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Page 12

by Ann, Pamela

  Such lies.

  “How can you not—” He stopped yapping when I got him on the bed and started to work on his pants, peeling them off.

  I gave him a direct look, one that should tell him not to mess with me. “Please, just shut the hell up.” When I got him naked, I put back on a smile when I saw how hard he was. Gently stroking it, I licked it once just to see how he tasted.

  “Suck me. Suck it hard,” Brody gritted out, gently poking his engorged head on my lips, splitting them apart.

  Hollowing my cheeks, I slid his shaft deeper into my hungry mouth, sucking and moaning at the very sight of him in his rapturous state. After another good minute, I pulled him out of my mouth and carefully placed the condom on. I slowly positioned myself above him, lining my opening onto his steel cock before gently lowering myself. A loud guttural gasp came from me when the head slid into my muscles, stretching me.

  Brody gripped my ass, took charge and slammed me all the way down, to the base of his dick, piercing me good. “Shit, Linds,” he gutted out. “Ride my cock, baby. Show my cock how much you missed it.”

  “Fuck!” I yelped in a shaky tone when Brody gripped my sides, grounding me down as he rocked me back and forth, without premonition. I was wet, but the way he was grinding me, I was coming freely, until he started pumping hard then released his seed, cursing loudly.

  Sweaty and completely out of my mind, I was trying to catch my breath as I placed my forehead on his chest and then rolled like a doll, falling next to his sated body.

  We were quiet a moment, enjoying and remembering what we had just shared until he spoke up a few minutes later. “What’s your sexual fantasy?” Brody murmured, stroking my hair as our breaths evened.

  Well… was it wise to speak to your boyfriend about complicated subjects like fantasies? I had no idea. “Why—what’s yours?”

  “Avoiding the question much?” Brody’s thumb found my nipple, lazily circling it while deep in thought. “It’s a fantasy—and most fantasies don’t ever happen—and I’m not sure I’d want it to happen, anyway.” He paused, figuring out what to say next. “You know what, let’s drop the subject. It was stupid.”

  Uh, no, buddy. Not when you have piqued my curiosity, I thought, wondering what it was. Was it about another woman he wanted? Um, hell, no. “You better tell me now or you won’t be getting laid for the next month!”

  “It’s a fantasy—promise me you won’t get mad?”

  “Promise, promise. Now, tell me!”

  “A threesome with you. You blowing a guy while I fucked you from behind.”

  Whoa. Damn. Fuck. It was a fantasy… one that I would prefer if it ever took place. “Interesting. So, watching me like that turns you on?”

  “Every guy has a fantasy. I’m sure most women have the same exact ones. That’s the thing—men have these—but it doesn’t mean that we’ll act on it or would push it to happen. It just stays there in your imagination, nothing more.”

  How kinky was his mind? I wondered. “So, how often do you think of me in such a precarious situation?”

  “Every jack-off session.”

  Typical, healthy male; that’s good. “And that happens… every?”

  Brody slowly got on top of me, blatantly licking my nipple as he spoke to me, “Every day—two to three sometimes, depends on how blue-balled you get me that day.”

  Funny. “You are one horny man, Brody Thompson.”

  He thrust into me, lodging his cock deeply before he made a low, rumbling growl. “Fuck. Condom. Reach one for me, will you?” he asked, slowly pumping his shaft in me, having a hard time holding back.

  Yeah, we needed one, I thought as I twisted my body to reach one out of several on the table before handing it out to him. I wasn’t going to risk pregnancy. It’s best to have the man use a condom and still be on birth control. No one can tell me that I wasn’t careful because I was. Motherhood was something I didn’t want. EVER. The only time I slipped from my rule was with Dimitris… that one week in Athens.

  Closing my eyes, I imagined how he took me in the gym, the feral look in his beautiful eyes, the animalistic way he fucked me while we both watched in the mirror. I was writhing in earnest before I felt Brody’s dick slide into me, picking up pace. “Tell me about your fantasy,” I asked, dreaming of that gym—thinking it was him on me, in me. I was getting so turned on; I simply wanted to cry out his name.

  Brody was on a mission, working me hard. “I know, the thought of you like that—gets me off every single time.”

  Oh hell, the thought of Brody doing that made me push the Greek out of my mind. Yes, deeper, I silently pleaded as he worked in and out of my body. “Tell me all about it,” I panted out as I watched his cock disappear into my opening, watched as he pulled it out, then slammed it back in.

  “I don’t like the thought of you cheating, but if you’re with me—enjoying it with me and sharing it with me—I’m up for that.” He kept on fucking me, taking a nipple in between his teeth and tugging at it.

  Mother hell, yes! “Baby—I’m so close—please, harder!”

  He pounded me so hard I knew I would ache tomorrow. A month of abstinence and my libido was back, but nowhere near as titillating as the one I’d had in Athens.

  Who’s complaining, though? I was getting my O’s. It should suffice.

  Chapter 21

  We still had three more weeks to go until we left for Italy, but Amber and Trista were already going wacky with shopping, sending picture after picture of what to wear and whatever. I wondered if they were going to get worse when it was only a week away. Come on, Taylor was going to bite her ass off if she kept on going like this.

  I ordered my coffee before deciding to reply to Trista’s message.

  The clothes look great and all… but try not to forget you have Taylor, k? He’s probably getting annoyed with your online shopping going haywire. Be nice.

  There; sent.

  My mood nosedived when I noticed the person who was clearing their throat to be noticed. Mother hell.

  “Don’t you know it’s time for you to snap out of your funk?” Cece scathingly eyed me up and down, smirking.

  I barely gave her a glance, ignoring her, wishing that my coffee would magically appear this instant because I didn’t want to be infested by her bad juju.

  “You think I’m the bad guy, don’t you? Well, maybe, but I’m not the only one. You’re such a little princess—always being surrounded by all these caring men—but I got a taste of your man before you did and that pissed you off. Maybe I should share some of your hate, you know, just to be a good friend for you.” Cece kept ranting next to me while my eyes stayed put, not glancing at her. “I wasn’t the only one who wanted to taste your Brody.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Cece!” I hissed at her, almost fed up.

  “I have—for far too long—but I think you should ask Amber. She sure as hell knows how to keep a secret, huh? Such a conniving bitch, that best friend of yours.” Cece pouted, eyes vicious.

  Amber? What about Amber? “What the fuck are you talking about Amber for?”

  Cece grinned at me, enjoying my reaction. “Have you ever wondered who she gave her v-card to?” she supplied.

  She barely finished spouting off before I slapped her, hard. “Next time, when someone tells you to shut the fuck up, you fucking do it!” I yelled at her then pushed her against the table, almost making her fall on her butt before some guy helped her. I didn’t even care if she hit her head on the floor and died right then and there because I was busy heading home, looking for some fucking answers.

  It wasn’t even eleven in the morning and I was ready to raise hell. “Amber!!!” I screamed, yanking her door open. The woman was asleep, barely cracking her eyes open before I hastily pulled her comforter off her body, enraged, going bat-shit wacky. “Did you fuck Brody?” I screamed at her. I watched her eyes widen, about to deny it before I jumped on her. “You fucking bitch!” I slapped her so hard before I pulled her hair. “You
lying skank! I trusted you.”

  Emma—who was here for a couple of days before leaving again—woke up from her sleep and scrambled to get me off Amber while she screamed for Trista, who took a good minute to come out of her room. When they finally managed to untangle me from Amber’s body, I noticed that I had scratched her face and it was bleeding, but I didn’t give a fuck.

  “Have you fucking lost it, Lindsey!” Emma spat at me, looking at me like I was mental.

  “She—she gave her virginity to Brody,” I whispered, still attempting to comprehend the bomb Cece had handed me.

  Amber had tears in her eyes, but she was red from anger as she darted me an angry look.

  “Can someone please tell me this is a lie, please?” Trista eyed all of us before she looked at Amber. “Tell me this is not true.”

  “You better fucking own up to it, you skank!” I hissed at her before Emma pushed me off, holding me down.

  Amber was on fire. “Do you know how lucky you are? You have these two wonderful men, who love you, but you don’t appreciate any of that. You’re a selfish bitch, Lindsey!” Amber hissed at me, livid and outraged.

  “I’ve loved Brody,” Amber continued. “I’ve always loved him, but he only has eyes for you. He’s a good man. I begged him that night… because I just wanted a piece of him… to remember something of him that was only mine and no one could take away.

  “You all are lucky!” She directed towards Trista, “You have Taylor and it’s sickening how much he loves you.” She looked at Emma. “You have Carter, even though you don’t want him, he won’t go away. Then, you have Bass. Even though this shit with Nikki is messed up, one look is all I need to see how much he worships you.” She paused, teary. “I’m happy for you guys, especially for you, Tris. I see all these happy faces while I’m far from it. No one loves me. Fuck, even my parents don’t. Am I that worthless?”

  “You’re still a back-stabbing bitch!” I shot out before shutting myself in my room, not wanting to see her face any longer.

  “Linds? Do you want to talk? Open the door.” Emma was shaking the doorjamb, but I wasn’t ready to talk.

  Not right now, let me be. I needed space, from everyone, from my family, from the rest of the world.

  That night, Brody tried to get in my room, but he wasn’t successful.

  I was too angry and the betrayal that I felt from Cece before didn’t compare to Amber; her betrayal was so much worse because I let myself believe that Brody and I had a future together. How could I build one with him when our past kept hounding me? How could I forgive and forget when the people that betrayed me were the ones I loved?

  Most of all, Amber. For so many years, she never said anything about her feelings for Brody. How could she even fathom seducing the man that I wanted then? Let alone loved? She said she was in love with him, too. How the hell did I not see that?

  There was never a time I noticed that she did. She acted the same. How many lies did she hide from the rest of us? How long had she been pretending to be someone that she’s not? She should’ve come to me and confronted me about Brody. I certainly didn’t need to hear if from Cece, it made things unbelievably worse.

  Betrayal. Would I ever live without it? I despised that word. It shrouded my childhood, my teenage years and now. To this day, it was the same old crap. When would it leave me?

  Brody’s betrayal was my payment for hurting Dimitris. Karma was a mean bitch. I crushed my husband’s heart and now it was crushing mine.

  Hurt and vulnerable, I stuck myself in my room, ignoring every single person that knocked on my door.

  Chapter 22

  “Lindsey!!! Open up!” Brody pounded on my door, not giving up.

  For the last week, he had come here every day, trying to talk to me. “Go away!” I screamed at the door as I contemplated what the hell to do with him.

  Brody begged, sounding like he was in so much pain, just like the one I was in. “Let’s talk, please. I’ll do anything—just hear me out, Linds.”

  Gripping the door handle, I pried it open enough to speak. “Promise me that you’ll leave me alone when I tell you to?”

  “I hope you won’t do that… but if it’s the only option, then yes, I promise you.” Brody made a regretful sigh, desperate.

  Opening the door to let him through, I stared at my foot so I didn’t have to see him enter. This man only brought pain and sadness to me, even though he hadn’t been mine then.

  “You’re not going to forgive me, are you?” he whispered, standing at the foot of my bed. I still wouldn’t look at his face.

  “No, I just can’t.” Too much had happened. I gave up too much, thinking this was what I wanted—that it was him I wanted, that it was him I loved—but I was merely blinded by my past, confusing things for what they truly were.

  My blindness caused me to lose my marriage.

  My deafness caused me to lose my husband.

  My stupidity caused me to lose the man that I loved.

  So, no, I can’t forgive Brody for not telling me the truth—for hiding that essential fact that would’ve opened my eyes to see him for what he truly was. Most of all, I couldn’t forgive myself for letting Dimitris go, thinking it was for the best.

  “But you love me, Linds. Can’t you at least find it in you to forgive me? Make me go through all sorts of punishment, I don’t care, just as long as you’ll be mine and won’t leave me. I love you, pookie. I fucking love you so much. I need you to give me a chance. We’ve barely just begun.”

  Smiling sadly, I looked at him through my tears. “I was married once, to this beautiful, kind man. He never held back in loving me. He wanted me—ME—and no other woman. When I was around, no one existed for him. He didn’t need to take months, years or a fucking decade to know if he loved me or not. He just knew that he did and married me two weeks later.” I sniffed, wiping my tears. “He worshipped me, but it was sad because I wasn’t used to being treated like that—being treated like I was the only one… because I was used to chasing and loving a man like you, Brody. My idiocy chased him away… you and I have made our bed of problems. There’s nothing left except to lie in our coffins and die in it, because that’s what I am right now. I’m dead inside.”

  “You’re married?” Brody asked, flabbergasted.

  I wished. “I was.”

  “Where’s he now?”

  Claudine. “With his future, where he should be. Where he belongs.”


  “There’s mail for you.” Trista handed me an envelope before opening her purchases from her lavish online addiction.

  There was no return address so I didn’t know where it had come from. My curiosity about the sender didn’t last long because when I opened the letter, it brought more ugliness. It was my finalization of the dissolution to my marriage with Dimitris.

  My hands shook as I shoved the papers back in. I ran towards my room, locking the door before I buried it in the bottom of a drawer, wishing it away, wishing it gone.

  No more Dimitris.

  The thought of him brought new sadness, washing me with memories of him again. His easy laughter and his kind heart—he was so good to others—loved me even if I was ugly inside. I was a rotten person, only beautiful from the outside, however I was purely rotten to the core, like my mother.

  I was just like her.

  Hurting the only men that ever loved us—our husbands.

  Chapter 23

  Amber opted to stay because I wasn’t going to go with her on the trip to Milan. Therefore the long flight across the Atlantic gave me the time I needed to ponder the events that had happened between Amber and Brody.

  Emma and Trista weren’t taking sides, which was great and all, but it would’ve been fantastic, too, if one of them had sided with me. It seemed that life had set out to give me one hurdle after the other. It didn’t even give me enough space in between to take a break and try to gather myself. It just kept on throwing punches, waiting for me to get knocked-out.

  We checked into a hotel even though Luca, who I’ve never met, offered his home to us. Taylor and Bass didn’t like the idea of their women staying at the hot playboy’s palazzo. When Emma and Trista were readying themselves to go to dinner with Emma’s friends, I declined. Honestly, I just needed a night of my own—without Amber or Brody around.

  I was probably asleep for an hour when Trista came knocking on my door. “Wake up and get dressed! We’re leaving for Monza in the next forty-five minutes.”

  Not today, I won’t. “You guys go. I’m jet-lagged and had only an hour of sleep. Tonight, I’ll join you guys tonight,” I mumbled, ready to go back to sleep.

  Trista sighed, disappointed in my lack of enthusiasm “You suck! Tonight it is then! Laters, doll.”

  My life was so depressing, I thought sadly before succumbing to a deep coma-like sleep.


  We were in a palazzo owned by Luca as we celebrated Jacques’s victory against the Luca himself. I suppose they were that good of friends that they didn’t have any jealousy or fights about who was the loser.

  I was at the bar, waiting on my champagne when another man joined me, deep in thought.

  “For fuck’s sake!” The man was losing his patience as he cut the ringing shrill of his phone off for the second time.

  When his phone started ringing again, he ended it and slammed it back on the bar. “Bugger off!” he muttered, really getting my attention now.

  I was halfway through my champagne when that thing went off again, driving me a little crazy. Turning towards the man next to me, I outstretched my hand, looking at the stranger for the first time. “If that’s an ex-lover that needs a reality check, give it to me so I can drink in peace.”


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