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Snow, Jenika - Bittersweet: A Story of Dominance and Submission (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  It was Logan’s arms holding her up, and if not for that, she would have surely tumbled to the ground. She felt herself begin to coil tighter, knew her orgasm was close, but just when she would have let herself go, Ian popped her clit out of his mouth and stood up. She opened her eyes, not even realizing she had closed them to begin with. Logan stepped away but not before he made sure she was steady.

  Brendin took a step forward, and Piper could see his Adam’s apple working. “I think we should go to the room.” His voice was hoarse, and when Jake affirmed, the four of them led her away. She didn’t know where they were taking her, but she followed them when they stepped into a courtyard attached to several other buildings. The condos returned to her mind as they led her into a separate building. The lights were off, and her heart beat harder, faster. She didn’t know if she could handle what they had in store for her, but they had teased her just enough so that she wanted more, and she knew that was just what they were going to give her.

  Chapter Five

  She kept her mouth shut as they led her up a set of almost hidden stairs and into an opulent room. A king-sized bed sat in the center of the room and an intricately carved armoire opposite that. She had a feeling what filled that large piece of furniture was not clothing. The bed was covered in black velvet with drapes hanging from the canopy and down the four thick posts. Piper’s eyes widened as she spied the ties at each of those posts, thick restraints she knew would be used on her.

  The men moved in front of her and watched her. She didn’t dare say anything, and even if her brain could have conjured up something, she didn’t think her mouth could have formed the words.

  “There are a few ground rules.” Ian stepped forward, and Piper knew he was the ringleader. Not only was he the head attorney at the firm, he also seemed to call the shots afterhours as well. “You will refer to us by our first names, or simply, sir. You have agreed to do what we say, when we say it. If you choose to deny us, we will be under the impression you do not wish to participate any longer.”

  Piper looked into Ian’s face, realizing how serious he took all of this. Ian continued as he took a step toward her.

  “You are not permitted to come unless one of us specifically gives you permission to do so. If you are on the verge of coming, you must ask permission to do so. If you do come without said permission, you will be punished. Do you understand everything I have explained?”

  She looked between the four of them, wetting her lips before she spoke. “Yes.” At Ian’s raised eyebrow, she corrected herself. “Yes, sir.” He nodded as if pleased and stepped back in formation with his brothers.

  “Remove your clothing.”

  She took a deep breath, as she went about the agonizing task of unlacing the corset. The men didn’t offer to help, just stood completely still and watched her with heated stares. When the corset was finally loose, it slipped to the ground, and she stepped out of it. She now only wore the thigh-high stockings, heels, mask, and an anal plug.

  “You are not to speak unless asked a direct question, and you will not remove the mask during your time with us. Mystery is all part of the allure.” Logan was the one who stepped forward and spoke, his darker green eyes raking over her flesh and causing her nipples to bud up harder. He moved so he was behind her again and ran his hands down her ribcage and along her belly. She sucked in a gasp when his fingers speared into her already drenched slit. His hands grasped her thighs and she felt him lower himself behind her.

  The feel of his teeth scraping along the bare skin of her ass had a moan forming in her throat. She flicked her eyes to the other three men and saw each of them rubbing themselves through their pants. She could see the outline of their cocks, each one impressive in length and girth. She breathed out heavily, her stomach hollowing, as Logan’s masterful fingers found a steady rhythm, against her clit. His other hand slipped along her cleft, his thick fingers teasing her pussy hole until her inner muscles quaked with pleasure.

  She moaned aloud, unable to hold in the noise, when Logan’s teeth scraped along her lower back and down her ass cheek. Over and over he did this, bringing her closer and closer to an orgasm which would render her unconscious. It had been so long since she had been with someone. It had been so long since she had felt this kind of pleasure.

  She was aware of someone in front of her and opened her eyes to see Brendin and Jake standing before her. Their gazes were glossy with lust as their eyes moved down to her exposed breasts with clear intent. Suddenly, they both grabbed a breast and started to massage them, tweaking her nipples between their fingers until they stood so stiff and hard, it was almost painful. This only inflamed her senses higher, brought her pleasure to a precipice, and made her legs shake.

  Brendin suddenly latched his mouth onto her aching nipple, sucking harder as he pulled the bundle of nerves with his teeth. Jake had his mouth on her neck, licking and sucking, as his fingers pulled and teased. Their combined breath sounded harsh and labored. She looked at Ian, who stood back watching. He crossed his arms over his massive chest, and he appeared to be calm and collected. She could see the erection straining against his trousers, but aside from that, he looked completely unaffected. She opened her mouth and closed her eyes, when the suction from Brendin’s mouth became harder, more determined. Logan’s fingers moved along her slit, never penetrating her, driving her higher and higher. She was going to come, and she knew she hadn’t been given permission.

  “I’m…” She sucked in a great lungful of air when Logan dipped the tip of his finger into her already fluttering hole.

  “What, baby?” Jake’s voice was a rough whisper as his mouth trailed kisses along her throat and over her ear.

  “Please, oh God. I’m going to come.”

  “We haven’t given you permission.” Brendin’s voice vibrated around her nipple, and she clenched her teeth to try and stem the pleasure threatening to flow.

  “That’s enough.” Ian’s deep voice speared her lust. She opened her eyes and stared at him, feeling every move the three men made next to her with great sensitivity. Brendin’s mouth unlatched from her breast with a resounding pop. Jake’s tongue slid down her neck, once more, before he gently bit her flesh and stepped away. Logan was the last to leave, taking his hands away from her swollen pussy and spreading her ass cheeks. She felt the caress of his warm breath along her skin, knew he could see the plug lodged in her ass. She felt a twinge of embarrassment.

  She felt the firm squeeze of Logan’s hands on her cheeks a second before he stood and took his place with his brothers in front of her. The four of them didn’t move for the longest time, each one staring at her with a look of pure, heated intent. Finally Ian spoke, his voice steady and soft.

  “Come here.”

  She took the few short steps necessary to stand in front of him. She knew they didn’t know her name, knew the resort was adamant on each visitor having the strictest of privacy. She was thankful.

  Her heart raced like a hummingbird’s wings, slamming against her sternum and threatening to explode from her chest. The feel of Ian’s finger caressing her lower lip had her throat tightening and her nipples tingling.

  “You will pleasure each of us. Do you understand?”

  She swallowed because of the dark promise in his voice. She nodded but didn’t take her stare off of the light green eyes in front of her. Ian moved to sit on the edge of the bed, and she was aware of the other three moving. She didn’t look to see where they were going, but it didn’t matter. Their presence was as thick as the arousal lacing the room.

  She got on her knees between his legs because she knew what he wanted. She knew this even before he started unzipping his pants and pulling out his cock. Her eyes widened slightly, and she swallowed involuntarily. Ian’s cock was thick and long. The head was flared and a darker shade than the rest of his shaft. The slit already seeped pre-cum and she looked up at him. She lowered her head, all the while keeping her stare on his, until she felt the hot, silky tip of his
erection brush against her mouth.

  The wood of the floor was hard against her knees, but the slight pain did nothing to mask the fire simmering within her. She was keenly aware of the men behind her, could practically feel their eyes on her spread ass and the plug nestled between them. She tried not to become self-conscious as she closed her eyes and sucked Ian’s cock head in her mouth. He tasted salty and all male as she moved her tongue around the slit, bathing her senses in the masculine aroma and flavor which was all him.

  She ran her tongue along the flared head, feeling the ridge making up the crown, and then sucked in more of his shaft. She wasn’t an expert in sucking cock, but she found pleasure that he kept shifting in his seat. She brought her hand up and gripped the root of his penis, the hardness and silkiness a vast contrast. Her fingers didn’t touch as she gripped him, his thickness impressive yet startling. She sucked harder, trying to bring more of his flesh into her mouth but only able to engulf half. She used her hand to massage what she couldn’t reach, stroking him up and down, as her mouth did the rest.

  She could hear his breathing increase, and she opened her eyes to look at his face. He was staring down at her, his jaw tense, his teeth grinding harshly, so the sound of teeth on teeth was loud in the room. She moaned around his flesh, working her mouth faster as she moved her head up and down. She knew he was getting close because his hips starting rising to meet her motions. He made a deep and guttural sound in the back of his throat, and she felt the first pulse of his orgasm fill her mouth.

  Her clit throbbed with the need for release, and she ached to be touched, to be stroked. Jet after jet of his cum filled her mouth, and she greedily swallowed him. It was thick and salty, but purely male and all him. When his cock became flaccid, she let it slip out. She leaned back on her heels, breathing deeply, and she was acutely aware of the shift of air brushing along her engorged nipples when Ian stood. He stared at her as he tucked himself back in and stepped away.

  She didn’t move, remembering he said she was to pleasure all four of them. Logan sat where Ian had, and she was aware of the door opening and closing. She didn’t bother looking back because she knew Ian had left, knew he had what he wanted and he needed nothing more, at least not right now. She shivered at her thoughts and at the sensual look Logan cast her way. He didn’t remove his erection straining against his trousers, and it took her a moment to realize he wanted her to do it.

  She swallowed, still tasting Ian’s spunk coating her mouth as she moved toward Logan, unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, and pulled his shaft free. He was about the same girth and length as Ian, thick and straining right toward her like it knew what she was about to do. The light caught the pearl of clear fluid dotting the lip, and she ran her tongue over it, darting her eyes toward his face and loving when he moaned softly.

  Her body was beyond aroused. The juices freely seeped out of her vagina, and she knew the remaining men behind her had a clear shot of the glistening substance. She moaned against Logan’s flesh, feeling his body tense as she sucked more of him inside. The more she lapped at his erection, the hotter she became. She gripped the heavy weight below his penis and massaged his balls as she hollowed out her cheeks. The heavy panting of Logan’s breathing had her on the verge of climaxing. But without something to physically stimulate her, she would forever be on the verge.

  The first shot of his cum in her mouth had her moaning wildly, sucking harder and massaging the heavy weight of his testicles faster. The second jet was more powerful, slamming into the back of her throat and sliding down. When the last spurt erupted from him and his dick became limp, he gently shifted her away and tucked himself back in his pants. His fingers grabbed a piece of her hair and rubbed it between his fingers. That simple touch shot right to her clit, making it more swollen until it throbbed between her pussy lips.

  She panted, as she stayed on her knees. She heard the door open and close once more and swallowed, still tasting Logan’s semen coat her taste buds. Two down, two to go. She looked over her shoulder, her eyes slightly widening, when Jake and Brendin started to unbutton their slacks in unison.

  “Take off the shoes and get on the bed, pet.”

  She shivered from Brendin’s deep voice and the heavy look of arousal on Jake’s face. She took off her shoes, rose, and moved onto the bed, crawling on her hands and knees, knowing they were getting an eyeful. When she made a move to turn around and sit on her bottom, the gruff voice right behind her stopped any movement.

  “Stay just as you are.”

  She could tell it was Jake’s voice which whispered to her, could practically hear his pent up desire laced in it. Brendin moved beside her, his cock in his hand as he lazily stroked it. Knowing they didn’t know it was her, Piper Crane, the woman who worked for them for years, made this entire situation surreal. It also made her hot as hell, and that alone confused the hell out of her.

  She watched in heated awe as he palmed his thick erection. His fist moved up and down, root to tip. Although her jaw ached, her mouth watered, and her body heated further. Hands smoothing down her bare ass caused her to shiver, and she looked over her shoulder. Jake stared at her ass, spread her cheeks, and caused a gust of cool air to waft across her cunt lips. She felt the bed dip beside her and turned her attention forward. Brendin adjusted himself below her, gripping her waist and urging her further down. His cock moved along her throat and nudged her lips. The position she was in caused her chest to be lower than her ass. Her bottom spread impossibly wide, Jake intensified that feeling by gripping her thighs and pulling her open more.

  Brendin grabbed his cock and ran it along the seam of her lips until she opened her mouth. His skin was scorching, so hot and smooth, and she moaned in delight. She closed her eyes and absorbed the feeling of his dick in her mouth and the tingle Jake brought her as he kissed and nibbled her ass and thighs. Jakes mouth was like liquid fire, scorching her skin and leaving a trail of heat in its wake. His palms massaged her calves, his teeth nipped at her flesh, as his tongue soothed the sting away.

  She sucked more frantically, drawing as much of Brendin’s erection into her mouth as possible. He was big, and she wasn’t able to get all of it in, but it didn’t matter because what she couldn’t suck into her mouth, she stroked with her hand. Brendin’s panting increased, and she knew he was close. She spread her legs wider, hoping Jake took the hint and touched her where she needed it most.

  She groaned in relief when Jake’s mouth suddenly latched onto her clit, sucking on it hard and causing her breath to still in her lungs. She didn’t stop sucking. She continued to pump her head up and down until Brendin ejaculated, and his sweet yet salty seed slipped down her throat.

  She let go of Brendin’s cock and groaned. Her climax was so close. Her nipples beaded, and all the blood rushed to her clit. All she needed was another hard pull on her clit, and she would go off, like a firecracker. It was as if Jake sensed her impending orgasm because he suddenly stopped and flipped her over. Brendin got off the bed and pulled up his pants. He stared down at her for a moment before turning and leaving.

  Her mouth and jaw hurt, and her body was strung tight. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. Ian’s words replayed in her mind, over and over again and, at the time, she hadn’t been worried about the whole “not allowed to come” thing. Now, though, she was seriously regretting underestimating the four men.

  Clothing rustling had her opening her eyes and lifting her head to look at Jake. He had tossed his pants and was moving toward her, his motions like a jungle cat stalking its prey. She lifted herself up and went into position to give him head when his hands on her shoulders stopped her. She stared into his amber-colored eyes, confusion washing through her, when he pulled her down and wrapped his arms around her. Her body was tense as she heard him inhale against her hair, felt his hands run up and down her back, and then felt his lips at her neck.

  Slowly the tension eased, and she let herself sink into his embrace. She could feel his erection press aga
inst her cleft, and she wondered if he was going to fuck her, but when all he did was hold her and kiss her neck, the thought quickly left her. His hand brushed the hair away from her face, and his eyes searched her expression. Her heart slammed in her chest, and she hoped he didn’t recognize her. Lord knew the mask was embellished enough to where it hid most of her face, but still, if they knew who she was, it would only make this situation disastrous. The only way she was even able to tolerate this whole scenario was she knew they had no idea who she was. If they found out, she would be mortified, humiliated, and downright embarrassed.

  No, this was better, better for them and better for her. When these two weeks were over, she could leave this place and return back to work without any of the repercussions of them knowing her true identity. It would be hell for her, true, but it was better than the alternative.

  He looked at her mouth, and she thought he was going to kiss her, but instead he smoothed his hand over her head and curled his hips in, slipping his shaft between her pussy lips. He didn’t penetrate her, just started a slow pumping of his hips, so his penis moved in and out of her cleft, gathering her wetness and teasing her clit. He put his head in the hollow of her neck and sucked on her flesh, increasing his thrusting until they were both panting. Even though his cock brushed along her clit with every down stroke, it just barely missed its mark of bringing her off. It felt damn good, but also pissed her off.

  She was aching and needy and the knowledge she had, that when this was all said and done, he would be the only one sated, had anger brewing within her. She had asked for it though, knew what she had gotten herself into. It was her fault. She didn’t have to stay, but she supposed she was a glutton for punishment, and boy, was this punishment.


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