Restrained and Willing

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Restrained and Willing Page 17

by Tiffany Bryan

  “Is that a threat? Because if it is, I’d like to remind you,” he stroked hard and deep, bottoming out against her cervix, “that it’s only short-term, and after that, you’ll once again belong to me.” His next penetration nearly lifted her off the shower floor. “With absolutely no time restrictions.”

  Another hard push put her cheek against the wet marble tile. “Duly noted, Sir.” The words came out on a high-octave Umpf. She loved the way he filled her so completely. He’d the greatest cock she’d ever experienced. Long. Thick. Incredibly hard. A woman’s panty-soaking dream. She could spend two lifetimes being stuffed to the max by him and never complain or fake a headache. Yeah, she’d admit it. Women were known to do that on occasion. Even fake orgasms. The why of it still remained a mystery. Most likely to save the man’s itty-bitty ego. She wished just once, she’d had the guts to say, You suck big-time and I don’t mean that in a complimentary way. Grow some balls. Get a How to Find a Woman’s G-Spot book. There are tons of volumes on the issue readily available. She’d never dream of faking anything with Pierce. She wouldn’t need to. Ever. He must’ve read every how-to book about women out there. Probably wrote a few. He was pure sex on a rock-hard dick.

  Her entire body clenched. “Oh…yeah. Don’t stop doing what you’re doing. I’m almost there.”

  “You just love to give orders, don’t you? I’ve every intention of breaking you of that undesirable habit, sweets,” he said, but delivered on her request, adding a little upward glide tuck, cruising over her G-spot, stealing the last pitiful breath from her lungs.

  Unable to answer, she gulped in air and closed her eyes. What was the question anyway? At the moment, nothing mattered but… She canted her hips back as far as his large, solid body allowed, giving him maximum access to that all-important little bundle of nerves.

  At his next firm, targeted pass, her moan echoed off the walls in the spacious glass and marble enclosure.

  “Cat got your tongue?” The soft chuckle that followed mingled with her fading moan.

  “N… No. Someone’s big dick has my pussy.”

  “That someone is me, brat. Say my name. I want to know you’re clear on who owns you. Every beautiful inch. Especially your sopping, accommodating pussy.”

  She made a concerted effort to open her eyes and look onto his strikingly chiseled features, the lower half of his face darkened past his usual neatly groomed five o’clock shadow. “Pierce. Pierce owns me.”

  “Never forget it.” He drove into her, making her teeter, her feet almost slipping out from under her.

  Forget? Not likely. Her eyelids drifted shut.

  “Open. I want to see myself in your eyes when I make you come.”

  She forced her eyelids open. Made an effort to focus on his face. Not easy when her entire concentration was centered much lower, where they were intimately joined. “I don’t know if I can. I’m so…very close.”

  “You can. Look into my eyes. Just feel. Give yourself over to me. Trust I’ll get you there.”

  Knowing he’d make good on that promise, she nodded.

  “Great. Now, turn your head a bit more so I can kiss you.”

  Their lips met in a stormy rush. A storm that built in her mouth in tandem with the impending one between her legs. Her desperate whimpers passed from her mouth to his.

  He hummed his approval, his tongue in sync with his determined strokes.

  He pulled his head back.

  She groaned in disappointment.

  “Come for me, my beautiful brat. Give me all your sweet cream. Now!”

  Gazes locked, his jaw rigid, he filled her with his cock so fast and hard, she was forced over the edge she’d been teetering on.

  Heather screamed her pleasure. Fingers curled, she clawed the wall, finding no satisfaction on the slippery surface, plenty where they were joined. He filled her so damn perfectly. No room to spare.

  Her body clenched in painful, sweet pleasure.

  Stars. Fireworks. A plethora of psychedelic colors. A combination of all three exploded in her mind as his masculine face blurred even though she fought to keep her eyes open as he’d demanded.

  Her pussy clenched. Gripped.

  This time it was Pierce’s groan that filled the enclosure. He packed her pussy with hot jerky spurts as he pressed hard against her. Cheek to cheek, every glorious muscle in his body was strung rigid. His cum mingled with her own juices, filling her past what she could accommodate, though she greedily tried to hold it in and savor his gift. An impossible endeavor. The copious thick fluid slipped past her tightly clenched muscles. A balmy, oh so luscious ooze that flowed down her quivering thighs to be swept away in the trickles of water finding its way between their bodies.

  After another quick wash from their waists down, he’d wrapped her in an oversized fluffy towel with every intention of drying her quickly, getting dressed afterward, leaving her accessibly naked and heading downstairs. His intensions went to hell the minute he’d finished drying her shoulders and moved to her bountiful breasts. Quick efficient wipes became slow appreciative movements. His manipulations growing slower and much more appreciative the lower he went.

  Until he’d reached her bald pussy.

  He’d promptly snapped the towel open, doubled it, dropped it onto the floor, instructed her to kneel and proceeded to fuck her mindless.

  If she thought he’d give her a breather, she was sadly mistaken. Barely enabling her to catch her breath, he helped her to stand on wobbly legs, swept her up and strode into the bedroom. Without preamble, he tossed her onto the bed, yanked her legs wide and buried his head between her outstretched thighs. His mouth latched on to her swollen clit. He nipped, licked and sucked until she exploded with the force of a short-fused stick of dynamite and shouted his name. Not once. Twice.

  Not through with her by a long shot, he’d flopped next to her, yanked her over him and plunged his cock so deep inside her she’d gasped. His eyes had nearly crossed and they’d both came. Simultaneously.

  Pierce didn’t know what was wrong with him, but he couldn’t get enough of her. A phenomenon he’d never experienced with any other woman. Thank God she seemed capable of keeping up…for the most part.

  A light groan from beside him had him turning his head.

  He smiled into her droopy eyes. “Tired?”

  A slow smile eased over her bee-stung lips. “Yes.”

  His smile grew into a high wattage grin. He was getting addicted to ravishing her mouth. Not as much as ravishing her similarly swollen pussy lips, but a damn close second. Unable to resist, he propped himself up, leaned over her and placed a gentle kiss on her lips at the same time he gathered some of their combined cum from her inner thigh and feathered his fingertip over her engorged labia.

  A whisper-light whimper vibrated his lips.

  He backed off, licked his finger and stroked the back of his hand down her petal-soft cheek. He would have liked to paint her lips with it, but knew she was at her limit. For now. “Sore?”

  “Yes.” Her admission was delayed. Unlike him, she was unsure of her cutoff point. A lesson she’d learn by trial and, unfortunately, sometimes by error. Nothing debilitating. Just an excruciating soreness she’d regret for a short period of time, but wouldn’t forget. A necessary lesson he wouldn’t allow today. He ran the back of his hand over her cheek again. As much as he’d like to shield her from experiencing that particular pain indefinitely, if he did, she wouldn’t learn the much-needed lesson. This liaison was all about pain linked to pleasure, the boundaries of which you could push, but never pass. An undesirable outcome that could have dire consequences if not taken seriously.

  “You lie here for a bit.”

  “Okay.” Her eyelids drifted shut.

  He watched her until her breathing evened out. Enjoyed the soft rise and fall of her lightly finger-bruised breasts. Subtle marks of his ownership.

  He rose from the bed, leaned over and carefully brushed clumps of sweat-dampened hair off her forehead, a
ffording him a clear spot to place a ghostly kiss. He shifted his upper body and drifted a stream of breath over her inflamed pussy lips.

  She stirred, but didn’t awaken.

  That’s right, Heather. Rest. I want you fully recuperated and ready to handle what I’ve planned for later tonight.

  Heather opened her eyes, raised her arms and stretched. Shit! She yanked her arms down and immediately retracted her body as much as she could on an audible gasp. Holy crap, she was sore. Gloriously fucked into oblivion, the intense soreness was mostly located in and around her pussy, but she doubted there was a muscle in her body that wasn’t screaming on some level. Another highly noticeable area, her thighs. She felt as though she’d executed a hundred of those dreaded splits she and Pierce talked about earlier.

  She wondered if she could even walk, so she delayed the attempt and rolled her head to look at the clock on the nightstand.

  Three hours! Shocked Pierce had let her nap that long, she wondered why he hadn’t awakened her for breakfast.

  When her stomach let loose a loud grumble, spurring tiny twinges of ache in her abdominal muscles, she glared in the general vicinity of the offensive organ.

  She eased her body up, only to moan midway through the process.

  Only delaying the inevitable, she pushed up, swung her legs over the edge of the bed and planted her feet on the plush carpet. Drawing in a fortifying breath, she stiffened her legs, and ignoring the muscular contractions begging her to resume a reclining position, headed toward the bathroom.

  “Brunch will be ready in twenty.”

  Eyes startled wide by Pierce’s sensually gruff voice, Heather twisted her head around and gave her hormones free rein to feast on the shirtless broad-shouldered hunk filling the doorway.

  He smiled. “I expect your pretty, naked ass to be planted in a kitchen chair no later.”

  “I’ll be there.” Her stomach loudly agreed.

  His smile ratcheted up into a grin. A sexy heart-stopping show of white teeth and eye-crinkling that always set dandelion fluff aflutter in her stomach. She let loose an uninhibited sigh of appreciation that filled the room and caused his deep-green eyes to twinkle with knowledge.

  She shook her head. The man was undeniably too attractive for his own good. For that matter, for the good of any female able to draw breath. No matter their age.

  He winked at her and left the room.

  * * * * *

  She was refreshed, most of the muscle soreness gone after a quick hot bath. She gave her hair a quick comb-through and had her pretty, naked ass planted in a kitchen chair with three minutes to spare according to the kitchen wall clock.

  No teasing foreplay and very little conversation interrupted the meal as they both dug in and gave their empty stomachs the nutrition they craved. What had he done to fill the three hours she’d slept? Taken a nap? Somehow she doubted it. The man had more stamina than a breeding bull set loose in a full pen of heifers in heat.

  She shot a sideways look at him through lowered lashes. After he fulfilled his body’s need for food, would he fulfill his need to have sex? He seemed forever ready.

  In need of a little stamina building of her own, she scooped another scrumptious hunk of veggie omelet onto her fork and slid it into her watering mouth. Ummm. The man could easily have his own network cooking show. One she’d be more than happy to market for him. Yeah, right. As if he’d have time to spare between the construction company he co-owned with her brothers and his extracurricular sexual activities. No way would he give either up. It was apparent he loved them both. Not that she was complaining about the latter since she was currently reaping the mind-blowing benefits.

  When not a scrap of food was left on either of their plates, they cleared the table, during which time he’d kissed and touched her affectionately, but made no sexual advances. What was up with that? Sure, she was still a bit sore, but another easy round of sex wasn’t out of the realm of possibility. Despite the occasional accidental rub up against him, he ignored any hints she initiated, be it come-hither looks, verbal prompts or physical contact.

  “I thought a dip in the pool would be nice. Just hanging out in the shallow end. Talking.”

  She slanted him a searching look. “Any topic in particular?”

  “Yep. I was thinking this’d be a good time to answer any questions you might have. Then some general chitchat. A short lounge.”

  Still no mention of sex. She frowned. Had a hard time believing she’d get such a long sabbatical. Surely he’d take her once more. In bed, perhaps, or anywhere, for that matter.

  “Okay,” she said. “I’ll meet you outside.”

  When she stepped out onto the patio a few minutes later after clearing the table, Pierce was nowhere in sight, so she made her way over to the pool, sat on the edge and dangled her legs in the water. Heavenly.

  Pierce walked out of the house and stilled at the sight of Heather at the side of the pool, body arched and supported by her palms. Naked, she was a sinful vision. Totally unreserved, her beautiful eyes were currently closed. Not that he needed a visual reminder of their glorious brown depths, since he could recall them in an instant…along with every other tiny little aspect of her lush body.

  Head thrown back, the vulnerable line of her throat was exposed as were the jutting creamy mounds of her firm breasts, capped by deep-pink gumdrop points he couldn’t wait to capture in his mouth. A couple of good hard sucks should be all it took to make those diamond-hard peaks all but begging to be clamped. An event he already had planned for tonight.

  He walked over and sat down beside her. Reached down to scoop a small amount of water and drizzled a line down her throat to just below her navel. When her soft, slightly rounded stomach retracted, he smiled.

  “Do you have any idea how tempting you are? How much I want to lay you back and fuck you right now?”

  The lazy swishing motion of her dangling legs ceased and her eyelids eased open. “What’s stopping you?”

  He bent over her and kissed her cheek, and tracing the water trail he’d laid, ran a subtle fingertip from the tip of her chin, through the valley of her breast, over her lightly quivering stomach, past her bellybutton to the top of her pubis. “The plans I have for tonight.” He gave her mound a light fingertip smack.

  On a quick inhalation, her dark eyes gleamed. “What—”

  “Save your breath, sweets. I’m a show not tell man.”

  She released a pouty breath.

  He hid a grin. Her lack of patience would require some major work on both their parts. “We’re here to talk. So if you have any questions, reservations, anything else you’d like to discuss at this point, I’m happy to answer. Tonight, I’m going to seriously push you. Test some of your limits, and the only sounds I’ll expect from this lovely mouth of yours,” he rubbed the pad of his finger across her lower lip, “will be sounds of pleasure and any verbal response I require from you.”

  “I want this, Pierce. I do.” Her lashes fluttered down a moment before they rose. “But what if I…” She captured her bottom lip between her teeth.

  Knowing exactly what was on her mind, he said, “Your ability to call a stop to anything, at any time, is and always will be on the table. An irrevocable fact I want to make clear here and now so you’ll never have to ask again.”

  She drew a deep breath and nodded.

  “But I don’t expect you’ll need to use it. I’ve done some thinking and although somewhat surprised, given the newness of all this to you, I’m more than pleased by your responses so far. You’ve progressed much further in this short period of time than I thought you would. I admit to having doubts at the onset. Now I believe you’re fully capable of handling this sort of relationship.”

  Her face lit from his praise. “Thank you. Coming from you, that means a lot.”

  “You’re welcome.” He winked and leaned back on his elbows, initiating a game of toesies with her beneath the water. A fairly safe contact he hoped would feed his need to t
ouch her without ramping up his desire for deeper, more intimate contact. An ever-increasing need that was becoming more and more difficult to control. “Any questions? Clarification you need from me?” he asked, needing to set his mind on a different course.

  A thoughtful frown lightly creased the area between her plucked and delicately arched eyebrows. “I can’t think of anything at the moment. Will this be my last opportunity to ask?” Her expression turned worried.

  He reached over and smoothed the deepening furrow between her eyes. “Relax.” He smiled to reassure her. “For tonight, yes, this is your last opportunity. But there will be others throughout the week, the frequency of which depends on how things play out. A large part of your training, especially in the beginning of our relationship, will be a constant reassessment on my part of your reactions. The biggest hurdle…placing complete and total trust in me. Having indisputable faith that I will never cause you harm, either mentally or physically. Nor will I humiliate you in any way.”

  Her features eased, her gaze unwavering. “Then, no. I don’t need any answers or clarifications. Tonight, you command. I comply. It’s as simple as that.”

  Simple! Far from it. Complicated as all fucking hell. Other women had professed total faith. A statement he’d relegated to their need to submit to a stronger power and his skill set to make them realize it. The profound vow sliding past Heather’s full pink lips speared right to a section of his heart previously untouched. Her total, freely given faith humbled him, creating a tiny crack in the foundation of his firm beliefs on commitment and love, dragging him another centimeter closer to rethinking his stand on a fickle mass illusion he’d spurned for as long as he could remember.

  He slid into the pool and shimmied his way between her limber thighs and encompassed her waist in an easy grip. “Time for a dip.”

  She lightly placed her hands on his shoulders, the heat of her palms warming more than the small space they covered.

  Needing to cool down his thoughts as well as his body, Pierce studiously ignored the mist of disappointment that passed over her eyes a second before the tips of her luscious lips tilted upward.


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