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Barack and Michelle

Page 37

by Christopher Andersen

  as smoker, 129–30

  Upchurch’s resemblance to, 87

  wedding of, 74

  Robinson, Fraser, Jr. (Michelle’s grandfather), 76, 78

  Robinson, Fraser, Sr. (Michelle’s great-grandfather), 75–76

  Robinson, Gabriel (Michelle’s great-uncle), 75, 76

  Robinson, Jim (Michelle’s great-great-grandfather), 75

  Robinson, LaVaughn (Michelle’s grandmother), 76, 78

  Robinson, Marian Shields (Michelle’s mother)

  appearance of, 82

  Robinson, Marian Shields (cont.) and Barack as president of Harvard Law Review, 137

  Barack first meets, 124–25, 126

  and Barack’s ambitions, 131

  and Barack’s family background, 126–27, 131

  and Barack’s inauguration, 287, 288, 289

  and Barack’s presidential campaign, 250, 280–81, 282

  Barack’s Thanksgiving visit with, 130–31, 134

  as caring for Obama family, 9, 10, 199, 241, 250, 285–86

  Chicago home of, 78, 79

  and family finances, 88, 89, 120

  and importance of education, 79

  jobs of, 74, 89

  and Malias name, 185

  Michelle and Barack live with, 159

  and Michelle and Barack starting a family, 177

  and Michelle and Barack’s relationship, 5, 6, 8, 187

  and Michelle and Barack’s wedding, 154, 157

  and Michelle as child and youth, 78, 79–80, 81, 82, 83, 86–87, 88

  and Michelle at Harvard Law School, 68, 97

  and Michelle in high school, 86

  and Michelle’s ambitions, 219

  and Michelle’s boyfriends, 86, 98, 118

  Michelle’s relationship with, 8, 93, 181, 187, 229, 241, 286

  as parent, 79–80, 81, 134

  personality and character of, 82, 125

  and race issues, 73, 77

  and religion, 78

  retirement of, 250

  as smoker, 129–30

  wedding of, 74

  at White House, 285, 297

  Robinson, Rosella Cohen (great-great-grandmother), 76

  Robinson, Steve (Michelle’s uncle), 280

  Rodkin, Loree, 292

  Rogers, John, Sr., 151

  Rogers, John W., Jr., 151

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 300, 301

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 196, 293, 300, 301

  Roses and Thorns game, 296

  Rove, Karl, 298

  Rucker-Whitaker, Cheryl, 297

  Rudd, Jean, 164, 180

  Rush, Bobby, 4, 5, 7, 188–91, 192, 201, 226

  Rush, Huey, 190, 191

  Russert, Tim, 238

  Ryan, George, 4

  Ryan, Jack, 213–14, 226

  Saguaro Seminar, 193

  Saint John’s Episcopal Church, Inauguration Day prayer service at, 289

  Saltzman, Bettylu, 156, 203

  Sarkozy, Nicolas, 270

  Sasha Bruce House (teen shelter), Obama visit to, 287–88

  Schultz, Connie, 239

  Schwan, Donna, 232

  Seale, Bobby, 111

  Seattle, Washington, Dunham family in, 18–22

  Sebelius, Kathleen, 272

  Senate, Illinois and campaign finance reform, 179

  and gun control legislation, 190

  and Obama as Senator, 4, 178–80, 186, 190, 192, 194, 207, 215–16, 228

  Obama’s campaign for, 8, 169–71, 173–75

  and redrawing of districts, 194

  Republican control of, 178–79

  Senate, U.S. Obama’s campaign for, 196–98, 200, 202–4, 207–9, 222–23, 224–27

  and Obamas political ambitions, 167, 240

  and Osama-Obama curse, 195

  Republican control of, 214

  swearing-in of Obama for, 227–28, 279

  September 11, 2001, 10–11, 194, 201, 264

  Serdiuk, Claire, 224

  Shepherd, Sherri, 268

  Sher, Susan, 147, 200

  Shomon, Dan, 120, 180, 187, 188, 195–96, 197, 212

  Shriver, Maria, 259

  Siddiqi, Sohale “Hal,” 57–60, 61, 62

  Sidley & Austin and Barack and Michelle’s attraction to each other, 118–19, 120–21, 127–28

  Dohrn at, 164

  Michelle’s early years with, 97–98, 135

  Michelle’s job offer from, 97

  Michelle’s resignation from, 146, 149

  Michelle’s responsibilities at, 118, 119, 120–21, 128, 140, 161

  Michelle’s summer jobs at, 94, 97

  and Obama as president of Harvard Law Review, 137

  Obama’s job offer from, 141, 145–46

  Obama’s summer job at, 118–19, 122

  as source for Obama contacts, 161

  Sidwell Friends School, 284–85

  Signator, Mike, 215

  Simon & Schuster, 138, 149, 162

  60 Minutes, Obama interview on, 247

  Smith, Michael, 294

  smoking, by Obama, 49, 59–60, 119, 129–30, 134, 135, 159, 177, 211, 244, 245, 247, 260, 278, 300

  Soetoro, Lolo (stepfather), 30–36, 42, 113

  Soetoro, Maya (half sister) and Ann-Lolo breakup, 42

  Ann’s dedication in dissertation to, 154

  and Ann’s illness/death, 172, 173

  and Barack as writer, 164

  and Barack’s book, 165, 166

  and Barack’s inauguration, 289

  Barack’s relationship with, 62

  and Barack’s return to school in Hawaii, 37

  and Barack’s romantic relationships, 60

  and Barack’s swearing-in as U.S. Senator, 228

  birth of, 34

  Chicago visit by, 103

  childhood and youth of, 37, 42, 43, 44

  and family religion, 35–36

  in Hawaii, 42, 43

  and Michelle and Barack’s honeymoon in California, 159

  at Michelle and Barack’s wedding, 157

  Michelle first meets, 131–34

  and Obama senior and Ann’s relationship, 41

  and Obama’s presidential election victory, 281–82

  return to Indonesia of, 44

  and Toot’s death, 277–78, 281–82, 283

  views about Ann of, 36, 38

  Soetoro, Stanley Ann Dunham “Ann.” See Obama, Stanley Ann Dunham “Ann” Sotomayor, Sonia, 299–300

  Souter, David, 299

  South Africa, 55–56, 91, 108, 201

  South Carolina, Michelle’s childhood visits to, 78–79

  South Shore Cultural Center (Chicago, Illinois), Michelle and Barack’s wedding reception at, 158

  Spiaggia (Chicago restaurant), 282

  Spielberg, Steven, 294

  Spurell, Christine, 116, 117

  Starks, Robert, 174

  Stenhouse, Iona, 19

  Stenhouse, John, 19–20

  Stephanopoulos, George, 193

  Stevenson, Adlai, 20

  student loans, Barack and Michelle’s, 6, 89, 97, 148–49, 162, 175, 191, 232

  Sudan Obama’s comments about, 236

  See also Darfur Sugini, Cecelia, 33

  Sukoco, Bambang, 31

  Sutton, Percy, 111

  Talley, André Leon, 284

  terrorism, 201

  “terrorist fist-jab,” 267, 268

  Thanksgiving, Barack’s visit to Robinsons on, 130–31, 134

  Thummalapally, Vinai, 53–55, 141

  Time magazine Michelle’s interview with, 299

  Obama articles in, 254, 266–67

  Obama on cover of, 239, 266

  Times Books, 162, 166, 231

  Titcomb, Bobby, 42, 43

  Traubert, Bryan, 203

  Treehouse Foods, 232, 246

  Tribe, Laurence, 114–16, 117

  congregation of, 109, 110–11, 167, 238

  Michelle and Barack’s wedding at, 157–58

  Moss as pastor of, 264

  Obama family as members of, 8, 202, 207

  Obama family resigns from, 264–65

  Obama joins, 108, 111

  Pfleger sermon at, 264–65

  reputation of, 109

  Wright as pastor of, 7–8, 108, 109–10, 112, 201–2, 206–7, 258, 264

  Trotter, Donne, 4, 179

  Truman, Harry, 259, 285

  Tumulty, Karen, 254

  “Underground” (Obama poem), 163

  Underwood, Blair, 138

  University of Chicago Ann’s application for job at, 22

  Jarrett as professor at, 148

  Michelle’s job with, 178, 186, 187, 199

  Michelle’s panel discussion of Ayers’ book at, 166

  neighborhood perceptions of, 178, 187

  and Obama’s political ambitions, 178, 188

  University of Chicago Hospitals, Michelle’s job with, 199–200, 231–32, 246

  University of Chicago Lab School, Malia and Sasha at, 229, 282

  University of Chicago Law School, Obama as lecturer at, 4, 7, 11, 160, 181

  University of Chicago Medical Center, 9, 185

  University of Hawaii Ann as student at, 22, 30, 42

  Obama senior at, 23–25, 27, 28

  University of Washington, 22, 88

  Upchurch, David, 87

  Urban League, 84

  vice presidency, 271–72

  The View (TV program), Michelle on, 267–69

  Vogue magazine, Michelle on cover of, 297

  Wal-Mart, 232, 246

  Wall, Chip, 19, 20

  Walters, Barbara, 268

  Wambu, Muthoni, 223–24

  war, Obama’s views about, 205

  Warren, Rick, 290

  Washington, D.C., Obama’s “single” life in, 228–29

  Washington, Harold, 103, 111, 130, 156, 161, 170

  “We Are One” concert, 287

  Weather Underground, 164–65

  Werner, Josef, 278

  White Cloud, Michigan, Robinson family vacations in, 80

  White House Michelle and Barack’s relationship in, 299

  Michelle and Barack’s tours of, 282–83, 293

  Michelle’s redecorating of, 293–94

  Obama family at, 291–301

  Obama’s first formal function at, 297

  White, Quincy, 97–98

  Whitney M. Young Magnet High School (Chicago, Illinois), Michelle at, 84–86, 87, 88

  Wichterman, Jim, 20

  Wilkins, David B., 95–96, 254

  Williams, Verna, 95, 96, 128

  Winfrey, Oprah, 109, 110, 167, 237, 238–39, 254–55, 259, 276, 281, 287

  Wolf, Arnold Jacob, 171

  Wonder, Stevie, 34, 43, 59, 251, 287, 298

  Wood, Diane, 299

  Woods Fund, 164, 193

  Wright, Bruce, 71

  Wright, Jeremiah at Black Caucus weekends, 204

  childhood and youth of, 107

  comments about Clinton (Hillary) of, 258, 262

  education of, 107–8

  and Farrakhan, 109–10

  “God Damn America” speech of, 206–7, 262

  hope sermon of, 111–12, 222, 246

  and Iraq, 205

  and Michelle and Barack’s relationship, 7–8

  and Michelle and Obama’s wedding, 157, 158, 262

  Michelle’s attachment to, 168

  as Michelle’s counselor, 7–8

  Michelle’s defense of, 262, 264

  and Michelle’s roots in Chicago, 120

  and Million Man March, 172

  9/11 sermon of, 201–2

  and Obama as community organizer in Chicago, 107, 108

  Obama’s baptism by, 112

  and Obama’s book, 167

  and Obama’s political ambitions, 147, 167, 191, 197, 210

  and Obama’s presidential campaign, 246–47, 252, 258, 261–63, 264, 279

  Obama’s relationship with, 8, 109, 111–12, 117–18, 167, 192, 202, 246, 262, 265, 298

  and Obama’s swearing-in as U.S. Senator, 228

  professional career of, 107

  reputation of, 110

  retirement of, 264

  speaking talents of, 201, 202

  views about United States of, 109–10, 112, 167, 201–2, 206–7, 246, 264

  as White House visitor, 298

  Wu, Jason, 292

  Wurzelbacher, Samuel J. “Joe the Plumber,” 277

  “Yes We Can” slogan, 210, 211–12, 254

  Young, Quentin, 161

  Zane, Julie, 50

  Zane, Pake, 26, 27, 50

  Zurbuchen, Mary, 38, 132

  About the Author

  CHRISTOPHER ANDERSEN is the critically acclaimed author of twenty-eight books, which have been translated into more than twenty-five languages worldwide. A former contributing editor of Time magazine and senior editor of People magazine, Andersen has also written hundreds of articles for a wide range of publications, including Life magazine, the New York Times, and Vanity Fair.

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  After Diana: William, Harry, Charles, and the Royal House of Windsor

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  Sweet Caroline: Last Child of Camelot

  Diana’s Boys: William and Harry and the Mother They Loved

  The Day John Died

  Bill and Hillary: The Marriage

  The Day Diana Died

  Jackie After Jack: Portrait of a Lady

  An Affair to Remember: The Remarkable Love Story of Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy

  Jack and Jackie: Portrait of an American Marriage

  Young Kate: The Remarkable Hepburns and the Shaping of an American Legend

  Citizen Jane

  The Best of Everything (with John Marion)

  The Serpent’s Tooth

  The Book of People


  Susan Hayward

  The Name Game


  BARACK AND MICHELLE. Copyright © 2009 by Christopher Andersen. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, down-loaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books.

  Adobe Digital Edition August 2009 ISBN 978-0-06-193753-8


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