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The Key to Erebus (The French Vampire Legend. Book 1)

Page 13

by Emma V. Leech

Chapter 11

  “What was that?” I smacked the dashboard in front of me in fury. “You just completely humiliated me in front of my friends!”

  He frowned but didn't look at me. “It couldn’t be helped.”

  “What the hell do you mean, it couldn’t be helped? You came in and made out like, like ... you’re my bloody boyfriend!”

  He glanced at me, amusement in his eyes before returning his gaze to the road. “I didn’t think you were indifferent to the idea,” he said and I wished he'd look at me because if he was smirking I was going to hit him again and if he wasn't ... My heart began to thud.

  As it was I just stared at him in stunned silence. I think I actually preferred it when he acted like he hated me. At least when he was either ignoring me or yelling at me I knew where I stood. This was just … confusing. There was an awkward silence.

  “I am sorry about what happened with your friends,” he said, sounding a little impatient. “But I can’t risk them coming to find you, it’s too dangerous. They could get hurt. It was simpler that they thought we were together, and then your absence is easily explained.” The way he said it made me feel he'd been rehearsing what to say but then he hesitated adding, “I’m sorry if that upsets you.” He glanced over at me again. “That boy was being very … possessive. Is he … are you interested in him?”

  “No!” I said a little too sharply and then bit my tongue in annoyance. I clenched my fists and then forced myself to open them again. Just chill, Jéhenne. I didn't want to be around Corvus. My life seemed to be being turned inside out and upside down and I didn’t know how to stop it. Being with him just added a whole extra level of confusion that seemed to invite me to make a fool of myself. He had obviously been playing with me when he'd kissed me and that hurt, more than it should have. I felt my eyes prickle with tears and blinked rapidly.

  He was looking at me. I could feel his gaze on my face. I picked up my bag and rifled through for a tissue, wiping my eyes and looking steadfastly out of the side window so he couldn’t see me. He was silent for a while, and when he spoke again his voice was soft.

  “Jéhenne, I know what it’s like to have the life that you thought you had taken away from you and another put in its place. I know how difficult this is for you and I know … that I’m not making things any easier.” He paused, “It's hard to be around you,” he admitted and I felt my heart clench. The admission was followed by a frustrated sigh and looked at him in surprise. “I don’t seem to be able to act normally when I'm with you,” he said, his voice gruff. He actually sounded a little confused himself which was reassuring.

  I sniffed. “So I noticed.”

  He turned to me and smiled and my stomach turned to butterflies in response. “Am I forgiven?”

  I immediately opened my mouth to say yes of course but swallowed the words. It would be so easy to let it go but I needed to guard my heart a little. This man could hurt me in so many ways if I wasn't careful and I couldn't let him keep doing this to me. I wasn’t going to be deflected by a pretty face.

  “I don’t know Corvus,” I said, not looking at him. “I don’t know how you’re going to act towards me from one moment to the next. One minute you hate me, the next I’m supposed to trust you. You don't want to kiss me and then you do. You dump me at your place and leave me alone for days, then come back and screw with my friends and now you are saying exactly the right things and acting like you’re my friend.” I stopped, hearing too much emotion behind the words, too much fear and uncertainty. I glanced up to see his reaction, wanting more than anything to know the truth. “Which is it?” I asked, my heart thudding.

  He was silent for a moment.

  “I am your friend, Jéhenne, whether you believe that or not.” He turned and looked at me. “You can trust me, I promise you.” He sounded so sincere that I felt a lump rise to my throat and was afraid I was going to cry again, so I swallowed hard and changed the subject.

  “You said Tacitus was back?”

  He seemed just as relieved to talk about something else. “Yes,” he nodded. “I’ve had people checking out the area. Cyd picked up his scent at the cottage again and followed it close to the Château. When I found you gone I ...” He stopped but I had heard the note of panic in his words. It made me feel better. He looked at me and shrugged with a smile. “I was worried.”

  I shivered at the thought of it. Corvus reached over and gave my hand a squeeze. “Don’t worry, you’re safe now.” I stared at his big hand covering mine and nodded, quite unable to speak. He took his hand away and we drove on in silence for a bit.

  “What’s happened about the knife,” I asked when I'd found my voice again. “Are you looking for it?”

  “I gave the demon’s blood to Remé, and he sent it to your Gran. Apparently she’s having trouble getting any sort of reading. Whoever has it is moving about rapidly.” He glanced at me, “She’ll be gone for a while, Jéhenne.”

  “Does she know ... where I am?”

  He hesitated for a moment and then shook his head. “No, she thinks you’re with Remé.”

  “Then why aren’t I?

  Corvus frowned. “Because he cannot protect you as well as I can.” He sounded annoyed.

  “Gran obviously trusts him, she wouldn’t put me at risk.” I pressed, watching his face with interest.

  He snorted in disgust. “Your Gran is pre-occupied, generally she’s oblivious to anything else.” He glanced at me and his voice softened. “I’m sure she cares for you, Jéhenne, but ... don’t rely on her to be around for you.”

  I opened my mouth to defend Gran and then shut it again. Somehow, as much as I loved her, I felt there was truth in what he said. I had been wondering since I arrived why she had never come after me or even tried to contact me when Mum took me to England. Why had it been me who had come to her, knowing what was at stake?

  I wondered what she’d say when she discovered the truth about where I was and felt myself tense. I tried not to think about how relieved I was that Gran would be away for a while longer, or worse, about how badly I wanted to know more about Corvus.

  I risked a glance at him while he was concentrating on the road ahead and was struck once again by the beauty of his profile. I could quite happily have looked at him for the rest of the night but forced my reluctant eyes away and back out of the window.

  As we pulled up in the driveway of the Château, I reached to undo my seat belt and yelped as the burnt skin on my hand scraped over the zip on my jacket.

  He gave me a quizzical look. “What have you done?”

  I winced and inspected the sore patch with a frown. “Your bloody fireplace bit me!” I muttered.

  One eyebrow quirked. “What? Show me.”

  I held my hand open and he looked at it in surprise.

  “The fireplace?” he repeated, his watchful eyes full of curiosity. “That shouldn’t have happened.” He studied my face.

  “No shit,” I said dryly.

  He smiled, shaking his head. “No, I mean the ward should only activate if it is touched by someone with the power ...” He paused. “ ... To open it.” He stared at me, something in his eyes darkening. “What are you?” he murmured.

  “Oh crap, don’t start that again.” I snatched my hand away.

  He watched me for a moment before shaking his head.”Give me your hand, Jéhenne,” he demanded. He sounded like he was laughing at me.

  “No.” I pursed my lips, folding my arms and tucking my injured hand carefully away.

  “Jéhenne.” It sounded like I was trying his patience now. “I can make it better.”

  I looked at him, sceptical and suspicious as to what he was up to but he seemed sincere. “How?” I demanded, I wondering anxiously what he was going to do.

  He smiled and held his hand out. “Please, it won’t hurt. I promise.”

  Reluctantly I gave him my hand. He turned it palm side up to expose the burn and I watched in astonishment as he lowered his mouth to it. A gasp o
f shock escaped me as the warmth of his lips brushed the sensitive skin and then his tongue trailed gently over the burn. I squirmed in my seat, breath caught in my throat as my insides melted. A slow but fiercely growing heat spread over me, swiftly followed by goose bumps raised by his cool breath fluttering over my skin. His long hair was soft, a delicate tickle against my arm beneath his lowered head and I had to clench my free hand to stop myself tangling my fingers in the silky length of it. He paused with his lips hovering over my wrist. For the first time in my life, I was acutely aware of the pulse of my own blood. It seemed to leap beneath my flesh as though it had a mind of its own, wanting to get closer to him. I wasn't about to argue, getting closer to him was high on my agenda too. My heart pounded, he was thinking about it too I was sure, about that kiss, about doing it again. I was aware of his mounting desire, a dark longing within him, the need a tangible presence in the car as his teeth grazed the delicate skin and I held my breath in anticipation. It wasn't just the kiss. I knew I should be afraid, he was a vampire and what else he wanted was only too obvious, but all I could think of was how much I wanted him to do it.

  There was a sudden knocking on the car window and I nearly jumped out of my skin, whilst Corvus cursed and dropped my hand. We both looked out in annoyance to see Rodney grinning at us. The smile died on his lips however, as he realised he’d interrupted something.

  “Erm, alright then?” he asked us with a nervous grin. Corvus glared at him and got out of the car, stalking off into the Château without another word.

  “Sorry ‘bout that luv,” he said, looking awkward. “I didn’t realise you were … er … busy like.”

  I blushed, thankful we were outside in the dark. I tried to speak but my mouth had gone dry, I cleared my throat.

  “You didn't ... we weren’t … busy. It’s fine.”

  Rodney snorted in amusement. “Yeah right, luv, whatever you say.”

  I laid my hand on his arm, remembering the last time I’d seen him. “Are you OK?”

  He gave me a twisted smile and shrugged. “Alain was a good bloke, I’d known him for donkey’s years. He…” His voice broke and his shoulders slumped.

  I gave him a hug. “I’m so sorry, Rodney.”

  He nodded and sniffed. “Yeah, me too. Come on lovely, let’s go in.”

  We went up to the apartment, and found the fire blazing as usual, despite the warmth of the night. I peeled off my jacket and went to make tea while Rodney put some music on the stereo. I handed a mug to him and settled myself on the sofa. Rodney sat down beside, me watching me carefully. After about five minutes of scrutiny I gave up.

  “OK, spit it out then!”

  He shrugged and carried on looking at me. “Nuthin’, I mean, it’s none of my business like.”

  I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes.

  “Well, what was you doin in the car wiv Corvus anyway?” he demanded.

  I opened my mouth and closed it again, wondering what the answer was myself. “Nothing! I … He … was ... making my hand better.” Well it sounded weak even to me and I’d been there. I glanced at my hand where the skin was now completely healed and smiled.

  Rodney snorted. “Well I’ve heard it called a lot of things in my time ...”

  I hit him half-heartedly and grinned back. “So is there a Mrs. Rodney then?” I asked, suddenly realising I had no idea.

  “Nah, I mean there is someone … I like, I mean ... but she ...” He gave a heavy shrug and grimaced. “Well she’s too good for me.”

  “What are you talking about?” I wondered who in their right mind could turn down such a nice guy. I mean he was a ghoul but unlike some that I’d seen, he looked pretty normal. Well, if you discounted the Mohican and the ripped Ramones T-shirt. He didn’t smell funny like some of them either. I guessed because of Gran’s preservative potion.

  “Well.” He paused. “You know Amelia ... she’s not exactly a fan of us ghouls.”

  I looked at him utter astonishment. “Amelia?”

  He frowned, turning his skull ring around his finger. “She’s not that bad. She’s had a rough time is all,” he said, sounding defensive.

  “Not that bad?” I repeated, incredulous. “Do you mean like Attila the Hun was quite a sweetie? Are you a bloody masochist or something?”

  “She can tie me up anytime.” He chuckled quietly.

  “Oh yuck, that’s gross!” I threw a cushion at him.

  “What?” He looked back, all innocent big eyes. “I’m just sayin' ...”

  I snorted at him, shaking my head. “Well don’t, too much information!”

  He shrugged and rolled his eyes at me. “Just ‘cause you’ve got an unsuitable boyfriend, don’t mean the rest of us can’t join in the fun you know.”

  “Corvus is not my boyfriend!” I hissed and hit him again with the cushion.

  “Ha! I never said Corvus, did I?” He laughed, bashing me back with the cushion I’d thrown.

  “Jéhenne loves Corvus, Jéhenne loves Corv …” I pushed a cushion over his face to smother him and things quickly went downhill until it was a full scale cushion fight. We were both screaming with laughter, tears running down our faces, when Corvus walked in.

  “Is something funny?” He glared at Rodney.

  We shuffled around picking up cushions and feeling as if the headmaster had just walked in on us.

  “Erm, no, not really … we was just … larkin' about like.” Rodney gave him a weak smile.

  Corvus didn’t look impressed and so Rodney muttered something about going to see a man about a dog and scurried out of the room. Corvus stood in the doorway for a moment, looking awkward. I looked back at him.

  “Do you want a cup of tea?” I asked, at a loss for anything else to say and then realised just how stupid a question it was.

  He shook his head. OK then. The silence filled the room up to the ceiling. I swallowed.

  “You … like, Rodney?” he asked, not looking at me.

  My eyebrows rose in surprise at the question.

  “Yes, of course,” I said, smiling. “He’s fun to be with. Actually I feel like we've been friends for years.” I realised, as I said it how true this was.

  He looked preoccupied for a moment but nodded and walked over to pour himself a drink. “I never knew vampires drank anything else.” I immediately felt uncomfortable as the except for blood seemed to hang in the air between us. And of course previously I hadn't known vampires even existed let alone their drinking habits.

  He shrugged. “Only alcoholic drinks, though sadly, they don’t have the same effect now.”

  I was sitting back on the settee and Corvus came back and sat on the one opposite. I fidgeted, feeling ill at ease and picked up my mug of tea. Finding it was empty I put it down again and looked up to see Corvus watching me. I racked my brain for a safe topic of conversation and failed miserably.

  “Are you scared of me?” he asked. I was caught off guard by the question and didn’t know what to say. Actually I really didn’t know what the answer was.

  “I’m … not sure,” I replied with care. “I mean you are … scary, but no, I don’t think I’m scared of you, not anymore.”

  He looked down at his drink and turned the glass around in his hands. “But … I make you nervous.”

  I swallowed and looked down to find my hands twisted together. Well there was his answer then. I wondered if he knew why he made me nervous ... that it had nothing to do with being frightened for my life anymore - and far more with my ability to turn trollop the minute I was next to him.

  “I meant what I said in the car.” He carried on. “You can trust me. I know we got off to … a bad start.” Considering he had wanted to kill me I wasn’t sure a bad start really covered it but I let it go. “But I would never hurt you.” He glanced up at me and smiled. If I didn’t know better I would think he was nervous himself.

  “Er, well… thanks.” I didn’t really know what else to say.

  He stood up and move
d over to the pile of logs near the fireplace. Choosing a couple of the biggest, he threw them on the fire, sending a shower of sparks dancing up the chimney. I smiled to myself and peeled off my cardigan.

  He saw me and laughed. “I’m sorry, is it hot in here?”

  “Oh no, it’s fine honestly,” I said, thinking that it wasn't just the fire making me feel overheated. “You really like the heat though don’t you? How come you don’t all move to the Caribbean or somewhere hotter?”

  He sat back down and picked up his drink, studying it carefully as he spoke. “Oh we can stand any temperature, the cold couldn't hurt us, it’s just that we love the heat. I'm always cold,” he added, with tone that made something in my heart squeeze. “To be honest I can’t imagine living in the Caribbean, though many do,” he said, smiling at me.”I like the change in the seasons, but I hate snow.” He shuddered with the admission.

  I laughed, delighted with this new information. “So no vampire snowmen then?”

  He grinned suddenly and it transformed his face, he looked almost boyish. It made my heart skip. “Ah, now that’s where you’re wrong. I was in the Alps once with some of the family and we made a snow vampire twenty feet high. The villagers came out the next morning and it was standing in the middle of the square, in front of the Mairie. They couldn’t understand where it had come from.”

  I looked at him in shock. The idea of him doing something so … frivolous, was astonishing.

  He looked back at me obviously aware that he'd surprised me. “Jéhenne,” he said, his voice soft. “I’m not … I mean …” He raked his fingers through his hair in irritation and sighed. “I’m not… so different.”

  “You mean apart from being nearly two thousand years old and a vampire?” I'd meant it as a joke but then I saw the look on his face and instantly wished I could take it back.

  “Yes of course.” He smiled somewhat stiffly. “Apart from that.” He put the glass down and stood up again. “If you’ll excuse me I have some things to attend to.”

  He walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

  Shit. Shit. Shit! He’d been trying so hard to be friendly and put me at ease and I had to go and open my big mouth. I guess we were now back where we started. For some reason, the thought really bothered me.

  I hesitated for a moment and then got up and followed him out. I didn’t want him to go back to being all cool towards me again. I also felt really bad. I’d obviously hurt his feelings and I hadn't meant to.

  I walked down the first flight of stairs and was wondering which way he might have gone, when I felt a draught coming from a room to my right. I knocked softly and walked in. It was another living room, but much more old fashioned. There were candles burning in sconces on the wall and the furniture was obviously antique, much more in the original style of the Château. Across the room, I saw a pair of white curtains billowing gently in the breeze. They were framing elegant glass doors which led onto a small balcony, overlooking the front of the building. I walked over and peered out. It was was full of terracotta pots containing a whole host of beautiful, vibrant flowers and lush green plants. Standing amongst them, leaning with his back against the balcony wall and staring up at the night sky, was Corvus. I stepped out feeling nervous and wondering what on earth I was going to say.


  He gestured up at the sky where thousands of stars studded the velvety darkness. “Lovely isn’t it?”

  I would normally have nodded in agreement, as the skies in this part of France really were something special. At this particular moment however, I was no longer interested in the view.

  “I’m sorry … for what I said,” I hesitated, unsure of how to continue, it wasn't as if I'd insulted him after all.

  He shrugged not looking at me. “There’s no need. It's not like I can deny it. It's simply the truth. You are human, or near enough, and I ... am vampire.”

  “Yes.” I nodded. “And you really aren’t like anyone else you know.”

  He glanced at me and then looked away but nodded in reply.

  “I don’t think that’s a bad thing though.” I said, taking a hesitant step closer. “And I don’t think you should either.”

  He chuckled, though I didn't feel it was a happy sound. “You're not afraid of your other friends though.”

  “No, and I already told you I'm not afraid.”

  “Well you're not at ease either.” He pointed out.

  “No, I'm not.” I agreed with perhaps more enthusiasm than I should have but it was only too true. “But I’ve known them longer and they’re not vampires! I’ve never had a vampire as a … friend before.”

  He looked back at me, his expression unreadable. “You’ve never had a ghoul for a friend before either.”

  I felt my eyebrows go up in surprise. So that was it. He was jealous of Rodney! He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked down at his feet. His arms were bare, in his customary T-shirt, and his white skin stood out dramatically against the black of the night sky. My heart had started jumping in my chest. There was something I wanted to say to him but I couldn’t seem to get the words out.

  I took a deep breath. “But I’ve never … never wanted t--to kiss Rodney, though.” I stammered feeling hot all over and hoping I wasn't about to make a fool of myself.

  He glanced up and then turned around, leaning on the balcony so he was facing away from me.

  “You didn’t want to kiss me either … not really. It was only because of Rafael.” He looked over his shoulder at me and then turned back. “It wasn’t real … he made you feel that way, it wasn’t me, I knew you would regret it, that's why I stopped.”

  My first thought was, thank heavens. I mean I’ve never had sluttish tendencies before. I just don’t normally go around throwing myself at men I hardly know. Not even at those I’ve known for years come to that. That didn’t change the fact however that I was strongly considering doing it again and that the man was a fool.

  “Rafael’s not here now, though,” I said, wondering just how loud my beating heart was to his ears.

  He turned around again, watching me, his expression guarded. “No, he isn’t.”

  “He wasn’t at the café earlier either.” I pressed. “But you still kissed me. Why did you do that?”

  He frowned and looked away. “I told you why.”

  A cool breeze swirled across the balcony making the plants sway and I watched his hair flutter against his neck. “You could have said Gran made you my guardian,” I said, moving a little closer to him. “Or that we had to go somewhere. There are any number of reasons.”

  He frowned and shook his head. “They would have wanted to see you, I told you it’s not safe for them to come here.” I couldn’t help but smile at the irritation in his voice, I knew I’d hit on something.

  “You could have said you lived miles away, they wouldn’t have known.” I persisted. He dragged his hand though his hair in what was becoming a familiar gesture.

  “I guess I didn’t really give it that much thought!” He sounded almost cross now and I smiled.

  “No, I guess you didn’t.”

  I stepped towards him, wondering how I had the nerve and why it felt so familiar. Tentatively I stretched my hand up to touch his face. He looked at me in surprise before covering my hand with his own, pressing it against the cool skin of his cheek.

  “My hand’s all better,” I said with a shaky voice.

  “No,” he said, his voice soft. “You’re wrong, I missed a bit.” And he turned his head to brush my palm with his lips.

  I gasped, closing my eyes for a moment, revelling in the feel of his lips on my skin. My heart was desperately trying to escape my ribcage and delicious little shivers, like tiny electric shocks ran from where his mouth touched my palm to every nerve in my body. His fingers traced a pathway down my arm, his lips slowly trailing behind, kissing me with a light brush of his mouth, barely touching my skin. When he reached the bruises on my arm, he stop
ped and gently ran his fingertips over them.

  “What’s this?” He took my other arm to find a matching set there too, his face darkened. “I didn't mean to do it, Jéhenne.”

  “I know that, it’s nothing ... it doesn’t matter.”

  He looked at me with pity in his eyes. “You dismiss it because you don't understand.”.

  “But you didn’t mean to do it,” I repeated, confused.

  He let go of my arms and took a step away from me. “Exactly.”

  I felt the tension rolling off him and wished I knew what to say to make him kiss me again. He looked back up at the sky. “I didn't want to be like this you know. It wasn't my choice,” he said, sounding angry. “I fought it, fought what I was for a long, long time. I despised myself. I wanted to be human again ... So badly. But in the end I had no choice but to accept it, and I did. I made peace with what I was. At least I thought I had.” He stopped and looked back at me and I wished I could read the emotion in his eyes. “I had forgotten what it was to want to be human again.”

  There was still anger in his voice, anger at me ... and regret. I didn't know what to say.

  “I would not hurt you willingly, Jéhenne but ... You must remember what I am. This ...” He gestured to himself. “This is just a veneer. Don't forget what lies beneath because it could kill you in the space between one heartbeat and the next.” He took a breath and shook his head. “Don't invite me to be more than I can to you. It will do neither of us any good.”

  I walked over to stand in front of him. “I think that horse has bolted, Corvus. Don't you?”

  He looked angry and frustrated. “You should not be here at all. You should have remained in England, then you would never have been involved in all this!”

  “I’m a witch, Corvus and I am involved, whether either of us likes it or not. There isn’t any choice and even if there was - I wouldn’t care. I'm glad.”

  He gently touched my hair with a fingertip before letting his hand drop to his side, “I think it would be better for both of us if I stayed out of your way. I want you to be safe, Jéhenne but ... being around you - it's too hard.” He moved to turn away from me, but I put my hands flat on his chest to stop him. I could feel the hard muscle beneath my fingers through the thin T-shirt and I looked up into his face. I knew why it was hard for him and I knew I shouldn't push it. But something I couldn't deny was pushing me on, forcing me to act even though I knew it was cruel of me, and stupid. It could only hurt us both..

  “This is a bad idea,” he whispered, repeating what I knew was true, but he didn't move away. “It isn't safe,” he added but as protests went it was less than half-hearted.

  “I don’t want to be safe from you.” I laid my head on his chest, wrapping my arms around him. I felt him breathe in and he tensed for a moment, and then his arms wrapped around me, holding me against him. He bent and kissed the top of my head.

  “Foolish child,” he murmured into my hair.

  I pressed my face against him and thought how strange it was not to hear a heart beating in his chest but that I really didn’t care. I didn’t understand how I could be so angry with him one minute and then the next feel like I never wanted to be anywhere else. I knew how dangerous he could be to me, how likely I was to get hurt, but the irony was that I felt safe with him. His hand stroked my cheek and then lifted my chin to look up at him.

  “Brave little witch.”

  He lowered his head to brush my lips with his own. I was just thinking that this would probably be a good time to give into those sluttish tendencies I’d been thinking about earlier, when there was a loud cough behind us.

  Corvus gave a heavy sigh but didn't look up. “Go away!” he growled.

  Rodney’s worried face peered around the curtains.

  “I’m really sorry, Corvus, but Celeste’s here.” He gestured behind him with frantic movements. “She won’t take no for an answer,” he hissed.

  Corvus scowled. He brushed his lips past my ear and whispered, “I’m sorry.” He let me go with reluctance, just as Celeste pushed Rodney aside and strode onto the balcony. She looked stunning, as usual, and I immediately felt like something that had been dropped in the gutter.

  “Well, well, darling Corvus and the lovely Jéhenne together on the balcony, how … sweet.” She flashed her dazzling smile at us and my stomach knotted as I remembered her words to me the last time we met.

  “Come on, Jéhenne.” Rodney took hold of my hand. “I’ve just remembered something you need to look at.” He practically yanked my arm out of its socket pulling me back into the Château and I trailed after him. He didn’t let go until we were back in the apartment.

  “That’s not good.” He looked worried.

  “Did she … see anything?”

  Rodney snorted. “She saw the look on your face, which would have been enough. Not to mention the fact that we’d obviously interrupted something.”

  Shit. I wondered if I should tell Rodney what she had said to me but thought better of it. He’d lost a good friend recently and I didn’t want to hassle him. She was just jealous after all. She’d probably do her best to upset and humiliate me at every opportunity but I’d lived my whole life contending with that sort of crap. It wasn’t exactly news to me that it looked likely to continue.

  I slumped on the sofa, wondering what was happening on the balcony. The thought of Corvus touching her not only made me feel sick to my stomach but also made me want to scratch her eyes out.

  “Rodney, has Corvus ever … I mean … you know, with Celeste.”

  He looked at me with pity. “Oh dear. Girl’s got it bad.”

  I didn’t bother denying it this time but groaned and put my head in my hands. He came and sat beside me, draping a comforting arm across my shoulders and giving me a squeeze.

  He sighed. “The honest truth is that I don’t know. They’ve both been around a long while though. What I do know, is that whatever may or may not have happened in the past, he wouldn’t touch her now if his life depended on it.”

  I looked up at him not daring to hope he was right. “Really? But she’s so beautiful.”

  Rodney smiled and shook his head. “So are you, my lovely, and you’re not a twenty four carat bitch.”

  I grinned, leaning into him. “Thanks, Rodney.”

  “I’ll tell you something else for free. I’ve known Corvus a long while and I’ve seen a lot of girls come and go.” He paused and raised his eyebrows “A lot of girls.”

  I frowned at him. “Is this supposed to be making me feel better?” I grumbled.

  He gave a theatrical sigh. “If you’ll let me finish, I was going to say that ... they’ve never lasted any length of time, not any of them. He never really let them get close to him like.” He squeezed my shoulder again. “He never looked at them like he looks at you.”


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