lynchings, 375
McAdam, Doug, 18, 153
McBride, Allan, 242
McCarthy, John, 153–54, 159
McCarthyism, 161, 355
McClure’s, 378
McCormick, Richard, 375, 382–83, 394, 395, 398
McDonagh, Eileen, 362
macher, 93–95, 96–97
McGrattan, Ellen, 190
McKinney, William, 73–74
McKnight, John, 408
McLean, George, 323
McMullen, Craig, 66
McVeigh, Timothy, 21, 22
McWilliams, William Carey, 376
Madison, James, 337, 340
magazines, 43, 44, 44, 179
mail-order firms, 376
Maine, 310
Maine, Sir Henry, 380
malaise, 263–65, 264
see also depression
management, 88, 89, 185
Manchurian Candidate, The, 225
manufacturing, 322, 324
decline of, 82
see also factories
March of Dimes, 118
marriage, 73, 94, 108, 151, 185, 187, 191, 195, 199, 201, 203, 205, 224, 227, 248, 249, 258, 273, 277–78, 419
health and happiness and, 326, 332, 333, 334
interracial, 352
see also divorce; family
Marsden, George, 77
Marshall, Alfred, 325
Marshall Field, 376
Martin, William McChesney, 271
Marx, Karl, 282
Masons, 55, 255, 339, 388, 389, 391
Massachusetts, 164
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 172, 175, 179, 214
mass marketing, 39, 40
mass media, 216–46
generational change and, 219–21, 219, 220, 222, 225–26, 245, 246, 250–51, 266
information in, 217–21; see also news
see also entertainment; television
mass transit, 212–13
materialism, 245, 258, 259–60, 260, 272–73, 273, 274, 372, 378, 382
Mattole Valley, Calif., 412
Mayer, Margit, 153
Mayer, Martin, 168
media, see mass media
media campaigns, 154, 164, 344
medical care, see health care
medieval societies, 346, 358
megachurches, 409
Mehrabian, Albert, 175
men, 185, 202, 203, 316, 372
club memberships of, 54, 195
informal social connections of, 94–95, 107, 108, 111, 112, 195, 200
unmarried, 202–3
workplace involvement among, 81, 89
see also gender
Methodists, 77, 391, 397
Meyer, David, 165
Meyersohn, Rolf, 237
Meyrowitz, Joshua, 242
Michels, Robert, 160
Michigan, 164, 325
Michigan, University of, 28, 58, 72, 260, 265, 410, 418, 419
microlending, 320
migration, 368, 381–82
chain, 390
see also immigrants, immigration
military, 248, 268, 331, 336, 349
Mill, John Stuart, 337
millennial generation, see Generation X
Miller, Arthur, 354
Miller, William, 392–93
Milwaukee, Wisc., 371
mining, 82, 392
ministers, 318
see also churches; religion, religiosity
Minkoff, Debra, 154
Minneapolis, Minn., 102
Minnesota, 292, 297, 310
Mississippi, 291, 292, 324
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), 172, 175, 179, 214
Mnookin, Robert, 147
mobility, 27, 96, 187, 188, 204–5, 215, 218, 403
community integration and, 204–5
moderates, 342
Modern Woodmen of America, 389
money, see economic pressures; income; poverty; wealth
Montgomery Ward, 376
Moon, Reverend Sun Myung, 74
Moose Club, 54, 158
morality, 25, 79, 258–59, 378, 380
cohesiveness and, 313–15
perceptions of, 139, 140, 141
Moral Majority, 153, 161
Morgan, J. P., 374
Morgenthau, Henry, 269
mortality rates, 17, 328–31, 330, 373
see also death
mortgage interest, 408
mosques, see churches
Mother Jones, 173
Mothers Against Drunk Driving, 151
Mother’s Day, 398
motor voter registration, 32
moviegoing, 96, 97, 98, 104, 105, 114, 190, 193, 195–96, 217, 237, 290, 372, 423
multiculturalism, 371
Mumford, Lewis, 210
Muraskin, William, 339
Murder on the Orient Express (Christie), 184
Museum of the National Center for African American Artists, 412
museums, 114, 394, 412, 423
music groups and concerts, 114–15, 190, 216, 345, 346, 392, 404, 405, 411, 423
mutual aid societies, 329, 346, 390
Myerson, Alix, 16
Myrdal, Gunnar, 361
NAS (National Audubon Society), 155, 156–57, 160, 343
National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL), 154, 159
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 15, 55, 279, 343, 391, 400, 401
National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs of America, 396
National Association of Evangelicals, 161
National Association of Grocers, 388
National Association of Music Merchants, 114
National Audubon Society (NAS), 155, 156–57, 160, 343
National Center for Health Statistics, 109
National Congress of Mothers, 395, 396
National Congress of Parents and Teachers, 395
National Consumers League, 397
National Council of Churches, 161
National Election Studies (NES), 419– 420
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 142–43
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 58, 72
National Municipal League, 400
National Public Radio, 220
National Rifle Association (NRA), 158–59, 343
National Right to Life Committee, 154
National Sporting Goods Association, 109
National Wildlife Federation, 155
cohesion of, 326
economic prosperity in, 319, 325
see alsospecific nations
NBC News, 221
Nebraska, 297, 310
neighborhood committees, 17, 49, 106–7, 119, 278, 307–8, 322, 323, 338, 346
neighborhoods, 274, 275, 307–18, 319, 320, 406
community involvement and, 27, 119–20, 209, 298–99, 307–8, 311–18, 344, 367, 377, 378
economic development in, 319, 322–25, 345, 347, 408
heterogeneity of, 208–10
mobility in, 307, 308, 312–13, 314
moral authority and cohesion in, 313–15
psychological and virtual, 168, 172, 178–79
racially integrated, 352, 362
see also community
neighborhood schools, 363
contact with, 19, 26, 27, 31, 67, 87, 92, 93, 98, 102, 105–7, 106, 109, 115, 118, 120–21, 177, 189, 194, 204, 205, 214, 266, 278, 279, 299, 308, 332, 343, 346, 403
influence of, 310–18
trust in, 17, 135, 218, 313–14
see also friends, friendship; informal social connections
Nevada, 292
New Age Walkers, 388
New Bedford, Mass., 23
New Deal, 33, 80, 145, 398
New England Aquarium, 412
New Hampshire, 292, 310
New London, Conn., 245
New Mexico, 310
news, 17, 36, 216, 217–21, 266
in newspapers vs. television, 218–21, 229–30, 243–44, 246, 247–48, 254, 341
NewsHour, 243, 348
newspapers, 43, 44, 44, 46, 93, 218–20, 221, 247–48, 329, 390
readership of, 36, 188, 218–19, 219, 250–54, 345
new urbanism, 408
New York, N.Y., 314, 320, 372, 373, 395, 398
New York (state), 292, 391
New Yorker, 172
New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 393
New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 393
New York Stock Exchange, 271
Nie, Norman, 214–15
Nielsen ratings, 222, 244
NIMBY (not in my backyard) movements, 21–22
NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health), 58, 72
Nixon, Richard M., 31, 255
Nohria, Nitin, 175–77
Norris, Pippa, 174
North Carolina, 291, 301, 375
North Dakota, 163, 291, 292, 297
Northern U.S., 267
crime in, 309–10
economy in, 82, 211, 369
political culture in, 346
race relations in, 18, 375–76, 390
religiosity in, 75
Noyes, Katherine, 267
NPD Group, 107
NRA (National Rifle Association), 158–59, 343
nursery schools, 396
obesity, 111, 327, 328, 329, 331
Offer, Avner, 240
office and industrial parks, 211
Office of Civilian War Services, 270
oil crises, 192
Oklahoma City, Okla., 21
bombing in, 243
Oldenburg, Ray, 102
Oliver, Eric, 210
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 395
Operation Rescue, 161
Optimists, 55
Oregon, 163, 164
Organization Man, The (Whyte), 209
Ostrom, Elinor, 288
outdoor relief, 371
outplacement services, 88
overwork, see busyness
PACs (political action committees), 39
Paik, Haejung, 237
Painter, Nell Irvin, 375, 378, 400
Palo Alto Research Center, 172
parenting, 73, 94, 108, 119, 185, 188, 205, 209, 227, 273, 277–79, 395, 396
school achievement and, 296, 297, 301–5, 346
by teenagers, 296, 297–98
time demands of, 189, 191, 195, 199, 201, 212, 248, 249
see also children; families
Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs), 49, 55–57, 57, 59, 85, 117, 121, 155, 194, 195, 196, 249, 250, 255, 268, 278, 289–90, 302, 340, 395
parent-teacher organizations (PTOs), 57
Park, Robert, 377–78
Park Forest, Ill., 209
parks, 394–95, 398
participatory democracy, see democracy
Partners for Sacred Places, 68
Pascagoula, Miss., 271
Passover seders, 170
patents, 368
patriotism, 54, 258, 273
in World War II, 267–72
patronage politics, 347
Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer, 395
peace movement, 148, 152, 153, 156, 164, 259
People for the American Way, 388
Perot, Ross, 32, 42
personal grooming, 107
Pestillo, Peter, 82
pet care, 107
petitions, 31, 40, 43, 44, 44, 160, 203, 206, 213, 229, 238, 251, 259, 279
Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, 166
Philadelphia, Pa., 283, 313
Philadelphia Negro, The (Du Bois), 390–91
philanthropy, 27, 35, 93, 116–18, 121, 137, 138, 183, 185, 248, 249, 250, 258, 259, 260, 261, 268, 281, 283, 316, 340, 374, 378
religiosity and, 66–68, 79, 117, 119, 124
trends in, 122–27, 124, 125, 127, 170
see also altruism; volunteering
phonograph, 372
physical capital, 18, 19, 21, 22, 281
physicians, 83, 146, 150
picnics and barbecues, 93, 94, 100, 231, 249, 266, 367, 414
Pilgrims, 24, 65, 184
Pittsburgh, Pa., 323, 373, 394
Plater-Zyberk, Elizabeth, 210
Playground Association of America, 393
playgrounds, 393, 394, 395, 401
Pleasantville, 350
Plessy v. Ferguson, 375
pluralism, 337–41
criticisms of, 340–41
poker, 93, 103, 105, 113, 283
Polenberg, Richard, 271
community involvement and, 317–18, 336, 346
employment of, 145–46, 145
Polish immigrants, 390
political action committees (PACs), 39
political cultures, 294, 346–47
political office, running for, 27, 40, 41, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 195
political parties, 93, 337, 340, 345, 346, 399
financial capital in, 37, 39–40
identification with, 37–38, 42, 46
organizational health of, 33, 37–40, 38
working for, 31, 37, 38–39, 39, 40, 41, 41, 46, 195, 202–3, 229, 251, 279, 338
politics and public affairs, 17, 27, 31–47, 66, 72, 118, 316, 404, 412–14
corruption and exclusion in, 337, 338, 370, 373, 374, 376, 378, 382
deliberation in, 40, 114, 336–44, 399, 411; see also democracy
grassroots, 37–40, 42–47, 218, 327, 331, 336–44, 368, 377–78, 399, 404, 410
interest in, 31, 35–36, 37, 46, 67, 85, 93, 95, 104, 132, 137, 161, 169–70, 173–74, 186, 191, 193, 210, 218, 220, 231, 237, 248, 250, 254, 257, 258, 259–60, 261, 265, 266, 278, 339, 342–43, 407
knowledge of, 35–36, 46, 169–70, 218–21, 237, 257, 261, 369
professionalization and commercialization of, 37–40
proxy participation in, 159–60, 341–43, 377–78
see also democracy; government
poll taxes, 33, 375
Pool, Ithiel de Sola, 166–68, 256
poorhouses, 371
Pope, Alexander, 94
popular initiatives, 398
Porter, Glenn, 369–70
Portland, Oreg., 347
Portsmouth, N.H., 412
postmodernism, 24
poverty, 185, 193–94, 228, 242, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 324, 343
crime and, 307, 312–13, 314
economic development and, 319–20, 325
in Gilded Age and Progressive Era, 370, 371–72, 373, 380–81, 391– 394
rural, 17, 174
urban, 307, 312–13, 315–17, 321, 370, 371–72, 373–74, 378–80, 391
see also economic pressures
Powell, Walter, 325
power elites, 22, 194, 346
see also wealth
prayer, virtual, 170
price deflation, 374
Prince Hall Freemasonry, 339, 388, 389, 391
printing press, 369
prisoner’s dilemma, 288
Prison Fellowship Ministries, 78
prison reform, 389
pro-choice movement, 148, 152, 154
professional societies, 27, 49, 59, 67, 80, 324, 389
memberships in, 83–85, 84, 202, 249, 278
see also work-related organizations
wprofessions, occupational growth in, 59
Progressive Era, 19, 149, 337, 367–68, 374, 402, 403
association building in, 383–91, 384, 385, 386–87, 388, 400
critics of, 399–401
exclusion in, 375–76, 399–401
reform in, 378–81, 382, 391–99, 410
small-town nostalgia and, 378–80, 381
technological and economic change in, 376–78, 380, 381–82
prohibition, 390
pro-life movement, 43, 68, 148, 152, 154, 156, 161, 165
Promise-Keepers, 161, 164
Protestant ethic, 16–17
Protestants, 75–78, 185, 375, 391
evangelical and fundamentalist, 76–78, 126, 161–62, 180, 355, 409, 410
philanthropic giving by, 124–26, 125, 127
protest songs, 153
Providence, R.I., 116
PTAs, see Parent-Teacher Associations
PTOs (parent-teacher organizations), 57
public affairs, see politics and public affairs
public assistance programs, 371, 373
see also social services; welfare state
public broadcasting, 348–49
public expression, 31, 43–46, 44
public health, 17, 184, 261–65, 331
in Gilded Age and Progressive Era, 370, 373, 378
state differences in, 328–29, 328, 330
trust and, 135
see also health
public meetings, 66
attending of, 31, 35, 40, 42–46, 67, 93–94, 132, 170, 183, 185, 186, 205, 206, 213, 218, 225, 228, 229, 237, 238, 246, 247, 257, 259, 261, 278, 279, 290, 292, 342, 343
public space, 394–95, 398
safety in, 307, 308
publishing houses, 216
pugnacity, 310, 311
Purim, 116
Quandt, Jean, 377, 379–80
race, 17, 23, 28, 162, 174, 205, 258, 279–80, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 305, 308, 323, 331, 348, 361–62
intermarriage and, 352, 419
segregation by, 17, 57, 208–10, 214, 280, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 361–62, 375–76, 396
see also African Americans; Asian Americans; Hispanics; whites
race riots, 47, 271, 375
racism, 27, 259, 271, 280, 320, 350, 352, 375–76, 405
radio, 164, 217, 220, 221, 230, 234–35, 237, 268, 392
Rahn, Wendy, 136, 238, 272
railroad, 369, 374, 376
Rather, Dan, 221
rationing, 268, 271
Rauch, Jonathan, 340
Raudenbush, Stephen, 313–14
reading, 192
reading and study groups, 22, 51, 62, 67, 93, 149–50, 152–53, 281, 339, 345, 390, 391, 396
Reagan administration, 82, 155
reality TV, 243
reaper, 368
recessions, 370, 374–75
reciprocity, 18, 19, 20–21, 22, 27, 81, 93 n, 117, 134–47, 176, 322, 347–49, 389
generational change in, 140–42, 140, 141
reinforcement of, 136–37, 290, 339–40
see also honesty; trust, trustworthiness
Reconstruction, 375
recreation, 394–95
spending on, 123
see also entertainment; leisure; sports
recreational groups and facilities, 49, 68, 313
see also card playing; sports
recycling, 43
Red Cross, see American Red Cross
redlining, 408
Reed, Ralph, 161
referenda, 398
regulations, government, 325, 398
religion, religiosity, 23, 24, 85, 94, 117, 119, 120, 124, 128, 234, 237, 241, 258, 300, 301, 377
demanding denominations and, 72, 79