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Barack and Michelle

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by Christopher Andersen

  Carlson, Stephen, 94, 97

  Carpenter, Paul, 52, 53

  Carter, Ron, 227

  Case, Steve, 47

  Cashill, Jack, 166

  Cepeda, Adela, 224

  Chandoo, Mohammed Hasan, 53, 57

  Chapman, Mark David, 240

  Cheney, Dick, 228

  Chicago, Illinois

  Ann’s stay in, 21–22

  black community in, 151, 154–55

  civil rights movement in, 103

  elections of 1992 in, 154–55

  Michelle’s views about politics in, 206

  Obama as community organizer in, 64–66, 103–13, 132, 164

  Obama family homes in, 11, 159, 232–34, 293

  and Obama’s ambitions, 117, 118, 130, 147, 161

  Obama’s childhood visit to, 103

  politics in, 74–75, 206

  public education in, 165, 169

  race in, 77

  Robinson family roots in, 120, 249

  and Ryan candidacy, 213

  Southside of, 103–13

  See also specific person Chicago Public Education Fund, 164

  Chicago Reader, Obama article about Million Man March in, 172–73

  Chicago Tribune elections of 1996 story in, 175

  Obama’s review of Ayers’s book in, 166

  and Osama-Obama curse, 195

  and Ryan’s sealed files, 213

  See also specific reporter Ching, Dennis, 41–42

  church mothers, Obama’s, 105–6, 107, 158–59

  Churcher, Sharon, 224

  churches and Project Vote, 154

  See also black churches City College of New York, Obama at PIRG on campus of, 64

  civil rights movement, 103

  Clinton, Bill, 154, 155, 160, 190, 247, 256, 259, 262, 271, 272, 301

  Clinton, Chelsea, 284

  Clinton, Hillary Rodham Alinsky’s influence on, 104

  Bill’s relationship with, 301

  and elections of 2008, 240, 242, 247, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258–60, 262, 263, 265, 266

  as First Lady, 294–95, 298

  and Iraq, 204

  Michelle’s views about, 255, 269

  and Palin candidacy, 276

  Pfleger’s comments about, 265

  as vice presidential candidate, 271, 272

  Wright’s comments about, 258, 262

  Clooney, George, 236

  Collins, Lauren, 253

  Collins, Norm, 86

  Columbia University, Obama as student at, 10, 15, 56–62, 114, 115, 167

  Communist Party, 20

  Community Action Program, Chicago, 104

  community organizer, Obama as, 62–63, 64–66, 103–13, 132, 164

  Congress, U.S. Obama’s challenge to Rush for, 4, 5, 7, 188–91, 192, 201, 226

  See also Senate, U.S. Congressional Black Caucus, Conference of the, Obama at, 204

  conservatives and Harvard Law Review, 129, 136, 137

  Obama’s views about, 129

  and Palin candidacy, 276

  See also Federalist Society; specific person Cooper, Anderson, 300

  Corrigan, John, 194

  Corzine, John, 235

  Croft, Steve, 247

  Daley, Michael, 208

  Daley, Richard J., 4, 74–75, 147

  Daley, Richard M.

  Axelrod as political consultant for, 156

  and Ayers, 165

  and elections of 1992, 154

  Michelle in administration of, 4, 147, 148–50, 161, 171

  and Obama’s political ambitions, 196, 207–8

  Rush campaign against, 188

  Darfur, 236, 237

  Darmawan, Israella, 32–33

  Davila, Yvonne, 6, 242

  Davis, Frank Marshall, 45–46

  Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, 160–61,171, 175

  Davis, Ron, 178

  Day of Service program, 287–88

  Democratic National Convention (Boston, 2004), Obama’s keynote speech at, 214–18, 221–22, 228, 230, 238

  Democratic National Convention (Denver, 2008), 271, 272

  Democratic National Convention (Los Angeles, 2000), 7

  desk, Obama’s, 293

  Developing Communities Project (DCP), Chicago, 103–4

  Ditka, Mike, 214

  Do the Right Thing (film), 123–24

  Dodd, Christopher, 254

  dogs, for Malia and Sasha, 244–45, 296

  Dohrn, Bernardine, 164–65, 169–70

  Donnelly, Catherine, 69–71

  Dowd, Maureen, 249

  Dreams from My Father (Obama), 60, 162–63, 164, 165–66, 168, 170, 175, 230–31, 239, 263, 279

  drinking, and Obama’s youth, 47–49, 58, 135 drugs

  and Obama’s book, 166–67

  and Obama’s youth, 47–49, 51, 58, 59, 135, 166–67

  Duke’s Happy Holiday Resort (White Cloud, Michigan), Robinson family vacations at, 80

  Dunham, Madelyn “Toot” (grandmother) and Ann-Stanley relationship, 19

  and Ann’s birth, 17

  and Ann’s illness/death, 172, 173

  Barack and Michelle’s holiday visits with, 4

  Barack lives with, 37–49

  and Barack’s attitude about money, 176

  and Barack’s birth, 27–28

  and Barack’s book, 165, 166

  and Barack’s childhood and youth, 30, 37–49, 103, 134, 168

  and Barack’s personality and character, 41

  and Barack’s political ambitions, 132, 133

  and Barack’s presidential campaign, 263

  Barack’s relationship with, 47, 49, 62

  and Barack’s swearing-in as U.S. Senator, 228

  and Barack’s U.S. Senate campaign, 206

  Chicago visit by, 103

  childhood and youth of, 16

  courtship and wedding of, 16

  death of, 277–78, 279, 281–82

  family background of, 16

  gifts to Barack from, 52

  and Gramps’ death, 153

  Gramps’ relationship with, 41, 42

  health of, 236

  and homeless man incident, 45–46

  influence on Barack of, 159, 181

  and Malia’s name, 185

  memorial service for, 283

  and Michelle and Barack’s relationship, 6

  Michelle first meets, 131–34

  and Obama senior and Ann’s relationship, 24, 25, 27

  personality and character of, 21, 41–42, 127

  professional career of, 18, 30, 37, 41–42

  and race issues, 17, 38, 45–46, 47, 262, 263

  role in family of, 37

  smoking and drinking by, 134, 236

  Dunham, Stanley Ann. See Obama, Stanley Ann Dunham Dunham, Stanley Armour “Gramps” (grandfather) and Ann’s birth, 17

  Ann’s relationship with, 18, 19, 21, 22–23

  Barack and Michelle’s holiday visits with, 4

  and Barack’s birth, 27–28

  and Barack’s book, 165, 166

  and Barack’s childhood and youth, 30, 37–49, 134, 168

  and Barack’s education, 36, 37

  and Barack’s personality and character, 41

  Barack’s relationship with, 47, 49, 62

  childhood and youth of, 16

  courtship and wedding of, 16

  death of, 153

  education of, 17

  family background of, 16

  gifts to Barack from, 52

  influence on Barack of, 15–16, 36, 37, 181

  Madelyn’s relationship with, 41, 42

  Michelle first meets, 131–34, 156

  and Obama senior and Ann’s relationship, 24, 25, 26

  personality and character of, 18–19, 21, 41, 127

  professional career of, 16, 17, 18, 41

  and race issues, 38, 45, 47

  smoking and drinking by, 134

  in World War II, 16–17, 205

  Durbin, Dick, 221

bsp; Dystel, Jane, 138, 162, 230, 231

  East Shore Unitarian Church (Bellevue, Washington), 20–21

  economic crisis, U.S. and elections of 2008, 277

  and Michelle’s redecorating of White House, 294

  and Obama as President, 299

  and Obama as President-elect, 283

  Edwards, John, 222, 227, 254

  Effendi (Indonesian teacher), 32

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 20, 285

  elections of 1956, 20

  elections of 1992, 154–56, 160

  elections of 1996, 4, 169–71, 173–75

  elections of 2000, Obama-Rush congressional campaign in, 4, 5, 6, 7, 188–91, 192, 198, 201, 226

  elections of 2002, 228

  elections of 2004

  and black community, 210

  Democratic National Convention for, 214–18, 221–22, 228, 230, 238

  Obama’s U.S. Senate campaign in, 196–98, 200, 202–4, 207–12, 213–18, 222–23, 224–27

  and race issues, 209

  results of, 227

  elections of 2006, 238

  elections of 2008

  Clinton concedes in, 266

  debates for, 254, 255, 276, 277

  Democratic delegates and “superdelegates” in, 256, 263, 266

  Democratic National Convention for, 271, 272

  and economic crisis, 277

  Inauguration Day for, 288–93

  Iowa primary in, 247, 254, 256–57, 258

  McCain-Obama campaign in, 275–82

  and media, 257, 259, 266–69

  Michelle and Barack’s relationship during, 241, 243–44, 251, 260–61, 262, 272, 276, 282

  Michelle’s campaigning in, 246, 247–72

  and Michelle’s “proud of my country” statement, 261, 268

  Michelle’s role in, 248

  New Hampshire primary in, 258–59, 265

  North Carolina primary in, 265–66

  and Obama family life, 270–71

  Obama’s announcement of candidacy in, 246–47

  Obama’s funding for, 240

  Obama’s photograph for, 237

  Obama’s presidential exploratory committee for, 245

  Obama’s primary campaign in, 241–72

  and Obama’s safety, 246, 252

  and Obama’s sex appeal, 258

  Obama’s vice presidential search in, 271–72

  Obama’s victory in, 280–82

  and race issues, 256

  Republican National Convention for, 276

  voter registration for, 279

  Wright as issue in, 261–63, 264, 279

  Elizabeth II (Queen of Great Britain), 298–99

  Emanuel, Amy, 229

  Emanuel, Rahm, 200, 201, 205, 229, 283

  Ethiopian Relief Fund, 91

  Ettinger, Amber Lee, 258

  Europe Obama tour of, 269, 270

  Obama’s first official trip to, 298–99

  Fair Housing Act (1968), 77

  Fairey, Shepard, 237

  Farrakhan, Louis, 8, 109–10, 166, 167, 264

  Favreau, Jon, 288

  Feast (student literary journal), 163

  Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 116, 145

  Federalist Society, 116, 129, 137

  Feuer, Joyce, 185–86

  financial affairs, Obama

  and Barack as community organizer, 64, 66

  and Barack’s books, 149, 162–63, 175, 230–31

  and Barack’s political ambitions, 6, 187, 191, 198, 202, 203, 206

  and courtship of Michelle and Barack, 122–23

  and Michelle and Barack’s relationship, 6, 7, 11, 301

  Michelle’s concerns about, 175–76, 206

  and Michelle’s jobs, 148–49, 231–32

  Fishman, Charles, 287

  Fitzgerald, Peter, 196, 206

  Foreign Relations Committee, U.S. Senate, Obama on, 230

  Foubert, Val, 20

  Franciscus Assisi Primary School (Indonesia), Obama at, 32, 35

  Franklin, Aretha, 34, 290

  Friedman, Thomas, 203

  Funnye, Capers C., Jr., 76–77

  Gadhafi, Muammar, 109, 167

  Garcia, Mannie, 236–37

  Geddie, Bill, 268

  Germany, Obama in, 270

  Gibbs, Robert, 211, 215, 216, 230, 237, 255, 280

  The Godfather (film), 192

  Goldberg, Whoopi, 268

  golf, and Obama as golfer, 180, 211

  Good Morning America (TV program), 27

  Gordon (Chicago restaurant), 141–42

  Gore, Al, 7

  Graham, Lindsey, 277

  Grammy, Obama’s award for spoken word, 239, 260

  Grant Park (Chicago, Illinois), Obama’s presidential victory celebration in, 281–82

  Gravel, Mike, 254

  Gray, Clive, 39–40

  gun control legislation, 4, 5, 190

  Hahiyari, Tine, 32

  Hale, Dan, 43

  Hamid, Wahid, 53, 54, 57

  Harvard Law Review BlackLetter Law Journal as alternative to, 95

  and conservatives, 129, 136, 137

  esteemed alumni of, 135

  and job offers for Obama, 141, 171

  and Michelle, 96, 116

  Obama as president of, 135–38, 147, 152, 197, 248

  Obama as writer for, 163

  Obama at, 116–17, 133, 135

  Obama’s plans to run for president of, 129–30, 131

  and race issues, 117

  tensions at, 129

  Harvard Law School Clinton (Hillary) acceptance at, 104

  Michelle at, 3, 15, 68, 94–97, 114, 116, 120, 128, 139, 160, 244

  Obama application to, 111

  Obama at, 15, 114–17, 133, 135–38, 167, 245

  Harvard University Michelle’s application to, 88

  Obama senior at, 28–29, 40

  pinup calendar of black men at, 138

  race issues at, 94–95

  Hasselbeck, Elizabeth, 268, 269

  Hawaii Ann returns to, 42

  Dunham family moves to, 22–23

  Obama family trips to, 4–5, 131–34, 168, 173, 190, 206, 236, 243, 283

  Obama returns from Indonesia to, 36–38

  Obama’s trips to, 153, 278


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