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Bound to the Alpha

Page 7

by D. J. Heart

  The smell of Derek seemed to be getting stronger, and Scott cursed himself when he realized that he was breathing through his nose just so that he could inhale as much of the scent as possible. The heavy weight of Derek’s dirty old sheets on his back were a comforting weight, and the alpha’s sweaty compression shorts under his chin smelled divine. But at the same time it wasn’t enough. Scott wanted the real thing. Wanted to bury his nose in the skin under Derek’s balls, licking his way up his alpha’s taint before swallowing his cock and working it with his throat, getting it primed and ready for his hole. Wanted to be smothered by the weight of his alpha's powerful body.

  Getting more and more desperate, Scott had a moment of startled clarity when he realized that all the noise he was hearing was his own whining. He sounded like a needy little bitch in heat, and he hated it.

  As time passed, minutes or hours he wasn’t sure, and his body grew more and more desperate for his alpha, Scott stopped worrying about being a needy little bitch and started worrying if Derek had left him there.

  Had he been such a bad omega that Derek would leave him? The thought was terrifying, his hole clenching down on an imaginary knot as though it could prove to thin air what a good boy Scott was.

  After a while he stopped worrying, stopped thinking, and simply existed in a haze of need, pulling at his bound wrists and writhing as his hole leaked slick.

  It was agony.


  Derek sat on his bed, hand on his cock as he listened to Scott moan and whine in the omega box. They were just two hours into Scott’s treatment, and the article had been clear that a minimum of three hours was recommended. Popping one of the rut suppressors had helped, but not for long. Derek’s knot was throbbing, fat and ready at the base of his cock. Derek had never had his knot get this big before, and it was freaking him out a little.

  “Alpha!” Scott called, having long since spit out the dirty jock Derek had shoved in his mouth. Ignoring the siren call, Derek sprang off the bed and stormed out of the room. There was no way he’d be able to keep it together with Scott calling him like that, and torturing himself by listening to it wasn’t doing anyone any good.

  In his office he found the clothes Scott had been wearing the night before. Grabbing the old sweatshirt, Derek brought it up to his nose and sniffed Scott’s sweet scent. His cock, sticking out of his jeans like club, spasmed at the heady aroma, his balls pulling up as he came, come gushing out of his cock without even a touch. The sensation was overwhelming and intense, his knot so sensitive that just brushing it with his palm hurt.

  Once he was done shooting his load all over his office floor, Derek let out a sigh and got down on his knees. Using the old sweatshirt, Derek wiped the come up off the floor, doing an all around terrible job of it.

  He should add the sweatshirt to the box.

  The thought came unbidden and was impossible to ignore, and before he knew what he was doing Derek was running up the stairs and into his room, throwing open the lid of the omega box.

  Scott turned his head, looking up at him with worship in his eyes, as if Derek were god and he were being delivered.

  “You want your alpha?” Derek growled, leaning over the box and breathing hard. Scott mewled, nodding his head and muttering, “Yes, alpha. Alpha, alpha, alpha… Please, alpha!”

  “Good boy,” Derek rumbled, feeling close to feral himself. And there was no doubt Scott was in a feral state: completely out of it, flying on instinct alone. It wasn’t ideal, but it was leagues better than the bratty recalcitrance Scott was prone to when he was firing on all cylinders.

  Not caring that the second hour had barely passed, Derek reached into the box and lifted Scott up into his arms. Scott, unable to use his hands, pressed his lips to Derek’s shoulder—the only place he could reach—and started mouthing at his bare skin, kissing and licking him with equal desperation.

  “Good boy, Scott. That’s a good boy,” Derek said, lowering Scott to the bed so that he could undo the ropes binding him. Scott let out a pitiful whimper at the loss of contact, but when Derek freed his limbs all was forgiven. Scott got up on his knees and pressed himself up against Derek’s chest, wrapping his arms around Derek’s body and clinging to him like a limpet.

  “There you go, Scott. There you go. Alpha will give you what you need,” Derek said, untangling Scott’s limbs from his body and pushing him down on the bed. Before the omega could object Derek dropped down on top of him, using his greater weight to pin him to the bed. Scott let out a content sigh, wiggling his ass and pushing it up against Derek’s cock. With a little growl Derek wrapped a hand around his base and aimed his throbbing monster at Scott’s opening, pushing past his tight rim with a grunt, thrusting his hips forward until his knot was pushing at Scott’s hole.

  “You want my knot, Scott? Want alpha to fill you up?” Derek asked, grabbing Scott by the hair and pulling his head to the side, exposing his neck. Listening to his frantic reply of yes, yes, yes, Derek clamped his teeth down on Scott’s tender skin, reopening his bonding bite and licking at the wound when Scott screamed in pain and pleasure. Knot still pressing at Scott’s hole, huge and hard, Derek kept up the pressure, pumping his hips minutely, trying to force the bulb inside.

  “Ahhh!” Scott cried, Derek’s knot pushing past his rim. Derek’s cock was sucked inside Scott’s hole, his greedy channel like a vacuum.

  “You’re okay, Scott. You’re okay,” Derek soothed his omega when he realized Scott was crying. “So good for alpha.”

  The praise seemed to make Scott forget the pain, and a moment later he was mewling and whining, hands on his little cock as Derek started to play with his nipples. Pinching them and rolling them between his callused fingers, Derek watched Scott’s face as pleasure consumed him.

  “Come for alpha,” he commanded, one hand reaching down to replace Scott’s hand around his cock. With an anguished cry Scott came, shooting his load into Derek’s hand before slumping down in exhaustion.

  “Good boy. Such a good boy,” Derek crooned, rubbing Scott’s come into his belly. Scott didn’t reply, silent as Derek crushed his lithe frame with his bulky body.

  He’d fallen asleep. Derek rolled them over onto their sides, one arm under Scott’s head, the other wrapping around his waist as he waited for his knot to go down. He knew that he'd been much too big going in, and he hoped he hadn’t damaged Scott’s hole.

  Feeling tired himself, Derek tucked Scott’s head under his chin and let both their heads rest on the pillow. Draping a blanket over their sweaty bodies, still wearing his boots and jeans, Derek joined Scott in sleep.


  Scott woke up feeling unsettled. His skin was too tight, and he couldn’t calm the racing of his heart no matter how carefully he breathed.

  “Good morning,” Derek said from behind him, arm clamped over his chest and holding him tight. Scott shifted in the inescapable grip, wanting to get angry and yell at Derek—demand to know what the fuck was going on—but staying silent. The last thing he wanted was another spanking and being put back inside the evil box.

  He couldn’t remember how he got from the box—lying there getting more and more desperate for his alpha—and into the bed and Derek’s arms. His hole felt freshly fucked, sore, and impossibly good, but he had no memory of taking Derek’s knot. There was just the box, endless need, and then waking up.

  “What happened?” he asked, keeping his voice calm and void of accusation and anger.

  “You don’t remember?” Derek asked, sounding happy and smug. His fingers rubbed softly at Scott’s chest, catching his nipple and flicking it playfully.

  “I just remember… I was inside the… and then I was here. Did we?”

  “You were being a bad omega, so I put you in the box. That’s where you’ll go from now on when you’re acting like a brat, do you understand? I’ve had enough of your attitude and bad behavior. I’ve tried to be patient, but it ends now.”

  Derek leaned in and gave him a soft kiss on
his neck, Scott still reeling from the idea that he would be punished for his attitude with the box, that he would have to fake being the happy little omega pet to avoid more of the box’s torture. Worse, there was a part of him that was distraught that Derek was displeased with him.

  “You’ll be okay, Scott. I know how hard this is for you, and I really think the box will help.”

  Scott didn’t know what to say to that, so he said nothing. Derek held him tight, not saying anything either.


  The rest of the day was weird. Scott still felt like his skin was stretched too tight, and if Derek left his side for more than a few minutes he started to get antsy and worried. It was annoying, because the last thing Scott wanted was to spend time with Derek.

  “You’re just getting used to the bond, Scott. We’re supposed to want to be together. I like having you close, too. Just relax and don’t think about it,” Derek said when Scott commented tentatively that he was feeling weird.

  Was he feeling like this because of how he had lost time while he was trapped in the box?

  When Derek sat down on the couch in the living room to watch TV, Scott followed him and sat down next to him so that his shoulder was tucked under the alpha’s arm. Derek smiled down at him, wrapping the muscular arm around his neck and pulling him in tight.

  It felt good, and Scott decided not to question it. If he still felt weird in the morning he would worry about it then.

  Part Four: False Bliss

  “But I haven’t been bad, Derek. I’ve been good. I’ve been a good!” Scott cried, looking up at Derek through clumpy wet lashes as Derek once again lowered him into the omega box.

  “I know you have, Scott. But it shouldn’t be this hard for you. I know you don’t think so, but the box will help you—”

  “Please don’t lock me in here, Derek. I’ll be good. I’ll be so good for you,” Scott interrupted him, his hogtied body twisting so that he could look up at his alpha with pleading eyes. It was a heart-wrenching sight, and Derek wished that using the box again so soon wasn’t necessary. But there was no helping it. Seeing Scott trying to be good, pretending that he wasn’t furious with Derek, had been more than a little uncomfortable. The point of the omega box wasn’t that Scott should be scared into behaving, it was that he should get in touch with his instincts and want to behave.

  The worst thing was that it was all Derek’s fault. The article and everything he had read after all said that a session in the box should last a minimum of three hours, and Derek had taken Scott out after barely two. That, and one go in the box was never enough. Scott would need several sessions if he was to get in touch with his omega instincts on a more permanent basis.

  “This is for your own good, Scott. I’m not mad at you. This is just to make you better.” Derek tucked his unwashed gym clothes, sheets, and laundry down around Scott’s body, hands brushing over the boy’s shoulder and cupping his neck, squeezing him gently. Scott shuddered, burying his face in Derek’s Under Armour shirt.

  “Derek please, I don’t—”

  Finished arranging his laundry around Scott's body, giving the back of his neck a final comforting squeeze, Derek closed the lid of the box, cutting off whatever plea Scott was making.

  “No!” Scott cried, tossing his body so violently that the whole box jumped.

  Derek didn’t worry. Scott was protected by several layers of cotton and padded leather, so there was no way for him to hurt himself no matter how much he thrashed and moved around.

  Setting the timer on his phone to four hours, Derek made sure the heart rate monitor he’d fastened to Scott’s wrist was functioning, grimacing when he saw how high the omega’s pulse was. Clearly, Scott was upset. Determined that what he was doing was necessary, Derek left the room, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to resist coming to Scott’s aid if he had to listen to him whine and whimper. He took the steps down the stairs two at a time, his inner alpha screaming at him to go back and rescue his omega.

  Steeling himself, Derek reminded himself that he was doing the right thing, and that this was for the best.


  Scott couldn’t believe that Derek had put him back in the box. He’d been fucking good. He’d been meek, submissive, and he’d taken Derek’s knot without a word of complaint or hesitation. He didn’t deserve this.

  “Derek!” he called out, cringing at how scared and pleading his voice sounded. If ever there was a time he should sound angry, this was it. But he didn’t dare risk making Derek even more angry and ending up with more time in the horrible box.

  Who even came up with something like this? Who thought to themselves, I’ll design a box where you keep your omega so that they go crazy and end up half feral? A lunatic, that’s who.

  Scott tried to breathe through his mouth, keeping his attention on his rage and anger, but it was no use. The box reeked of Derek, his stench an almost tangible thing that enveloped him and filled his senses. If Derek wasn’t such an asshole Scott would have loved it, but as it was he just resented his body’s reaction. It’s betrayal.

  An electric buzz seemed to be building under his skin, stretching it tighter and tighter, his hole getting wet as his cock hardened and pushed into the padded leather under his body. The bracelet Derek had fastened around his wrist had tough plastic edges that itched something fierce, and the feel of the alpha’s silky smooth gym clothes—saturated in Derek’s pungent scent—under his nose was driving him to distraction.

  It had only been a few minutes and he was already aroused to the point of pain. Time seemed to stretch out in front of him, the walls of the box closing in as he grew more and more aroused.

  He couldn’t even jerk off. With hands bound tight behind his back, there was almost no movement in his arms or legs. He was trapped, only able to feel. It was torture.

  Scott kept trying to distract himself by thinking about how mad he was, but his thoughts kept circling back to Derek. Not in the way they should, however. Scott wasn’t thinking about what an asshole Derek was. How cruel he was to do this to Scott. No, Scott was thinking about how good Derek smelled. About how muscular his arms were, and how his cock curved slightly to the right when it was hard. Scott thought about the feel of Derek’s knot pressing past the rim of his ass, locking his alpha cock in his body, tying them together so good…

  Fuck! Scott needed to get a grip. No matter how nice Derek’s ass looked in a pair of jeans or how ripped his stomach was, Scott couldn’t give in. He couldn’t let Derek and his evil box win.

  Gritting his teeth, Scott let his mind go blank and resolved to wait.


  Locking himself in his office, Derek decided that he might as well get some work done. All his accounts were well taken care of, but that didn’t mean his clients wouldn’t appreciate it if he put a little of his own effort in rather than leave everything to his team while he was away.

  The phone rang.

  “Derek, I just got your email. Why are you working?”

  It was his partner, Jacob, and Derek couldn’t help but smile. He and Jacob had founded their consulting firm straight out of graduate school, and though it had been slow going in the beginning, they had built up a solid client base and were now doing very well. That they both came from prominent families with plenty of connections hadn’t hurt, either.

  “I just have some free time and needed a distraction,” Derek said, leaning back in his chair. He missed talking with Jacob. A part of him was looking forward to the end of his bonding period so that he could go back to his regularly scheduled life. It wasn’t long ago that Derek had been happy he’d never bonded. The change from single alpha looking to settle down with a nice beta to an alpha bonded to an impossible omega had been fast and jarring. To say that Derek wasn’t prepared would be an understatement.

  “Free time? Man, I remember when I got Mike. Balls-deep the whole two weeks. Why the fuck do you have free time?” Mike was laughing, but his question was serious. Derek hesitated. On the o
ne hand Jacob was an alpha in the same vein as Derek: Mike was collared and leashed, the perfect submissive omega. On the other hand, Derek didn’t want to admit to having problems with Scott, and didn’t like what that said about him or his omega.

  “I’ve been having a little trouble with Scott, actually. I’m trying to use an omega box, get him in touch with his instincts. I’m not sure what I’m doing, though, to be honest.” Derek decided he might as well tell the truth. Jacob was his friend, and though he might make fun of him, he wouldn’t judge.

  “Oh, man. That’s tough. The box should help, though. A few months after Mike and I bonded he was getting really out of hand, and after spending a few days in the box he was right back to being my sweet little omega. Just make sure you make him work for your knot once he’s out.” Jacob sounded wistful and sympathetic, not at all judgmental.

  Derek was surprised. He always had the impression that Mike had been the perfect omega from the start. That Jacob had needed to use the omega box was a relief.

  “What do you mean, make him work for it? The articles I read just said to put him in the box for at least three hours.”

  “Yeah, but when you’ve got him all feral and acting on instinct, you want to drive home the idea that pleasing you is the thing that’s most important. He’s going to be focused on getting your knot, but you need to make him realize that it’s not about him. He’s the omega. It’s his job to please you, not to get whatever he wants,” Jacob said, using that tone he got whenever he was arguing against omega rights. Derek smiled, listening as he went on, “I used to make Mike sit between my legs and eat me out and work on my balls while I jacked off. Drove him fucking crazy, but it worked.”

  Derek closed his eyes, grabbing his bulge and giving it a languid squeeze. The idea of Scott kneeling between his meaty thighs, licking his way up his ass and taint as Derek jerked off… it was hot as hell. Derek couldn’t wait to try it.


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