by Tom Shippey
Sandyman, Ted, 194
Sanskrit, 11, 12, 23, 329
Sarehole Mill, 194
Saruman, 135–6, 147, 185, 186, 187, 188, 193, 194, 195–6, 199, 206, 235, 236, 237, 274, 331, 363, 382, 424, 427
Satan, 159
satire, 97, 383
Sauron, 87, 126, 160, 162, 164, 165, 176–7, 188, 197, 227, 237, 256, 264, 291, 293, 294, 368, 424, 427
Sawles Warde (Middle English text), 44
Saxo Grammaticus, 233
Scatha the Worm, horn of, 199
Schleicher, August, 23, 29
Schneider, Hermann, 20
‘Scholarly Studies of J.R.R. Tolkien and His Works’ (Drout, Wynne, and Higgins), 398
science fiction, 375, 379
Scotland, Scottish, 59, 67, 152, 206, 329
Scott, Sir Walter, 59, 67, 80, 317
‘The Scouring of the Shire’, 191, 194, 235
Scyld, 170–1
The Seafarer (Old English poem), 340
‘Le Seigneur Nann et la Fée’, 318; see also Breton lays
Seinte Juliene (Middle English text), 44
Seinte Katherine (Middle English text), 44
Seinte Marnerete (Middle English text), 44
‘shadow’, 125, 128, 160, 166–8, 173–4, 189, 262, 285, 299, 301
Shadow, image and origins of, 126–9, 159, 166–8, 174, 189, 262, 280, 285, 298–301
Shadowfax, 186, 331
The Shadow-Line (Conrad), 179
‘The Shadow of the Past’, 126, 154, 183
Shakespeare, William, 41, 74, 85, 110, 151, 199, 200–9, 215–16, 217, 222, 238, 245, 312, 389; A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 43, 74, 186, 208; Hamlet, 41, 286, 351; Henry IV Part II, 85; King Lear, 41, 44, 11 In, 149, 208, 236, 351; Love’s Labour’s Lost, 209; Macbeth, 57, 205–8, 218, 238, 246, 259, 304, 423; The Tempest, 199, 208
Sharkey, 194, 236
Sharp, Cecil J., 393; see also English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians
Shelob, 126
The Shephearaes Calendar (Spenser), 64
ship-burials, 343
Shire, the, 48, 56, 114, 115–16, 117, 119, 131, 146, 147, 150, 199, 213, 237, 371, 393
Shirriffs, 116
‘shrew(e)d(ness)’, 30–1, 61
Shulevitz, Judith, 3, 7
Sidonius Apollinaris, 21
Sievers, Eduard, 14
sigelhearwan, 48, 63, 276
Sigelware, -waraland, 48, 50, 51, 54
Sigemund, 105
Sigenot (Middle High German poem), 26
Sigurthr (and variant forms), 92–3, 102, 303, 354–6, 360
Silmaril(s), 49, 56, 219–20, 273, 274, 275, 276, 289, 292–3, 295–6, 334–5, 358–9, 362
Silverlode, River, 117, 247–8
simbelmynë, 142–3
Simon Peter, 243
Sindarin, 131, 275n, 287, 332
Sindarin song of Rivendell, 214
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (Middle English poem), 5, 6, 7, 23, 44, 58, 66, 74n, 105, 111n, 122–3, 149, 182, 203, 225, 244, 257, 351, 352, 353, 356, 361, 394
Sir Launfal (Middle English poem), 67
Sir Orfeo (Middle English poem), 5, 65, 71, 72, 73, 179, 259, 294, 394
Siward Earl of Northumbria, 206, 239
Skalla-Grimr, 301
Skarphethinn, 282
Skathi, 278
‘skin-changing, -turning’, 77, 147
Skirnismál, see Poetic Edda
Skuld, 348
Slaughterhouse-Five (Vonnegut), 375
‘sleepwalking’, 109, 362
Smaug, 90, 92, 93, 94–5, 98–106, 362, 390
Sméagol, 126, 311
Smith, G. B., 35, 36, 38, 39–40, 279
Snorri Sturluson, 59, 70, 71, 72, 233, 237, 278, 354, 391; see also Prose Edda
‘Snow-White and Rose-red’, see Grimms’ Fairy Tales
Socialism, -ist, 191, 195
Society of Antiquaries, 40
Solomon and Saturn II (Old English poem), 166, 191, 389, 390
‘Song of Beren and Lúthien’, 291, 292, 293, 294, 296 (Aragorn)
‘Song of Durin’, 221 (Gimli)
‘Song of Eärendil’, 217, 219–20 (Bilbo)
‘Song of Lórien’, 247 (Gandalf)
‘Song of Nimrodel’, 221 (Legolas)
Sonnenkinder, 383
Son of Man, 249
‘speculation’, 423–4, 425, 428
‘spell’, 58, 104, 125, spelling, 5, 21, 58, 63–4, 113, 385
Spenser, Edmund, 8, 64, 182, 216, 389 spiders, 89, 105, 287
‘stain’, 246–7, 347
‘The Stairs of Cirith Ungol’, 180–1, 306, 421
Stallybrass, J. S., 27
stars, as image, 127, 128, 215, 290, 326, 381
Star Wars (Lucas), 366
Stewards, 147
‘stocks’, 251, 252
‘The Stream that Stood Still’ (motif), 69
Strider, 108, 125, 127, 333
structuralism, 14
‘style’, 129–30, 131–2, 201–2, 217, 250, 275, 385, 386
‘sub-creation’, 57, 65, 274, 324
sundrmoeðri, 282
Suomen Kansan Vanhat Runot, see Kalevala
Suomi, 276
superstition, 304
Sutton Hoo, 343
Swanwick, Michael, 373
‘Sweet William’s Ghost’, see English and Scottish Popular Ballads
symbols, 190–7, 356
‘Syx Mynet’, 399
Tacitus, 223
Tailbiter, 112
‘Tale of Túrin’ (collectively), 362
‘Tam Lin’, see English and Scottish Popular Ballads
Tamworth, 111
‘tapestry’, 148
Tartars, 145
Tash, 224
Tavrobel, 345
Taylor, Paul B., 390
‘tea’, 82
The Teaching of English in England(British Board of Education), 10
Teleri, 282, 283
The Tempest, see Shakespeare
‘temptation’, 163–4
‘tender-mindedness’, 380–1, 382
Teutonic Mythology (Grimm), 27, 279, 396
Thame, 111–14
Thames, River, 113, 123
Thangorodrim, 176, 295
Théoden, 18, 131, 132–3, 142, 146, 148, 175, 177, 180, 181, 182, 183, 187, 189, 195, 206, 228, 229, 240, 242, 363, 368, 418–19, 420
Theodoric (and variant forms), 25, 28, 33, 159
‘theory of courage’, 90–1, 136, 177–9, 196
Thingol, 287, 289–90, 293–4, 295, 296, 305, 358, 359, 360, see also Elu, Elwë
Third Age, 176, 239, 256, 267, 322, 373
Thomsen’s Law, 12
Thorin (Oakenshield), 72, 73, 77, 80, 84, 90, 91, 95, 96, 97, 98, 101, 108, 110, 264, 352
Thórr, 56, 59, 87, 93, 179, 231, 348
Thráin (Tolkien character), 72
Thrainn (Norse dwarf-name), 110
Thranduil, 109; see also Elvenking
‘thrift’, 266
Thunor, 228; see also Thórr
‘tight semantic fit’, 201, 213, 221
Times, 76
Times Literary Supplement, 1, 3, 193, 383
Tindrock, 114
Tinúviel, 126, 128, 281; see also Lúthien
Tir-nan-Og, 325
Titania, 186
‘tobacco’, 78–9
Tokharian, 15
Tol Brandir, 114, 162
Tol Eressëa, 327, 345, 346, 347, 349, 371
Tol-in-Gaurhoth, 293
Tolkien: An Annotated Checklist (West), 398
Tolkien, Christopher, 17, 18, 60, 72, 108, 114, 169, 253, 255, 257, 260, 109, 263, 293, 310, 331, 334, 336, 339, 110, 347, 349, 350, 352–3, 360, 363, 374, 111, 390, 399
Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel (1892–1973)
as name, 115, 339
MAJOR WORKS OF FICTION: The Hobbit 28, 40, 49, 50, 63, 65, 72, 73–112 passim, 114–15, 118, 119, 125, 132–4, 154, 166n, 230, 253, 255, 257, 258,
259, 264, 273, 274, 305, 307, 314, 324, 338, 390; first edition of, 79, 87–8, 107–8; letter to Observer concerning, 75, 77, 87, 102
The Lord of the Rings, 1–2, 28–9, 31, 40, 49, 50, 63, 76, 84, 87, 107, 108, 109, 110, 114–252 passim, 253, 255, 110, 257 259, 260–4, 266–7, 274, 287–9, 111, 305, 307–8, 310, 319, 322, 324, 330, 112, 333, 334, 336, 338, 352–3, 359, 113, 363–4, 365, 367–70, 373, 374–5, 114, 381, 382, 388, 393, 396; Appendices to, 5, 29, 72, 76, 128, 130, 137, 172, 229, 232, 372–3; Epilogue to, 263; Film versions, 409–29; first edition of, 63, 263; Foreword to second edition of, 4, 191–2; growth of, 18, 48–9, 87, 107–9, 334–5; ‘Guide to the Names in’ 64, 74n, 115, 310; poems in, 35, 41–2, 126, 127, 128–9, 142–3, 208–23, 226–7, 230, 245, 246, 260, 277, 280, 289, 292, 357; Prologue to, 78, 114, 150; responses to, 1–6, 26–31, 153–4, 193, 197–8, 201–7, 380–6; as separate volumes, The Fellowship of the Ring, 36, 38, 42, 68, 107, 114, 123, 124, 129, 134, 178, 183, 258, 263, 280, 357; The Two Towers, 67, 130, 184, 202, 206, 302n, 306; The Return of the King, 114, 116, 201, 206, 210, 239, 258, 263, 321
OTHER FICTION: Farmer Giles of Ham, 44, 59, 111–14, 152, 173, 208, 308–9, 311; Tree and Leaf, 57; ‘Leaf by Niggle’, 49–51, 53, 61, 112, 258, 308–9, 324, 333, 342; Smith of Wootton Major, 258, 308–19, 324, 374
POEMS: in general 40, 50; ‘The Adventures of Tom Bombadil’ (1934), 119–20, 321; ‘The Cat and the Fiddle’ (1923), 42, 112 (Frodo’s version), 209; ‘The City of the Gods’ (1923), 325; ‘Þa Éadigan Sælidan (1923), 325; ‘Errantry’ (1933), 319; ‘Firiel’ (1934), 321, 322, 343; ‘Goblin Feet’ (1915), 34–5, 38–9, 58, 77, 314; ‘The Happy Mariners’, (1920) 54n, 325; ‘The Hoard’ (1970), 99; ‘Homecoming of Beorhtnoth, The’ (1953), 178–9, 234–5, 348; ‘Imram’ (1955), 326; ‘Iúmonna Gold Galdre Bewunden’ (1923), 55, 99–100; ‘The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun’ (1945), 277, 318–19, 395; ‘Light as Leaf on Lindentree’ (1925), 277, 292, 357, (Aragorn’s version) 220–1; ‘Looney’ (1934), 322–4, 339, 361; ‘Mythopoeia’, 57; ‘The Nameless Land’ (1927), 325; ‘The New Volsung-Lay’, 356; ‘The Story of Kullervo’ (1914, unpublished), 253, 297; ‘The Voyage of Earendel’ (1914), 279; ‘Why the Man in the Moon Came Down Too Soon’ (1923), 41, 112
The Adventures of Tom Bombadil (1962) 40, 41, 120, 258, 261, 319, 321, 361; ‘Fastitocalon’, 326; ‘The Last Ship’, 319–21, 322; ‘The Sea-Bell’, 322–4; ‘Tom Bombadil Goes Boating’, 321–2
The Road Goes Ever On, 129, 230, 258
Sir Gawain, Pearl, Sir Orfeo (translations), 65, 72–3, 204, 394
Songs for the Philologists, 6–7, 30, 311, 316–17, 370, 399; ‘Bagme Bloma’, 30, 316, 400; ‘Éadig Béo Thu’, 316, 401–2; ‘Ides Ælfscyne’, 317–18, 403–4; ‘Lit. and Lang.’ (‘Two Little Schemes’), 7, 399; ‘Ofer Wídne Gársecg’, 317–18, 399, 406–7; ‘Ruddoc Hana’, 399; ‘Syx Mynet’, 399
POSTHUMOUSLY PUBLISHED FICTION: ‘The History of Middle-earth’, 107, 128, 253–6, 330, 333–5, 353, 357, 363; The Book of Lost Tales 1, 254–5, 256–7, 260–1, 330, 344, 346, 350, 374; ‘The Cottage of Lost Play’, 344, ‘The Darkening of Valinor’, 254; The Book of Lost Tales 2, 254, 257, 330, 346, 348–9, 350, 374; ‘The Tale of Tinúviel’, 292, 357; The Lays of Beleriand, 254–5, 350; ‘The Lay of Leithian’, 254, 269, 292–3; 350, 357, 359–60; ‘The Lay of the Children of Húrin’, 254; The Shaping of Middle-earth, 255, 331, 332, 349, 357, 360; ‘The Annals of Valinor’, 255; ‘The Annals of Beleriand’, 255; ‘The Earliest Annals of Beleriand’, 357; ‘The Earliest Silmarillion’, 357; ‘Qenta Noldorinwa’, 255; The Lost Road, 169, 255, 331, 332, 336–8; ‘The Quenta Silmarillion’, 255, 331, 350, 357; ‘King Sheave’, 344; ‘The Later Annals of Beleriand’, 357; ‘The Lost Road’, 336–8, 340, 344; The Return of the Shadow, 108, 310, 334, 360; The Treason of lsengard, 331, 334, 363; The War of the Ring, 332, 363; Sauron Defeated 332, 336, 339; ‘The Drowning of Anadune’, 361; ‘The Notion Club Papers’, 332, 336, 338, 340–5, 361; Morgoth’s Ring, 256; ‘The Annals of Aman’, 256; The War of the Jewels, 256; ‘The Grey Annals’, 256, 357; The Peoples of Middle-earth, 253
The Silmarillion, 39, 70, 107, 110, 128, 171, 217, 221, 253–61, 265–307 passim, 314, 319, 324, 326, 330, 332, 334, 346, 350–3, 357–60, 362, 388, 390, 397; ‘Ainulindale’, 267; ‘Akallabeth’, 326–7; ‘Of Beren and Lúthien’, 288, 292–6; ‘Of Túrin Turambar’, 290–1, 296–7; ‘Valaquenta’, 267
Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth, 256–67, 277 289, 291, 296, 305, 308, 330; ‘Aldarion and Erendis’, 277, 391; ‘The Disaster of the Gladden Fields’, 263; ‘The Hunt for the Ring’, 262–4; Narn i Hîn Húrin, 256, 289–90, 296–304; ‘Of Tuor and his Coming to Gondolin’, 262; ‘The Quest of Erebor’, 264
WORKS OF SCHOLARSHIP: ‘Ancrene Wisse and Hali Meiðhad’, 7, 45–7; ‘Beowulf: the Monsters and the Critics’, 3, 7, 11, 30, 51, 52–6, 61, 86, 91, 136, 177, 225–6, 234, 237, 259, 265, 325, 381, 393; ‘The Devil’s Coach-Horses’, 45; ‘English and Welsh’, 17, 79, 129–30; edition of Exodus, 389; edition of Finn and Hengest, 389; edition of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (with E. V. Gordon), 6–7, 182; ‘Introduction’ to W. E. Haigh, Glossary of the Dialect of the Huddersfield District, 82, 105n, 323; ‘The Name “Nodens”’, 40–1, 63; ‘On Fairy-Stories’, 51, 56–7, 58, 65, 118, 269, 329, 392; ‘The Oxford English School’, 8, 20, 27–8; ‘Preface’ to Beowulf translation, 4, 15, 51–2, 381, 389; ‘Sigelwara Land’, 48; ‘Sir Gawain and the Green Knight’ (essay), 351–2, 356, 361; ‘Some Contributions to Middle English Lexicography’, 45; ‘Valedictory Address to the University of Oxford’, 312, 380, 385–6; Year’s Work in English Studies: ‘General Philology’ (Vol. 4) 10, 38, 223; (Vol. 5) 38, 129; (Vol. 6), 27
Toller, T. N., see Anglo-Saxon Dictionary
‘tomato’, 78–9
‘Tom Bombadil Goes Boating’, 321–2
Tom Jones (Fielding), 373
Took, as name, 109, 117; style associated with, 82, 84, 105, 265; see also Pippin
Torhthelm, 178–9, 234
‘tough mindedness’, 380, 381, 382
Towcester, 36–7
tower, as image, 53–4, 325
Tower Hills, 54n, 325
Toynbee, Philip, 1, 3, 382, 383, 384, 409
‘Trapped Mortal’ Poems, 403–8
Treebeard, 201, 202, 203, 205, 417, 421; see also Fangorn
Tree of Language, 385
trees, as image, 310–11, 316–17
Tréo-wine, 338
trolls, 77, 79, 85, 86, 87, 90, 351
‘trot’, 334
Trotter, 108, 333, 334, 366
‘true language’, 121, 130
‘True Thomas’, see English and Scottish Popular Ballads
‘truth’, 106, 154, 215, 238, 365
Tulkas, 348; (as form) 275n.
Tuor, 262, 267, 287, 303, 362
Turambar, 290, 303
Turgon, 283, 284–5, 286–7
Túrin (Turambar), 253–67, 281, 286, 290, 296–304, 298, 299, 300, 303, 362
Twrch Tryth, 294
Tyr, 295
Tyrfing, 72
Uhtred of Boldon, 224, 225
Ulmo, 262, 274, 275, 349
Ulysses (Dante), 14
Ulysses (Joyce), 237
Úmanyar, 284
understatement, 171
Undset, Sigrid, 69n
Undying Lands, 243, 320, 371, 397
Unwin, Rayner, 319, 365
Unwin, Sir Stanley, 255, 338, 365
Updike, John, 371
Uppsala Codex Argenteus, 16
Urthr, 348
Uruk-hai, 183
Urwen, 302
Vafrúðnismál, see Poetic Edda
Vairë, 344
Valandil, 337
‘Valaquenta’, 267
Valar, 172, 173, 174, 262, 272, 275, 280, 282, 283, 288, 298, 327, 337
Valinor, 221, 272, 273, 281, 284, 286, 327, 343, 344, 346, 349, 371
Vanyar, 282, 283–4
Vendel, 343
Vergleichende Grammatik (Bopp), 12
Verner, Karl, 12, 14, 23, 385
Verthandi, 348
Vichy, 175, 193
Vigfusson, Gudbrand, 22, 110, 390
Vikings, 160–1, 178–9
Vinaver, Eugene, 182
Virgil, 22, 168, 260
‘virtue’, 150, 174, 175, 216, 224, 226, 362
Vitharr, 92
Völsunga Saga, see Saga of the Volsungs
Vóluspá, see Poetic Edda
‘Von dem Machandelboom’, see Grimms’ Fairy Tales
von Kékulé, 75
Vonnegut, Kurt, 101, 371, 375
‘Voyage of Bran son of Febal’, seeImram
Vulgate Cycle, 181
‘Wade’, 349
Wagner, Richard, 388–9, 396
Waldere (Old English poem), 25
Wales, 111, 149; see also Welsh
‘Walking Song’, 213–14, 220
The Wanderer (Old English poem), 202, 205, 389
‘wandering-madness’, 322
Wantage, 33
‘wargs’, 74–80
Warwick, -shire, 112, 123
‘The Water’, 110, 114, 124
Watling Street, 38
Waugh, Evelyn, 383
Wayland, 33
‘Wayland’s Smithy’, 33, 36, 41, 61, 124, 140
Weathertop, 119, 162, 163, 165, 209, 277
‘web’, 148, 287, 334, 335
Wellinghall, 150
Welsh language, 79, 115, 124, 129–31, 275n; literature, 25, 41, 182, 294, 349
West, Richard C, 398
‘Westemnet’, 149
West Saxons, 21, 376
Wetwang, 114, 117
Whitby, 375
White, T. H., 375
White Horse of Uffington, 150
Widia, 25, 33
Widsith, A Study in Old English Heroic Legend (Chambers), 19, 396
‘The Wife of Bath’s Tale’ (Chaucer), 67
‘The Wife of Usher’s Well’, see English and Scottish Popular Ballads
Wilderland, 81, 88, 110, 114, 119, 263
Williams, Charles, 169
Willow-man, 119, 120, 123, 139, 264
willows, 123
Wilson, Edmund, 2, 3, 5, 28, 384, 385
Wilson, R. M., 25, 396
Wimberly, Lowry C, 317–18, 392
Windsor, 123
witchcraft, 59, 71, 207–8, 223
Witch-king of Angmar, 119
Withywindle, River, 123, 150
wizards, 90, 110, 216, 364
wóð-bora, 32–3
Woden, 33, 228; see also Óthinn
The Wood Beyond the World (Morris), 397
‘wood-elves’, 73, 89