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Bound to the Alpha

Page 17

by D. J. Heart

  “No running him over with your car, please. I would be pissed,” Scott said, taking the shirt. It was a deep forest green, the cotton soft and a little stiff. He shrugged off his T-shirt and pulled it on, buttoning it up with just the top button left undone. Now this was more like it. The shirt clung to his lean frame, making his shoulders seem wider than he thought they were. He looked good, without being soft or submissive. It was perfect.

  “Oh, that’s really nice,” Ellie said, skipping over to the same bag and pulling out a pair of black slacks, “and you can wear it with this, and those shoes you wore at the spring formal, right Jackson?”

  Scott took the pants, not bothered about Jackson or Ellie watching him change. He stepped into the nice wool pants, tucking in his shirt and zipping up the fly. He smiled at his reflection, pleased and surprised by what he saw.

  He wondered if Derek would even blink when he saw the credit card bill, or if the charges would even ping on his radar. In truth Scott had no idea of the state of Derek’s finances, but he had the impression that the alpha was well-off. In any case, Scott hadn’t felt guilty when handing over the alpha’s card to the sales person at Hugo Boss. And now that he saw what making an effort did for his appearance, he thought he just might head back. Soon.

  Jackson nodded. “You look good, Scott. Very hot.”

  Scott frowned at him, wondering if he was teasing, but Jackson just smiled. He turned back to his reflection, still suspicious.

  “So you’re meeting him at your parents’ house, right?” Ellie asked, sitting down on her bed next to Jackson. Scott nodded.

  “Yeah, at seven. Why?”

  “No reason. I just think it’s cute, him picking you up for a date. I wonder where he’s taking you.”

  “I have no clue,” Scott said. He wanted to look nice for his date. Derek’s smoldering smirk was still etched in his mind, but he also didn’t want to get his hopes up and be disappointed if Derek didn’t make an effort.

  “You guys want to go to my place for a swim?” Jackson asked, looking a little bored. Jackson loved to go shopping and play dress up, but then again it was usually him buying and trying on clothes. Ellie and Scott looked at each other, grinning. They still had hours to go before Scott’s date, and nothing beat hanging out by the pool and soaking up sun.

  “Sure, that sounds cool. You want to drive?” Ellie asked, getting up and grabbing her bikini from her dresser. Scott changed out of his date outfit, not wanting to get it dirty before the main event, making quick work of pulling on his comfy old jeans and t-shirt.

  “Yes,” Jackson answered decisively, and the three of them headed out.


  Walking into his office for his first day of work after making his deal with Scott, Derek wasn’t sure how he felt. Giving up on Scott, abandoning his efforts to turn the boy into a decent omega… on the one hand it felt like he’d failed. On the other hand, maybe Scott just wasn’t cut out for the kind of submission Derek wanted.

  In any case, Derek had made up his mind and was sticking to it. Any submission Scott gave him from here on out had to be voluntary. Derek had his hopes, but he wasn’t counting on Scott to suddenly start wearing his collar. He would hold on to it, hoping, but it was Scott’s choice.

  “Derek,” Patty, his secretary, greeted him as he came off the elevator. She looked worried, “Jacob called. He had an emergency and won’t be coming into work today. Something about his omega.”

  “Mike? Did he say what was wrong?” Derek asked, wondering if Jacob was avoiding him after his humiliating attempt at starting a fight. Derek hoped not. The success of their business depended on them and how well they worked together. If their differing approaches to their omegas was going to cause tensions, then that could prove problematic.

  “No, he didn’t say,” Patty bit her lip, a habit she had broken a long time ago. “It sounded like something serious, though. I think you should give him a call.”

  “I will,” Derek promised, “Anything else?”

  “No. Just what’s on your calendar.”

  Derek nodded and stepped into his office, hesitating before picking up his phone. Would Jacob even want to hear from him right now? He decided to let Jacob decide, calling him. He felt nervous, his feelings about his best friend conflicted. He’d never given any thought to how Jacob treated Mike. The omega seemed happy, and he was unobtrusive, which made him easy to ignore. He’d never had any reason to think Jacob was mistreating him, but now…? Isolating him, not letting him see his family or have friends, keeping him with him at all times like some kind of pet? Derek had his doubts about Mike’s happiness.

  The phone rang for almost a minute, and Derek was about to hang up when Jacob picked up.

  “Hey, Jacob. It’s Derek. Is everything okay? Patty said you had an emergency,” Derek said, making an effort to keep his voice friendly.

  Jacob didn’t say anything, but Derek could hear him breathing so he knew he was on the line.

  “Jacob? Did something happen?” Derek asked, concerned. For all that he and Jacob were fighting, they were still friends.

  “Mike had a heart attack,” Jacob said, voice dull and hoarse, like he’d been crying. Derek reeled.

  “He what?”

  “The doctors say his heart couldn’t take the stress of being in the omega box.”

  Derek didn’t know what to say. Jacob sounded wrecked. Defeated. If Derek hadn’t already decided to never use the omega box on Scott again, this would have cinched it.

  “Is he… is Mike going to be okay?” Derek asked, holding his breath. Losing your bonded omega was the worst thing that could happen to an alpha. Most didn’t survive more than a few months after it happened, their bodies literally wasting away.

  “They say he’s going to be fine,” Jacob said, voice still disturbingly lifeless. “They said that if I use the box again he has a sixty percent chance of having another cardiac event. He’s awake now, but I haven’t seen him yet.”

  “You haven’t… Jacob, why not?”

  “Derek, I can’t face him,” Jacob said, emotion creeping into his voice, “I hurt him. He could have died. How am I supposed to… I don’t know what to do. The omega box was supposed to make him better, not… not hurt him.”

  Derek said nothing, not sure what Jacob needed to hear.

  “I just wanted him to stop… I don’t even know. Thinking. How awful is that?” Jacob’s voice cracked, and Derek heard him gulp for breath. If this is where forcing your omega to be obedient led you, Derek was glad he’d given up on that notion.

  “He’s your omega, Jacob. He’s hardwired to forgive you. I think you should man up and go see him.” Even if Mike hated Jacob, he still needed him. Would still heal faster and better with his alpha present. Jacob was being a lousy alpha by putting his discomfort and shame ahead of the well-being of his omega.

  Derek knew he was being harsh, but Jacob needed to hear it and see sense. He wondered if the other alpha was going to ignore his advice, but Jacob drew a shuddering breath and said, “You’re right. I’ll go see him. Thanks, Derek. I’ll see you… I don’t know. Later.”

  Jacob hung up before Derek had a chance to say goodbye, and Derek spent a good ten seconds listening to the dial tone before hanging up.

  He’d have to ask Scott what he’d said to Mike that had set him off, but he had an idea. Scott, with his questions and liberal attitude, must have been a shock for Jacob’s omega. Must have made him think. Derek had never believed that omegas should be mindless in their obedience, but if Jacob did, Scott might well have been the spark that set him off.

  Booting up his computer, Derek got to work.


  For all that he was worried about his friend, Derek couldn’t help grinning in anticipation as he packed up his desk and headed home for the day. He had a date with Scott, and he intended to show the boy exactly what it was like to be courted by an alpha.

  He made it home in good time and headed upstairs, pondering what he sho
uld wear on his date. He wanted something that screamed alpha. Something sleek and hot, that showed off his powerful build and made Scott weak in the knees. Something that made him wet.

  Rummaging through his closet, Derek knew exactly what he was looking for. His single pair of leather pants. It had been years since he’d worn them last, and even though they were cliché and over-the-top, he pulled them off beautifully.

  The pants were folded up and placed all the way in the back of his closet, the leather buttery and soft to the touch. He’d had them tailored back in his clubbing days, and they fit him like a glove. Scott wouldn’t know what hit him.

  Derek laid the pants on the bed, going back to his dresser and picking out a burgundy cashmere sweater that was just the right side of too tight, laying it on the bed next to his pants. He headed to the shower, a quick look at his watch telling him that he had to make it short if he wanted to be on time picking Scott up from his parents’ house.

  Turning the water on, Derek stripped off his clothes and got his towel ready, stepping under the spray. The water rushed over his back, hot and soothing, and even though there was no time Derek slicked up his hand with soap and gripped his cock tight. His hard length filled his palm, heavy and warm.

  It felt amazing. Shaft turgid and dripping pre-cum, Derek groaned and pumped his rod as he fondled his balls. Just before he was about to shoot his load he let go, gritting his teeth and forcing himself to delay his pleasure. No way was he wasting his load on the shower drain. If everything went the way he hoped with Scott, he’d be pumping his load into the boy’s hole by the end of the night.

  Rinsing off, Derek turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. He dried off quickly, letting the soft cotton towel linger a bit as he dried off his hard shaft and loose sac.

  Skin still a little moist, Derek fixed his hair and headed back to the bedroom. He didn’t shave, knowing that Scott enjoyed the scruff of his stubble when he ate him out.

  Naked and grinning, Derek surveyed his outfit on the bed, imagining Scott’s reaction to seeing him all dressed up. Derek hadn’t gone all out yet in trying to impress Scott, and it was turning out to be a lot more fun than he’d expected. He wanted Scott to be overwhelmed by how hot his alpha was. Wanted to be admired and lusted after by his omega. It turned him on like he’d never expected.

  Derek also hoped that the cliché bad-boy alpha look would spark some reciprocal desires in Scott. That the omega would see him and want to be the kind of omega that matched an alpha like Derek. He wasn’t counting on it, and he wouldn’t push it, but the hope was there. He could just imagine Scott on his knees, hugging Derek’s thigh as he rested his head on the bulge in Derek’s leather pants. How his tongue would trace the shape of his cock, teasing him through the leather. The mental image did nothing to lessen his raging erection, and Derek gave himself a mental shake.

  He needed to stop fantasizing and get going. He grabbed the pants and pulled them up over his thighs, tucking his cock away with some difficulty. The leather clung to his muscular legs, his ass and package both displayed to their best advantage. Looking in the mirror the effect was even better than Derek remembered, and when he squeezed his shaft through the leather, the feel of the material against his bare cock had him moaning in pleasure. The caveman in him wanted to go like this—shirtless and primal—but that would be taking it a step too far and would be inappropriate.

  He’d save that for an anniversary or something.

  In danger of being late, which would be unacceptable, Derek tore himself away from the mirror and pulled on his best boots. Shrugging on his tight cashmere sweater, he grabbed his wallet and keys before dabbing a hint of cologne on his neck. Tones of wood and leather, just enough to complement his natural alpha musk without overpowering it. Ready to go, he checked himself in the mirror for the last time, grinning at what he saw, and headed out.


  “Are you sure you shouldn’t be taking it easy? You were just in a car accident,” Scott’s mom said, fussing with the collar of his shirt and smoothing a hand through his hair. To say that she and his dad had been happy when Scott showed up without a collar and the news that he and Derek were ditching the traditional crap would be an understatement.

  “Mom, I feel fine,” Scott said, pulling away. He headed for the mirror, checking to make sure that his mom hadn’t messed up his hair. To his dismay his artfully messy work of art was now smoothed back from his forehead, and he promptly set about righting it. “Derek and I are just going out on a date. It’s not like he’s taking me rock climbing or anything.”

  “I guess you’re right. Just make sure you let him know if you start feeling bad, okay?”

  “I will,” Scott smiled and stepped away from the mirror, looking anxiously at the door. Jackson and Ellie had left an hour ago, wishing him luck, and now all that was left was the wait.

  He didn’t know why he was nervous. It was just a date. There was no reason to be nervous about going on a date with a guy who knew what it felt like to have your tongue up his ass. Who had literally fucked you so hard you blacked out from sheer pleasure.

  “You look very handsome,” his mother said, still smiling. Scott blushed and ducked his head, pleased at the compliment. He hoped Derek would agree. He looked down at his clothes one more time, hoping they weren’t too formal. They sat just right, like they’d been made for him, and Ellie and Jackson had reassured him over and over that he looked hot.

  Jackson did not dole out compliments lightly, even to Scott, so he knew that the alpha was telling the truth. He looked good.

  “Derek’s not here yet?” Scott’s dad asked, coming into the hallway where Scott and his mom were waiting. He looked at the bare skin on Scott’s neck, smile getting a little wider. Scott knew that his parents had been upset when he came home leashed and collared by Derek, but he was beginning to realize that they’d been much more upset than they’d let on.

  Their relief now was palpable.

  “No. He’s supposed to be here at seven, Dad,” Scott said. He checked his watch again, just to make sure that seven p.m. hadn’t somehow come and gone without him noticing. But no, still ten minutes left.

  “Good. Your mother and I want to have a little talk with him before you leave.”

  “What? No,” Scott said, horrified. The last thing he wanted was for his parents to ruin his date by getting Derek’s hackles up. Their peace was fragile and untested, and Scott was not rocking the boat this early. “Please don’t.”

  “Don’t worry, Scott. It’s nothing bad,” his mom said, apparently in on the conspiracy. Scott scowled and would have objected further, but he could hear the smooth purr of a car pulling up into the driveway outside. It had to be Derek.

  “Go away!” he hissed at his parents, who just smiled at him and stayed put. It was so annoying!

  There was a knock on the door, and with a last pleading look to his parents, Scott opened it. And promptly forgot how to speak. Or close his mouth.

  Derek looked… good. Very good. Delicious. Scott couldn’t even get his mind around how hot Derek looked. It should be illegal for an alpha to look this good.

  The first thing he noticed was the sweater. It clung to Derek’s biceps and pectoral muscles, nipples pushing through the thin wool like they were just begging for someone to peel the clingy shirt off and lick them. It scooped down into a deep V, showing off the cleft between his muscular pecs and a light dusting of chest hair. Then there were the pants. Scott wanted to write poems and songs about Derek’s pants. Shiny black leather hugged the alpha’s legs like they’d been molded to his body, the length of his hard cock pushed down against his thigh clearly visible. Scott wanted to get down on his knees and just nuzzle that bulge until his nose was sore.

  Drooling, eyes glued to Derek’s magnificent shaft, the alpha let him look his fill as he preened.

  “Scott? Aren’t you going to invite Derek inside?” his mom asked, sounding exasperated. It had been almost twenty seconds since he o
pened the door and went mute with lust. Derek was hidden by the door, so his parents still hadn’t seen just what his alpha had decided to wear. Scott blushed, suddenly mortified that his mother was going to see his alpha like this. The smirk fell off Derek’s face, a look of panic taking its place.

  “Hi,” Scott said, licking his lips. He wiped his chin of drool, opening the door wider and stepping aside to let Derek enter. “You look… very nice.”

  Derek nodded and stepped forward, surprising Scott by pulling him in close and leaning down to give him a kiss. Scott melted into Derek’s embrace, letting the alpha hold him tight as he forgot all about his parents. Derek pulled away just as fast as he’d pulled him close, a self-satisfied look on his face.

  “Thank you, you look very nice too,” he said. It took Scott a few seconds to understand what he meant. He smiled, mumbling out, “Thanks” before turning to his parents and gesturing for Derek to come all the way inside.

  Derek stepped into the hallway, closing the door behind him. He stood tall with his back straight and shoulders pulled back, facing Scott’s parents like he was going into battle.

  The look on his parents’ faces when they saw Derek was priceless. His mother blushed, his father’s lips pinched tight. Derek acted like there was nothing at all unusual about his outfit, and Scott realized that it might be true. What if Derek dressed like this all the time? Scott could only hope.

  “Derek, if we could have a word?” his mom asked, eyes staying well above the bulge in Derek’s pants. Derek looked to Scott, raising an eyebrow, to which Scott rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders, as if to say, “Parents, right?”

  “Sure,” Derek said, nodding to Scott as he sauntered away, Scott’s parents leading him into the kitchen. Once they were out of sight, Scott hurried after them so that he could eavesdrop. He knew that it was rude and impolite, but he didn’t care. This was his life they were talking about. He stood just outside the kitchen door, straining his ears to listen.


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