Restrained and Willing

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Restrained and Willing Page 18

by Tiffany Bryan

  He lifted her into the water, careful not to bring her flush against his raging body. Specifically, his straining cock beneath the swim trunks he’d donned before leaving the house.

  “How sore is that tight little hole between your cheeks?” The water aided in an easy glide of his finger through the crack of her backside so he could press gently against the tight ring of muscle.

  Her gaze shot to his with a flash of surprise.

  He didn’t blame her. He’d tossed out the question without forewarning.


  “Good. Among other things, I’ve scheduled some ass play for tonight. I want you able to take every inch of my cock up that fine ass of yours.”


  He raised an expectant brow.

  It took a moment for the reason to register. “Pierce,” she hurried to add.

  “Consider this your last warning. You’ve been careless in the way you address me. I’ve allowed it until now. Starting tonight, I’ll be keeping track. For every slip, you’ll earn two swats. Twice in a row…will merit six.”

  Her expressive eyes saucered, reminding Pierce of one of those goofy cartoon cats he’d watched as a kid.

  “So it’d be in your ass’s best interest to remember how to reply to my commands for the remainder of our time here.”

  She nodded.

  “We’ll spend the rest of the day leisurely. Maybe watch a movie. I’ll even let you pick. I had thought to take you to the waterfall out back, but it’s a little late in the day for that.”

  “You have a real waterfall? I’d love to see it. Please, can we go?” Her entire countenance lit up, much like a child’s upon hearing the first chiming, musical strains from an ice-cream truck.

  “Maybe tomorrow.”

  Her expression transformed from excited to pouty in the blink of an eye.

  Had he been a weaker man, no doubt like the ones she’d manipulated in the past, Pierce would’ve fallen all over his feet to give her what she wanted. Instead, he chucked her under the chin. “Save the pout, city girl. I always have a solid reason for my decisions. The mosquitoes out here can be brutal and I don’t want all that lovely unblemished skin of yours peppered with the little monsters’ bites. The only red marks on your body tonight will be the ones I leave.”

  Her delicate eyebrow arched as a combination of trepidation and intrigue slithered across her eyes before she blinked and wiped them clear. Had he been less attuned to her, he might’ve missed those subtle signs.

  Starting tonight, those little arches of rebellion would cost her. Tack another swat on to any punishment she accumulated from that point on. She was too strong-willed to give herself over to him one hundred percent. A trait he was counting on. “At nine o’clock, I’ll expect to find you in the family room in the proper submissive pose, awaiting my pleasure.”

  “Yes, Pierce.” She lowered her lashes.

  It was said so sweetly meek he wanted to laugh out loud. The tone. The look. Both politically correct. He wasn’t fooled in the least. She was showboating. Seeing what she could get away with. He’d let her play her little game for now. He’d be playing his later. The only difference, sensual discipline wasn’t a game to him. A lesson she’d come to terms with sooner than later.

  He lowered his head next to hers. Indulged in a deep breath, filling his lungs with her pleasant earthy scent. “I can’t wait for nine o’clock to get here.” He infused both threat and promise into the whispered statement before latching his teeth on to her delicate earlobe. Nipped.

  “Mmmm.” Her body swayed toward him.

  He drew back.

  He’d said they’d spend a leisurely afternoon, but by no means would it be purely platonic. Whenever the mood struck, he’d every intention of indulging in a little touchy-feely to keep her ramped up and on edge for the upcoming evening.

  That he’d be torturing himself as well was an unavoidable consequence. A side effect of his byplay he was equipped for. He dialed in to his Dom mindset, and reaching out, skimmed the back of his hand down her downy-soft cheek, the side of her neck. His final destination, her plump breast. Which he firmly cupped before leaning in for a firm suck and not so light nibble.

  An airy chirp of pleasure breezed past his ear, ruffling his hair, begging him to do more.

  He damned the added effort it took to turn a deaf ear to the honeyed nonverbal plea.

  Sonuvabitch. He needed to get a grip. Not once, no matter how appealing the female, had he ever needed to exert such strong force over his willpower. It left a bitter taste in his mouth. But not as bitter as the lingering thought that he was training Heather for some other jerk’s ultimate pleasure down the road when Pierce inevitably set her free.

  With that acid notion searing his brain, he gave her hand a small tug to follow as he set out for the lush green lagoon landscape on the opposite side of pool.

  Better he focus on the more immediate future. Heather was here with him, and for the time they were together, she belonged solely to him. And tonight he’d make sure that fact was imprinted on her brain and emblazoned on her gorgeous ass.

  * * * * *

  Seven minutes before nine, according to the rustic clock amidst the fireplace stones. Heather took a fortifying breath and placed her hand over her bare stomach in a futile attempt to still the hundreds of hummingbirds that seemed to have taken flight behind her tense abdominal muscles. Her jitters stemmed from giddiness, not fear. Well, maybe a little apprehension of the unknown. It was just she wanted to please Pierce so damn much. She’d arrived a little early on purpose, wanting time to prepare, present herself flawlessly.

  She licked suddenly dry lips and sank to her knees in the middle of the expansive family room onto a well-cushioned beige mat she assumed was placed there for her comfort. The well-lit atmosphere a far cry from the dungeon venues she’d seen and read about. Opting for the Present position, another tidbit of information on submissive lifestyle she’d found during her BDSM research, among a variety of other positions, she lowered her ass to her heels, spread her thighs apart, rested her hands, palms up, on top of them and cast her eyes demurely to the wood floor. After a quick mental assessment, she made minor adjustments to her posture, removing any slouch from her shoulders, making sure her back was straight, not too stiff, and thrust her breasts proudly to best advantage. Confident she was presenting herself in the most positive light, she mentally relaxed.

  She’d quit trying to second-guess what Pierce had in store for her a good hour ago after she’d washed up and checked for any signs of stubble on her bare mons. Glad to find the wax job she’d gotten was holding up beautifully, she’d dried her hair to a flattering fluff around her face and headed downstairs. She knew tonight would be a momentous occasion and was determined for everything to be as near perfection as humanly possible. Show the man she loved him and she was prepared and willing to take what he dished out without a single hesitation or complaint. A precursor to what he could expect in the future. She wouldn’t delude herself into thinking she’d be perfect 24/7, an impossibility given her ingrained independence and strong will, but the desire to please Pierce was fierce.

  “A vision worthy of a picture.”

  The intensified reverberation of his smoky voice, heavy with excitement, caused an involuntarily start as she caught herself a split second before she lifted her gaze. Picture? He wasn’t serious. Was he? There were some boundaries she wasn’t willing to cross. Photos were one of them. Damn, she should’ve made a list of her taboos when he’d given her the opportunity, they could’ve discussed…

  He came up behind her and soothed a hand over the top of her head, down, sifting his fingers through the longer layers of her hair at the back. “An image I’ll commit to memory. For now.”

  She softly released the breath she’d been holding, knowing photos were a subject still open to discussion.

  His soft masculine chuckle reached her a second before he brushed a kiss onto the shell of one ear and whispered
, “Trust, love. It’s all about trust.”

  “I do trust you, Pierce.”

  “Not fully.”

  She didn’t miss his disappointment. She frowned. That she’d failed him didn’t sit well. Not off to the meticulous start she’d planned.

  “Your body’s reactions are a dead giveaway. You’re still riding a fence when it comes to trust.”


  “No. Not now. No talking unless you’re asked a direct question or given permission.” He walked in front of her, filling her downcast vision with an up-close view of his leather-clad legs and large, well-formed bare feet. “Look at me and acknowledge you understand.” He reached down to cup her chin in his wide, warm palm.

  So small a contact, yet her entire body came to immediate attention as her gaze swept up his hard thighs to his shirtless toned stomach, onward to his muscled chest finally meeting his penetrating crystal-green gaze. “I understand, Pierce.”

  “Okay, sweet brat. Kneel up. I want to see how ready you are.”

  She did as commanded, knowing what he’d find. She was more than ready, a state she found herself in whenever the man shared the same air space as her.

  He squatted down, cupped her sex and, looking straight into her eyes, slid a thick long finger up inside her. Her eyes drifted shut.


  Her eyes flew wide at the clipped demand.

  “That’s one.”

  Shit. She knew what that meant. He was starting to keep track of the swats owed. There would be no mercy from him tonight. Even as the thought registered, she experienced a full-body flash of anticipation. She’d dreamed about this moment. Pierce in total control of her body, her pleasure. Herself totally submissive, willing to allow whatever he wanted.

  He shoved two fingers deep inside her.

  She moaned, but forced her eyes to stay open.

  “Damn, you’re already wet. Nearly sopping. Coating my fingers with your rich cream.”

  He withdrew and she whimpered. Wanted to scream her protest. But he’d warned her earlier, sounds would be permitted, words prohibited. She’d abide by his edicts even if it killed her, which it most likely would since he’d barely begun his sweet torture.

  He painted her lips with her own juices before sliding his fingers into his mouth and sucking them clean. When he was done, he fisted his hand in her hair at the back of her neck, slammed his lips against hers and forcefully tongued his way into her mouth. He washed her entire mouth with a blend of his minty taste and her own juices that left her wanting more when he broke contact and stood.


  When a second passed and he didn’t extend a helping hand, Heather got to her feet as gracefully as possible and waited for his next command.

  “Passable. We’ll work on it.”

  She couldn’t argue with the assessment. At any other time, she would have. Had she known it was important, she’d have practiced more. Scratch that. She should’ve known. Prepared better. She’d done plenty of homework, watched videos. Practically wore out the one he’d starred in with the two big-busted, blindfolded women. No way she’d be compared to them and come up lacking. She gritted her teeth and resolved to do better. No, not better. Give her best.

  The frustrating man’s lips lifted at the corners. She was starting to believe he really was clairvoyant. Was he goading her on purpose? A moot thought. She needed to focus on what she was doing, not worry about any head games he was playing.

  He went to the wall and pressed a spot in a raised connecting vertical board.

  She gasped in surprise when the large X design in the paneling slowly slid out and became a freestanding St. Andrew’s Cross.

  Another press and two adjacent unadorned wood panels slid back and up out of sight, revealing two partially shelved sections filled with sex paraphernalia that had her eyes widening. The unshelved portions contained hooks to support the vast variety of items needing to hang. Was the entire house riddled with hidden compartments? Dumb question. Of course it was.

  Her gaze settled on a long, wicked-looking whip. Oh God, she was so not ready for that. She stiffened her spine. Ready or not, she refused to reveal the tiniest amount of trepidation even as it slithered over her body.


  She staunchly wrapped her mind around the silent reminder. Looked to Pierce, whose calculating gaze was riveted on her as he slowly caressed the whip’s thick handle only to bypass it a moment later. From a shelf, he extracted a long narrow box and an easily identifiable tube of lubricant.

  Setting the gel on a small marble-topped table next to an oversized tufted leather ottoman, he proceeded to remove a brand-spanking-new butt plug from its container before setting the carton aside. He placed the blue silicone toy next to the lube and reached for a long silver bar.

  “Know what this is?”

  “Yes, Pierce. A spreader bar.” A device that would prohibit her from closing her legs. She looked from the long shiny bar with its dangling restraints to the butt plug. Her anus muscles twitched at the naughty thought of being spread so incredibly wide and on full display while Pierce pushed the firm silicone into her ass. Whatever he did next would be up to him and out of her control. Instead of bothering her, the sexy vision that popped into her head excited her. Made her pussy swell.

  “Come here. Bring the mat with you.”

  She lifted the lightweight mat and carried it over, dropping it in front of him when he pointed to the space.


  When she complied, he stepped around in front of her, metal bar in hand and knelt at her feet.

  “Spread your legs as far as you can. Brace your hands on my shoulders if you feel the need.”

  Not sure if she should speak or not, she simply nodded. Apparently the right decision when his head canted in acknowledgement and his attention focused on wrapping one of the soft leather restraints around her right ankle. After testing for fit and comfort he moved to the left. “Wider.” He nudged her leg with his forearm.

  The expanded stance necessitated she drop her hands to his wide, solid shoulders. Shoulders a girl could pile her troubles onto without a second thought, knowing they’d be summarily dealt with. The man was a solid rock of dependability. She curled her fingers into his warm flesh.



  “I said you can let go.”

  He did? Crap! She’d momentarily zoned, distracted by the feel of his inflexible strength beneath her hands. Was he upset or did she detect an inkling of amusement?

  “Making me repeat myself earned you another two swats.”

  Question answered. Amused or not, he wasn’t going to cut her any slack tonight. Something she’d have to keep in mind.

  She yanked her hands back, only to gasp when she lost her balance and had to clap her palms back onto his shoulders.

  He grabbed her around the waist, halting her backward movement. “Steady. I’ve got you.” He placed a soft kiss in the middle of her trembling stomach.

  As she took a calming breath, several of her fantasies flashed through her mind. Not one included her falling on her ass in front of Pierce. How horribly embarrassing would that have been? Luckily for her, the man had been labeled The Guy with the Fastest Hands in his high school yearbook. A talent not restricted to his performance on the football field. A boast easily confirmed by any female he’d been with who had found herself divested of her bra and panties in stopwatch-worthy time. He didn’t have a first-down mentality. He always went for the touchdown.

  At her feet, Pierce ducked his dark head and deeply inhaled. “Words can’t describe how good you smell.”

  He flicked her clit with his tongue.

  She flinched, but held her ground.

  “I could bury my face between your soft thighs for hours and still not get enough of your heady, unique scent.” His moist breath whispered over the hypersensitive flesh of her bald pussy.

  Heather shivered. He was getting no arguments from he
r. His mouth on her pussy sounded like a splendid idea.

  To her regret, he stood in one fluid motion, his gaze locking with hers. “Down on all fours.” The command contained a husky undertone previously absent.

  He supported her until she was positioned, his warm hands running over her body in a soothing caress, no doubt to ease any apprehension she might harbor. He needn’t have worried. She was looking forward to his inserting the larger plug. Since he’d removed the smaller one, she felt as if something was missing. Was actually looking forward to the time when she was capable of taking the large girth of his lengthy cock inside her ass.

  “Any doubts? Fears? Trust issues? Because nothing will be off-limits tonight and this will be the only time I ask, so think carefully before answering.” His warm palm cradled her chin as he nailed her with his deep-emerald gaze.

  “No, Pierce. None,” she said without the slightest hesitation, and realized the instant the words passed her lips that they were the absolute truth. Knew, with a bone-deep intensity that shook the supports of every independence-laden fiber of her being, she was ready to give her body and its ultimate pleasure over to this man. The only one she’d ever truly loved. She smiled up at him, ready and willing to embrace the future awaiting them. The single hurdle, Pierce’s misconceptions with regard to commitment and everlasting love. But those problems were for another time. Tonight was about her unreserved commitment to him. A point she was more than willing to drive home.

  He brushed aside strands of her shaggy bangs and pressed his lips to her forehead.

  “What are your safe words?” He plumped her breasts in his palms and pinched the nipples, hard.

  Heather sucked in a sharp breath as a light shot of pain followed, to immediately diffuse into a tingle that arrowed straight between her legs. “Demolition to stop. Construction to pause and discuss.”

  “Perfect.” He gave her breasts a quick gentle squeeze, then patted her head. Her eyes fluttered shut. When she opened them again, Pierce was out of sight.

  A moment later, his fingers trailed through the lips of her pussy.


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