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SHIFTER: Marine Bear (MMA Fighter Bears Series Book 1) (Werebear Bear Shapeshifter Fantasy Paranormal Romance)

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by Candace Ayers

  “I know you," Mike snarled. "Come back to finish what you started?" Mike laughed and his friends laughed with him. Hunter's fist curled into a ball and he lunged forward, striking Mike once more against his cheek.

  Mike fell back into his friends. One of his friends, a skinny, squirrely looking man, pulled a knife.

  "Not in here!" the bartender yelled, but the squirrely guy lunged for Hunter anyways. Hunter hit him with a roundhouse kick and the guy flew backwards into the wall, dropping the knife.

  "I'm calling the cops if you don't get out of here right now!" the bartender shouted.

  Suddenly the group swarmed on Hunter. Each man grabbed a limb and carried Hunter outside. He struggled against them but there were too many. Each time he managed to free his arm, someone else would grab it and hold it back again. His legs kicked out in all directions, but without purpose. He kicked at men and hit air; he kicked at air and hit men. His mind was wrapped in the chaos of the situation.

  C’mon dammit. Hunter called to his bear. He willed his bear forward once more and this time he felt the heat of it grow inside him. But then Mike's friends dropped him to the ground and began to kicking with steel toed boots. Hunter felt a rib crack. He flashed back to Afghanistan.

  Hunter's friends had been in trouble, just as Casey was in trouble. He'd run towards them, intent on doing anything in his power to keep them alive. Heat soared out of the building they were trapped in. His bear had just surfaced when a bullet sunk into his back. He fell forward, and before he knew it the fire was raging all around him. His arm caught on fire. Pain surged through him, blinding his bear. For the first time in his life Hunter had been afraid. He managed to put out his flaming fur by rolling in the sand. He'd eventually been able to crawl to safety, barely able to save himself. The pain in his body had been great, but the loss of his friends had been worst pain of his life.

  Hunter's eyes opened as he was lifted off the ground. He hung like a limp rag doll as Mike's friends held him up. Mike took his shot. His fist flew out and landed against Hunter's jaw. Hunter's head rolled back. He could taste the blood. Mike hit his stomach next. Hunter buckled over but Mike's friends pulled him straight again. Mike's fist flew into his stomach one last time. It felt like a baseball bat had tenderized his insides. Mike's friends finally let him go. Hunter fell to the ground, gasping for air.

  "That should teach him," Mike laughed. "Now I've gotta go home and take care of that bitch."

  Spit flew from Mike's mouth just missing Hunter's face where he lay on the ground. Hunter had never been so humiliated in his life. If his bear wouldn't help him now, it would never be able to. He had lost himself.

  How could he save Casey if he couldn't even save himself?

  Chapter 8

  Hunter swung his leg over and climbed onto his Harley. What the hell was wrong with him? He knew better. He’d been trained better than to charge into a situation without scoping it out first. Well, it wouldn’t happen again. His wounds were healing fast, and he would find backup and end this thing once and for all. Enough was enough.

  His breath caught in his lungs as he suddenly remembered what Mike had mumbled. Fuck! He'd been so focused on feeling like a dumbass, bellyaching over his own stupidity that he'd failed to take in Mike's last words. Now I've gotta go take care of that bitch.

  "Casey," he whispered. His heart thumped hard against his rib cage. He swung his bike around, praying he wasn't too late.

  Casey stood in the doorway of her home, Tommy hiding behind her as Mike approached. His face was red and wore an expression that she knew all too well. "Hide," she whispered to her son.

  Tommy stared at her wide eyed, clinging to her leg, not wanting to desert his mother. But the closer Mike got, the more Tommy's small heart seized in panic. He ran into a closet and shut the door sinking down in the corner, in the little safe spot he’d made for himself surrounded by his stuffed animals.

  "Mike," Casey said, holding her breath. "You're home early." She tried to sound casual, but knew it was pointless. Mike's fist flew out and hit her jaw. She fell backwards, sprawling on the floor.

  "Did you think I wouldn't know?" Mike screamed. She felt spit fly from his mouth and land on her cheek. It blended with the silent tears that were already flowing there.

  "I… I don't know what you're talking about," she lied.

  "That same fucking guy who got into our business a few weeks ago showed up at the bar tonight. He was looking for me. Now why the fuck would he do that, Case?"

  Casey raised herself shakily off the ground and attempted to look Mike squarely in the eyes.

  "I have no idea," she said.

  "Well I do. My useless whore of a wife, that’s why," Mike snarled. His fist flew out once more and punched Casey's stomach. She doubled over and began to cough. "No man is gonna defend a woman like you unless he's getting something in return. Did you send him over there to take care of me?" Mike laughed. It came out dark and drunk. "What a joke. That asshole fights like a girl."

  Mike reached out one hand and lifted Casey by the hair so she was looking at him. "Now I'm gonna teach you a lesson, just like I taught him." He kissed Casey before pushing her away. His lips tasted like a sewer. She could taste the bile in the back of her throat. It was all she could do not to vomit. She fell to the ground hard and couldn't help but let out a wail.

  "Stay away from Mommy!" Tommy yelled, suddenly appearing from the closet. His tiny little body ran to Casey's side, standing between her and Mike brandishing his twelve-inch plastic toy sword.

  "No, Tommy!" Casey tried to scream.

  Mike's fist flew towards their son. She saw Tommy's eyes widen in fear. Something inside Casey snapped. The self-defense training Hunter had been giving her kicked in and Casey's arm flew out, blocking Mike's punch an inch before it hit Tommy's face. Mike looked at her, confused. She took the opportunity to try one of the kicks Hunter had taught her. Her foot flew out and crunched against Mike's kneecap. He fell to the ground in pain.

  Casey's body was flushed with the heavy pumping of adrenaline. She had never fought back before. She snatched Tommy up into her arms intending to get him out of the house. But although her defensive moves were swift and solid enough to send Mike to the ground, they were not enough to keep him down. He was on his feet again almost instantly, his face contorted into a mask of rage that was more frightening than anything Casey had ever seen.

  "You're gonna pay for that," Mike said, stepping towards her. Casey screamed, clutching Tommy in her arms. She had to protect him, even if it meant she would die doing it.

  The front door burst open just as Mike struck her. She fell against the wall. Hunter stood in the doorway of her home. He took in her battered face, Tommy still clutched in her arms too terrified to cry. Then something happened that made Casey think she’d gone into a hallucinogenic state from the beating. Hunter's eyes grew a bright orange and his face seemed to enlarge. He let out an animalistic roar and ran towards them.

  Hunter felt the change almost before it happened. The second he saw Casey with Tommy, the two of them in serious peril, his bear roared to life. Protect them. Protect your mate and her child.

  Mate? He had no time to question it, his bear pushed out of his skin with a violent, almost savage aggression.

  Hunter felt his transformation complete itself in seconds. His clothes ripped and exploded off of his body in tatters. A long, loud roar erupted from his chest. Hunter stood on his hind legs, his eight-foot-tall body towering over Mike, who looked up at him in wide-eyed fear. Mike's lips trembled. His legs buckled.

  "What the hell?" Mike mumbled, his voice cracking.

  Casey screamed.

  Hunter's golden-bronzed, fur-covered arm ripped through the air. His six-inch-long claws shredded Mike's T-shirt and sliced through his skin like butter. Mike screamed in pain and terror. He tried to run, but where could the man go to escape from an eight-foot-tall, 750lb. apex predator? Hunter caught him, flinging him across the room with ease. Mike’s back
slammed into the wall and his body slid down, crumpled to the floor in a heap. A scented candle Casey had lit earlier toppled to the ground.

  It was then that for the first time, Hunter noticed Casey watching him. Her face was a mask of shock and terror. Her mouth hung open.

  "Awesome!" Tommy cried.

  Tommy's words drew Casey's attention back to him. She shook her head, trying to clear the vision. In the corner, Mike stood up. He'd always been tough, and when faced with an opponent bigger than himself, he'd found the best method was to use a weapon. Any weapon. And get the guy where it hurts. Sometimes that meant turning your attention to an innocent bystander. In his opinion, no one in this world was truly innocent anyways.

  Mike grabbed a knife out of the kitchen and ran at Tommy. Casey turned her back to Mike, using her body to protect Tommy. The tip of the knife made it into her shoulder about an eighth of an inch before Hunter’s claws sunk into Mike, pulling him back. Casey didn't waste time. She scooped Tommy up and ran from the house.

  Outside, the sky was dark. A thunderous roar erupted from inside the home. It sounded like the bear was about to slaughter Mike. Then there were flames. They erupted from the kitchen and spread fast, quickly engulfing the living room.

  "Bear!" Casey heard Tommy shout, but her attention was focused on the fire and the thick black smoke that billowed from the half-open kitchen window. Before she could stop him, Tommy was across the yard and running through the front door.

  "NO!" Casey cried, racing after him. But, just as she reached the door, there was a small explosion. The blast sent her flying backwards onto the grass. "Tommy!" she tried to scream but the blast had knocked the wind out of her and all that came out was a raspy croak.

  There was a shape in front of her eyes. She tried to see it beyond the stars that clouded her vision. It was a bear. A grizzly. Its golden fur ran over its heavy body in thick, beautiful waves. And her memory returned.

  "Tommy!" she wailed, her voice finding some projection this time. She struggled to roll herself onto her hands and knees in an effort to rise. The bear didn't hesitate. It rushed back into the house. Casey sobbed, wobbling unsteadily to her feet, certain that Tommy had already been lost to the fire.

  After minutes that stretched to eternity, the golden grizzly emerged. It lumbered across the space on three legs, Tommy was cradled in the fourth. It was a startling sight. A giant golden grizzly bear holding a young child. The bear laid the boy gently at Casey's feet. Its eyes seemed to search hers, questioningly.

  "Go," she told him, looking around as her neighbors started to emerge from their homes. "Go."

  Hunter nodded and ran into the nearby woods. His bear was back. And he was pretty sure it was here to stay this time.

  Chapter 9

  Casey sat in the back of the ambulance, Tommy wrapped in her arms. They were alright, more or less. The smoke hadn't affected Tommy too badly, although he still wore an oxygen mask over his nose and mouth. She was grateful beyond words that Hunter had gotten him out when he did.

  "Mrs. Winston?" a voice asked, approaching her. Casey turned her eyes from Tommy and saw two police officers approaching her. "I'm Detective White. This is Detective Cannon. We've got a few questions for you, if you're up for it."

  Casey nodded. "Yes, of course. Just keep your voices low please, my son..." She glanced down at Tommy, who was sleeping peacefully, and the detectives nodded.

  Casey had anticipated the questions they would have for her. How did the fire start? Did she know the cause? What happened to her face? The bruises on her body were obvious. No fire could have made them. For the first time, Casey would answer truthfully.

  "My husband, he... hurt me. He tried to hurt our son. It was during our struggle that the fire broke out."

  More questions followed. Mostly about the abuse. How long had it been going on? Had he ever hit Tommy? Casey answered them all. A few times she had to pause, her tears choking off her words. She was both embarrassed and relieved to finally be honest about her situation. The cops said they would recommend someone for her to talk to who dealt specifically with marital abuse. Casey thanked them, though she was almost certain she had everything she needed now. Hunter hadn't saved her and Tommy just to desert them. His strength was all she would ever need.

  "Just a couple more questions, Mrs. Winston," Detective White said. Uncharacteristically, he looked almost sheepish. "Your neighbors said they saw something...." He looked at Detective Cannon for help.

  "Unusual," Detective Cannon finished for him.

  "Right. Unusual," Detective White resumed.

  "Unusual?" Casey asked, trying to look surprised.

  "Yes. Did you, that is, do you have any bears around your property. Maybe one that might've been lurking around when the fire started?"

  "Bears? Why yes, detective. We live very near the woods. Bears sometimes go through our garbage."

  "I see," Detective White said.

  Casey tried to keep a straight face.

  "I don't suppose one of these bears was inside your house when the fire started," Detective Cannon inquired. "Or had any interaction with you or your son?"

  "Inside our house?" Casey cried in her most incredulous tone, looking appalled at the idea. "Heavens no. That would have been more frightening than the fire. Why do you ask?"

  "Some of your neighbors claimed they saw a bear running from the fire carrying your son." Detective Cannon said.

  Casey looked at him skeptically. "You don't believe that, do you?" She asked.

  "Of course not," Detective White said, staring hard at his partner. "We only had to ask. Part of the job, you know? Loose ends and all that."

  "Why would your neighbors say something so outrageous, do you think?" Detective Cannon persisted. Detective White sighed and shook his head.

  "I have no idea," Casey replied tersely. "But in this day and age, if a bear was carrying a little boy out of a burning structure in a residential neighborhood in front of witnesses, I’d imagine it would already be all over YouTube. Don’t you think?” Casey asked innocently. It was the main reason she’d told Hunter so emphatically to go. She knew it would only be minutes before her neighbors would start shooting cell phone videos.

  Detective Cannon looked down, embarrassed. "Sorry Ma'am."

  "It's fine," Casey said. "I imagine you have to ask all sorts of questions any time a death is involved."

  The detectives looked at each other a moment. Casey noted their expressions.

  "Ma'am, there were no fatalities as a result of the fire," Detective White said.

  Casey sat up straighter. "What are you talking about? Mike... I saw him. He was trapped in there."

  "Yes Ma'am," Detective White said. "But the firefighters were able to rescue him Your husband's been severely injured and is suffering from smoke inhalation, but he is very much alive."

  Casey's mind raced. It had never occurred to her that Mike had survived the fire. She didn't know what to think. Would he come after her? Finish what he started?

  No, not this time. Never again. Not ever.

  Chapter 10

  Hunter sat on a bench in the gym, head in his hands as his brothers duked it out in the ring. His shifter senses had returned full force. Everything was heightened, smell... taste... hearing. After living with them dulled for so long, he felt like some sort of bionic man. Not only that, but he now knew for sure that Casey was his mate.

  Until recently, he'd thought that this mate stuff was a bunch of nonsense. His mother had father had been mis-mated bears, and he’d never witnessed a true shifter mating bond first-hand. But, when his bear had finally re-emerged, he knew. She was the one. His mate.

  Everything was such a mess, though. She must have been horrified and disgusted when she saw him change. Casey had been through so much, and then to witness his shift into a bear without any prior warning or preparation on his part.

  If he thought the situation was bad before, settling for precious stolen moments, it was horrendous now. His
bear was tearing him up inside demanding that he claim Casey as his. But now, instead of a few purloined hours every few days, he had nothing. Not a word from her in over a week.

  "You've found your mate," Ethan had told him one evening when they were hanging out at the gym after it had closed for the night.

  "Yeah," Hunter said, scrunching his face, “and she wants nothing to do with me. Can’t say I blame her, either.” Hunter tried to sound casual but the pain was excruciating. He needed to be with her. He needed at least to know that she and Tommy were alright.

  He replayed the day he had her in his office over and over in his head. How amazing it had felt to sink inside of her warm wet channel. How welcoming and responsive every inch of her body had been. How well they fit, as though when they were together the whole world fell away.

  And now, without her, every day was painful. She’d told him emphatically and forcefully to go. He’d watched and waited for her every day since, hoping that she just needed time to process everything that had happened. But, she never showed.

  Hunter’s chest clenched as though it was in a vice. Fuck. If only he could go back to before he met her, when he barely remembered a woman the day after she’d shared his bed. But there was no going back, Casey had flipped a switch inside him, and no one and nothing could turn it off again.

  "Fight for her," Ethan had told him. "You're lucky. Not every bear is lucky enough to find his mate." Ethan’s gaze had trailed off in the distance, and his voice was a little sad when he spoke, “Don’t just let her walk away, bro.”


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