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The Infernal Plane: Book 5 of the Coiling Dragon Saga

Page 35

by Wo Chi Xi Hong Shi

  Linley left Salomon’s residence.

  After Linley left, Salomon’s face, previously all smiles, instantly turned gloomy, his gaze turning fierce. “I told him so many things, but Linley continues to conceal his secrets from me. Hmph, does he think that I don’t know? A core member of the Four Divine Beasts clan…”

  Salomon knew very well what the history of the Four Divine Beasts clan was.

  “The Four Divine Beasts clan once shook the Four Higher Realms with their fame. Although they have decayed, they are still outstanding figures within the Infernal Realm,” Salomon murmured. “After transforming, his draconic scales are azure-gold, and his aura is so frightening. He is definitely a core member.”

  Within the castle of sand, Linley’s Dragonform had absorbed that drop of blue water, and then he had attacked that Highgod. Salomon had appeared and had seen Linley’s transformation form.

  Salomon, as the heir to the Boyd clan, had been secretly trained by some reclusive experts at his father’s request. Naturally, he knew many of the secrets of the Infernal Realm. Salomon had previously told Linley his name precisely because he intended to befriend Linley.

  Boyd clan? Forget about now; even when they were at the heights of their power, they could only be considered a major clan within the Coldcalm Prefecture . Compared to the Four Divine Beasts clan, they were far inferior.

  Which of the ultimate experts within the Infernal Realm hadn’t heard of the great fame of the Four Divine Beasts clan? And this was with the Four Divine Beasts clan being in a decayed state.

  When the Four Divine Beasts clan had been at the full heights of their power, their influence reached throughout the Four Higher Planes.

  In Salomon’s mind, Linley was definitely hiding secrets from him. How could he know that Linley actually only knew just the tiniest bit about the Four Divine Beasts clan?

  The metallic lifeform pressed onwards. In the blink of an eye, it flew for yet another three months.

  “This truly has been boring.”

  Linley sighed to himself. “With regards to executing the sword attack with the ‘Profound Truths of Velocity’, I already have some confidence. Only, without practical experience, I can’t be certain. But within this metallic creature, there’s no way I can casually test it out.” What Linley wanted to do right now was to find an empty space and to test things out.

  He wanted to ascertain the strength of this attack with the Profound Truths of Velocity.

  “Everyone, please come to the main hall,” a voice suddenly rang out.

  “To the main hall?” Linley couldn’t help but be puzzled. “Judging from the sound, it should be the voice of that white-horned elder.”

  Delia, who had been fusing with her divine spark, was startled into wakefulness. “Linley, did that white-horned elder ask for us to all go to the main hall?”

  Linley took Delia by the hand and laughed, “How should I know what is going on? Let’s go take a look.” As he spoke, the two left their room.

  Within the main hall of the metallic lifeform, a group of Fiends stood together, all of them looking towards the white-horned elder.

  The white-horned elder said in a bright voice, “Everyone, we will soon arrive at Yilan City. We will stop outside of Yilan City. Everyone can take a rest within the metallic lifeform. After two crises, many Fiends have died, and our two chefs have died as well. This time, I will go into the city to invite some new chefs to come, and also employ a few more Fiends from the Fiend Castle.”

  “Employ Fiends?” The Fiends in the main hall didn’t object.

  This trip was fairly dangerous, but how could an escort mission be without danger? If there was no danger, why would there be a need for Fiends to escort them?

  The Fiends actually welcomed more Fiends joining in.

  “I’ve been bored to death recently. It’ll be good to enter the city. We can relax.” Immediately, some Fiends began to laugh.

  “Boss, when we go inside Yilan City, we’ll be able to have some good food in the restaurants in the city,” Bebe smacked his lips as he spoke. “Ever since those two chefs were killed during that bandit attack, a long time has passed since I had any good food.”

  Everyone was discussing this amongst themselves.

  The white-horned elder said loudly, “At the same time, I would like to ask everyone to remain within the metallic creature and not to enter Yilan City.” These words instantly caused dissatisfaction.

  “Why not?” a Fiend spoke out.

  The white-horned elder said calmly, “I hope everyone can understand. After the battle at the castle of sand, I imagine all of you know about the Boyd clan’s affairs. I don’t want for this information to spread out. Thus… even if you don’t stay inside the metallic lifeform, at the very least, you cannot enter the city.”

  Indeed, amongst the Fiends present, there were some who wanted to leak this news out.

  The secret of the Boyd clan?

  Linley nodded to himself. It was true. If someone spread this secret, everyone would probably meet with danger on the way.

  “I understand this logic,” the eldest of the three Edwards brothers said calmly. “Please don’t worry. Since we’ve accepted this mission, we naturally won’t reveal it. Even if we were only doing it for our own sakes, we wouldn’t reveal it. All of us will stay outside the city and not enter it. Mr. Learmonth, what say you?”

  Learmonth nodded. “Nobody is permitted to enter the city, nor chat casually with outsiders, until this mission is completed.”

  The white-horned elder was overjoyed. “Thank you, the four of you.”

  With the three Edwards brothers and Learmonth having spoken out, the other Fiends wouldn’t raise any other objections.

  Moments later, through the window, they all saw the city drawing nearer. The metallic lifeform came to a halt at a wide, empty expanse of wild grass roughly ten kilometers outside of the city. The white-horned elder headed by himself through the city gates, while the others left the metallic lifeform as well.

  They rested in the area around the metallic lifeform.

  “I hope everyone will act wisely,” the eldest of the three Edwards brothers, the handsome man, said emotionlessly. “If someone interacts with outsiders, don’t blame us for being merciless.”

  “Hmph. So boring.” Bebe snorted softly. “We’re at a city, but we can’t go inside.”

  Linley’s face was all smiles. “This is good. I will have the chance to test the sword technique now.” Linley walked to an empty area, then drew Bloodviolet and began to test his sword technique. As he was worried that someone might recognize Bloodviolet, Linley had intentionally changed Bloodviolet’s appearance slightly.

  Actually, there were many violet longswords, and the number of people who had personally met the Bloodviolet Fiend could be counted on one hand. After Linley’s modifications, even the aura of Bloodviolet had changed. Who would possibly be able to recognize Bloodviolet?


  The Scorching Volcano

  Linley’s group remained outside of Yilan City, while nearly a hundred million kilometers east of Yilan City, there was an enormous chain of volcanoes.

  The massive volcano chain took up thousands of kilometers of space. Within these thousand kilometers was an area of volcanoes, and the entire place was a dim red color.

  “Crackle…” A white mist emitted from the center of the mountain range. A dense smell of sulfur could be smelled from far away, and many skeletons of humans, beastmen, and others lay throughout the mountain range. There was no life here, not a single blade of grass. This was a famously lethal region in the Infernal Realm…

  The Biss Volcano Range!

  Dozens of human figures were flying in the air above the Biss Volcano Range. Judging from their appearances, they seemed rather ragged.

  “The Infernal Realm really is chaotic. It’s impossible to find a peaceful place to live.” The leader cursed angrily.

  “Big brother, let’s hurry up and find a plac
e where we can find our footing,” a muscular man behind him said softly. “Let’s try to find an out of the way place where we can build our power, and then we can worry about other things. In the Infernal Realm, there are too many dangers.”

  “Right.” The leader nodded.

  But right at that moment…

  “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

  From the surface of the Biss Volcano Range, thousands of stones, carrying scorching flames, began to rise into the air at a terrifying speed. Instantly, those dozens of figures began to flee in terror, but those thousands of stones were capable of altering their trajectory.

  “Crunch!” “Crunch!”

  In the blink of an eye, dozens of Deities had their heads smashed in. Their divine sparks flew out and their souls dispersed. All of them fell down from mid-air.

  Their corpses landed at the ground level of the volcano.

  “Crackle…” The volcano range was like a living thing, swallowing up the corpses, interspatial rings, divine sparks, and divine artifacts.

  The Biss Volcano Range was as peaceful as ever before. Aside from the fact that the surface of the volcano range now had a few more corpses, nothing had changed at all.

  The Biss Volcano Range was a dangerous area, but for the many people who had never read any books regarding it or who had no experience, how would they know that this was a dangerous area? For example, Linley’s group only knew about some of the dangerous areas because they had bought some books.

  And also…

  Many dangerous areas in the Infernal Realm were newly formed and not recorded in any books.

  Dangerous areas littered the world. This was the Infernal Realm!

  A metallic lifeform was flying at high speed towards the Biss Volcano Range. Roughly a few dozen kilometers away from the Biss Volcano Range, the metallic lifeform landed on the ground. From within it, three figures disembarked. It was Inigo and two of his subordinates.

  “Young master, we’re coming to a halt now? Why don’t we fly into the volcano range?” one of them, a Highgod, asked questioningly.

  Inigo glanced sideways at him coldly. “Hmph, into the volcano range? You are asking for death! The Biss Volcano Range is one of the lethally dangerous areas of the Infernal Realm. It isn’t as simple as you imagine it to be! Follow me.” As he spoke, Inigo strode forward at high speed towards the volcano range.

  “How dangerous is this Biss Volcano Range, exactly?” the two Highgods behind him both wondered.

  They were Highgods. There were very few areas that could pose a threat to them.

  “If you don’t want to die, then don’t run about wildly.” Inigo snorted. “In this place, I’m not able to protect you.”

  Although Inigo was walking on the ground, he traversed the dozens of kilometers in a very short period of time. Inigo led his two subordinates to the outer reaches of the Biss Volcano Range. Looking at the white steam and the barren, lifeless landscape, the volcano range covered with the odor of sulfur, Inigo couldn’t help but clear his throat.

  “Lord Elquin, I am second young master Inigo of the Bayfield clan of the Coldcalm Prefecture . I would like to request that Lord Elquin graces me with a meeting!” Inigo bowed respectfully as he spoke.

  After speaking, Inigo remained in the bowing position, quietly awaiting for a response.

  “Someone lives within this volcano range?” The two Highgods behind Inigo both felt surprised.

  They too had heard that the Biss Volcano Range was a dangerous area, but they had never heard that the Biss Volcano Range had people within it.

  “The Bayfield clan?” A deep voice rang out from within the volcano range, causing the entire volcano range to rumble slightly. “Enter, then.”

  And then, a tunnel suddenly appeared from a crack on the surface of the volcano range.

  Inigo took a deep breath, then walked towards the corridor. The two Highgods behind him both felt astonished.

  “Hurry up and follow,” Inigo barked.

  “Yes, young master.” The two immediately followed Inigo in, stepping into the corridor.

  According to the rules of the Infernal Realm, once one became a Seven Star Fiend, one had the right to challenge the Asuras. Only by defeating an Asura would one receive the position. The former Asura would either die in battle, or survive and relinquish their position… after countless challenges and struggles, the Infernal Realm naturally now had many reclusive experts.

  These reclusive experts might be former Asuras, or they might be Seven Star Fiends, or perhaps even those extremely powerful experts who weren’t interested in fighting for the position of Asura.

  Without question, however, they all possessed terrifying power.

  The common people of the Infernal Realm had no idea they existed, but some of the ancient clans knew about some of the reclusive experts who couldn’t be offended.

  The two subordinates of Inigo immediately understood. “Most likely, this Biss Volcano Range has an ultimate expert residing within.”

  In the dark corridor, the three continuously advanced deeper into the ground.


  “Crackle…” The stone wall at the side of the corridor suddenly splintered into countless pebbles which suddenly moved forwards!

  “Ah!” “Ah!”

  The two Highgods were pierced through by those countless flying pebbles, and even their divine sparks were struck numerous times. Their souls were immediately dispersed!

  But Inigo’s face didn’t change. He thought to himself, “I didn’t expect that after so many years, that pet of Lord Elquin’s behaves just as father said. Hmph. These two fellows served as food for Lord Elquin’s pet!”

  Moments later…

  Inigo walked to the end of the corridor, where a river of lava was flowing. Inigo had arrived at the heart of the volcano range now. This core region was an extremely vast, empty cave. In the center of the cave, there was a scorching hot pond of golden magma.

  “I didn’t expect that there was such a strange thing underground.” Inigo’s face changed.

  “Drip… drip…” The golden magma continued to boil and flow.

  The muscles on Inigo’s face clenched twice, and then he left through another corridor, arriving at a large, lavish, empty underground palace. Deep within the underground palace, a black-robed figure was currently seated in the official position, while within his arms there was a golden kitten.

  Inigo immediately bowed and said, “Inigo Bayfield pays his respects to Lord Elquin, and also brings the well-wishes of my father.”

  “Mm,” the black-robed figure responded calmly. “Inigo, I’ve heard your father speak of you. Why have you come to me?”

  A hint of a smile appeared on Inigo’s face. “Lord Elquin, actually, I spent a very long period of time and led over a hundred Highgods in preparation for a major event, but in the end, despite spending a large amount of money, most of my subordinates died and we still failed.”

  “Whatever it is that you want, speak clearly!” The black-robed figure snorted coldly in dissatisfaction.

  Inigo hurriedly said, “Yes, I’ll speak clearly. Not long ago, the Boyd clan was destroyed, but two servants of their clan took the vast fortune accumulated by the Boyd clan over countless years and fled with it. I have been searching for them this entire time, and chased them here from the Jadefloat Continent. In the end, I discovered them!”

  “Boyd clan?”

  The black-robed figure was finally startled. “Are you referring to the Boyd clan that was as famous as your Bayfield clan?”

  “Yes,” Inigo said.

  The black-robed figure let out a few insidious chuckles. “Haha, Inigo, the fortune of the Boyd clan is an astonishing sum. You’ve actually come to notify me about such a fortunate event? Why didn’t you go seek out other members of your Bayfield clan? I have to question what your intentions are.”

  Inigo said hurriedly, “Lord Elquin, there are two major reasons why I didn’t g
o to my clan for help.”

  “First of all, if I were to look for the experts within the clan, I would have to at least head back to the Coldcalm Prefecture of the Jadefloat Continent. The distance is simply too vast, and it’s hard to say if some variables would occur which would cause me to lose track of them,” Inigo said hurriedly. “As for the second reason, I’m afraid Lord Elquin will laugh at me.”

  Inigo laughed self-mockingly, “Lord Elquin, you should know that my big brother is the eldest son of the clan chief. In the future, he will be the one to inherit the position of clan chief. As for me, in the future, I will most likely be sent off to some distant area. My power will probably be far inferior to even my current level.”

  The black-robed figure let out two insidious chuckles. “You are a smart kid. Right. Speak a bit more regarding the fortune of the Boyd clan. If I can acquire this fortune, I naturally won’t mistreat you.”

  Although he was extremely powerful, this vast fortune of an enormous clan had been enough to make him greedy.

  “Um, this…” Inigo mumbled.

  The black-robed figure chuckled, “Kid, do you think I can’t tell what you are thinking? Fine, then. You and I can make a contract by the Overgods. If I acquire the fortune of the Boyd clan, I will give you 10%. What do you say?”

  The power of a contract was extremely great.

  It was like the ‘bond of equals’ or ‘master-servant bond’ between a man and a magical beast. When metallic lifeforms were under the control of others, it was also because of this sort of bond.

  As for the Overgod contract, it was an extremely serious type of bond.

  “Alright.” Inigo was instantly overjoyed. 10% of the fortune!

  If he had given this information to his clan, the clan would heavily reward him, but how much would he get? This was the entire fortune of the Boyd clan; if his own clan gave him even 1%, that would be quite good. How could they give him 10%?

  Inigo and the black-robed man immediately set up an Overgod contract.


  Two rays of black light flew out from Inigo and the black-robed man’s foreheads, piercing into their divine sparks.


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