Apocalypse Coming

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Apocalypse Coming Page 13

by William Dunaway

  “Mia knows all this?”

  “Of course. Carmen is her best friend. She knows her better than most do, and she knows both of us just about as well. So, of course, both of us talked to Mia about it. I needed her thoughts on it.”

  I just shook my head in disbelief.

  She continued, “Oh, two more things. First of all, don’t tell her that I told you about this; not now anyway.

  Also, when you have time, you need to really listen to the words to “Run to You.” They’re pretty profound and according to Mia, the words pretty well describe the struggle Carmen was having with her feelings about you. Now, don’t let your ego get all puffed up when you hear it, but I want you to know how she felt every time she was around you, while she was trying to figure out what was going on with her feelings. That way, you won’t take her feelings lightly and hurt her by acting like you're blowing it all off because you feel you must prove to me that you aren’t screwing around with her or something. I know how you do things sometimes. I admit that listening to the words helped me understand what she was going through, so I think it will help you as well.”

  To this day, I still can’t explain how my mind and body felt, hearing all this and Kim reacting the way she did. But I could see she was sincere.

  I had a warm love rush come over me, and I looked Kim right in the eyes, “You know, this is exactly why I love you so much and one of the many reasons why you never have to worry about me being unfaithful to you. I love you!”

  I then laughed “You know, not too many people would understand this.”

  Kim then said something that I’ll remember the rest of my life.

  “Who cares if anyone else understands it? All that really matters is that we understand it.”


  There will be a few of you that became very bitter and judgmental about this chapter and have decided to quit reading. Before you write your diatribe, I suggest you read the final comments from Cindy at the end of the book so at least you can get your facts straight. Also, remember what the description said; not all the storylines are as they appear to be and if you pre-judge a storyline and feel you know where it is heading, you’ll probably be wrong. Very few answers are given in book one as it is the set-up for the rest of the four-book series.

  Chapter Ten

  For they have gone up to Assyria like a wild donkey wandering alone. Ephraim has sold herself to lovers.

  Mike finally returned home. We greeted him and asked about his shift.

  “All night we had calls on break-ins and gas drive-offs at the few gas stations that were open. There were also lines of cars waiting to get gas, which turned into several fights, a couple of car accidents and we had to arrest one guy for threatening everyone with a shotgun. We eventually had to keep two officers posted at each station.

  We also had several domestic disputes. A lot more than normal. Things were just crazy.

  By the way, gas prices rose to $7.39 a gallon. Two of the stations ran out of gas. Thank God, I don’t have to work today. It’s going to be hell for the day shift.”

  “Damn!....... When are you going to get a complete day off? You can’t keep going this way?”

  “Well, one of the things they announced at the meeting was everyone on the Tac Team would get the next two days off unless something happens where the team is needed. There were city councilmen at the meeting. I brought up that there were several of us that didn’t live in Gladstone. I told them that I couldn’t afford to buy gas to go back and forth from work.

  After a long discussion, they made two decisions. One was we could use city gas to fill up our personal cars until things get better. When they said that, I laughed out loud. They acted as though all this would only last a few days.

  They also said they would provide motel rooms for those that wanted to stay in town.”

  “Yeah, you know that idea won’t last for long. There is no way the city will be able to afford that for very long.”

  “Anyway, I have to get something to eat and then go to sleep. I haven’t eaten since 2:00 a.m.”

  We went in the house, and Kim fixed us all lunch. While we were waiting, I told him about the truck earlier that I felt was up to no good.

  He just shook his head, “Yeah, you know that’s going to be a problem.”

  “Oh, on a happier note, we’re going to have some company. Red, Wit, Mo, his family and Tag are all heading this way.”

  “I remember them.”

  I told him about Mo’s bus and how they could always get a motel room in town if they want to.

  Mike looked at me funny, “I doubt that. I drove through Harrisonville on the way home. The motel parking lots were packed full. Several had semis parked at them. I think what it may be, is I heard several of the truck stops had run out of diesel and they aren’t sure when they’re going to get more in. There were several semis parked along the road. I’m sure a lot are sleeping in their trucks, but I’d guess a lot went to the motels to stay as well.”

  I immediately turned on the news as we hadn’t watched it for a while. The news anchor was in the middle of talking about the satellite that the Russians had launched for the Iranians and that it had malfunctioned and its orbit was deteriorating. They expected it to burn up when entering the atmosphere, but they did say there was a chance that some debris may make it through as the Russians stated it was a very large satellite. At this time, they didn’t know where it would enter the atmosphere.

  Suddenly the Breaking News banner came on. They announced that the President had just called a press conference.

  “Uuuuuugg! I guarantee this isn’t going to be good news.”

  We sat there eating lunch and watched the President’s press secretary advising the press that the President would be making several announcements but wouldn’t be taking any questions afterward.

  “Oh, of course not. He doesn’t want to have to face any tough questions.”

  President Prescott came out and first addressed the riots. He put it as “civil unrest.”

  He did seem to condemn the violence but then had to throw in how police departments need to train their officers on cultural differences and how most of the protesters were just exercising their constitutional rights.

  Even though much of Washington, D.C. was burning due to the riots, he acted as though it was just peaceful demonstrations for the most part.

  He then came to the economic crisis.

  First, as usual, he blamed the Republican leadership for not supporting his spending bills. He had already raised the national debt to 20 trillion dollars, and he was complaining he couldn’t spend more.

  Then, of course, he tried to blame the past administration that held office over seven years ago. Not once, did he accept any of the responsibility.

  He tried to tell the American people how successful his administration had been.

  I could have thrown up when I heard that.

  He then finally got down to the meat of his news conference.

  “Due to some unforeseen problems with the world economy, our economy has suffered. Because of this, the world has panicked, and the effects have put us into a financial correction, which has caused me to take the following steps. These steps will be controversial, and I expect that many will object. I even expect some challenges in the courts. But these steps are essential for our economy to sustain itself during this unusual economic correction.

  I have consulted with the head of the European Union. They have agreed to guarantee some of our loans and assist us financially and provide food and medical aid during this period of financial struggle. At the same time, I have agreed to certain stipulations that they have requested, for their financial security.

  I’ve signed the following Executive orders. Some are already being executed.

  1. I’ve ordered the Pentagon to recall all of our military personnel from overseas immediately. To assure regional security in those areas, all our foreign military bases, along with any
fixed assets, will be turned over to the European Union.

  Also, I’m ordering the Pentagon to cut all military spending by 50%, along with a force reduction of 50%. This will mean that re-enlistment for many of our military personnel won’t be available and early discharges will be available to many currently serving.

  I’ll veto any bills passed by Congress that try to sidestep this reduction.

  2. I’ve instructed the Secretary of Veteran’s Affairs to close 50% of our VA Hospitals and facilities. With the force reduction taking place, the need for so many hospitals won’t be needed. I’ve also instructed him to transfer the health care of many of our veterans, to the CARE Health Care System, which was passed earlier in my administration.

  3. I’ve ordered the Department of Energy to transfer 350 million barrels of oil from our emergency oil reserves to the European Union. This will be used to help our European Allies to reduce their dependency on Russian oil.

  Also, because of the Unions agreement to guarantee some of our outstanding loans, I’ve instructed the Federal Reserve Bank to release 7000 metric tons of gold to be used as security until these loans are repaid. I assure you that we’ll be retaining ownership of this part of our gold reserves. It will just be held in Germany, by the European Union.

  4. Due to the strain of our local law enforcement agencies, I’ve ordered the Department of Homeland Security to advise and support all state law enforcement agencies. They’ll also train these law enforcement agencies in handling cultural differences. To ensure all law enforcement agencies comply with this training, any state that refuses their advice and support will have all federal funds suspended.

  5. I’m declaring limited Martial law, due to the unrest in America. I’m federalizing all National Guard units, which will receive their orders from the Secretary of Homeland Security. There will be a nationwide curfew imposed. No one except for law enforcement personnel, emergency services and of course the National Guard, will be allowed on the streets between sundown and sunrise. Anyone caught out on the streets will be taken into custody.

  6. I’m ordering a two-week closure of all banks. This will allow time for our dollar to make any corrections during this period. I’m doing this to protect our citizen’s money and prevent runs on the banks. It isn’t fair for some to receive their hard-earned money while others cannot. All facilities will be reopened after the two-week period. Your money will still be there for you.

  7. To assist our citizens that may struggle during this adjustment period, I have instructed FEMA to construct temporary housing camps outside all major metropolitan areas. Any land needed for such camps will be obtained through our eminent domain laws. The Department of Homeland Security will provide security for the safety of anyone that stays in the camps. These camps will provide food, medical care, and housing to anyone that needs it.

  8. Finally, due to the generous help of the European Union, I’ve agreed that they’ll have input into all executive decisions until the present crisis is over.

  Upon the conclusion of the President’s address, the news channel went wild with interviews from Senators, Congressman, and law scholars, denouncing the President's executive orders. Many stated that he didn’t have the constitutional authority. Even many on MSNBC, which had basically turned into state-run television, had some problems with the President’s action, even though they pointed out that these actions were only temporary.

  I immediately said, “That’s it! Putting aside all his double talk and his attempt at becoming a dictator, what scares me most is what he said about the European Union.”

  “What are you talking about?” Mike asked.

  “The European Union is really headed by the Chancellor of Germany. I don’t care who they say officially leads it. Trust me; when it comes to the E.U., what Germany wants, Germany usually gets.

  Anyway, in biblical prophecy, Germany is Assyria. God says in most of the prophecy chapters, but especially Isaiah, Hosea, and Jeremiah, that he’s allowing all these things to happen to us to try and wake us up and turn back to him.

  Look how we as a nation, have been putting God out of our lives. The way the left has perverted the meaning of “Separation of Church and State.” Trying to take “In God We Trust” off the dollar bill. Taking all Christian symbols like crosses off public land. Trying to take prayer out of public events. Especially how they’ve made any references to Christ as politically incorrect, even on movies and television shows. Yet, the American public allows it to happen.

  Anyway, the Bible says that Ephraim will turn to Assyria for help instead of turning back to God. He then says that he’ll end up using Assyria to punish Ephraim.”

  “So, what does all this mean then?”

  “It means, there’s no doubt in my mind now that this is leading up to the Tribulation and everything that has happened this last week is just a drop in the bucket of what’s going to happen. Christ described it as a time worse than any time since the beginning of the world.”

  As soon as I finished talking, it hit me like a bullet. I felt a fear that I couldn't describe. In a way, I should’ve been happy as the tribulation proceeds Christ’s return. But the fear of the unknown of what may happen was overwhelming.

  Mike just threw up his hands, “I have to get some sleep. This is too much to process right now.”

  Kim sat there in silence then after a few moments said, “Babe, remember what we talked about earlier. What’s going to happen is going to happen. We just need to have faith. I know what you’re feeling, but all we can do is pray about it and try to live life the way we’re supposed to.”

  My mind was working a mile a minute. Then I looked at her calming sweet smile. A bit of peace came over me.

  Before I could say a word, she continued, “You know, I sometimes think I know you better than I know myself. I know what scares you most.”

  I looked at her, “What’s that?”

  “Besides the fear that we all have for the unknown, you also have a conflict going on inside of you. It started right after all this chaos started happening. You have your spiritual side; the side that wants to please God and obey him in all things. But that side of you conflicts with your warrior side, your survival side, and even your human nature.

  Your military side knows what we should do to survive. You’ve been mentally planning for this for years. Think about it. You made it a game almost. You made tentative plans with Mike on what to do if things ever fell apart. You even made comments to Blake and Jake about what if situations.

  You’ve known all along that things were going to turn ugly and that eventually, there would be confrontations with some very evil people. Look what happened just the other day.

  Your life experiences in the military and as a police officer has taught you how to handle these situations. You know that it sometimes takes violence to stop violence. What your inner conflict is, is you’re scared that the actions you may have to take won’t be what you think God wants you to do.”

  My mouth had to have dropped wide open. “How do you do that? You’re right. That’s exactly what runs through my mind sometimes.”

  She looked at me, “All we can do is ask God for protection and guidance. We need to trust in him to give us the wisdom to make the right decisions. I know you have it in you to do what we must do and keep the right balance.

  To be honest, I thought you were a little nutty when you first started all this survival stuff. Now, I literally thank God that you did this for us.

  Remember, even though it never took, I was raised a Catholic. I don’t remember our local church ever teaching anything about biblical prophecy. Heck, I didn’t even read the bible back then. I just followed the rituals and did whatever they told us to do. You were the one that got me to actually read the Bible and to prove all things for myself.

  I have faith that you’ll make the right decisions, …” She then chuckled, “and I’ll always be here to remind you when you’re wrong. To give you my only other advise I’ll s
teal a line from the movie, My Cousin Vinny, “Just don’t fuck up.”

  I busted out laughing. She had a way to bring our happiness back to the forefront.

  “There is one other thing I worry about.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I’m worried that if things turn really ugly like I know they will, that my body won’t hold up. I’m not sure my body will let me do what needs to be done.”

  “It didn’t seem to affect you the other day when you and Blake saved my butt. Again, have faith!

  Anyway, you have Mike to handle a lot, and if you organize things as you’ve talked about in the past, there will be other people that can handle most of the physical stuff.

  Now, …have you forgot? You have your buddies showing up soon.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Ephraim is like a dove, easily deceived and senseless…

  The USAF Space Command in Colorado had monitored the Iranian satellite from its launch.

  Tech Sergeant Robert Evans was responsible for training new airmen on tracking procedures and protocols. He had just returned from a two-week leave. Being his first day back, he was just starting to review all updates and advisories. He had heard about the launching of the Iranian satellite by the Russian government and its malfunction after achieving orbit on the news.

  A new airman had just been assigned to him, so he decided to use the satellite as a training aid.

  Airman Jones was excited about being assigned to Space Command. It had been his dream for the last three years. He wanted to learn everything he could and was full of questions. During preliminary training, he developed a reputation for being quite the geek, and kind of a pain in the ass.

  “Sergeant, what category of the satellite would Iranian One be considered? It seems to be so much larger than the previous training satellites that were used during my earlier training.”

  “What are you talking about airman? It’s been designated as a class four weather and surveillance satellite.”


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