The Two Gentlemen of Verona
Page 18
155 Sweet a term of friendly affection
156 Except unless
156 except against object to
158 prefer promote, advance
161 from ... kiss brush against her clothing
163 Disdain ... flower refuse to allow the flowers to take root in it 165 braggardism bragging arrogance
166 can i.e. can say
167 To compared to
167 worthies things of value
168 alone unique
174 dream on thee pay you much attention
175 dote upon focus lovingly on/be infatuated with
177 for because
182 With ... flight along with every detail of our ingenious escape plan 183 Determined of decided on
185 'greed agreed
188 inquire you forth seek you out
189 disembark unload (from the boat)
190 necessaries personal luggage
194 expels drives out (applying heat was thought to ease a burn) 196 remembrance memory
197 object sight
199 false transgression faithless sin/wrongful violation of loyalty 200 reasonless without cause
200 to reason thus justify myself/explore matters in this way 205 zeal devotion/loyalty
209 advice reflection
210 without advice unadvisedly
211 picture appearance
213 look come to look (in the future)
213 perfections exquisite inner qualities
214 no reason but no doubt that
215 check restrain/reprimand
215 erring wandering/wrongful
216 compass win/embrace
Act 2 Scene 5
1 Padua most editors emend to "Milan," assuming that Shakespeare forgot his location, but it is conceivable that Speed is winding up the travel-weary and slow-witted Lance by naming the wrong city 2 Forswear swear falsely/perjure (Lance claims that he is not welcome, but may also imply cheekily that Speed swears falsely because he does so on his honesty) 3 reckon think/add up
3 undone ruined (puns on the notion of untying a hanged body) 5 shot payment/tavern bill
5 hostess landlady of an inn
10 closed in earnest embraced/agreed in a serious manner (there may also be a glance at the sense of earnest as "financial pledge," thus contributing to the banter about money) 11 fairly kindly/cordially
16 broken fallen out (in the following line Lance plays on "in pieces") 17 as ... fish proverbial (whole puns on "hole," which, along with fish was slang for "vagina") 18 stands the matter goes the business (stands puns on "to become erect" and matter on "sexual liaison"; Lance picks up on this in the following line) 22 block blockhead
23 understands stands beneath/supports (puns on Speed's sense of "comprehend"; the staff may be used to suggest a penis) 34 parable comparison/enigmatic speech
35 how say'st thou what do you say to the suggestion
36 notable noticeable/notorious
39 lubber clumsy lout
40 whoreson bastard (whore's son)
40 thou mistak'st me you misunderstand me (Lance interprets "you mistake me, Speed, for my master, Valentine") 48 ale alehouse/country festival (possibly a church festival, which a Jew would not attend; alternatively Lance may be associating Jewishness with a lack of Christian charity) Act 2 Scene 6
4 power ... oath love, which made me swear fidelity to Julia
7 sweet-suggesting sweetly tempting/seductive
7 if ... it if you have ever sinned/if you have sinned by making me false (to Julia), teach me how to justify it 11 Unheedful thoughtless
11 heedfully carefully/conscientiously
12 wants wit lacks intelligence
13 learn teach
14 unreverend irreverent, impudent
14 her i.e. Julia
15 preferred urged
16 soul-confirming soul-strengthening (Proteus has sworn by his soul) 17 leave cease
21 thus find I so I find myself
22 For in exchange for
25 fair beautiful/pale complexioned
26 Shows Julia reveals, shows up Julia to be
26 swarthy Ethiope dark-complexioned Ethiopian (considered unattractive) 29 hold consider
31 constant faithful, true
33 corded rope
35 in counsel being in his confidence
35 competitor associate/rival
37 disguising ... flight deceptive intended escape
40 cross thwart
41 blunt stupid
42 lend give
43 drift scheme
Act 2 Scene 7
2.7 Location: Verona
2 conjure entreat
3 table writing tablet, notebook
4 charactered written
5 lesson teach
5 mean method
10 measure travel over
14 forbear have patience/desist
16 dearth famine
18 inly inward
22 qualify moderate
25 current i.e. in water
28 makes ... stones creates a pleasing sound as it babbles over the smooth stones 29 sedge rush-like plant
32 sport entertaining activity
32 wild open/untamed
38 Elysium heaven
39 habit clothing
40 for ... men as I wish to avoid the improper advances made by lewd men 42 weeds garments
43 beseem be appropriate for
45 knit tie, knot
46 odd-conceited elaborately devised
47 fantastic imaginative, fanciful
48 time age
51 compass circumference
51 farthingale hooped petticoat
53 codpiece conspicuous attachment sewn onto the front of breeches (also implies the penis) 54 ill-favoured unsightly
55 round hose breeches with close-fitting legs that gave a padded appearance to the upper area; usually adorned with a prominent codpiece 55 not ... pin not worth anything/not worthy of a penis
56 stick pins on some codpieces were decorated with pins
58 mannerly appropriate (puns on "man")
60 unstaid immodest
61 scandalized disgraced
64 dream on infamy worry about getting a bad reputation
67 withal with it
70 instances evidence
70 infinite infinity
71 Warrant ... Proteus guarantee that Proteus will welcome my arrival 75 bonds binding promises
75 oracles guaranteed truth-tellers
76 immaculate pure
81 hard poor
81 truth sincerity/fidelity
85 furnish maintain/equip
85 longing journey journey undertaken as a result of longing 86 at thy dispose under your control
88 in lieu thereof in exchange for which
90 tarriance delay
Act 3 Scene 1
3.1 Location: Milan
1 give us leave leave us (polite)
8 pricks spurs
12 privy to aware of/entrusted with
16 vexation anger/distress
21 timeless premature
23 requite repay
23 command me ask any favor of me
26 purposed intended
28 jealous aim suspicious guess
31 gentle kind/friendly/courteous
31 thereby ... me in order to try and discover the information you have just revealed to me 34 suggested tempted
45 discovery ... at revelation that Proteus exposed Valentine's secret is not suspected 47 publisher revealer
47 pretence intention
49 light enlightenment, indication
51 whither away where are you going
56 tenor content
59 am to break want to broach
60 touch me near affect me significantly, are close to my heart 65 bounty generosity
66 Beseeming befitting
68 peevish headstrong
68 froward obstinate
70 regarding considering/respecting
71 as ... were
as she should do toward
73 advice reflection
74 remnant ... age remainder of my days
77 who whoever
78 wedding-dower dowry
79 esteems values
82 affect love/favor
82 nice reluctant/temperamental
83 nought ... eloquence does not care for the love-talk of an old man 85 agone ago
85 forgot to court forgotten how to woo
87 bestow myself behave
88 regarded well regarded
90 kind nature
91 quick lively
94 her o'er up on her
95 after-love the more later love greater
97 beget produce
99 Forwhy because
101 For by
102 commend praise
102 extol their graces elaborate on their virtues
103 Though ... black however dark-complexioned/unattractive they be 105 with his tongue through talking/flattery (plays on the idea of oral sex) 106 friends family
109 That so that
113 lets prevents
115 shelving projecting
117 quaintly skillfully
118 anchoring hooks heavy hooks attached to the rope ladder as a means of securing it to the window 119 Hero's tower in classical myth, Leander was guided to Hero by a light in her tower 120 So provided
121 blood rank/good family
130 of any length reasonably long
131 serve the turn fit the purpose
134 such another the same
136 fashion me adapt myself
138 this same this one here
139 engine ... proceeding device (the ladder) suitable for the very scheme I have been planning 141 harbour lodge/take refuge
143 lightly freely, easily
144 Himself i.e. Valentine
144 senseless unconscious
144 lying reposing/dwelling
145 herald messenger
145 them themselves
146 thither them importune urge them to go there
147 grace ... grace good fortune that with such honor
148 want lack
148 servants' i.e. thoughts'
152 enfranchise liberate
154 Phaeton ... son in Greek mythology Phaeton was the son of the sun god Helios and Clymene (wife of Merops); he drove Helios' sun chariot (heavenly car), but could not control it, burned part of the earth and was killed with a thunderbolt hurled by Zeus 158 overweening slave arrogant rogue
159 equal mates women of your own worth/social status
160 And ... hence know that it is my patience, rather than any merit of your own that is responsible for permitting you to leave 165 expedition departure
176 by nearby
178 shadow image
179 Except unless
183 leave to be cease to exist
184 influence power/substance thought to emanate from stars that influenced human fate 185 Fostered nurtured
185 illumined lit up
186 I ... doom I am not really escaping death in fleeing the duke's sentence (doom) 187 attend on wait for/serve
190 So-ho a hunting cry
192 hair puns on "hare"
193 a Valentine a true lover/token of love (Valentine is a lover right down to his very hairs) 196 spirit ghost
203 Villain rogue
204 I'll strike nothing I won't hit anything/if I hit a spirit I will be striking nothing as it has no body 206 stopped blocked
208 mine i.e. my news
212 No Valentine no longer able to be a lover/no longer myself (as existence was dependent on Silvia's presence) 213 forsworn rejected
217 vanished malapropism for "banished"
221 surfeit be ill from overeating
223 doom ... force the sentence of banishment which, as long as it is not reversed, stands in full force 226 tendered made an offering of
228 became suited
229 waxed grew
232 sire father
234 intercession prayer on someone else's behalf
234 chafed enraged
235 thy repeal the reversal of your sentence/your return 235 suppliant petitioner
236 close secure/secluded
237 biding (her) remaining
239 malignant evil/harmful/infectious
241 As ... dolour so that it might be a funeral hymn to my infinite sorrow 243 study think about
246 abridge shorten
248 manage handle, wield
251 thy love i.e. Silvia
252 expostulate discuss/expound
254 confer at large discuss in full
256 though ... thyself even if not for your own sake
257 Regard pay heed to
258 my boy i.e. Speed
263 all ... knave doesn't matter as long as he is a knave in one thing only 264 He ... that not a man alive
265 horse horses
268 maid virgin
268 gossips godparents (i.e. she has had a child)
268 maid servant
269 serves provides domestic service/has sex
270 qualities accomplishments
270 water-spaniel submissive dog
271 bare mere/naked (i.e. not hairy like a dog)
271 cate-log ... condition catalogue (list) of her attributes 272 Imprimis "in the first place" (Latin)
273 fetch respond to an instruction to fetch something
274 jade worthless old horse/loose woman
274 Item Latin term for "next" (in a list)
274 milk milk a cow/drain one of money/suckle a baby/cause ejaculation (clean hands may continue the idea of masturbation) 279 vice bad habit/comic character in morality plays known for his puns 285 jolt-head blockhead
287 try test
287 begot conceived
291 in on
292 Saint Nicholas patron saint of scholars
292 speed protector (puns on Speed's name)
298 sew stitch (Lance interprets "sow seed" and is therefore surprised that a woman can do so) 301 stock dowry
302 knit ... stock knit him a stocking/conceive stupid offspring for him 304 washed and scoured cleaned and scrubbed/beaten
306 spin spin wool/have sex
307 set ... wheels have an easy life (wheels plays on "spinning-wheels") 309 nameless virtues inexpressible qualities
310 bastard virtues illegitimate children
314 in respect of because of
318 sweet mouth sweet tooth/lecherous mouth
321 sleep puns on "slip" (to commit an error/lapse sexually) 326 proud haughty/high-spirited/lecherous
327 Eve's legacy the result of Eve's greedy desire in the Garden of Eden 329 no teeth possibly a result of having a sweet mouth, though teeth could also fall out after treatment for syphilis 331 curst bad-tempered (plays on crust) 333 praise taste (in the following line Lance has understood "speak highly of") 336 liberal unrestrained in her manner/free with her sexual favors 337 cannot cannot be
339 another thing i.e. her vagina (plays on purse which had the same slang meaning) 344 Rehearse repeat
347 prove i.e. with a verbal demonstration of logic 348 cover ... salt lid of a large salt cellar (salt may pun on both "wit" and "lechery") 348 more than greater than in that it entirely conceals the salt 352 monstrous outrageous/unnatural
352 out wrong/not on the list
354 gracious acceptable
365 Pox of a plague on
367 swinged beaten
368 unmannerly ill-mannered
368 I'll ... correction I'll follow so that I can enjoy seeing his punishment (for being late) Act 3 Scene 2
4 railed ranted abusively
5 That so that
6 impress impression, imprint
6 figure shape
7 Trenched cut, engraved
14 grievously sorrowfully
17 conceit opinion
18 desert worth, deserving
19 the better more inclined
22 effect bring about
32 descent
social status
35 deliver speak
36 circumstance detailed evidence
39 loath very reluctant
41 very true
45 friend i.e. the duke
47 aught ... dispraise anything that I can say to damage his character 49 weed root out
52 ravel get tangled up
53 provide prepare
53 bottom wind into a ball (Silvia's love is being imaged as thread being unwound from Valentine and wound around Turio) 56 kind business
60 warrant authorization
62 lumpish dull/despondent
62 heavy gloomy
64 temper mold
67 sharp ardent, keen
68 lime birdlime, a sticky substance spread on branches to catch birds 68 tangle entangle, trap
69 wailful sonnets lamenting, wistful love poems
69 composed carefully constructed
70 full-fraught ... vows entirely filled with vows of service 71 heaven-bred poesy poetry inspired by heaven
75 frame compose
76 discover reveal
76 integrity absolute devotion/total sincerity
77 Orpheus in Greek legend, a musician so skillful that his music could even charm animals, rocks, and trees 77 sinews tendons
79 leviathans sea monsters
80 Forsake unsounded deeps abandon the unfathomed parts of the sea 81 dire-lamenting deeply sorrowing
81 elegies mournful love poems
83 consort group of musicians
84 Tune sing
84 deploring doleful
84 dump sorrowful melody
86 inherit gain possession of
87 discipline learning/teaching
91 sort select
93 give ... to bring about the initiation of
94 About it on with the business
97 pardon you i.e. from having to wait upon me Act 4 Scene 1
4.1 Location: wilderness/forest
1 passenger traveler
3 Stand stop (sit in the following line plays on the sense of "remain standing") 4 rifle rob
10 proper fine-looking
12 crossed with thwarted by
13 habiliments clothes
14 disfurnish deprive
15 sum and substance everything
20 sojourned stayed
22 crooked malign, devious
29 false vantage unfair advantage
32 held ... doom was pleased to get such a (reasonable) sentence 33 Have ... tongues? Can you speak any foreign languages?
34 happy fortunate/accomplished
36 fat friar i.e. Friar Tuck, a member of Robin Hood's band of outlaws 37 were would be (a good)
37 faction group
42 anything ... to any resources
45 ungoverned uncontrolled, reckless, violent
46 awful worthy of respect (or possibly a printer's error for "lawful") 48 practising plotting
49 niece kinswoman (phrase sometimes emended to "An heir, and near allied") 50 Mantua northern Italian dukedom
51 mood rage
53 cite acknowledge/mention
54 hold excused explain/justify
56 shape appearance/figure
58 quality profession
60 above the rest for this reason above all
60 parley talk/negotiate
64 consort company/group
66 do thee homage perform acts of allegiance/acknowledge your superiority 71 outrages acts of violence
72 silly defenseless
74 crews gang
76 dispose disposal