by Emma Craigie
Beer Hall Putsch 20–1
dismissed by Hitler 26, 36–7, 43–4
morphine addiction 21
Nuremberg trials 234–5
von Grab, Alice 222–3
Greenbaum, Clara 68
von Greim, Robert Ritter
appointed Commander of Luftwaffe 42–3
arrives at Rechlin 58
capture 296, 308
heads for Lübeck 62, 67
heads for Plön Castle 72, 74–5
injury 44, 72
leaves Berlin 51
leaves bunker 44
ordered to mobilise Luftwaffe 45
orders mobilisation of Luftwaffe 58
suicide 296
Gretz, Hermann 271, 272, 273
Grossman, Vasily 82
Guderian, General Heinz 63
Guerisse, Albert (aka Pat O’Leary) 134–5
‘Guernsey Underground Barbers’ 213
Günsche, Otto 235, 248, 251, 253, 258, 279, 296–7
Haarlem 246–7
Haase, Dr Werner 151, 189, 190, 194, 297, 311
Halton, Matthew 276
Hancock, Walter 81
‘happiness hats’ 91–2
Hargrave, Michael 67–8, 94–5, 165–6, 167–8
Harrison, George L. 257–8
von Hassell, Fey 204, 205, 297
von Hassell, Ulrich 205
Hawks, Jane 107
Hepburn-Rushton, Audrey 88–9
Hess, Rudolf 19, 177
Heyden, Mickey 101
Heydrich, Reinhard 215
Hibberd, Stuart 169–70
Hiedler, Johann Nepomuk 55
Higgins, Marguerite 148, 149
Hillers, Marta 87–8
Himmler, Heinrich
after the war 298
astrology 59, 60
attempts to negotiate 24–5, 26, 33, 59–60, 216–17
attitude on compassion 61
authorises release of Scandinavian prisoners 216–17
Beer Hall Putsch 20–1
contact with Karl Frank 158, 169
denies negotiation attempts 150, 244
dismissed by Hitler 37
execution ordered by Hitler 26, 45
learns of Dönitz’s succession 271–2, 285
meets with Dönitz 244
resident in Hohenlychen sanatorium 24
self-opinion 24
SS development 21
von Hindenberg, Field Marshal 81
Hirohito, Emperor 284
Hiroshima 122
Hitchcock, Alfred 168–9
Hitler, Adolf see also Mein Kampf
ancestry 54–5
in 1945 25, 189
genitals 55
moustache 109
assassination attempts 62
before WW2
1939 speech to Reichstag 23
appointed Chancellor of Germany 22
early relationship with Goebbels 57
first public speech in Munich 19
meets Eva 53–4
prisoner in Landsberg 21
takes leadership of Nazis 19–20
birthday 25
character and habits
aggression as youth 17–18
barber’s opinion 109
bedtime preparations 72
dressing ritual 108–9
film watching 177
grief on mother’s death 16-17
love of Munich 240
manic depression 17
monologues 237–8
sex life 72
teetotalism 59
vegetarianism 235
cutlery 69
dogs 111–12, 151–2
early life
childhood 16-17
First World War experience 16, 18–19
as young adult 17–18, 240
in Führerbunker
asks for update on Berlin 197–8, 199–200
bedroom 109
daily conference on Monday 227–8
dictates final testament 26, 35–7
discusses future of Germany 237
goes to Reich Chancellery garden 203
hears of Mussolini’s death 175
last meal 235, 237
last meeting with staff 248–9
marries Eva Braun 26, 42, 52–3, 54, 55–6, 58–9, 62
permanently moves in February 24
study 50
digestion 110–11
eyesight 110, 111, 175, 188
hypochondria 111
Parkinson’s disease 111, 189
nickname 54
orders and commands
action against traitors 191
agrees to allow soldiers to attempt breakout 228
appoints successors 36
discusses plan to contact Wenck 125
dismisses Göring 26, 43–4
dismisses Himmler 37
instructs Speer to destroy infrastructure 23
orders execution of Hermann Fegelein 32–3
orders execution of Himmler 26
orders execution of Prominente 41–2
orders execution of Weidling 228
orders Linge to burn bodies 49–50
releases staff 187, 249–50
propaganda mythology 57
bodies buried 265–6
bodies burnt 253–4
body discovered 314
British celebrations 287
carries it out 252
discusses death 140–1
informs Bormann 232
kept secret from staff 273
makes decision 36, 37
official announcement 287–8
plans method 194
Hitler, Alois 16
Hitler, Eva see Braun, Eva
Hitler, Klara 16–17, 55
Hitler, Paula 16, 55
Hitler Youth
conversion from Boy Scouts 241
Goebbels’ farewell party 156
Pichelsdorf Bridge 158, 195
runners 95, 100, 103, 104
HMS Goodall 163, 179
HMS Loch Insh 179, 182
Hofbeck, Hans 35
Hoffman photographic studio 53
Holland see The Netherlands
Holmes, Marian 177, 224
Holste, General Rudolf 176
Hong Kong 130
Hopkins, Harry 256–7
Bergen-Belsen 166–7
Dachau 223–4
Königsberg 180, 197, 221–2, 279–80, 285
Reich Chancellery 32, 160, 188–9
Reichenhall 130–1
Höss, Rudolf 58
Hudson, Wing Commander Lionel ‘Bill’ 128–30, 144, 150–1, 185–6, 283–5, 298
Humphries, Bunny 153
Ichijima, Yasuo 33–4
Indian National Army 284
Iron Curtain 271
Allied advance 64–5, 74, 123
German surrender 144–5, 177
partisans 74, 99, 117, 236, 259–60
Ito, Haruo 151, 298
Japan, Christianity 34
Japanese forces 129–30, 150–1 see also Okinawa
Jefferson, Flight Lieutenant Alexander 94
Jemmett, Peter 143
Jodl, General Alfred 175–6, 191, 288, 298–9
Johannmeier, Willi 87, 119–20, 158, 190, 272–3, 299–300
Johnston, Lieutenant Colonel James 166, 167
Joyce, Margaret 262, 263, 301
Joyce, William 261–4, 300–1
Junge, Traudl
after the war 301–2
awareness of Hitler’s death 253, 258
decides to break out 279
escaping through Berlin 301–2
farewell meeting with Hitler 248, 249
given fur coat by Eva Braun 225
Hitler gives her cyanide 141
last meal with Hitler 237
looks after Goebbels children 71�
�2, 119, 250, 252, 253
lunch with Hitler on Sunday 140
memoirs 36
moves typewriter fr wedding ceremony 42
need for father figure 38
sleeping in Führerbunker 38, 199
takes Goebbels’ final testament 71–2, 73
takes Hitler’s final testament 26, 35–7, 59, 70
Kadow, Walther 58
Kallman, Chester 156
Kaltenbrunner, Ernst 150
kamikaze pilots 33–4
Kästner, Erich 85
Keitel, General Wilhelm 302
Kempka, Erich 52, 235, 253, 303–4
Kennedy, John F. 105–6, 198–9, 309
Kersten, Felix 24, 216–17
Koch, Hans Henrick 215–16
Kola Inlet 162, 163
Koller, Karl 43
Königsberg 180, 186, 188, 197, 221–2, 279–80, 285
Koplin, Private Kenneth 99
Kotzebue, Albert 77
Kovchenko, Ivan 280
Kramer, Josef 68
Kramers, Major 222
Krebs, General Hans
agrees to allow soldiers to attempt breakout 228
background 62–3
contact with army headquarters 103
contacts Russians 273, 279, 302–3
discusses action after Hitler’s death 260
drinking 112–13, 199
informs Weidling of sentence 228
plan to contact Wenck 112, 124–5
sleeping arrangements 75, 76
suicide 303
witnesses Hitler’s final testament 70
Kuhlmann, Staff Lieutenant Franz 156–7
Kupfer-Koberwitz, Edgar 205–6
Lago di Braies hotel 204–5, 255–6
Landsberg prison 21
Lapham, Eric 78
‘laughter traps’ 164
Leckwitz 77
Lehmann, Armin 25, 27, 82, 104
von Lehndorff, Dr Hans Graf
after the war 304
capture 180
Christianity 180
delivers twins 285
eats sugar 186
latrines 188
observes Erika Frölich 186–7, 221–2
patient deaths 197, 279–80
Leidig, Commander Franz 256
Lickorish, Captain Adrian 300–1
Linden, General Henning 148–9
Lindloff, Ewald 258, 265–6, 304
Linge, Heinz
after the war 304
clears Hitler’s study 258
congratulates Eva on marriage 59
dictates final testament 59
farewell meeting with Hitler 248, 249–50
final closing of study door 251
loyalty to Hitler 49
opinion on Walther Wagner 42
ordered to burn Hitler bodies 49–50, 52, 249
removes Hitler and Braun’s bodes 252–3
as valet 108–9, 110–11, 175, 199–200
lipstick 168
Lofer, Austria 85, 102–3
Lomas, Donald 284
arrival of German POWs 217
sleeping in Underground 50–1
snow 188
St Paul’s cathedral 200
looting 80–1, 139, 142, 241
Lord Haw-Haw see Joyce, William
Lorenz, Heinz 87, 119–20, 158, 190, 272–3, 299, 300
von Loringhoven, Bernd Freytag
after the war 290–1
discusses Hitler’s marriage 75–6
escape options 95
escaping through Berlin 159, 176, 178, 181, 185, 195, 271, 274
leaves bunker 133
plan to contact Wenck 103–4, 112, 125
sleeping arrangements 75–6
von Greim appointed Commander 42–3
ordered to mobilise 45, 58
malnutrition in The Netherlands 89, 247
Manchester Guardian 106, 107
Manhattan Project 258
Mann, Erika 155–6
Manziarly, Constanze 235, 237, 248, 273, 279, 305
Margerison, Major Neil 123–4
Markovna, Nina 137–9, 159, 171–2, 305
Markt Schellenberg 25
Marshall, General George 257, 261
Martin, Sergeant John 133
Masur, Norbert 24–5, 217
Maurice, Emil 109–10, 305
Mauthausen 266–7
McNamara, Joseph 34
Mein Kampf 16, 17, 18–19, 21, 240
Menuhin, Yehudi 168
Menzies, Sir Stewart 260–1
Michel, Ernst 233–5
Mickey Mouse 177
Milan 63–4, 98–9, 115, 132, 144
Milburn, Alan 92–3, 207
Milburn, Clara 92–3, 207
Millichamp, Ivy 50–1
Ministry for Information, British 168
Ministry of the Interior 194–5, 196, 197
Misch, Rochus
after the war 306
appearance 44–5
asked for radio updates 187
desire to escape 44–5
establishing contact with Russians 271, 273
in Führerbunker 35
Goebbels children rhyme 119
order to radio Jodl 175–6
receives reply from Jodl 191
sees Heinrich Müller 241–2
sleeps 182
waiting for Gestapo 258–9
Mittelstädt, Herbert 288
Mohnke, General Wilhelm 197–8, 228, 260, 279, 296, 302, 306
Molotov, Vyacheslav 107–8, 282, 283
Monte Cassino 100
Montgomery, General Sir Bernard 172–4, 306
Monuments Men 81
Moorehead, Alan 80, 127, 278
Moosburg see Stalag VII-A Moosham Castle 153–4, 196
Morell, Theodor 111
Morgan, Lieutenant General 144–5
moustaches 109
Müller, Heinrich 242, 306–7
air raid 84
Allied advance 73, 97–8, 240, 243–4
Beer Hall Putsch 20–1, 37
Eva Braun’s house 54
Hitler’s first public speech 19
Hitler’s love 240
Hoffman photographic studio 53
Musser, Arland 136
Mussolini, Benito 20, 63–4, 98–9, 144, 169–70, 175, 200–1
NASA 210
Nassua, Bahamas 239
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP) see Nazis
Naumann, Werner 150
Nazis see also SS
Allied discussion of war criminal trails 242
Hitler becomes leader 19–20
at Landsberg prison 21
newspaper 243
The Netherlands 89–92, 226–7, 233, 238, 244–5, 246–7
Neustroev, Captain Stepan 195, 260
New York Times 282
newspaper reports
America on Monday morning 236
Chicago Herald-American 105, 198–9
Daily Mail 230
Daily Telegraph 207
Manchester Guardian 107
Observer 83
press conferences 202
The Times 200–1
nicknames 54, 57, 161, 291
Nicolson, Harold 170
Niemoller, Pastor Martin 40, 180
Niven, Lieutenant Colonel David 219, 221
Norwegian prisoners 216
Nuremberg 98
Nuremberg trials 234–5, 294, 296, 299, 302
Obersalzberg 45, 54
Observer 83
Oflag VII-B 92–3
Okinawa 33–4, 125–6, 152, 201–2
O’Leary, Pat see Guerisse, Albert
Olivier, Laurence 168
Operation Hannibal 218
Operation Manna 90–2, 226, 244–5, 246, 247
Operation Merlin 123, 130
Operation Suicide 51–2
Orwell, Ge
orge 82–4, 209
Ostarbeiter 137–8
Ostertag, Liesl 72, 232, 238, 307
Padborg, Denmark 215–16
Padua 64, 73–4, 80, 100
Patton, General George 79, 127, 136–7
Paul, Albine 25, 269
Paulus, Field Marshal Friedrich 42
Payne-Best, Captain Sigismund
after the war 307
announces freedom to Prominente 120–1
appearance 39
contacts German army commander 61, 67
imprisonment 39–40, 41
Lago di Braies hotel 204–5, 255–6
language problems 121
memoirs 203
teeth 39, 121
tells SS to surrender 118
Peck, John 224–5
Perón, Colonel Juan 282
Perry, Lieutenant Geoffrey 300–1
Petacci, Clara 64, 98–9, 144, 170
petrol 52, 235, 253
pets 111–12, 214
‘Phoney War’ 15
Pichelsdorf Bridge 158, 178, 195
Pius XII 99
Churchill’s concerns 146–7
invasion 23
Yalta Conference agreement 66
Popovichenko, Akim 80
Porter, Flight Sergeant Bill 90
Potthas, Hedwig 60
Prague 158, 160, 215, 228–9, 261
prisoners of war (POWs)
enforced marches 76, 97, 288
German 101–2
oil refinery construction 96
prison conditions 127
Scandinavian 216
treatment by Japanese 130
Prominente prisoners
Hitler orders execution 41–2
at Lago di Braies hotel 204, 255–6
at Villabassa 40, 61, 67, 117–18, 120–1
Propaganda Ministry
broadcasts John Amery 116–17
Goebbels appointed Minister 22
newspaper 243
Quandt, Harald Günther 46–7, 307
‘Racial Hygiene’ laws 22
Radio Hamburg 263
Radloff, First Lieutenant Fritz 265
Rangoon 128–30, 144, 150–1, 156, 185–6, 283–5
rape 88, 130, 165, 180, 268, 269, 270
Raubal, Geli 109–10
Rauch, Colonel 85
Ravensbrück 210, 215, 216
Rechlin airfield 58, 62
Reich Broadcasting Company 116, 261–2
Reich Chancellery
alcohol consumption 113
design 24, 32
hospital 32, 160, 188–9
sex parties 113, 196
Reichenhall 130–1
Reichstag 194–5, 196, 198, 214, 224, 238, 260, 265, 268, 273, 280
Reid, Robert 276
Reisser, Hans 258
Reitsch, Hanna
after the war 308–9
arrives at Rechlin 58
awarded Iron Cross 51
heads for Lübeck 62, 67
heads for Plön Castle 72, 74–5
Hitler gives her cyanide 49
interviews Himmler 75
leaves Berlin 51
leaves bunker 44, 45
Operation Suicide 51–2
Reston, James 282
Riefenstahl, Leni 309
Ritchie, Charles 106
River Elbe 77, 313
Robinow, Lieutenant Wolfgang F. 240–1, 243–4, 309