soon. The thief looked out the side viewport.

  The last strike speeder was closing in, followed by a large force that seemed to flow from every corner of the starport.

  Sconn frowned and quickly exited the useless speeder and checked the landing bay. He was definitely trapped. “Hmmm. Better overprepared than under the ground,” the thief said softly. “But how could you prepare for this?”

  Sconn began quickly backing up, into the docking bay and away from the approaching vehicles. “Think, think. Come on. Sconn …” The back of the thief’s right foot hit a large fuel line and he fell backwards, landing on his rear end. “Great. Not only am I going to die. I’m going to die without a shred of dignity.”

  As Sconn got to his feet, he spotted what it was he had landed on. It was a locked, metallic access panel that read. “Caution: power/fuel maintenance conduit — official starport use only.” A grin slowly spread across the thief’s face as he powered up his wrist laser.

  “Then again, maybe being under the ground isn’t so bad after all … ”

  The stormtroopers approached Daraada, who watched with a creased brow as his men literally tore the stolen speeder apart.

  “No sign of anyone, sir,” reported the first trooper.

  Daraada frowned, looking ready to explode into a blind rage. Nodding, he waved the two troopers off.

  They had managed to escape — the woman had, at least, with the stolen data card. And her accomplice was nowhere to be found. The Major’s shoulders slumped. This was not his day …

  Slowly, though, a smile crept across his face as he stared at the command team from the speeder. His interrogation chamber would have no Rebels, but it would be occupied nonetheless. Grinning maliciously at the thought of prisoners begging him to spare their miserable lives, Daraada started toward the group. The Major stepped right onto the maintenance access panel, but was so intent on his soon-to-be prey, he took no notice of it.

  Sconn stopped crawling for a moment as he heard the heavy footfall on the access panel echo through the maintenance tunnel. He drew a deep breath and waited.

  No other sound followed. Exhaling in relief, the thief continued to squeeze forward into the tight, dimly lit shaft, giving thanks every few meters that he hadn’t inherited his uncle’s eating habits.

  Dirty and a bit disheveled from his tour of the maintenance tunnel. Sconn moved quickly through the crowded starport, never looking back. For the first time in his life, the one-of-a-kind thief was glad he had a face that didn’t stand out in a crowd.

  Sconn spotted a mirror and smiled at his image, smoothing his cloak as he passed. His fingers hit something rough at his side. The thief curiously checked into his pocket. Inside was a cred stick. Shocked, Sconn quickly examined the screen readout. Twenty-five thousand credits, and a message. He cycled it and read:

  “Try not to steal from anybody for a while, okay?”


  Sconn laughed all the way to his apartment, arriving as dusk fell — just in time to pay his landlord.

  After the Devaronian had taken her credits and left, he snuck up to the roof and sat down under the blanket of night. As the cool breeze swept over him, Sienn Sconn stared up at the twinkling stars, wondering which one Shandria was heading for. And a warm smile slowly spread across his face.

  It had been a really great day …

  Sienn Sconn

  Type: Master Thief


  Blaster 5D, blaster: wrist lasers 7D, brawling parry 5D, dodge 6D+1, melee combat: stun staff 8D, melee parry: stun staff 7D, pick pocket 6D+2, running 6D, vehicle blasters 5D+2


  Alien specie 4D+1, cultures 4D, languages 5D+1,
law enforcement 5D, streetwise 6D, value 8D, willpower 5D


  Repulsorlift operation 4D, repulsorlift operation: speeder bike 5D


  Bargain 8D, con 7D+2, gambling 5D, hide 8D, search 9D, sneak 7D


  Brawling 5D, climbing/jumping 6D


  Computer programing/repair 6D+2, demolition 5D, security 6D+1

  Force Points: 4

  Character Points: 18

  Move: 10

  Equipment: Stun staff (STR+3D+2 including stun charge; STR+2D without stun charge), thermal half-spheres and detonator device, wrist laser gauntlet (5D)

  Capsule: Sienn Sconn is a 23-year old master thief. Born on the planet Ryvellia in the harsh Avhn-Bendara system, Sconn had to learn to be tough even as a child. At age 7, he lost both his parents when the Empire forcibly put down an uprising in the capital city of V’eldalv. A turbolaser barrage from orbiting Imperial Star Destroyers left most of his city block in ruins, and left Sconn an orphan. The incident sparked Sconn’s utter hatred of the Empire, which grew with each passing year as he witnessed one Imperial atrocity after another.

  Luckily, Sconn’s hatred has been tempered by love, which he received from the man who took him in after he was orphaned. Cryle Caw is Sconn’s uncle, and a rogue if ever there was one. It was Caw who taught Sconn how to survive as a thief, trained him mercilessly, and gave him most of his unique equipment. Most importantly, though, Caw instilled ethics into Sconn, who already had a well-developed sense of right and wrong.

  To this day, Sconn will not steal from anyone except Imperials, crime lords, or the obnoxiously rich. What Sconn didn’t know, and still doesn’t to this day, is that Caw was once an operative for the Alliance, and passed on that idealism to his nephew. That idealistic morality, combined with his ferocious tenacity, makes Sienn Sconn a very tough opponent.

  Shandria L’hnnar

  Type: New Republic Operative


  Blaster 6D+1, dodge 5D+2, melee combat 4D+1, melee parry 4D, vehicle blasters 5D


  Alien species 8D, cultures 7D+2, languages 9D+1, planetary systems 7D, willpower 6D


  Astrogation 6D, sensors 5D, starfighter piloting 6D+2, starship gunnery 5D+1, starship shields 4D+2


  Bargain 6D, hide 5D, persuasion 7D, search 4D+2, sneak 5D


  Brawling 3D+2, climbing/jumping 4D, stamina 5D


  Computer programming/repair 6D+2, demolition 5D, security 6D+1

  Force Points: 3

  Character Points: 15

  Move: 10

  Equipment: Hold-out blaster (3D), stolen Imperial datacard

  Capsule: Shandria L’hnnar is a 24-year old New Republic operative. A native of Corellia, Shandria always dreamed of entering the Imperial Academy and graduating at the top of her class. She had always been an excellent student, with a natural ability to quickly learn and retain information. Her dreams were short-lived however, as she discovered the truth about the Empire.

  She experienced its brutality first-hand while attending the famed Imperial Institute of Higher Studies on Ferrhast. One of her closest friends, Celida Noerr, had just joined the Alliance, and related Imperial horror stories to Shandria. At first, she didn’t believe her friend, but one day they broke into the main computer banks and Celida showed her the truth.

  The incident served to open Shandria’s eyes — but unfortunately it also resulted in Celida’s arrest as a traitor to the Empire. Shandria never saw her friend again, but soon after joined the Alliance herself. The memory of Celida fuels Shandria’s actions and resolve even today.

  Though Shandria’s intellectual ability far outshines her physical skills as an operative, the young woman’s sheer willpower, tenacity, and determination are enough to keep her superiors from suggesting she stay out of the field and remain behind an analyst’s desk.

  Major Daraada

  Type: Imperial Officer


  Blaster 6D+1, brawling parry 4D+2, dodge 6D, grenade 5D, vehicle blasters 5D+2


  Intimidation 7D+2, intimidation: interrogation 8D, intimidation: torture 9D, law enforcement 6D+1, tactics: squads 6D, willpower 8D


  Ground vehicle operation 6D, hover vehicle operation 5D, repulsorlift operation 6D+2


  Command 7D+1, con 6D, investigation 8D, search 6D+1, sneak 5D


  Brawling 6D, brawling: martial arts 7D, stamina 5D


  First aid 5D, security 6D

  Force Points: 1

  Dark Side Points: 1

  Character Points: 8

  Move: 10

  Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), comlink, Imperial uniform and rank insignia

  Capsule: Major Gaevril Daraada is a vicious man. A model Imperial, Daraada has been the recipient of a string of had luck that has slowed his rise in rank, and left him on the Mid-Rim planet of Venaari. He takes his frustrations out on the “so-called citizens of the festering backwater planet” he has been assigned to.

  The unfortunate Major enjoys causing others pain, as if he could alleviate his own by doing so. He is quite adept at interrogation and is a skilled torturer. Daraada is hoping those particular abilities will grant him some recognition, and hopefully reassignment.

  The Major truly dislikes his assignment, not to mention the Imperial governor. Vaerganth. The two are constantly at odds. Daraada’s latest assignment from the Governor has done nothing to improve the situation. The Major has been ordered to provide security for project Orrad, which is being developed in the secrecy of an underground lab near the capital city of Ven-Kav.

  However, the Governor seems to actually care little about the project. Vaerganth constantly turns down Daraada’s requests for better equipment, tighter security, and more troops. He is worried that the New Republic cell that he has been so busily trying to squash in Ven-Kav may have discovered Project Orrad and may move to stop or interfere with it in some way.


  Type: Terrestrial

  Temperature: Temperate

  Atmosphere: Type 1 (breathable)

  Hydrosphere: Moderate

  Gravity: Standard

  Terrain: Urban, forest, plains, mountains

  Length of Day: 28 standard hours

  Length of Year: 300 local days

  Sapient Species: Humans

  Starports: 1 stellar class, 2 standard class

  Population: 2 billion

  Planet Function: Manufacturing, hidden Imperial base

  Government: Imperial governor

  Tech Level: Space

  Major Exports: Mid technology, metals

  Major Imports: High technology

  Capsule: Venaari is the third planet in the Vellakiya system. It has been under Imperial control for many years, but only since the events of the Battle of Endor has the Empire maintained a formidable presence on this Mid-Rim world.

  This intensified presence has borne the seeds of rebellion on the world, which was used to living in the relative freedom of anonymity. Realizing this, the New Republic quickly dispatched a handful of operatives to Venaari, and soon a sizable cell was in operation. It soon discovered the underground Imperial base that was responsible for the mysterious Project Orrad. Discovering its secrets quickly became the cell’s priority.

  The seat of government and the palace of Imperial Governor Vaerganth are located in the capital city of Ven-Kav. which is also home to the largest starport on the planet. Ven-Kavi Starport.

  Venaari Strike Speeder

  Craft: Venaari Enterprises SV-50 Swift-Strike Speeder

  Type: Military assault speeder

  Scale: Speeder

  Length: 9 meters

  Skill: Rep
ulsorlift operation: Venaari strike speeder

  Crew: 1, gunners: 1

  Passengers: 10

  Cargo Capacity: 1 metric ton

  Cover: Full

  Altitude Range: Ground level—1 meter

  Cost: 50,000

  Maneuverability: 2D

  Move: 90; 260 kmh

  Body Strength: 2D


  Heavy Blaster Cannon

  Fire Arc: Turret

  Crew: 1

  Skill: Vehicle blasters

  Fire Control: 2D

  Range: 50-300/500/1000

  Damage: 6D

  Double Laser Cannon

  Fire Arc: Front

  Skill: Vehicle blasters

  Fire Control: 1D

  Range: 50-200/500/750

  Damage: 4D

  Capsule: The Venaari strike speeder is one of Venaari Enterprises greatest achievements as well as their largest contribution to the Imperial war machine. The strike speeder is a versatile, extremely reliable attack craft. It transports attack squads where they need to be quickly and with enough firepower to protect their deployment.

  The strike speeders are widely used on Imperially held planets throughout the Mid-Rim, where the Empire, the New Republic, and splinter Imperial factions are battling for supremacy.

  Adventure Idea

  The characters are members of the New Republic cell on Venaari sent to investigate the rumors of a hidden Imperial base somewhere near the outskirts of the capital city. Van-Kav. They stumble onto an Imperial communication that reveals the existence of an underground base. The characters must then unravel the secrets of Project Orrad and report back to the New Republic before Major Daraada and his Imperials silence them for good.

  From Star Wars Adventure Journal 5 (02-1995)


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