It Wasn't Me

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It Wasn't Me Page 6

by Vale, Lani Lynn

  She was naked underneath.

  I wasn’t sure how I knew that, but she was.

  “Did we…”

  God, I hoped we didn’t.

  I really, really wanted to remember the first time with her.

  “No,” she instantly denied. “At least I don’t think so.”

  I looked at her practically naked body laid out in front of me and felt something inside me release.

  “You don’t have to look so relieved.” She rolled her eyes.

  “I’m not relieved that we didn’t have sex…kind of. I’m relieved that we didn’t have sex and that I didn’t totally forget it. Because that would have been a tragedy,” I explained.

  Her lips twitched, then she lifted her hand and showed it to me.

  My eyes zoomed in on her ring finger where a red, obviously brand-new tattoo lay. It was of a crown with a ‘Q’ creatively hidden in the scrollwork.

  I looked down at my own finger and felt my chest tighten.

  “Shit,” I said softly. “I knew that feeling was familiar.”

  Because on my hand was also a crown, though mine was fit for a king, and not a queen.

  “I got up to go to the bathroom, rolled over on my backside to scoot out of the bed, and felt my ass protest,” she went on.

  I frowned.


  She rolled over onto her belly and shifted the sheets so I could see what she was talking about.

  It was a tattoo.

  Another one.

  It was on her left ass cheek and said, ‘Mrs. Crew.’

  I bit my lip to keep from blurting what I thought about the tattoo.

  “Go ahead.” She dropped her head into the pillow. “Say it.”

  “I like it,” I told her bluntly.

  She snickered. Then burst out into full-blown laughter.

  “I kind of did, too!” She shook her head. “I mean, the scrollwork on it is epic.”

  Then the reality set in. “Umm, do you know what happened last night?”

  She shook her head.

  “I can remember up until I was on drink number four when we got to that casino. Then I think no sleep, paired with my medication, paired with my alcohol, means not so good things for my memory.” She groaned.

  That didn’t explain my lack of memory.

  “I’ve been drinking since I was a twelve-year-old kid. I haven’t had this bad of a hangover since I was nineteen and trying to prove to my CO that I could out drink him,” I explained.

  There was a long pause, then she said, “Did you win?”

  I grinned and fell backward onto my back, then rolled until I was facing her.

  “Yes,” I answered. “But I regretted it for a week afterward.”

  She snickered but quickly sobered.

  “You had so much beer yesterday that I’m fairly sure you almost died of alcohol poisoning. Like so much. You drank about five times the amount that I did.”

  I frowned.

  “Was there a reason for my excessive drinking?” I questioned.

  “Well.” She frowned, looking so adorably cute that it was making me want to laugh. “There was this guy that told us they were serving free beer. From there, you had to drink a beer every fifteen minutes for it to continue to be free. I also got all my drinks free if you were able to do it.”

  I shook my head. “Sometimes I can’t understand the utter stupidity that goes through my head.”

  She threw the sheet back over her butt to cover herself, then rolled to face me.

  “There’s a marriage certificate on the nightstand, as well as two actual wedding rings, and we have tattooed rings on our finger. Also, I’m fairly sure this was all your idea.” She licked her lips, blinking owlishly at me.

  “Me?” I asked, stunned. “What makes you say it was me?”

  She groaned hard. “It’s not normally my go-to thing—getting married—when I’ve been drinking. My go-to thing when I’ve been drinking is taking naps.”

  She scoffed, and I reached for her hand again, bringing the ring finger up close to my face to inspect it more closely.

  “Does it hurt?” I asked, running the edge of my thumb over it once.

  “Kind of,” she paused. “I thought they weren’t supposed to tattoo you if you were drunk.”

  I glanced up at her face as I ran my thumb over the tattoo again, feeling a swelling of pride and excitement coursing through me.

  “This is Vegas, baby,” I replied. “Anything goes in Vegas. As you’ve already found out.”

  She groaned and pulled her hand away from my grasp, covering her face with both of hers.

  She scrubbed it vigorously as she said, “I have eight thousand things to do today, one of which is walking a whole bunch, and I have a tattoo. On. My. Ass.”

  As she was scrubbing her face, the sheet slipped down, revealing one nice, juicy nipple.

  “Piper?” I said softly.

  She peeked out at me from between her fingers. “Yeah?”

  “Your nipple is showing,” I growled. “And unless you want me to bend over and take it into my mouth, you should probably cover it up.”

  But…she didn’t cover it up.

  “You want to know why I know we didn’t do anything?” she asked softly.

  I licked my lips, eyes on her nipple.

  “Why?” I rasped.

  “Because I’m a virgin.”

  I blinked. Then blinked again, trying to focus my thoughts.

  “I’m sorry, what?” I blurted.

  “I’m a virgin,” she repeated. “You married a virgin. The oldest virgin that there ever was.”

  I frowned. “Is your vagina defective?”

  She pursed her lips.

  “No,” she said.

  “Can someone stick their cock in there?” I asked.

  “Yes,” she hesitated.

  “Then why the fuck are you a virgin?” I asked, unable to help myself by moving forward and stopping just inches away from her pert nipple. “Because honey, from where I’m at, you’re absolutely perfect. I’ve wanted to fuck you since I saw you walking past me on the tarmac in Germany.”

  I heard her swallow hard.

  “I made a vow when I was sixteen and my sister got her heart broken that I wouldn’t be following in her footsteps,” she explained. “A vow of celibacy that went on way longer than I thought it would.”

  I leaned forward and felt my breath bouncing off of her perfect nipple and blowing back into my face. I was so close that all I would have to do is stick my tongue out.

  “I’m not a good virgin person,” I admitted. “I’ve never had one. I don’t know what to do with one. I’m fairly sure I’ll fuck this all up…and I’m a hundred percent sure that I want to fuck you right now. I want to claim that right as your husband.”

  She moaned and arched upward.

  I wasn’t sure if it was on purpose or not…but I took it as the sign it was.

  When her nipple pressed up against my slightly parted lips, I lost it.

  Leaning forward, I circled her nipple with the tip of my tongue, rolling it around and around and around until it was so hard that it couldn’t get any harder.

  Her hands went into my hair, and she viciously yanked me back, causing me to growl at her in frustration.

  “The other side,” she pleaded. “Please.”

  I moved until I was between her legs, the only thing separating us was a thin silk sheet in blood red.

  My cock was downright hard, and I knew that she was gasping at the feel of me against her pussy and not the fact that I was leaning forward, heading straight for her other nipple.

  Her hands went to my hair when I descended, holding on lightly but not pulling any longer.

  “God,” she breathed. “Holy God.”

  I grinned right before I bit down lightly on her nipple, causing her hips to jerk.

  “Fuuuuck,” she gasped out. “Hol
y fuck.”

  “Holy seems to be your word choice of today,” I said as I pressed kisses along the swell of her breastbone.

  She had big breasts. I wasn’t sure where she’d been hiding them, but I hadn’t expected a pair that were quite so big.

  I cupped them both into my hands, squeezing them together, and then dragging my tongue from one nipple to the other.

  “Jonah,” she whispered. “Jonah, please.”

  I knew what she wanted.

  The same thing I did.

  “I don’t have any condoms,” I told her honestly. “We can’t go further than third base.”

  I felt her swallow.

  “I’ve been on birth control since my sister got on it,” I told him. “My mom saw no reason in not getting us both on it at the same time. Trust me when I say, I’m protected.”

  I heard the words ‘I’m protected’ and felt a bit of sadness wash over me.

  Seeing her swelling with my child flashed through my eyes, but I quickly smashed that thought down.

  No, children didn’t have any place in this conversation right now.

  We were in a predicament already. We didn’t need to add children to the mix.

  That didn’t stop me from wishing for it, though.

  “You’re sure?” I asked.

  What the hell, was I stupid?

  She snorted. “Oh yeah. Want proof?”

  I frowned.

  “Umm,” I hesitated. “How will you show me proof?”

  She grinned at me wickedly. “I’m on the NuvaRing.”

  I tilted my head slightly to the side. “What’s that?”

  She bit her lip. “It’s a birth control device. I have to insert it into my vagina for three weeks, and on the last week, I pull it out and do the period thing. I start all over the next week.”

  I allowed my eyes to skate down the length of her body.

  “Do you keep it in during sex?” I questioned.

  I had no idea about female birth control. The only women I’d ever dated were on birth control pills, but even then, I’d never had sex with them bare like I was about to do with Piper.

  It’d just never felt right.

  With Piper, though? It felt perfectly right. Like I’d saved that part of myself for her, and her only.

  “From what I understand,” she hesitated. “I don’t have any experience in that part of the scenario, remember?”

  Oh yeah. I sure the fuck remembered.

  “I’m not sure how I stopped myself from doing this last night,” I admitted as I slowly moved the sheet out from under us. “Because with us both being naked and pressed up against each other…”

  “It was probably the fact that you blacked out the moment you got into our bed.” She shrugged. “Because I agree. When I woke up this morning and felt you pressing up against me? I knew what was about to happen.”

  I liked that. I liked it a lot.

  The idea of her thinking about me, fantasizing about me while I was lying next to her in bed, was a particular turn on of mine.

  One day I wanted to wake up with her mouth around my cock.

  Just the idea of her pretty, perfect mouth wrapped around the girth of my cock was enough to send need coursing through my belly.

  When the sheet was finally gone, bunched up beside our feet, I finally got my first good look at her body.

  She was beautiful.

  Pale, light skin the shade of milky white. She had freckles dotting her body sporadically, and her nipples were the perfect shade of pink. Her hair covering her vagina was the palest of blonde and did nothing to hide her vagina.

  I could see the pale pink lips of her sex, the even pinker bits of her inner sex. The pulsing red nub of her clit.

  Oh, and the wetness gathering at her entrance.

  “Fuck me,” I growled, unable to stop myself from running my hand down the length of her belly.

  Stopping for a few seconds to ring my finger around her belly button, it caused her to giggle and squirm.

  “I’ve wanted nothing more than to see you naked…” I growled. “To be between your legs as I looked my fill.”

  She looked at me kneeling between her splayed thighs.

  “Guess you got what you wanted then, didn’t you?” she whispered.

  I grinned. “Not just yet.”

  She bit her lip and squirmed, causing my eyes to once again to be brought to her lower half.

  “I’ll try not to hurt you,” I promised.

  She grinned. “I’ve used vibrators before, Jonah. This isn’t the Stone Age. Sure, I haven’t used anything as large as that.” She gave my dick a pointed look. “But I’m definitely not going to go faint when you put that thing inside of me.”

  Just the idea of her putting things inside of her had my imagination going wild.

  “Well from now on,” I growled, “the only thing inside of you is me, okay?”

  I punctuated that statement by placing my finger to her entrance and slowly sinking it inside of her.

  She was tight.

  And she was truthful.

  I could feel the ring-like device inside of her.

  “That doesn’t bother you?” I asked curiously.

  In my years, I’d felt plenty of pussies before. I wasn’t going to lie and tell her that I hadn’t. But I hadn’t ever encountered this type of birth control. Every woman I’d ever been with had been on the pill of some sort. Hell, I’d even watched a few take their pills.

  She made a noise and brought my attention back to her. She shook her head, her curls bouncing. “Not really, no. A nuisance at times? Yes. But bothersome? No.”

  I licked my lips and pulled my finger out of her, loving how very wet that my finger was.

  I dragged it up along the lips of her sex and centered in on her clit, not quite touching it, but getting close enough that I almost was.

  She shivered when I playfully swirled it around her clit, making circles closer and closer in until I was finally only millimeters away from actually being on top of that little bundle of nerves.

  “Jonah,” she growled in frustration.

  I snorted and moved it infinitesimally, not quite on top of it, but pressing it against the side with my finger.

  She gasped and practically jolted off the bed as she squirmed.

  I wasn’t sure if the touch was too much, or if she was just that shocked by having me touch her.

  Whatever the reason, I stopped and made sure that she was okay.

  “Okay?” I asked, hand stilling between her thighs.

  I’d never had a virgin before.

  I know that she said she’d had plenty of fake things inside of her, but that still was completely different than having a man actually do the touching.

  “Perfectly fine,” she panted. “Holy shit.”

  I took that as a ‘you’re doing just fine’ holy shit and continued my ministrations, circling my finger around her clit, pressing just to the outside so I wasn’t directly on top of the nerves and giving her too much.

  She shifted her legs, squirming around as if she wasn’t sure what to do.

  “Let it go,” I ordered, moving my hand away from those nerves and returning to her pussy.

  She groaned when I filled her with two fingers this time.

  Ignoring the device inside of her, I pumped my fingers in and out, curling them inside to run along the pad of nerves that rested inside of her, deep and true.

  She growled and pressed her breasts into me, causing me to bend down and pull one turgid tip into my mouth and give it a good suck.

  Apparently, that was all that she needed to come, because seconds later she was tightening around my fingers so hard that I knew later when she did that to my cock, she would siphon my release out of me like a thief.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she chanted under her breath.

  I pulled away from her breast but didn’t pull free from her pussy, as I slowly s
troked the rest of her orgasm out of her.

  I watched as she came down from that high, feeling my cock leaking against the soft, bare skin of her thigh, and wondering if I was even going to last for more than a couple of pumps.

  Her eyes fluttered open, and she looked at me in awe.

  “I’ve never, not in my life, felt anything like that before,” she whispered.

  I grinned.

  “Probably a good thing, baby,” I said, dragging my fingers out of her slowly. When they were free, I brought them to my mouth and sucked my fingers clean one at a time. Her eyes heated and her mouth fell open in surprise. “Because if you had, you wouldn’t have lasted this long to be mine.”

  She licked her lips, and her eyes went down the length of my body.

  Her hands strayed to my chest, moving down to slowly drag over my abs until she came to a stop just under where my pants would normally ride.

  “I’ve always wanted to have these to study up close,” she whispered, running her hands along the indents of my lower abdomen. Along the V that formed on either side. “You’ve got them, and now all I can think about is running my tongue along them.”

  I caught her hand before she could put it around my cock.

  “I’m fairly sure that if you did that, I might come in your hair instead of inside of you where I really want to,” I told her bluntly. “I’m more than open to you exploring after I do that, but for now.” I pushed her hand up over her head, then captured the other one and held that one there, too. “I want to sink my cock inside of you and see what it feels like to be squeezed to death like my fingers just experienced.”

  She squirmed and widened her legs. “Then what are you waiting for?”

  Indeed, what the hell was I waiting for?

  I crawled up her body until I was in position, my cock only inches from her entrance.

  “I’m clean,” I told her. “I was tested in Germany, actually, because there was an incident at the range. They ran a full panel of tests because I was injured, and they wanted to cover their asses since I was a civilian. I…”

  She pulled her hand free of mine and placed her fingers over my mouth.

  “I trust you,” she promised.

  I didn’t know why.


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