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The Prison Guard's Son: Young Guns Book One

Page 8

by Ursula Sinclair

  “She was with me, up on the roof,” I answered.

  “The roof?” Simons asked glancing up. “Why?”

  “We were having a business meeting up there,” Eryn replied. “My family owns this building and we have roof access. We use it to entertain clients on occasion. By the way, has anyone contacted David Gunn, he manages the building.”

  The detective nodded. “Yes, I believe the security guard said he did that right after calling the fire department. Mr. Gunn should be here any minute. Do you know who was still in your office before you left?”

  Eryn shook her head. “It was lunch time, so not many people were around and my partners are all on travel, as well as a few of the associates.”

  Just as she said that, someone called her name. Eryn spun around. “Ben.” She stepped toward him, and hugged him. Soon, a few other people joined them. “Is Babs with you?”

  The man she’d called Ben shook his head. “No. No, Kara and I went to lunch and as we were walking back…Eryn. We saw it. We saw the windows explode like a bomb went off in your office. Thank God, you’re all right.”

  She glanced around at the five people surrounding her. “Were any of you in the office when the explosion happened?”

  One young lady shook her head. “Yes, I was down the hall. I felt the explosion. I was standing at the time and it knocked me down on my ass. Then I smelled the smoke and the fire alarm came on. I saw Nikko and Melissa. Eryn, she’d been hurt from the explosion and he helped us get to the stairwell, we had to carry her down between us. There were other people running down them by then from all the other floors. The alarm was blasting throughout the building. But I’m sorry, I didn’t see Babs.”

  “What happened to Nikko and Melissa, I don’t see them. Is she all right?” Eryn asked.

  “I think she will be, she was taken away in an ambulance and Nikko went with her.” She put her hand over her mouth as though she just realized something. “Oh, God Babs!”

  Eryn hugged her then glancing over at me, I could see the sadness in her eyes. We all knew the truth, Babs her assistant must have still been in the building, at least near her office when that bomb had gone off. A bomb possibly meant for Eryn.

  “Listen. Go on home. Send out a firm wide email letting everyone know what’s happened at least as much as we know. And I will keep everyone updated.” One by one, she hugged her colleagues.

  The last woman she hugged whispered to her, “Do you want me to call Babs’ husband?”

  She shook her head. “No. Thank you. That’s a call I’ll have to make.”

  Once they all walked away, she turned toward me.

  I was never far from her side, I opened my arms, and she stepped right into them. I placed them around her, cradling the back of her head. “I’m so sorry about your friend.” I wanted her in my arms, but not like this. Not for this kind of reason.

  “Ms Gunn,” Simon spoke up from over my shoulder.

  I turned our bodies, so we were both facing him.

  “Yes, detective. Have you found out anything else?”

  “I just got a call that David Gunn is in the building and asking for you. He wanted to go up to your office, but the Chief isn’t going to allow that until we’re sure it’s safe. He’ll be over here in a minute.”

  “Yes, I see him now. Uncle David.” She waved her hand in the direction of man in a dark blue suit.

  His hair was black but along the edges, it was all silver gray. He sorta’ looked like one of those James Bond actors. He came right over to us and engulfed Eryn in his arms, not even batting an eye at the fact her arm was wound around my waist and mine around hers. He just pulled her right to him.

  For a moment, I didn’t let go, and had to catch myself. This was family.

  “Uncle David, I’m so sorry.”

  “Shhh, hon are you all right?”

  She nodded. “Yes, yes I’m fine, but Babs. I’m not sure about her. No one’s seen her. I—I think she might have been still in the office when…”

  David Gunn took a deep breath. “There’s no easy way around this. But you’re a Gunn, so I’m going to give it to you straight. No bullshit. They found a body or the pieces of one.”

  At that, she gulped.

  “I’m sorry honey, God, so sorry. They’ll bring her down soon.”

  “I—I have to call her h-husband.”

  “I already did. He’s on his way here now, but he’s coming in from Virginia and traffic is a bitch. And I spoke to Nikko, he couldn’t get a hold of anyone and thought I’d be contacted. He’s fine and is staying with Melissa until her sister gets to the hospital but she’s going to be fine. She’s got a mild concussion and her ankle is broken.”

  “Thank God for that. Do you know what happened?” Eryn asked her uncle.

  “They believe a bomb went off in your office. Its range doesn’t seem to have been very wide. So who ever did it had a specific target in mind.”

  “What? But…”

  David looked her squarely in the eye and snarled. “Some sonofabitch sent you a fucking bomb.”

  “Now, Mr. Gunn,” Simons interjected. “We don’t know that for sure. We’ve spoken to the security guards and I haven’t had a chance to look at the footage. I’ll go back into the building if the Chief says it’s clear and take a look at that. Maybe I’ll be able to see who made the delivery.”

  “I want to see that footage,” David Gunn said. It wasn’t a request.

  Simons frowned. “It’s evidence.”

  “This was no accident. It’s my fucking building and my fucking niece. I will be looking at that footage with you.”

  “As will I,” Eryn said. “I might be able to notice something. Recognize the person who did this.”

  “Do you think whatever happened could have been done on the wrong floor, wrong person?” I asked. Grasping at straws here, but even I knew Eryn had been the target.

  “I don’t think so. So far, we do know that there was only one delivery that occurred about eight minutes before the explosion and that delivery was to your office. The person signed in and signed out. Five minutes after he left, the place exploded.”

  “Looks clear, Johnson. You can go in now,” the Fire Chief stated coming up to us.

  I wasn’t letting her go in without me. I know I wasn’t needed here, but I didn’t want to leave her side. What the fuck! I could have lost her. I was staying glued to her till the bastard was caught.



  We watched the security video twice, when Pike asked if they could slow it down a little at one point. So, we watched it yet again. The delivery guy kept his head down almost the entire time, like he didn’t want the cameras he knew that were there to get a good shot of him. But it was Pike who noticed the resemblance first.

  “That guy. He looks like the one on the street the other day.”

  I leaned over and started hard at the screen. “Could be, hard to tell with the glasses taking up most of his face. But the beard isn’t quite as thick and long. Maybe. Wait a minute.” I pulled out the phone and scrolled through my iCloud. It was still there, the video I’d taken of the man trying to push that woman into a car. The same woman who’d been shot during a robbery the night before. What was going on here? I gave the phone to Detective Simons and ran the video.

  My uncle stood looking over his shoulder.

  “They do look similar. Even their movements. Too much to ignore,” Simons concluded. “What happened? Why’d you take this?”

  Then Pike and I both told him about our encounter the other day. I also told him my phone had fallen and I thought the guy had stolen it because he might have seen me filming him.

  “Why do you think that?” Simons asked.

  “I turned on my GPS on my laptop to find my phone and the address came up as the address for the Embassy of Hasla for its location.

  “Hmmm…Never heard of the place, but again, too much of a coincidence to ignore,” Simons noted.

“I looked it up. It’s a small independent island in the Arabian Sea.”

  “That’s not all, Detective,” Pike spoke up. “The woman in the video, the one the guy was trying to force into the car, there was a news report that she was shot last night in a robbery.”

  “Yes, that’s right.” I took my phone from the detective and pulled up the article for him.

  He read what little had been written quickly. “Excuse me for a moment,” he said and stepped out of the room.

  He hadn’t been gone long but when he got back, it was clear he was not happy.

  “What is it?” Pike asked.

  “That woman, her name is Aru Sediharita, her sister is Serrita Bose whose husband is the Ambassador from Hasla to the US.”

  “Yes. I knew that much from the article,” I said.

  “So wait a minute,” Pike spoke up. “Who the fuck is the guy with her? Cause it sure as shit looks likes it’s the same fuck who delivered the bomb to Eryn.”

  “Not sure who he is yet. But I’ll damn well find out,” Simons stated.

  “He kept sprouting some shit about diplomatic immunity,” Pike added.

  “Not when he comes on American soil and tries to take out one of my family,” David Gunn stated. “Then he’s fucked.”

  Babs husband arrived right after that along with her sister. I wept right along with them when they finally brought her body down. They wouldn’t let them open up the black bag. None of us questioned why. We all understood, it was in pieces. Her husband rode with her in the ambulance and her sister and her brother-in-law drove behind it.

  I stood there watching the ambulance drive down the street, wrapping my arms around my waist. Then I found myself holding out my hand, waiting, expecting for someone to take it.


  He never left my side. Through it all, he never left me, he pulled me into his embrace and I stayed there awhile. Wishing I could take us back to that rooftop and a glorious day. Instead of the nightmare, it had become. It was dusk now, time to go. I introduced my uncle to Pike, a little late, but it seemed proper.

  “Come on hon, I’ll take you to your moms,” Uncle David offered.

  Detective Simons recommended I not be alone tonight, in fact that I stay with friends or family for a few days, to not go to my condo quite yet. Until he learned otherwise, he thought I could have been a target, and might still be in danger. He wanted to set up a time for both Pike and me to come down to his office or he would come to us tomorrow, hopefully he would know more then. We couldn’t get back into my office tomorrow, either on the floor below or above mine anyway for a day, and my office for longer.

  I shook my head. “No Uncle David. Tell Mom I’ll call her. But I’m not going home to McLean.” As soon as my mother finds out, I knew she would go into hysterics, and best I not be there. My intention was to head for a hotel, but it was Pike who convinced my uncle.

  “I’ll take care of her, Sir. I’ve already called my bodyguard as well as his back up. In fact, they’re here now.” Pike turned and nodded to the talk dark haired giant that I hadn’t even noticed before.

  He was standing across the street from us leaning against a car. They’d finally opened up the street again to traffic. He inclined his head.

  “She’ll be well protected.”

  “Where exactly are you taking her?”

  I frowned. “Uncle—”

  “Don’t you Uncle me. I have to answer to your mother. Now where?”

  “Cove Island, Maryland, it’s a gated community. A causeway links the island to Annapolis there are only about two hundred private homes, and a couple of private club restaurants.

  “Yes, I’ve been there. Western shore of the Chesapeake Bay. Almost had a chance to buy a piece of property there a while ago, but wife wanted something closer to her family.”

  “So, you know access is limited. Other than through the gates from the causeway, which are manned twenty/four seven and only those on a list are granted access. The only other ways onto the island is by boat or helicopter. I’ve owned a house there for a couple of years I use when I just want to get away. Be out of the spotlight for a while. My dad likes to fish and I really bought it for him, but I’ve used it more than he does.”

  I understood the rest of what he didn’t say. A place where he could hide and be himself. “Are you sure? I can just go to a hotel,” I offered.

  “Hell no!” Uncle David yelled.

  “I know you can but I’d feel better if you were with me surrounded by my bodyguards,” Pike spoke quietly but firmly.

  “Now that is a good solid plan. I approve,” Uncle David said.

  Who was I kidding? This entire day had shaken me up. None of them were really coming out and saying it. Some maniac was trying to kill me and he was willing to blow up an office in downtown DC to do it. The several million dollar question though was, why? So what, if I had a photo of him? I had no idea who he was. But then why did Aru get killed? Was it a random robbery or something more? I sighed and rubbed my temples.

  Pike placed his hands on my shoulder. “Come on, let’s get you something to eat first, then we’ll head out to the island.”

  “I’ll check in with you tomorrow,” Uncle David said. “After I speak to the cops in the morning and your cousin Ross.”

  I started to protest, then thought better of it. Ross had a private security company. That might not be such a bad idea. If anyone stood a chance at getting to the bottom of this, Ross would. Besides, I was no fool. “Okay.” Also, something occurred to me that might not have occurred to any of them yet. Pike had been with me that morning, not at first, but it was because of him, when he showed up, the guy finally drove away. Pike had gotten a good look at the man too. If that madman was coming after me, he might be after Pike too. Of the two of us, Pike was the most famous and easily found. A shiver raced up my spine.

  We said goodnight to Uncle David and I left with Pike. His bodyguards sat in the front and another sat in the back of the limo with us. I took comfort in their presence. We drove to a heliport and the one in back with us and one in the front got out, Tank I think his name was. Yep, he was built like his namesake. He also flew with us on the helicopter. The driver took off as soon as we were safely off the ground.

  I leaned against Pike as we moved through the air.

  He wrapped his arm across my shoulder. “Tired,” he asked. We both wore headpieces, so we could talk and hear each other.

  “An understatement.” I was so damn tired. It had been a long ass day, for both of us. He never left my side and I wasn’t about to leave his. I wanted to know who this man really was. I’d already figured out even before this, he was so much more than the he appeared. The tatted rock god the press and fans proclaimed him. Here with me now was the man, the one hidden behind his music. Because I understood in a way, isn’t that what we all do. Hide who or what we really are in public. Only letting a select few see us for ourselves.

  Lord knows I did. Oh, not that I didn’t want to be a lawyer. That was easy, but only one part of myself. The part of the dutiful daughter, brilliant young lawyer, following in her father’s footsteps. Yes, all of that was me. But there was more to me than that. At least, I sure as hell hoped so. Enough to draw Pike to me, as I was to drawn to him.

  Maybe it was time to step outside of what I was accustomed to knowing. What was comfortable for me. Today was all certainly that. Then there was Pike.

  I wasn’t a virgin, far from it, and maybe that was the side of me that I kept hidden, leashed tight. I wanted the one to stay with for the long haul. I guess I grew up on too many family stories. I needed to find the one who rocked my world. I closed my eyes against the soft thumping of Pike’s chest and closed my eyes. Trusting him to keep me safe.

  I felt my body being lifted, when I opened my eyes again, I was in Pike’s arms. I smiled up at him and tightened my arms around his neck. “I can walk you know.”

  His grin widened. “I know. But I like carrying you. We’re almost
there anyway.”

  I glanced around. It was dark but the landing area was well lighted, as was the house about fifty yards away from us. I couldn’t see it but I could smell the Chesapeake Bay, that scent of brackish water. We entered through a door that led right into a lighted kitchen my mother would absolutely love. She loved to cook, but the only time she ever really got to show what she could do was during family holidays and my occasional visits. Everyone always came to her house for dinner. At one time, there’d been talk about her opening up her own restaurant but she wasn’t interested. She would say she did it for the love of her friends and family and that was that.

  This kitchen wasn’t just used for decoration. It had one of those large industrial sized gunmetal gray Sub Zero fridges, a center island with scorched copper pots hanging over it from the ceiling. The six burner gas range had the kind of burn marks from use on it. Oh, everything was clean, but clearly used.

  Pike put me down before the center island and moved over to the fridge. He opened the door. “I hadn’t been staying here much since I’m working on a new album. I’ve been at a condo in the city, but this place is always pretty well stocked. If you need anything specific, just let me know and I’ll have it delivered by midday tomorrow.”

  “I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

  “Are you hungry?” he asked.

  As tired as I was emotionally, I realized I was hungry too, so I nodded.

  The two bodyguards, the one who’d flown us here, I’d been introduced to already came in behind us and both nodded in my direction.

  “Tank, Rusty,” Pike said. “Roast beef sandwich?”

  “Yeah, that works. Thanks. I’ll grab some chips and beer,” Tank offered.

  “Rusty, wanna set the table, man?”

  “I will but me and Tank will take this to our room. We recorded the game.”

  Pike grinned. “Cool.” He turned to me. “How about you? Roast beef okay? I’ve got wheat rolls, rye and multi-grained bread.”

  I chuckled. “I’m impressed.”

  “Why? Fixing a sandwich is no big deal. You should stick around for a while and let me make you a real meal.”


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