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The Coming of the Prophet (The Death Prophecies Book 1)

Page 13

by Saxon Andrew

  Connor listened to Jim and was more proud of him than he had ever been. He saw things in an adult manner and didn’t lose himself in events happening around him. He looked at Jason, “I guess your reason for this is valid.” He looked at Kam, “How do we do this?”

  “You will go through the tutorial first. Once you complete it, Emily will go through it and the three of us will go and pick up the other two ships. We’ll lift with them loaded with control systems. While we’re making the trip to the Bosrean Planet, Jim and Stella will go through the tutorial.”


  “She’s old enough to learn. It never hurts to have as many as possible to know how to fly the ships.”

  Stella listened to them and said, “Cool.”

  Essay looked at his children and took a deep breath. Jim saw his concern and smiled, “Dad, I’ll stay close to your ship. I won’t do anything stupid.”

  Essay looked at Kam, “Are you sure they are capable of flying these ships?”

  “They won’t have to fight them. Flying them is easier than driving that vehicle through the forests.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “There aren’t any trees out there for him to hit.”

  Emily looked at her father, “Who takes care of Michael while I’m picking up the ship?” Jason walked over to her and took Michael out of her arms. He woke up and looked Whitehall in the eyes. He closed his eyes and snuggled into his arms and went back to sleep. Emily’s eyes were soft as she nodded.

  “How long does it take to complete the tutorial?”

  “About twelve hours.”

  “Is there a lot to remember?”

  “The helmet will transfer the information directly to your brain’s learning center and organize it. You won’t be able to forget it.”

  “You’re telling me that I’ll be able to instantly fly it?”

  “You will have to develop a feel for the ship and we’ll take things slowly at first.”

  “I’m going to notify the Leaders about what’s been decided. I’ll explain the benefits of updating your former ship and how it will be the most powerful warship in creation. I’ll then tell them that Connor and Emily will be flying the control systems until the update is complete. By the time it’s ready, there will be more ships to assign to pilots and I suspect they will be so wrapped up in that process that they’ll ignore what’s happening with the first three.” Whitehall looked at Kam, “I’m going to tell them that the Prophet insisted on the two of you making the deliveries with him, if that is ok with you.”

  “Tell them whatever you think is necessary. I’ll back you if they show any resistance.”

  Whitehall nodded and started punching numbers on his phone. Kam lifted one of the helmet boxes, “Each of you will have your own helmet. Once the computer locks in on your helmet, you must use it from that time forward. The helmet will be matched up with the neural pathways in your brains and won’t work with anyone else.”

  “What about using the helmets in a different ship?”

  Kam looked at Jim, “It will still work. But no one else can use your helmet once it’s coded to your mind.” He looked at Essay, “Take a seat and we’ll start the process.” Essay sat in the command chair and took the helmet from the Prophet. He put it on his head and Kam plugged the connector into the helmet’s receptacle.”

  “How do I start the program?”

  “The computer will recognize an uncoded helmet and start the process automatically.” Essay started to nod but was immediately immersed in the connection being made by the computer.

  He closed his eyes and Emily looked at Kam, “Should I have something for him to eat when he finishes?”

  “Yes and you should eat before you start the process.”

  Emily nodded and took Michael from Jason. She nodded to the children and they reluctantly left the ship with her. She had some things to say to them and she wanted to do it in private. They had to know that this was not a time for experimentation. She wasn’t worried about Jim as much as Stella. Her curiosity often got her in trouble.

  • • •

  Three days later, Essay lifted the ship as Kam gave instructions. The takeoff was a little shaky but he soon got a feel for the vessel. It was easier to fly than a helicopter. He discovered an hour later that landing it was easier than landing a copter. Andres was waiting for their arrival and he met them at the huge landing field. Kam looked at him as he entered the bridge, “Are the other two ships loaded?”

  “They are Prophet. We’ll start loading this vessel now.”

  Emily looked at Essay, “Will I be able to do this?”

  “You’ll probably do it better than me. You’ve flown several different aircraft including helicopters. Just take it slow and get a feel for the ship. We’ll go up first and the Prophet will be directly connected to your helmet. I’m sure you’ll do fine.” Essay looked at Kam, “We’re going to connect to our ships. We’ll let you know when the connections are completed.” Kam nodded and watched them exit the bridge. He watched the forklifts bringing the control systems on board and an hour later, the landing bay was full. Andres smiled, “That’s it. See you when you come back.”

  Kam nodded and Andres exited the ship. He closed the landing bay door and said, “Are you ready?”

  “I’m connected.”

  “I am as well.”

  “Alright, Connor and I will lift and once we’re in orbit, I’ll connect with you and you can start, Emily.”

  Emily sat in the command chair and looked out of the front viewport. She saw the two sleek warships lift and quickly disappear into the bright blue sky. Essay stayed on the Prophet’s wing without wavering. She smiled and heard, “You may start lifting. Feather the thrusters until you get a feel for them.” Emily put her hand on the handle and slowly pushed it forward. The ship smoothly lifted off its landing legs and rose horizontally for three hundred feet. She smiled as the Prophet spoke in her helmet but she was focused on the controls. She pushed the button on the right of the thruster handle and the bow thrusters moved the bow vertical. She pushed the thruster control forward and the ship accelerated into the atmosphere. Kam stopped talking and watched his display as the ship accelerated into the sky and smoothly stopped beside them in orbit.

  Kam smiled as Emily said, “Do you mind if we stay here a moment and let me look at the planet?”

  “Take your time.”

  Ten minutes later, Emily said, “I’m ready. It’s just so beautiful.”

  “I was the same way on my first flight, love.”

  Kam accelerated and the two ships stayed on his wing all the way back to the clearing. Once they arrived, Emily stepped out of the chair and pointed for Stella to take her place. “REALLY!”

  “Just take it slow and don’t push the controls hard.” Emily said, “I’m putting Stella in the chair. I’m taking Michael.”

  Essay took a deep breath and looked at Jim, “You might as well give it a go as well.” Kam was slightly concerned but the children managed to lift the ships into orbit. Stella was a little shaky but got the feel after a few sudden jerks. Kam led them out from the planet and had them follow his lead for more than an hour. Then he started making sudden turns and after a few minutes, the children managed to stay with him. He then made Essay and Emily to go through the same process and eventually felt they could handle their ships. “I’m connecting with your stardrives and lock your ships to my controls.”

  Essay said, “Is that normal?”

  “It’s how the Traugh keep their fleets together. I want you to watch the stardrive display so you can see the location numbers change during the trip. Keep your hands on the controls and get a feel for them. Don’t do anything to change what they’re doing but this should allow you to get a feel for using the stardrive on your vessels.”

  Essay looked at Jim, “You go first.” Jim took the seat and his smile was huge. This was incredible. They arrived at the Bosrean planet and the children saw their second alien species. />
  • • •

  The three ships were loaded with wiring harnesses and more than six tons of the superconductive metal. They arrived at Earth without mishap and Andres was ecstatic at the huge blocks of metal. They loaded more control panels and the ships lifted again. By the fourth round trip, Jim and Stella did most of the flying.

  • • •

  “Has the missing warship made an appearance?”

  “No, Supremacy.”

  “And there’s been no trace of it at any other planets?”

  “It hasn’t been seen. That doesn’t mean it hasn’t been at other planets but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been to other conquered worlds. It hasn’t done anything suspicious for us to see it,”

  “I’m starting to believe it has left our domain.”

  “It hasn’t returned to his home planet. We’ve challenged any vessel that’s come here.”

  “I want scouts sent out from our domain into the unexplored territories.”

  “Will those ships be paid?”

  “I don’t like how long this ship has been missing. They will be paid for thirty days.”

  “How many do you want sent out?”

  “Ten thousand. I also want them logging any planets worthy of attention. I might as well get some benefit from this since I’m paying for it.”

  “That won’t come close to covering the unexplored regions.”

  “I know, but we may get lucky.”

  “I will send them, Supremacy.”

  • • •

  Stella sat on the bridge with Essay and shook her head from side-to-side. Essay smiled, Stella liked plugging her helmet directly into the sensor’s connector and listen to the sound of the universe as they sent their beams out into space. It was a very low rhythmic hum when left at normal volume, but she liked to turn volume up and listen to the return signals. When asked about it, Stella said the sound was like listening to waves at the ocean. There was a soothing rhythmic tone to it that she found relaxing. Jim was down on the planet and the Prophet was in orbit beside Essay’s ship.

  Stella’s expression changed and she looked at Essay, “Dad.”


  “I hear something that’s different.”


  “It’s not like the normal sounds. It’s, it’s, different.”

  Kam heard Stella’s thoughts and immediately thought to them, “WHAT ARE YOU HEARING?”

  “It’s a sort of rough static that I’ve not heard before.”

  Essay’s eyes narrowed, “What’s going on, Prophet?”

  Kam raised the power to his scanner and stared at the display. After a few moments, he saw it. A stardrive was at the edge of his scanner. He immediately contacted the Bosrean Leader and said, “You have to shut down every power source on the planet now!”


  “THERE’S NO TIME FOR QUESTIONS, SHUT IT DOWN! Connor, follow me around the planet and shut down your systems. Stay in the planet’s shadow. Jim, shut down all the power on your ship and keep it off until I tell you. All of you will need to get a spacesuit on. Connor, there’s a star drive entering this system and it’s moving toward us at maximum speed.”

  Essay’s heart went into his throat, “Should we attack it?”

  “That ship’s route is known. We have to do everything possible to make it miss us. Failing that, I will power my ship up and attack.” Essay followed the Prophet’s ship around the planet and turned off the reactors. He rushed to the landing bay to put on a spacesuit. Essay stared out of the viewport and in thirty minutes he saw a bright blue light in the distance moving toward them at high speed. As he watched, it slowed and he knew it was going to move in close to the planet.

  • • •

  The Traugh Scout moved closer to the fourth planet located in the star’s habitation zone and snarled. The planet had an atmosphere with a high concentration of sulfur. He looked at his scanner and shook his head. This was a waste of time. Nothing could live in that. He looked at his panel and saw his next system was twelve hours away. He hadn’t found one planet worthy of attention and he wasn’t going to waste his time on this. He banked his ship as he passed the fifth planet and headed out of the planetary system.

  The prophet watched it change course and released his breath. He removed his hand from the power button and signed. If Stella hadn’t heard it… He knew there would have been no way to avoid that ship from seeing power sources on the planet’s surface before they could be shut down. Thank heavens the Bosrean were telepathic and could send the order instantly. He took a deep breath and waited for an hour and then sent the all clear. He pulled up the computer’s database and said, “How far out was that vessel when it was heard by the other ship?”

  “Five light years.”

  “That exceeds the scanner’s detection range.”

  “The approach of a stardrive appears to cause a vibration in the dark energy between the ship and the scanner. That wave travels faster than the scanner’s reflection.”

  “Reset the scanner to listen for the sound as well as the normal return.”

  “Changes made.”

  “Prophet, what just happened?”

  “It does appear a Traugh Scout just moved through this system, Connor.”

  “How do you know it was a Traugh Ship?”

  “Its stardrive color matches the one their ships use.”

  “Is there a possibility one of them is moving toward Earth?”

  This planet is closer to the Traugh line of advance than Earth. We should leave now. Jim, move your ship into orbit with us. We have a trip to take.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Go take a look and see if they’re coming.”

  Jim arrived in orbit and Kam locked their ships to his. He went to full speed and activated the stardrive. He saw the emerald green field form around their ships and they accelerated away at an incredible speed. “Where are we going?”

  “We’re going to a direct line from the Traugh Domain toward Earth. We’re going to arrive just inside the distance the Bosrean are from their domain and we’re going to take a look around.” Essay shook his head and heard the Prophet say, “Both of you should activate your weapons.” Essay didn’t like the sound of that.

  They arrived at their destination and Kam said, “See if Stella can hear anything.” Connor nodded to her and she increased the volume of the ship’s scanners. “Set them at full power.” Connor made the adjustment and looked at Stella. She had her eyes closed and was listening intently.

  “Prophet, what are you going to do if one is moving toward us?”

  “We are going to move perpendicular across its path and allow it to see us. We’ll then attempt to lead it away from its current trajectory.”

  “Do you think it will follow us?”

  “The one that entered the Bosrean System was looking for the missing warship as well as civilizations that are worth invading. I suspect it will follow us. If it doesn’t, we’ll destroy it.”

  “What if it does follow us?”

  “We’ll lead it until it gives up.”

  “That could take a while.”

  “Jim, take your ship back to Earth now.”

  “But Prophet?”

  “Do as he says, Jim.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Jim hit the thrusters, activated his stardrive, and his ship disappeared.

  • • •

  Twelve hours passed and Stella sat in her chair struggling to stay awake. “How much longer do you think we should wait?”

  Kam was uncertain and then he heard Stella think, “I hear something.”

  “Dad, I hear something.”

  “Shut down your scanners and stay on my right side.” Connor nodded and shut down the scanners. He moved in close to Kam’s ship as it began accelerating. The Prophet activated their stardrives and flew at a moderate speed. Kam stared out the right view port and saw the bright blue field blow past them. “I’m controlling your stardrive, Conn
or.” The two ships began picking up speed as they moved away. Connor looked at the monitor over the front viewport and saw the blue field making a wide turn back toward them. Kam watched it and matched the scout’s speed. He thought to Stella, “See if you hear another one?”

  Stella nodded and closed her eyes. The chase began and Stella finally fell asleep. “Stella’s gone. She can’t stay awake anymore.”

  “That’s ok. If there were another scout close by, it would have shown up by now. We’re really lucky Andres convinced me to move to another ship.”

  “What do you think that scout is thinking?”

  “I can hear him. He’s really angry that he can’t close the gap on us. He’s pretty much lost the track he was following when he ran into us.”

  “Doesn’t the stardrive keep a record?”

  “It can if it’s downloaded to the computer. He changed course so quickly, he didn’t store the one he was on. Unless he locked it in, he’s lost it. I suspect he doesn’t care.”

  “Why is that?”

  “He’s not found anything of interest so far. We’re the first thing he’s found worth investigating. If he reports us, he will report the line we are taking and suggest a civilization lies on that course. The longer he follows us, the less the chance of Earth being found.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “The Traugh sent out ten thousand scouts to search for my ship. That doesn’t nearly come close to covering all the space outside of their territory. If they come back, they’ll look on the course we’re flying now. They’ll start where he breaks off.”

  “Breaks off?”

  “He’s been paid for thirty days. He’s now at thirty one. He’s paying for his fuel now and won’t waste it much longer. He sees he can’t catch us so…He’s calling it off.”

  Connor looked up at the monitor and saw the blue field make a hard turn away from them. “How much longer are we going to fly this course?”

  “Until Stella wakes up and tells us she doesn’t hear anything.” Connor nodded and waited until Stella opened her eyes. She listened again and shook her head. “Alright, I’m going to full speed and head back to Earth.” The two ships turned and disappeared.


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