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The Coming of the Prophet (The Death Prophecies Book 1)

Page 10

by Saxon Andrew

  • • •

  Kam sat on his chair in the control center and worried about the Bosrean. He occasionally looked at the, what was his title, oh yeah, Admiral. He finally saw the helmets were being taken to the cave where Connor was living and he started moving the ship into the atmosphere. One thing at a time. What had these humans come up with? Could they actually improve the Traugh designs?

  Chapter Eight

  Essay watched the helicopter move in for a landing and looked around the field that had been cleared in front of the cave. He didn’t like the huge clearing but Whitehall had insisted on it. If he was going to live like a hermit then a clearing for the largest helicopter was going to be cut into the clearing. Connor wondered if the large spaceship would fit but he figured it would. This clearing they cut out was huge. He wouldn’t put it past Whitehall to have cut it to a size where the spaceship could land. Essay sighed. He probably did that so the Prophet could take his daughter and her new family to safety if things went bad.

  The helicopter landed and a man stepped off carrying a box under each arm. They weren’t heavy; he carried them with ease. The helicopter lifted and Essay jogged over and took one of the boxes, “Good afternoon, I’m…”

  “Essay Connor. Everyone on the planet knows who you are. My name is Andres Mitchell.”

  “Are you the scientist?”

  “I guess you could call me that. My area of expertise is power delivery.” Essay tilted his head. “We’re having some issues with the power systems used to power the helmet we designed as well as the new reactor.”

  “New reactor?”

  “We’ve built one much more powerful than the one in the Prophet’s diagrams.”

  “Well, come inside and take a seat.”

  Andres looked up, “I don’t think we’re going to have to wait.”

  Essay looked up and saw the huge spaceship descending toward them, “I guess you’re right.” Essay looked toward the cave and saw Emily and the children running toward them. The children’s eyes were wide open as they stared at the object growing larger by the second. “Everyone move to the edge of the clearing.” He looked up again and shouted, “NOW!!”

  The six turned and ran toward the clearing’s edge as the ship slowed and extended three landing legs under it. It settled slowly and the legs flexed as the ship settled on the ground.

  They remained at the clearing’s edge until the giant door on the side of the spaceship opened and they saw a tall almond colored being standing in the opening. It lifted and arm and waved them forward. Essay saw the others were staring at him and he stepped into the clearing and started walking toward the ship. Andres followed Emily and the children. His nervousness was easy to see. They arrived at the door and the tall being pressed a button inside the opening and a ramp extended to the ground. Essay heard, “Would you and your family like a tour of my vessel?”

  The children squealed and Essay thought, “We would.” Essay looked at Andres and turned back to the Prophet, “Is it ok if Andres comes with us?”

  The Prophet smiled, “Of course. In the future, I’ll contact him.” Essay looked at him and Kam smiled, “I can see you want some privacy. We’re at the point where you shouldn’t have to carry this burden.”

  “I’ve always enjoyed our contacts, Prophet.”

  “This doesn’t end them. It just removes some of the weight you’ve been carrying. Come aboard and bring the helmets with you.”

  They walked up the ramp and Kam began telling them about the various things they saw as they moved toward the bridge. The children were excited and had numerous questions. Kam answered them and was patient when they didn’t understand his answers. Emily remained silent and held Essay’s hand. When they arrived at the control center, Andres shook his head, “So that’s how the control panel is situated?”

  Kam smiled, “Yes, but you may want to change the location slightly because the ship you’re building is smaller.”

  Andres stared at the control panel and looked at Kam, “The control panel for the disintegrators is attached to the end of the panel?”

  “The Traugh don’t use a control panel to operate the weapons. I build this panel and welded it to the panel.”

  “That makes it much wider.”

  Yes, it does.”

  “Why didn’t you weld it next to the wall? That would make it easier to reach.”

  Kam tilted his head, “You’re right. At the time I built it, I had to put it where I could run the cables. Getting behind the control panel was not an option. Do you have the helmets?”

  Andres nodded, “Which one do you want to see first?”

  “The one built to my specifications.”

  Andres put the box he was holding on the floor and took the one Essay was carrying. He unsealed it and handed it to the prophet. He took the helmet and pulled a small cable from the back of the command chair. Andres looked closely at it, “That connector is exactly like the one we have on the wiring harness.”

  Kam looked at him, “Of course.” He plugged the cable into the helmet and pressed a button on the chair’s arm. He put the helmet on and sat down. In thirty seconds he smiled, “You’re recreated it perfectly.” Andres smiled. The Prophet said, “Let me have the other one.”

  Andres picked up the box and took out the new helmet. Kam looked at it and lifted it to shoulder height, “This one is much lighter.”

  “We made if from an exotic blend of plastics.”

  Kam frowned and plugged the helmet in. He put it on and pressed the button. He instantly took it off. Andres frowned, “Is something wrong?”

  Kam shook his head, “I was instantly connected. The commands appeared faster than I’ve ever seen with my helmet.”

  “We used a different process in making the wafers for the microcircuits.”

  “The Admiral mentioned that you’re having issues with the reactor you built.”

  “Actually, the problem also affects the helmets.”

  “What’s the problem?”

  “Power delivery.”

  “How so?”

  “We’ve not been able to make a wiring harness that can handle the power. The insulation melts and shorts out all the systems including the new helmet.”

  “What’s the increase in power?”

  “About six times what your reactor can produce.”

  Kam stared at Andres and Connor said, “Will the new reactor not work?”

  Kam looked at Andres, “How many different materials have you tried?”

  Andres shook his head, “We’ve exhausted everything that might work. We can still use the new reactor but we’re forced to operate it at one sixth of its available power. I’ve been asked to enquire about the disintegrators.”

  “What about them?”

  “Can they handle that much power if we could build a wiring harness?”

  “According to my computer, they’re capable of handling even more than you’re producing. The beams they produce are not extremely hot and three elements combine their outputs to produce the beam. They won’t damage the barrel no matter how much power you feed them.”

  “I saw that in the diagrams.”

  Kam looked at the new helmet and said, “Have you built the control and weapon panels?”

  “We have. We’ve built twenty because we’re burning them out so fast.”

  “What about the ship’s computer?”

  “We built twenty and shut down production.”


  “We’ve actually overbuilt. We can manufacture them much faster than we can build the hulls.”

  Connor looked at Kam, “What are you thinking?”

  “Mr. Andres, would it be possible for you to package six complete electronic systems and have them ready for me to pick up?”

  Andres looked at Essay, who nodded. “How soon would you want them?”


  “What are you going to do with them?”

  “See if I can’t resolve the wiring

  “I can have them at the hull building site within the hour. They’re already packaged for moving. However, I don’t have the authority to transfer them to anyone.”

  Kam looked at Connor, “Do you?”

  Essay shrugged, “I guess they’ll do what I want.”

  “Do you have a few days to give me?”


  “I don’t think your leaders would like me to take these items without someone being with me.”

  Essay looked at Emily and she looked at the alien, then back at Essay, and nodded. Essay looked at Andres and took the satellite phone from Michael, who loved carrying it around. His face clouded up and Essay kissed him on the cheek, “I’ll give it right back to you, Mike.” He looked at Essay as he handed it to Andres, “Make a call to the appropriate person at the plant and hand me the phone.”

  Andres nodded and dialed the number. A voice answered and Connor began issuing instructions. Essay listened and nodded several times as he listened. “Have them ready in an hour along with the forklifts to move them.” Essay listened and said, “Thank you. It’s my pleasure to speak with you.” Connor looked at Kam, “They’ll be on the landing pad in Japan in an hour.”

  Kam looked at Andres, “You need to go with us and make sure we have everything.” He looked at the children and Emily, “You’ll need to remain here. I’ll have him back home in two to three days.”

  Jim looked at Kam “You’re taking my father to another planet?”

  “I am.”

  Jim looked at Essay, “Take good pictures.”

  Essay laughed and hugged his family. Emily whispered as he held her, “I like him. You’ll be fine.”

  “Thanks, Em, make sure the children don’t worry.” Emily nodded and followed the Alien back to the landing bay and walked down the ramp. They moved to the edge of the clearing as they heard a low hum rise in frequency as the ship started glowing. Ten minutes later, it lifted and disappeared in the darkening sky.

  • • •

  Essay and Andres watched the ground move quickly away as the ship gained altitude. Andres held on to the edge of the control panel as the ship accelerated and the planet moved quickly below them. Essay stood beside the Prophet’s chair and held on to the back. In ten minutes, they were over Japan and moving toward the giant facility on the edge of the peninsula. Andres pointed and said, “The landing pad is in the center of those buildings.” Andres watched the view on the huge wall monitor change and he pointed, “They’ve already moved most of the systems out in the open.”

  Kam nodded and brought the ship in for a perfect landing. “Connor, you should go With Andres to the landing bay and supervise the loading. Come back when they’re on board.” He looked at Andres, “I want you to remain here until I come back.”


  “I need you to look at what I bring back with me and answer any questions about us taking the systems.”

  Andres nodded and followed Connor off the bridge. Kam listened intently and heard one of the lead scientists attempting to contact Japan’s Leader. He focused on the location and moved the cross hairs on his display to the scientist’s location. He pressed a button and the communication system shutdown. So far, he had gotten away with this theft. But it could be stopped quickly if the planet’s leaders learned what was happening. He looked at the external cameras and worried that it was taking too much time. Connor finally had everything in the huge landing bay but stopped and blessed the workers that had moved the systems onboard. Connor finally finished and he pressed the landing bay door.

  Kam saw ten jeeps with flashing blue lights coming at high speed from the gate and he lifted the ship. The jeeps arrived in time to see the huge spaceship disappear into the sky. Andres was grabbed by two of the officers and roughly pushed into a vehicle. He was put in a cell and left in solitary confinement until the Leader of Japan arrived. He was questioned and left in his cell. He sat down and sighed. He should have contacted someone but he trusted Connor. Truth be told, he trusted this alien more than his planet’s leaders. He began to worry when he wasn’t fed for two days. At least there was a water fountain in his cell. He wondered if the alien prohibition against killing was the only thing that prevented his death. Well, if he had to do it over, he would have stayed with the children. But he would have done it again.

  • • •

  Whitehall looked at President Hodges, who asked, “What do you think is going on?”

  “I really have no idea. This is a sudden turn of events.”

  “Do you think this Prophet is really trying to assist us or give what we develop to a potential enemy?”

  Whitehall took a breath and blew it out. “Sir, the scientist we sent verified that the alien is one of the species on the conquered planet’s video. I must believe those videos were actual events.”

  “The monsters on them may be holding his family hostage to collect advanced technology.”

  “I don’t know if that’s a real possibility but Connor decided to assist him. That more than anything makes me believe that it’s not what we think.”

  “Connor could have been forced to do it. The alien could have killed his family.”

  “Andres insists that he went willingly.” Whitehall shook his head, “The alien required that we learn to live in peace before it would help us. It didn’t have to do that. It could have given us the plans and taken what we built.”

  “It may have wanted us to disarm to make our conquest easier.”

  “Mr. President, nothing we had on the planet would have posed a danger to his ship. I have to believe it was being truthful. It said it would be back within three days. Let’s hold our judgment until then.”

  “I really hope you’re right, Admiral.” All Whitehall could do was nod.

  • • •

  Essay sat in a chair beside the Prophet and stared out of the forward viewport. The chair had to be installed after they arrived above the planet and it took about an hour. While the alien worked on installing it, Essay stared at the planet below the ship. “I’ve always wanted to see Earth from orbit but never really thought I’d get the opportunity.”

  The Prophet looked up from the floor, “Your planet is quite beautiful. It’s very much like my own.”

  “I notice I can breathe the same air you do.”

  “Your atmosphere is a little richer in nitrogen but not so much as to require a suit.”

  “Why did you want the electronics?”

  “I’ll show you shortly.” Kam stood up and said, “Take a seat.” Essay sat down and moved around. “Are you comfortable?”

  “The seat cushion is a little wide.”

  “The Traugh are short but rather thick.” Kam went to his chair, put on the helmet, and began pressing buttons and pushing slides on the control panel. He looked at Essay and smiled, “This is something you or anyone else on our planet couldn’t do for a very long time.” The ship turned slightly and Essay saw the planet move behind the ship. “Here we go.”

  Essay looked up at the large display over the forward viewport showing the planet. “WHHOOOOOO!” The planet went from a view that filled the display to a small dot in an instant. Essay looked out of the forward viewport and saw Mars flash by on the left and then all the distant stars turned into white streaks they were blowing past. He gripped the chair’s arms and shook his head.

  “This is what it’s like to travel faster than light.”

  “How do you avoid hitting the stars?” Essay was leaning right and left as the ship blew past the streaks of light.”

  “The computer directs the ship around them.”

  “What if you hit a planet or something as you pass them?”

  “That’s not very likely to happen. Space is too large for that to be a real possibility.”

  “But what if you do!”

  “We’ll pass through it. This ship is no longer in real space but just outside it. A star could cause a problem but we have systems to avoid that possi

  “Where are we going?”

  “To visit another planet. Sit back and enjoy the ride. We’ll be there in a few hours.”

  Essay leaned back in his chair and after thirty minutes he released his death grip on the chair arms. He stared out of the viewport and said, “How far are we going?”

  “About two thousand light years.” Essay shook his head and stared at the bright steaks of light passing around them. Essay looked at Kam and said, “Why are you staring so intently at the display?”

  “I’m using the helmet you built. I’m getting accustomed to the faster speed it operates.” Kam looked at Essay, “This really is a remarkable advancement over the old helmet.”

  “What do you think about that?”

  Kam smiled, “Your ships will respond much faster than the Traugh Warships. I doubt they’ll be able to keep up with you.”

  They both turned and continued to stare at the display and viewport. Essay stared at the streaks as they passed stars. “Why don’t I feel the acceleration?”

  “Gravity doesn’t really exist inside the stardrive’s field.”

  “But I wasn’t weightless above the planet.”

  “There is a gravity unit connected directly to the reactors and it keeps the gravity at whatever setting is chosen. Of course, it only works inside the force field. I kept it at low power so you could see your planet.”

  “Why does it require a force field to function?”

  “It’s like using a small light to illuminate a small room. Remove the force field and it tries to maintain the gravity over a space that is too large for it to have any effect. The force field keeps it contained.”

  “So inertia is neutralized inside the force field?”

  Kam smiled, “It is.”

  Connor looked out of the viewport again, “Remarkable.”

  • • •

  The Apache Helicopter flew in over the clearing and hovered to the side as a large helicopter landed in the clearing. A platoon of infantry jumped out and ran toward the cave. They ran in the entrance and after a few moments, a Lieutenant emerged and pressed the microphone on his shoulder, “They aren’t here, Sir.”


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