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Let It Be Me

Page 31

by Barbara Speak

  He threw his hands in the air and finished with, "I have no more questions."

  I was being led from the stand when the US Attorney stood and announced he was calling Dorian Baker to the stand. My feet stopped moving and my head snapped in his direction. There was no way I was hearing what he just said correctly. The rear doors opened and sure enough Dorian was standing right there looking at me. She was beautiful. It was like seeing a ghost. How did no one tell me this? How could they lead me to believe she died? I glanced over to Michael who looked just as shocked as I felt.

  Someone tugged on my arm and jerked it out of the bailiff’s grasp.

  "Don't touch me."

  "Miss Dubray, you must come with me."

  "How is this possible?"

  "You need to move."

  "How is she here? Can I please stay? I want to hear what happened."

  "I will escort you to a room with live feed but that's the best I can do."

  I never took my eye off of her until the door closed ending my ability. I was put in a room with nothing but a table and chairs along with a television but that was all I needed.

  They had already sworn her in and made her state her name for the record but I hadn't missed anything else.

  "Dorian, can you tell me what you can remember from the night in question?"

  She looked scared to death. I could relate. I was just in that position.

  "I was at a party at Governor Thompson’s house. His son, Kale, always had the best parties and this time I was invited. I was so excited to be with the cool kids that when he asked me if I wanted to get high I agreed. I had never put anything in my vein before but Kale told me it was the best high I would ever feel. I didn't know how to do any of it so he told me he would do it the first time to show me.

  "Nothing felt right about it and a few minutes later I felt really sick. I remember Arianna coming in the room. All my thoughts were blurring in and out so all I can say is she was trying to help me. She screamed a lot at Kale and the next thing I remember is being carried out of the house by two men and put into the backseat of a car after Governor Thompson told them to take care of me.

  "I am embarrassed to even admit I was stupid enough to try the drug. It was the scariest place I have ever been in my life. I thought I was going to die. The car stopped and I was carried again. This time to another car. I heard one ask the other, 'Should we give her more to finish it?' Then I heard, 'No. She'll be gone in less than ten minutes. Michael said to just leave her. It will look like suicide.' I was thrown in the driver’s seat, they did something to my left arm and then I heard the car pull away. I did start to fall asleep and told myself if I was going to die at least it wouldn't hurt before I closed my eyes and welcomed God to take me.

  "When I woke up, it was daylight. I opened my eyes and looked down. There was a needle hanging out of my arm. I jerked it out and threw it on the floor board freaking out. The more I looked around I realized I was in my own car! They must have brought it out there to set it all up. I was scared and didn't know what to do so I drove straight home.

  "My parents were out the front door and running to my car when I pulled into the driveway. They were so worried when I didn't come home and no one knew where I was. Once I told them what happened they wanted to go straight to the police but the more we talked about it, it made more sense to disappear and let Governor Thompson think I did die than to try to prove I didn't do it on my own. My parents sent me to live with my grandparents in California that day. I have been there ever since until the police came to their house and told us about this."

  "So you remember Michael Thompson being there?"

  "Yes. There is a lot about that night I don't remember clearly but he—" she pointed right at him "—was there. And he wanted them to leave me for dead."

  "Can you explain to us how your parents came to the decision to hide you?"

  "Governor Thompson is an important figure in Baltimore but more so a scary one. He wanted me dead and if I wasn't, he would ensure I would be."

  "So did your parents have a funeral? Try to help us understand."

  "No they didn't have a funeral. Instead they treated it as if I was a missing person."

  "Did they file a police report?"

  "No but they told people they did. They didn't want to break the law but they would have if it meant protecting me."

  "I have no further questions."

  Cross-examination came and boy did he go after her.

  "You went into the situation willingly, correct? No one forced you to take the drugs?"


  "How are we supposed to believe that you didn't lie to your parents about getting high on your own and made up a story to keep yourself out of trouble? My client says you were taken to Johns Hopkins hospital and dropped off there."

  "Well then your client is the one lying."

  "So you are telling us that you were high as a kite but you remember every detail about where my client instructed them to take you?"


  He looked stunned. It was clear he thought she would argue with him so by just giving a "yes" he had nothing to come back with. I thought I was brought there to seal the deal but it was clear as day that she was everything we needed to win. I was so proud of her strength.

  "Don't you think maybe the two men decided on their own to take you elsewhere? That my client had nothing to do with that?"

  "Not after I heard what they said. The answer is no. There is no maybe. Your client wanted me dead to cover up for his son."

  And that was it. There were no more questions. The defense rested and the trial was over. Now we had to wait for the grand jury to decide what happened next.

  Chapter 34

  I walked out of the room, past the guards and almost made it to the doorway I knew Dorian would be coming out of before I was grabbed.

  "Let me go."

  "You need to tell us what you want not be a foolish child and run from us. Nothing good can come from it."

  I spun to face the curly blond haired man who held me back. "Fine. Let me speak to Dorian please."

  I knew it was for my own good but this protection was getting very old. I missed life where you could do something as simple as go to the bathroom without reporting it.

  "You will go back to the room you were put and I'll see what I can do. Until then, don't move."

  I continued to look him in the eye trying to decide if he was telling the truth or not. This was my one chance to spend time with her and I wasn't going to let it go by without a fight.

  "I'll get her! Now go."

  I walked back in the room and waited nervously. Five minutes later the door opened and in walked Dorian. I scaled the room in seconds until I could wrap my arms around her.

  "I'm so sorry you had to go through all of this."

  "Don't be. At least not you. You didn't do anything but try to help me.'

  "I could have done more."

  I pulled back to look at her. "I thought you died that night."

  “So did I, until I woke up."

  "I'm so glad you're okay."

  She wrapped her arms around me again and pulled me close while she began to cry on my shoulder. My own tears began to fall as I realized only she and I could truly share the pain that the one night had caused. Eventually, she broke our embrace and wiped away her tears.

  "I have to get going but it was so nice to see you."

  "Thank you for coming here and doing this. You just sealed his fate. I'm proud of how strong you were out there."

  She smiled and walked to the door before she turned back one last time.

  "Hopefully now we can go back to living normal lives again."

  I stood there thinking, “I hope you're right” as the door closed behind her.

  Several minutes later an older guard with grey hair that stood about six foot two or three walked in.

  "Are you ready?"

  "Where do I go now?"


  "What about the verdict? I want to be here for that."

  "We have no way of knowing how long that will take for them to deliberate and we need to keep you safe."

  "I've already testified. You kept me safe like I asked but isn't the real fear going to be coming if he's acquitted? Right now there would be no reason to come after me. Please, let me stay for a while and see what happens."

  "I'm not authorized to make that decision."

  "Then can you please ask someone who is?"

  "Hold on, I will be right back."

  I knew they would say no, but in my gut I felt like it wasn't going to be long before they decided. They had all of the evidence they needed to convict him. I waited an hour before the blond headed guy walked in.


  "They've agreed to let you stay. I can't believe it and truthfully I feel it’s a mistake but I have no say in this. So, are you ready?"

  I couldn't believe they agreed to it.

  "Absolutely. I've been stuck in here for hours."

  "Well where you're going won't be much better."

  He held the door for me as I walked through asking, "Where to next?"

  "Oh you'll find out."

  Two hours later we were in a motel room. Not a hotel room but motel. You know what I'm talking about, right? It smelled like mold and cat pee but I refused to complain. I was still in DC after all. The only thing I asked was that they let me talk to Shelby, just so she knew I was okay.

  They didn’t see any problem with it which shocked me. They always had a problem with everything I wanted to do.

  I was handed the phone and a smile spread across my face immediately when I heard her sweet voice.


  "Oh my gosh, Savanah!"

  "Tori! I am so glad it's you! Are you okay? What happened?"

  "I had to testify today and yes, I'm okay. How are you?"

  "I'd be better if Duke would let me do something by myself. He follows me everywhere!"

  "It's only because he worries about you."

  "I still hate it. When are you coming home?"

  "Soon. I just want to be here when they announce the verdict. For some reason it's just very important to me that I get to see him go to jail. I know this is hard for you to understand and I'm sorry that I'm not there for you but I promise I will be soon. Please don't give Duke too much trouble. I want him to protect you the best way he can and that means you have to cooperate with them. Be the big girl I know you can be okay, honey? I've got to get going but I just wanted to tell you how much I love you."

  "I love you too. Be careful."

  "I will. Don't you worry your pretty little head about me."

  "Goodbye, Tori."

  "Bye, baby girl."

  I handed the phone back to the officer and then turned to look out the window. There were guards in the parking lot outside of my room and a chill washed over my body. For some reason I was convinced the threat was gone but obviously they felt different.

  I walked back toward the bed and sat down. It was seven more hours before I heard the words I had been longing for.

  They had come to a decision and were announcing it at nine a.m. In less than twelve hours my life would forever be changed.

  The morning came for most of the officers like it should. For me, I hadn't slept a wink. It was insane sharing a bathroom with all of them but eventually I was able to shower and clothes were brought in for me to wear. I wasn't the type to adorn myself in designer clothing any longer but they brought me labels I hadn't seen in over a year. I held the dress and shoes out and said, "I can just wear jeans and a regular shirt. I don't need you to spend this much on me."

  "You will probably be interviewed after the verdict is announced. Wouldn't you like to present yourself the best way possible? People will judge you no matter what. We are just trying to lessen the blow."

  It didn't take me long to say, "Thank you" and head to the bathroom to change.

  By eight fifteen we were piling back inside the van and heading to the courthouse. My skin crawled from the idea of seeing Kale but I wouldn't back down if he was there. That son-of-a-bitch was going away too and if they needed my help I was ready. There was no longer a fear of what was going to happen but a fighter inside me wanting my life back come hell or high water.

  When we pulled up to the back of the building there were reporters staked out already.

  "SHIT! This is what I was afraid of!"

  All the men began talking at the same time while I looked out the window thinking, what has happened to my life? This is what it's come to?

  "On the count of three we move!"

  "One, two, three!"

  The door opened and I was in full cover mode as they ushered me past the cameras and into the building. Once we were secure inside, they took me straight to the court room.

  People were packed in on both sides leaving only the space that was apparently being held for me. I walked over to the far side of the room and took my seat with officers on either side of me. The room which had gone quiet when I walked in became one where you could easily tell I was being gossiped about. I didn't care. I was there for one thing and one thing only.

  At nine o'clock on the dot, the judge walked into the room. Michael and his team of lawyers were seated at the defense table and Andrew Clark sat at his. Everyone got quiet when the judge asked the female juror who was the only one standing if they had reached a unanimous decision.

  "We have, Your Honor."

  "On the charge of..."

  The judge listed each charge separately and each time the juror came back with, "We find the defendant, Michael Thompson, guilty."

  I had never felt so relieved in my life. It was as if each time she said it a piece of me was returned. In the end he had been found guilty of eleven charges total and was to serve thirty years. I couldn't stand. I was shaking all over. It was done. He was never going to be able to hurt me again.

  "Are you okay?"

  I turned to my right and saw one of the officers looking at me concerned as he held his hand up to his ear bud listening to something other than me.

  "This is the best day of my life." I said it softly. You would think I would have screamed it from the rooftops but I was still in shock.

  "Well I have other news for you. You’re never going to believe this but his son just pled out on all charges. He's going to serve five years with no minimum. Once he heard about his dad he had his lawyer call it in. We just got word."

  Tears were pouring down my face faster than I could wipe them away. While the room was emptying out I stayed there shaking.

  "Does this mean..."

  "You're free? Yes it does. You get to be you again. How does it feel?"

  I looked up at him and saw he was wearing a smile.

  "It's unbelievable. I need to get to Shelby!"

  The second she entered my mind I couldn't focus on anything else.

  "Don't tell her. I want to be the one, please."

  "I will put in a call to make sure of it."

  "Excuse me. I don't mean to interrupt but..."

  The sound of that voice.

  The mere sound.

  It was something I wasn't sure I would ever be able to hear again.

  When I looked over my shoulder I felt like I had to be dreaming.

  This couldn't be real, and yet standing there was the man who filled my dreams with a life I never thought I could have again.

  I stood from my seat and turned to face him wanting more than anything to throw my arms around him and never let go but I was reserved. What if he moved on and just needed closure? What if he didn't want me?

  "Can I have a minute alone with Ari, please?"

  Just hearing him say my name meant everything as I stood stock still like a deer in headlights.

  "Sure thing. She's free to do what she likes."

  The officer winked at me and then walked away leaving us alone in the room.

  Canyon walked around the row of
seats and took the one next to me. I followed his lead and sat back down. We both just stared at each other as if this moment was still part of a dream and at any moment we were going to wake up and it would be over.

  Eventually, I had to say something. My biggest fear of all things was that he would never forgive me for the way I left.

  "Do you hate me?"

  He didn't answer right away so I knew I wouldn't like what he was about to say. "I did."

  It was like a slap to the face that I deserved.

  "You have every right to."

  "I understand now. It was hard but it couldn't have been easy to leave. I know I couldn't have done it."

  He wouldn't have. He would have never parted with me and for that I will forever regret leaving him behind.

  "I'm sorry, Canyon. I wish I could take it all back but at the time I felt like it was the best choice for you."

  "You didn't have the right to decide anything for me. I would have understood. We could have at least had a goodbye."

  I wanted so badly to fall in his arms but I couldn't. This was the goodbye he needed. I knew it and it killed me.

  "I had to see you again. I need to know that you moved on so I can."

  "Move on? I have never moved on."

  I turned in my seat to face him and grabbed ahold of his hands.

  "I have watched every event you were in. I watched Magnus win. I have done everything I could to be as close to you as possible when I couldn't."

  "Would you have come back if I wasn't here right now?"

  I had no hesitation answering him. "I would have found you regardless of where you were."

  "That's all I needed to know."


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